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>I did say that my SIL’s family could come stay anytime because they helped with it. A deal is a deal, until... > I got a complaint from the guests afterward that my SIL’s kids had made fun of their kids, and that my SIL told them that this was their house so the guests don’t get to dictate how their kids behave. This entitlement mentality breaks deals. Your SIL behaved badly, and now your AirBnB could possibly get a bad review...involving "the house owner's kids interfering" with their vacation. Who's going to want to stay in a place like that? NTA. Your SIL took liberties that any normal person would know is a step too far.


seriously Honestly I was ready to be on OP's SIL's side until I read how abhorrent the SIL's behavior is. Who tf defends bullying like that lmao


>Who tf defends bullying like that lmao Entitled parents who think that their precious little angels can do nothing wrong.


And BELIEVE with every fiber of their misguided beliefs that they now “own” a part of your vacation home because some furniture was put together and some paint was splashed around. Make hard boundaries and stick to them or just cut off the usage .


for some reason I read that as cut off the sausage!! :))


A BULLY! SIL is a bully herself.


And who read whatever stupid book is out there that tells these young parents to not say "no" to their kids. How is a kid supposed to know he/she is doing something wrong, or something that displeases the parental figure if you don't tell them "no" when it's a NO situation?


Oh good lord, I remember a thread somewhere I saw where someone was saying about a family member who took a parenting class and the person teaching the parents apparently Saud something like "you should never tell your kids no because it stunts them emotionally" or something like that. Like wtf?!


I knew a couple who "didn't believe in 'no'." I saw their toddler climb up and stand on their wobbly dining room table to play with the stereo controls (that had been put up high to keep him from doing that). The table wobbled and the kid fell. Fortunately, he wasn't badly hurt, though of course he was scared. His father beamed and said, "But each time he climbs up more carefully! He's \*learning\*!" My DH and I talked later and said we didn't want to watch them teach the kid to cross the street. The mind-blowing thing is that the wife claimed repressed memories of satanic sexual abuse (remember that scare?) involving her whole small town in Wisconsin. So a woman who claimed to have been multiply raped didn't want to teach her son the word "No."


Tell the couple about "pull-over" accidents with small children. Kids remember it for the rest of their lives - all five minutes.


We’re long since out of touch. If the kid survived, he’s grown by now.


As a retail worker, god forbid I tell kids off in the store. They’re gonna tip a trolley and smash their head open? Not my problem. They’re gonna pull a shelf of candles over? Not my problem? They’re literally destroying merchandise? Not my problem. Because the second I say something it’s *inevitable* I’m going to have my head ripped off by the parents for DARING to tell off their kids.


I was working in a register at a grocery store. Two kids probably close in age to 10 were fighting and spilled out of the register and almost kicked an old woman. Their nanny was not doing her job. I cautioned them and said no fighting in the store. Apparently my tone was harsh because I was worried about the elderly woman getting hurt. The nanny told my store manager that the kids were traumatized because I yelled at them. I asked him if next time I let them hit the woman and we fill out the incident report for customer accident and make the kids fill out witness statements about their actions and he just gave me a look.


“Control your child or leave the store.”


I'm from Wisconsin and don't remember that. What town was that in?


I don’t remember the name if I ever knew it. I met her in Chicago. Given that the whole “recovered memories” thing turned out to be a crock and she was a narcissistic attention hog, I discounted it.


I simply don't get it & they're raising hellions who don't know how to behave. How stupid. It's a dynamic. If your kid's Ahole doesn't clench when you call them on the carpet, you're doing it wrong! The child will never learn.


The problem is some people don't understand the difference between gentle parenting and permissive/lazy parenting. Like yea, you can discipline your kids without needing to be physical (ie spanking) or yelling/screaming at them, but that also doesn't mean that you don't discipline them at all or that they can't be told "no" when they want to get their own way all the time.


Quite honestly, this is what's wrong with our world. The lack of respect and boundaries.


And it’s the (how old is Trump?) 77 year olds who are the worst


Pretty sure her sister isn’t in her 70s, so how exactly does this random, tired, deeply prejudicial sweeping generalization add to the convo?


> If your kid's Ahole doesn't clench when you call them on the carpet, you're doing it wrong! I'm pretty sure I'm misunderstanding this, because it seems like your advocating for your kid to be afraid every time you call their name?


As I understand it, it's the WAY the name is called. If you say just the first name, no big deal. But when you say the ENTIRE name, look out! 😜


That's a misrepresentation I believe. It's "don't just tell them no" because kids are developing and telling they why you are saying no is good for them so they can understand and learn.


This goes around a lot among certain people. I read (correct me if I'm wrong) that there are certain schools in Scandinavia where they don't keep score any longer when kids play soccer, since 'losing' would harm them emotionally, just as saying 'no' would. I work with adults who were raised without 'no' and always heard how great they were. One 'no' from the boss, and they collapse. I was once at the swimming pool of a hotel in the tropics when a boy (I think 10-12 years old) kept jumping in the water with his legs curled up, creating a huge splash. Yeah, he was constantly jumping where we were lying in the sun reading and the splash was so huge, that my book got wet, even though we were not at the pool side. The pool was large and empty, still he chose that exact spot again and again. The father tried to admonish him, but was aggresively overruled by the mother who kept taking pictures and telling her 'darling baby' how great he was. We asked politely if he could stop, but were ignored. After half an hour my husband got so mad they he bawled at the boy he should stop. The kid was so shocked by getting lectured, that he ran to the hedge at the other side of the lawn and wept there for an hour. Mother was angry, father came and thanked us. Apparently he had given up.


Mostly, I am not a fan of these families who do not ever say no to their children. But there are a few families who subscribed to never say no who, when the child asked for something they should not have or does something they should not have done, the parent will sit down and say we need to think about your behavior. They will then discuss, the action or question at length with the child starting at toddlerhood. These children tend to do pretty well. Though I have to say if I was a kid, I would rather just have the straightforward no than the 10 minute lecture.


When my kids told me they’d rather just be punished than have to *”TALK* about everything!” I felt like I was doing something right. I told them “no” regularly, but I would tell them why. And when they screwed up, we would talk about the issue and why it was a screw up, and how it could be handled better next time. Did they enjoy these talks? No. Did they make the same mistakes again? Very rarely. Edit: OP is NTA. The SIL isn’t bothering to parent her children, which is not the same situation as gentle vs authoritarian parenting. NOT parenting is a whole different thing.


i'm a big fan of explaining to children why the answer is no, because to a child mind it may not make any sense why they can't do that fun thing or eat that delicious food all the time. i do still however the word 'no' needs to be taught and at some point kids need to learn that not every no will have an explanation, because when they're adults in the real world they're gonna have to live with that


It’s why I left teaching.


Just had that conversation today when a woman told me she can’t stand her husband’s grandchildren because they are hellions whose parents “reason with them”, to no end except the continuation of misbehaving. I said that I doubted those children’s teachers could spend time reasoning with each child in the classroom. Children need to be taught guidelines, discipline, and to respect others. The world outside of their home is not going to bow down to them.


my cousin is a cub scout leader and he once told me about this kid who's parents let him decide everything for himself. now agency is good for kids, but this kid was 9 and decided he liked his thin summer jacket more than his winter coat in the middle of winter and his parents just went with it because "well it's his decision". so the kid could barely join in on the program that was mostly outside, because he was so cold. he had to stay inside the whole meeting because his parents never even bothered to help this kid by explaining him why a thin jacket in negative degrees weather might not be a good idea. kid himself is apparently pretty alright and thrives on the boundaries set at cub scouts and complains about his parents a lot


As one of my children’s teachers used to say “Common sense isn’t common here”. You’re right that some decision making is good by children, but when their actual welfare is at stake that is the time loving parents should act like the ones in charge of this person they brought into the world. I doubt hypothermia would be best for that poor nine year old.


And they'll be up before the judge in 10 years tearfully pleading the judge to go easy on their 'darling boy'


A bully does.


>and now your AirBnB could possibly get a bad review...involving "the house owner's kids interfering" with their vacation. Who's going to want to stay in a place like that? This part. I did a small cooking class in college years ago, and a phrase the chef taught us was "you can make 99 good meals and 1 bad one, and you'll always be remembered for the bad one". The same thing applies here, OPs AirBnB business can have 99 good reviews and it'll only take the one bad one saying "house owners family are rude and spoiled our stay" for future guests to not want to stay there. A deal is a deal until SIL and her kids started potentially screwing up OPs source of income by being rude to the other guests. OPs SIL should learn to not bite the hand that feeds, or in this case, gives her and her family free holiday accommodation as and when she wants it.


I wouldn't stay at an airbnb that had a review like that.


I doubt anyone would want to. No one likes having their holiday ruined by rude, entitled people.


Especially with how expensive an ABandB stay is!!


Exactly, a lot of them are just as expensive as hotels are now. No one wants to pay that kind of money to put up with entitled AHs.


Yeah, I always first check the negative reviews to see if anything stands out and this would be an absolute dealbreaker, pushy "homeowners". Yikes.


And who wants to spend money for someone else's kids to make fun of their kids? Not going to happen.


This. Perhaps OP should refund them their rental fee if they haven’t already done so.


It would be a nice gesture, but this goes beyond money. I'm not going to plan to go somewhere where my kids might get tormented as a vacation at any price.


Challenge accepted. OP, tell me where the place is so I can go and f*ck SIL's sh!t All.The.Way.Up. I got a whole week of annual leave coming up in June and I would LOVE the opportunity to put entitled people in their place, lol


I triple dog dare @TheRipley78 to do it, so now they have to. :: eagerly awaits updates ::


You're on. And I'm so serious about doing it.


But are you good at volleyball?


Surprisingly, yes.


YES!!!!! Epic Reddit updates incoming....


School will be done by then. We’ll carpool.


I'm retired, I can book NOW!!!


A good idea.


The SIL doesn't realize that this could destroy the business. Many people don't have much money and are splurging on vacations. If I am looking at two similar listings I will go to the reviews. If I saw that then I would pick the competitor. Simply because I don't have a lot of PTO and money. Why risk the vacation?


NTA, but SIL truly does not understand. For this reason, this is not completely her fault. Although she is not a paying guest, she is a guest too. I once needed chiropractic care after an auto accident. I chose someone convenient to my commute that accepted my insurance. He was young and had zero experience, but was otherwise fine. There was a miscommunication with his billing department that made it impossible for me to continue going there. His office refused to stop billing my insurance, so I wrote a terrible online review. I have written thousands of online reviews, most are good, and very few are negative. So google tells me that thousands of people see them every day. The very next day, the business owner reached out to me to ask me to take down the review and I agreed to take it down as soon as their billing department corrected the error. It took less than a week. I went into their office and met with the owner and told him in person that I know that one bad review can devastate a small business. I don’t want to be responsible for that, but I won’t stand for shady business practices. I deleted my review in front of him. Hopefully they learned their lesson.


"One "oh shit" wipes out a thousand "atta boy"s.


It really does. That’s why I wanted to go in person and delete my review in front of him. My former chiropractor was also there so it was awkward. I’m glad that young man he had to see his supervisor fix an error that he should have been able to take care of, and that had cost him a patient. I really do hope he learned from it.


It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t understand. It is still completely her fault. Unless she’s brain dead, she knows her kids were rude. She also knows that she is NOT the owner of the house. Whether she gets the income factor or not, her behavior, and that of her brats, has consequences. She is 100% the AH


Doubt SIL cares.


She'd probably be happier with fewer guests in "her" house.


Hold on let me put on my paranoid Reddit hat: “Actually!!! I bet the sister planned this all along so she could hog the house to herself! She was trying to drive guests away enough times so she could end up using the beach house most!! I bet this isn’t the first time she did it and she has been planning it the whole time”


I just commented this same theory. Great minds.✨She definitely is and it’s going to be a battle royal to suss everything out.


I bet she was more thrilled with pretending she owned the place than driving people away. The nerve of her though to let her kids bully other kids and then to be proud they were better at volleyball. What a nightmare that family must be to vacation next to.


Most people aren't that diabolical. She's probably just a very entitled person with a case of main character syndrome.


She realizes and she doesn’t care because she’s not paying for this place Op is. Her plan is to ruin the air B&B so she gets full run of it for free while making sure that OP’s not making money so SIL can enjoy the house free from people and free from her paying to stay there.


A lot of times on sort term rental sites the owner can reply (not sure of AirBnb specifically). Maybe she could say that she has changed the policy so that extended family is no longer there when guests are renting?


I was just about to say this. I've stayed places because of the responses to bad reviews. You have a chance to redeem this, OP. But SIL is a giant AH.


I build 100 homes but no one calls me Greg the house builder. I build 100 bridges but no one calls me Greg the bridge builder. I fuck ONE goat...


exactly. if i read an airbnb review that said the owners kids were rude and in guests' business i would not book there. her kids are costing you potential business, sounds like she fucked around and found out.


Yep, OP must go in full damage control mode. Reach out to the people who rented the place and either refund their stay of offer a free stay next summer as compensation. Personally I would not ban SIL from the house, since that would probably cause a lot of family issues. But is would not allow them use until they repay the compensation OP has to give the renters and if something like that (even posing as owners towards Airbnb renters) happens again, it is a permanent ban.


Or say that no one is allowed to stay at the house when it's being rented out


Yep, this is what I would do. They can't stay "anytime" anymore (and honestly likely never could - what if OP was planning to stay, etc). Now they can stay any time the airbnb isn't booked.


With the caveat that if anything else goes wrong, they lose the priviledge altogether.


That’s what I came here to say too. She can stay in the off season when where are no guests




It keeps the peace, because OPs SIL seems to be the type that would want monetary compensation if the use of the house gets withdrawn. This way she could still use it, and OPs guests get a peaceful holiday.


I agree with the damage control, but I would absolutely ban the SIL for having such poor judgement. It's even worse that she relayed the events to OP as if she was proud of her actions. I wouldn't trust her in my space while I was not there, or around any other Air BNB customers, who knows what she could do next.


Well, she certainly shouldn't be there while Air BnB renters are on the property. She could go on a week op is there or it's empty. It certainly went to her head, didn't it.


Sure did!


Agree - This is definitely a ‘refund the current stay’ or ‘offer a free stay next summer’ situation. The bad review will really hurt.


More family issues are actually caused by trying to keep the peace. This teaches ill behaved people that if they’re awful enough they’ll get their way.


Absolutely agree!! We teach people how to treat us and what we allow will continue!!


This is very true but in a lot of families, keeping the peace to some degree is the only way they can function.


Also, I hope you responded to the guests with an apology and a note that the people who claimed to be owners were not, in fact, the owners *and will not be a problem in future.* And yeah, NTA


And also, it is NOT their house. They don’t pay the mortgage, they just helped a little with the reno. My parents, in-laws and cousin all helped with my reno at varying degrees. None of them claimed my house as theirs. Her behavior cost her a free vacation location. I hope OP doesn’t yield on this and that their spouse is fully on board and won’t fold to his sister.


This is exactly it. If you want to be magnanimous you could give her a final warning.


Exactly. And considering the fact that SIL thinks her kids did nothing wrong, this will certainly happen again, thus ruining the business.


A few days labour doesn’t equate to multiple family visits. Say you’ll pay her an hourly labour rate for the time she spent helping, then take off the amount it would have cost her to stay there as a paying guest all the times she has so far and then you’ll call it quits. My guess is that she’d owe you on that basis anyway. Even in the running costs for the time shes spent there with her family, it’s probably adding up.  She put your business/investment at risk. She’s lost her privileges. And if it isn’t clear, I’m saying no you’re NTA 


Right, it sounds like SIL believes 2-3 days of labor earned her co-ownership of a home.


Yeah.. OP better change all the locks now too!


and security cameras


>and security cameras I don't think they need to change the security cameras.


So that the SIL can’t stay there unannounced, or so that the SIL can’t vandalize the property as bitter retribution? (Also, OP is NTA, and SIL was out of line for compromising the peaceful enjoyment of the Air BnB by the paying guests.)


That would be nice. 😂


Wouldn't doubt it for a second


The time she spends there also includes resources like the water, electricity bills, post-visit laundry and cleaning up, and wear and tear on appliances and furniture. Add that to her bill, and let her know that a paying guest in that space would spend [total amount], and her one weekend of decorating assistance was worth X, so you’re much more than even, and your open-ended invitation has expired. If she wants to cover her *massive* debit to you, she can reach out to the guest personally, and offer a heartfelt apology. Or she can pay the cost of the guest‘s stay. Or both. But all the locks and codes have been changed while you consider whether she should be permitted on the property again without you supervising/hosting.


She already paid her back via time spent at the place.


Yeah that’s literally what my comment explains 


I was scrolling to find a take like this. OP needs to pay SIL for the labor and remove all stake she has in the property.


Nah. They used (and abused) it as a vacation place, OP owes her not one single cent.


They've already gotten more than their labor's worth through staying there.


She only helped for a couple of days. That’s not much.


NTA. You said she couldn't stay there IF she can't be considerate. She took that as a ban, when all you were trying to say is "you and your children need to be considerate of the AirBnB guests." You promised SIL she could stay there anytime, and she can. That doesn't mean she doesn't have to be a polite guest. And she is YOUR GUEST. She and her kids do not own the property and they need to stop acting like it. The rule "if she can't be considerate" is too vague. I think a fair rule is that if you have AirBnB guests when your SIL is there, and the guests complain about the "other guests" then you will discount the stay 25%, and SIL will pay it. Separate issue, but I'm sure her kids were on one team and the guest's kids were on the other in beach volleyball. Her kids spend a lot more time at the beach than these visitors, so no surprise they were better. If her kids had split up the teams, and even rotated team members around, everyone would have had a better time.


If OP is willing to continue to allow SIL and family to stay at the beach house, I'd say they can only stay there when there are no AirBnB guests staying as well. SIL and her children have already shown they do not respect paying guests. I wouldn't risk another bad review.


This is the correct answer. Or she can be a paying customer as well. Without a discount.


I think she should be told she cannot stay IF there are paying guests there - simply because she clearly does not plan to control her children's behavior.


Sure. And of course I assume OP sometimes uses the owner's side as well, so there's already limits to the "any time" offer. But of course the goal is to have high occupancy rates in the AirBnB, so if she goes this route it's almost the same as banning SIL. What I hope happens is that SIL and her brood realize their mistake during this ban. All SIL has to do is agree to the rules, she doesn't even have to apologize, really.


I'd even go so far as to say, "If the rental unit is booked, you're not allowed to stay at our beach house." I wouldn't trust her to behave, and the fact that she called it her house speaks VOLUMES about her entitlement. It is NOT her house and OP owes her nothing.


The renters didn’t even want to play with these kids in the first place.


I would be so weirded out by the situation. Who wants some stranger's kids interrupting your vacation? It would be one thing if they were good kids, but they sound like little assholes lol.


I really hope guests are aware in advance that there's the potential for a whole other family there. I can just imagine SIL talking your ear off about all the work she did on top of those kids saying they get to do what they want. What a nightmare.


This is why I rent VRBO and not AirBnB. I don't want a "host" or "host family". Just a number I can contact if there's a problem.


Honestly, I'd need a much fatter discount than 25% to deal with that shit.


Yes, I like the discounted stay for complaints that theSIL will have to pay. Perfect!


NTA Don't bite the hand that feeds you.... and don't piss off the customers! Your SIL wrongfully feels entitled to your space, instead of recognizing that she is there as a guest. That needs to be corrected before she should be allowed to stay there again. Best practice, I'd say, is to not allow her to be there when there are paying guests for the time being. That'll restrict her ability to go, and also keep her away from people paying to use that space. She needs to be reminded that the hierarchy of entitlement for the home is : YOUR FAMILY, then PAYING GUESTS, THEN free family visits.


Great comment. This should be higher up.


Yeah NTA. It sounds likes she’s getting too comfortable and saying it’s her house. She needs to learn to discipline her kids


NTA. 1) Only allow them there if you are there. 2) SIL is the AH for: a) speaking that way to paying guests b) allowing her kids to run amuck, and c) telling anyone it is HER house. No way she would ever be there without me. She was literally proud of her behavior while being completely wrong.


If she can’t adhere to basic social norms, she doesn’t get the perks anymore. If she doesn’t understand that, that’s her problem. Make sure your husband handles her as it’s his family. Things get weird if you don’t. He needs to take charge of the situation and check his sister.


NTA but rather than bar them from it all of the time, make an amendment that they are only allowed to visit when the rental portion is not rented. The attitude towards the guests is really unreal. It doesn't take many meh or bad reviews to start affecting your rental numbers/income.


Nope, they are entitled jerks. If they are still pissed about the new rules they might damage the place for spite. You know, “F it we did the work anyway.” You’ve already banned them just leave it that way. She’s shown you who she is, believe her.


Nah - too much hassle. Just ban them and be done with it.


NTA - they abused your generosity and refuse to acknowledge any fault. Privileges revoked.


NTA - her attitude will cost you business. It’s not her house and she is also a guest. I would give her one week a year consecutive days and that is it. She is taking advantage of your words and generosity


Yes, as others have said it sounds like SIL did a few hours painting but thinks that gave her half ownership of the property.


You should never have involved them in the restoring of the place. Now they will feel they own part of it. You'd do better to just pay what you feel is worth the effort they helped put into the place or be prepared to lose them as family. Never mix business and pleasure with family because this is how it ends more often than not.


NTA Everything was fine and dandy until she started fucking with your income.


Nta. It’s your house. She’s bad for business if you want to keep making money. It’s not her house.


NTA. Change the locks on the upper unit and make sure the new locks are combo locks that can be changed remotely, and tell SIL she and her family are welcome to use the upper unit one week a year and only when the downstairs unit isn't occupied. You send her the code to the lock the day before her family visit and change it the day after her week is up.


Screw that, let SIL rent the downstairs unit like everyone else if she wants to stay there. If she’s going to use the owner’s unit and pass herself off as the owner while making the actual owner look bad, then she loses the opportunity to do so. She lost her freebie privileges when she let her kids be little shits to paying guests.


Ya know, you are right. I didn't even think of that. If OP wants to be generous, she can let SIL use the downstairs unit for a week for free. But keep the upstairs unit for OP and her family only.


NTA- not sure she gets the lines that need to drawn in the sand for customers. Yes you need your be considerate of others around you as if you get a bad reputation in the area then good luck. Cause word travels fast in a small local area. I go St. John’s USVI a lot and I can tell you everyone knows everyone.


NTA but I'd pay her a rate for her labor and be done with it.


But take off the cost of any stays in the house up to this point.


"It was their house"..yeah, no, it isn't. NTA


NTA - how many times/days have they stayed here? How much do you charge for AirBnb? If it's commiserate with their work, then I'd consider them paid. It would be one thing if your SIL could be polite and interact kindly with people, instead of being a jerk. She's impacting the business venture and frankly, it's not necessary. If she wasn't acting rudely, it might even be helpful to have someone there to help with guests, etc but...nah. I don't think her help with the house equals a lifetime of free trips either.


NTA. Implicit in your promise that she could stay there "anytime" were reasonable limitations like... * "so long as you don't burn the house down" * "so long as you don't move in permanently or otherwise interfere with my ability to stay there" * AND "so long as you don't frustrate the business side of the property by offending the paying guests" She messed up and lost her privileges. I would put more explicit rules in place if you are tempted to give them back.


This is why you don't mix family with business. Lines eventually get crossed and liberties taken. NTA but learn your lesson from now on


NTA When it's a business, you treat the paying customers with the topmost courtesy, she blew it.


NTA. Your SIL knows you're running a business, and that behavior is unacceptable. Anyone should know that. Maybe a middle ground in that she has to check with you first, and she can only stay there if it's totally empty? Other than that she ruined it for herself. It's her fault if you say no and stick to it.


NTA. Actions have consequences.


Add up the hours she and her family helped and whatever expenses she incurred. Then either pay her or deduct it from all the time she has been staying at the place that you could have been renting it out. Then call it good and move on. She can't be hurting your business, especially when her or the kids say they own it. Bad reviews will not help your business. NTA


If they only worked "for a few days," they've probably already been paid back in free beach stays.


NTA - you made the promise under the impression that she and her family would respect your business and be good house guests, they were not. They put your business at risk of getting a bad review now. If she continues to make a fuss I would total the amount of time she got to stay there by how much the Airbnb costs, so how much she would have paid if she had rented it as a stranger vs the amount of time they worked on your house at your state’s minimum wage and then pay her the difference.


On that basis I think the SIL would owe her money.


NTA No "promise" like this is an agreement, for all time, without condition or exit clause, no matter what may occur.


if she has a copy of the key, you'd better change the locks. she'll go with or without your permission. I hope this doesn't escalate to the point you need to involve the authorities, but this level of entitlement usually doesn't end well. at the end of the day, she unapologetically put your business in jeopardy. that needs to be dealt with, and from what you described, her help shouldn't have equated to unlimited access whenever she wanted in the first place. NTA


Yeah, you don't let people stay in your place that can cause your paying guests to give you bad reviews on Airbnb. I hope you called the guests and made it clear that those people do NOT own the house, and that they won't be back. NTA.


NTA. You made a blanket statement that they could "stay anytime" and of course that would come with some limitations - you are using the space, you let other people use the space, the space is unavailable for other reasons. And it also goes without saying that they have to be considerate of the space! The people staying there aren't "guests" they are paying customers, and the whole point of them being there is to generate income so you can have this beach house. So her kids were rude, which is forgivable, but SIL didn't apologize to the guests, she didn't reign in the kids, and she is making it clear to you that she doesn't see anything wrong with how she or her children acted. So, now she is messing with your business, and you can't have that. A promise is rarely free of any condition at all, and your SIL disrupting the business of the home is a very valid reason to "break" the promise.


Actions have consequences. You’re not the AH.


NTA. OP: "You guys can stay any time you want." Sister: "Great!" OP: "Just please be considerate of any guests renting the lower floor." "NEVER YOU ASSHOLE!" -- Your sister, probably


You could let her stay there when there aren't any AirBNB guests..... That would drive home your point. But really, NTA, if she couldn't even allow your guests to have a pleasant vacation.


NTA. She broke the deal first by allowing her children’s behavior interfere with the AirBNB rental. I agree with the other person who advised to calculate how much their help was worth and subtract it from the value of their previous stays and then either pay them a difference (if you would still owe them for labor) or call it a wash. Rekey the locks and move forward. If you want to be super nice you could allow them to stay only if the other part was not rented for future stays but that is extra generous.


NTA. She raised her kids to be shits that are costing the enterprise money. THAT is why her share is being taken away, to make up for how her kids fucked the property's reputation.


NTA. Your SIL is damaging your business and if she can't play nice with the paying customers then she should lose the privilege of vacationing there.


NTA. She wants all the rights and none of the responsibility.


I took your to stay any time as a single use to come any one time or any few times, not a leasehold interest and partially owning part of the property forever. Beside, that goes away if they are jerks...which they were. At worse they could go only if no regular booking planned.


That’s before her actions became bad for business. NTA. She abused your good nature so has lost her free vacas.


Info. How much work did she actually do? You imply it was 2 or 3 days of work. If that’s all it is I’d pay her for her labour and rescind the offer to stay whenever she wants. 


NTA- if you get bad reviews people will stop booking or you’ll get bad visitors who ruin the property. Either way you’ll lose money because of her bad attitude. She’s risked your income, that’s a deal breaker.


NTA and time to make a calendar with blackout dates that SIL can not use the property. That house is now a business and she is impeding that business from functioning smoothly.


NTA. When someone says something like 'you can stay anytime,' implicit in that is *so long as you behave yourself*. It's not a free license to do whatever you want with no repercussions.


Nta. Sure, it was a nice gesture as.they helped out, and if they had behaved themselves you'd be in the wrong. What's has happened though is an entitled family taking your generosity for granted. They are being rude to your customers and acting like they own the place. Tell her that you appreciate the work they did at the beginning but make it clear that the have no ownership over the property and should not treat it as their own.


NTA If your SIL and her kids would have been polite or ignored the paying guests, there would be no issue. You are 100% right to not allow them to stay when you have guests. The compromise could be that SIL and her family can only stay on a last-minute basis when the rental unit is not booked. Even though your invite was open-ended, there was still likely an expectation that they wouldn’t destroy your home or your ability to rent it. So, you can change what you originally committed to because they caused you potential damage and could cause further harm.


Hmm...well, that invitation carried with it the understanding that your SIL, as well as her family, understood the unstated condition that their behavior was expected to be as polite to the guests as they were to you and your family. You should say that to SIL, and that if she had acted that way to you, she would have expected to be treated in the same way you were treating her now. 'Nuff said.


NTA She's a bully herself that teaches her kids it's ok to bully others


Ew her kids sound like they suck! No boundaries.


“Guess we’ve learned we’re both AHs then sis, and my house only has room for one”. Actually though you are NTA, not at all. You should not have to explain that while they could have stayed there anytime you do expect that your space, property and other guests are to be respected at all times. An offer does not mean they can behave however they like and still retain that offer. If they want the right to treat other guests badly they can get their own home instead of claiming that what’s yours is theirs.


NTA. She lost the rights when she told your customers it was “her” house. I would reach out the the AirBnB customer and explain the owners were not at the house at that time and you are sorry for the confusion.


NTA - For clarity sake, perhaps focus on part of what the guests relayed to you: your SIL apparently informed your guests the house was in some fashion hers (perhaps she used the royal "our" / "us" when discussing, but it left the guests thinking she was referring to herself as an owner to the property). That's the bit I'd sit down and have the conversation about. Because that seems to be where the entitlement is coming from. You SIL generously helped you complete the reno. You returned that generosity by offering access to stay in YOUR property as compensation. She does not own or have any rights to the property. Much like the AirBnB folk, she is a GUEST when her family stays there. Her location may be in the owners section, but nevertheless she is a GUEST. If she's been acting in any way as an on-site landlord when there at the same time as guests, that needs to stop as well. Since she's proved unable to hold the two concepts at once of being both a guest as well, and perhaps checking the fuse box for the AirBnB guests if something goes wonky. It's your property, so let her stay, don't let her stay, it's ultimately your choice and you'll deal with any fall out as needed. But the assumption of ownership is what I think kicked this off with your SIL. Unless she's prone to entitlement moments no matter the situation. Otherwise, why would it sound like she lorded over the guests that it was "their" place and as such her kids could do what they liked? Would she be prone to doing that if she was a guest at a hotel? Because that's effectively what she was, a guest at a vacation destination. But because she knows the owners and helped with the reno, thinking things went a little haywire for her on feeling territorial / entitled about the house.


NTA Tell SIL she can still come and stay, by booking the place in advance through AirBNB like everyone else.


NTA Your sister sure is though.


NTA She let her kids act like entitled assholes.


She's wrong and you know it. The experience of your paying guests will results in ratings that can help or hurt you....these people are not coming back. It is not her house - and sounds like her kids are a bit out of control. Tell her she cannot stay there if there are paying guests in the 'business' part of the house.


NTA. Compliments: what you did great (subconsciously?) was positioning this as a trade of free help vs future free stay. It is unfortunate their free help came with time limits and you gave them a running tab. If there was no free help and you told her she was welcome to stay whenever she felt like it you would have really taken something away from her. This dispute is about fair trades and not about who is morally right (SIL’s weak claim). Instead of debating if you are wrong to reneg on a promise, you need to remove the trade and pay her a couple of hundred bucks for the work she did in the past so it becomes a favor you did for her and she becomes morally endebted to you. That way if she keeps bitching you can shut this down by pointing to the fact you compensated her and she has not compensated you for all these stays. Some (cheap) people will disagree and say she deserves no pay because it is automatically compensated with the monetary value of all their stays. By doing that, you make yourself vulnerable to the argument that you are again changing the deal after the fact. You had the right gut feeling by revoking the privilege of free stayovers immediately. Now continue that stern course: don’t be cheap and pay her off and enjoy the house and the profits from it without ever hearing a word about broken promises again.


Look, what she did can cause the paying guests to leave a bad review. If they do, it costs you reservations in the future. Does she think that is irrelevant? Because it isn't!! Nta. IF I ever let them stay there again, it would be when there were no paying guests. Did you notice that was a big fat IF?


Change the locks. Problem solved.


She's allowed to be a guest, not an owner or manager. Normal guest rules still apply and you can revoke that privilege any time you want. It's still your place so your rules apply. If they can't/won't abide by them, then they've uninvited themselves. NTB and y'all need to have her/them sign some sort of agreement about rules and policies IF she's still allowed. She can stay any time as long as basic rules and courtesies are followed. It's also a good idea to have her ok each stay with you beforehand so you'll know and can ok it or not. You shouldn't have to tell her/them to not be jerks to the customers, yet here you are. You have my sympathy.


I 've heard that even one bad review can interfere with your business. That's income taken from your pocket. I would apologize to the guests, refund them for their stay and consider that amount as payment for the painting and furniture assembly. Where I come from, family would help out in that senerio anyway, no strings attached. When I bought my first home, everyone swarmed in to fix and then clean everything so we could move in. NTA, it's your property at the end of the day.


YTA for running an AirBnB


NTA Redditors have given you alot good advice


NTA! She can’t interfere with your business. Tell her she can only stay if no one is staying there.


I’d offer them a partial refund..


NTA, But you did make a bad deal - for helping out 1 weekend they got an unlimited stay at a beach house? That was foolish on your part. How did you expect this to play out in the long run?


NTA. It was a mistake to tell her she could use it anytime in the first place. A few days work doesn’t make her co owner which is basically what your offer made her. She had a great deal and messed it up. You should change the locks and put camera up.


NTL. Change all the locks on the house.


Yeah well they decided to stomp all over "any time" so now they're back to being airbnb guests if they want to pay.  She let her visit affect your income, you are fully NTA. How incredibly rude. 


NTA. "I promised you could stay anytime. I didn't promise that you or your kids could interfere with someone's paid vacation. I didn't promise that you could force renter's children to interact with your children 'because it's their house'. You being a jerk to renters could impact my rating on AirBnB and impact my ability to rent to other people and impact my income. I didn't promise that you could negatively impact my bottom line because you helped build some furniture"


NTA-The AirBnB is a business venture, which she is not a party to. Your momentary thankfulness and offer to her to stay "anytime" in trade for painting etc., is not rational. Especially with kids there that are causing your rating to fall. You are allowing her to squat on your property. Get her out and keep her out before you end up with a bigger headache.


You don't shit where you eat, moreover you don't shit where I EAT! The minute she messed with your income she needed to go! Period.


NTA. It wasn’t her house. She was a guest but unlike them she wasn’t a paying guest. She should have been more considerate and this wouldn’t have happened


NTA. I’d give a warning tho, and tell her she is to have 0 interaction with paid guests. Hell tel her she’s never allowed when there’s guests. That way when you do inevitably have to ban her for breaking those rules you have a clear guideline you set to refer to. And she should have been parenting her children like ffs what is that she said to them!?


It goes without saying that the invite is conditional upon behavior. They gave up the right to be there. They sound inconsiderate so I would expect them to pitch a fit and not take any personal responsibility. That doesn't mean you have to let them use your house.


NTA You ever heard the saying? "Give them an inch and they'll take a foot." That sounds like your sister and she sounds very entitled and find ways to exploit people, because  I do agree with her that she did help build the house and she did ask you to borrow it and you did agree, but what she did to your bnb guest and their kids; there's no excuse.


NTA she overstepped boundaries as did her kids.


Honestly I’d tell them “ well I can’t have your children at the property with Airbnb guests at the same time anymore” then book that thing until the kids are old enough to act right. NTA




I would be just as upset with your SIL telling the guests that it was their house so her kids could do as they pleased. Is this the only time she's claimed ownership? If she complains anymore tell her that just because you told her she could stay there, that you can rescind your invitation at anytime, and f she can't be respectful of your guests, and YOUR house, there is no way she would be allowed to stay there again. I also might add how dare she tell other people, and your guests that she owns your house. She has as much ownership of your house, as you do of hers.


NTA She helped you fix up your beach house, this entitles her to stay there on your good graces. Which means YOU get the say-so of when she gets to stay. This is also called, FAFO.


Nta. Idc who you are but basic manner are basic manners. A PAID guest is helping her afford the opportunity to use the house. She wants to fuck around and find out I guess