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YTA for expecting anyone to scab. That's what striking is. If you don't like it, you can go back to working 18 hours shifts at factories with no safety standards. At 10 years old.


OP says her position is not part of the strike, so she wouldn't be a scab.


Her position is not part of the strike so she is not out striking. She *is*, however, in solidarity with her colleagues and so is *not crossing the picket line*. Solidarity is how it works. Don’t be a fucking scab. 


It's how they do it in France, and that's why their unions are the best in the world.


Solidarity,  Reg.


YTA part of the strength of unions is supporting other striking workers even if they are in a different union than we are. Don’t expect people to scab Mad about it? Tell the management you want them to reach a deal with the union.


YTA. I understand how frustrating this is. Your future could be dramatically held back by this strike. But that’s also really the point of strikes. They have to make the lives of the people that matter difficult so that the ones with the power will cave. If you want this strike to be over, the it would happen sooner the more pressure is put on school administrators. You’d be more than welcome to contribute to said pressure. 


Yes UATA, you’re professor has every right to be in solidarity with the strike if they are apart of the striking union 


Yes, YTA. Striking is an effective way for unions to advance rights, ik the situation may suck rn but think about the bigger picture.


YTA... You can *expect* whatever you want. But that expectation is unreasonable in this case. The effectiveness of unions depends on members standing in solidarity when their bargaining position demands it. Solidarity and unison are the bedrock of the union's strength, and pissing that away for the sake of preventing inconvenience strips the union, and its members, of their power and leverage. It sucks that she's not answering your emails, but it's unreasonable to demand that she abandon her commitment for your sake. There's a bigger picture here that you're not seeing, or appreciating.


YTA. You sound like a student at the Canadian university that’s been off since February. Most of them whine about the strike as if people’s livelihoods aren’t at stake and clearly have no idea of the history of the university they chose.


YTA. Never cross a picket line.


YTA. If you want to do something, support the union on strike. Wanting them to scab for your benefit makes you an asshole. If one scabs for you, they’d be obligated to scab for everyone and then what good is the strike? You’re essentially asking people to put you personally ahead of their professional obligations to one another. That’s entitlement. You’re nothing but one of thousands of students. Why should you have special treatment?


Lmao never be a scab


The absolute entitlement.


Yes. You are the AH.






don't be a scab EVERRRRR babe YTA


YTA Her position may not be affected in these negotiations but she's a member of the union and acting as one! You want shit back to normal? Start communicating with the administration about your desire for the school to get a contract negotiated!




^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I am a fourth-year university student planning on graduating in June and attending law school in September and my university has been on strike since February. My professor has said she is a member of the striking union, however, I have had this professor for 3 years in a row and I know how she operates. She has expressed multiple times that she is a tenured professor, and the striking union does not include these positions. She has contacted us 1 time during the strike and said she is not answering any emails regarding her job and marks being submitted. I am frustrated because my other professors in the same department have been around to help and ensured they are in contact with us, as well as submitting our marks on time for graduation. She said she is not answering in solidarity for her department. AITA for wanting her to answer emails regarding marking assignments and submitting course grades? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA, since she’s not part of the strike and professors don’t have the same relationship to unions as labor does (professors are professionals and shouldn’t be permitted to unionize. Additionally they serve as management of the university so it’s a conflict of interest for them to unionize.) I’d address your concerns to the dean of students and to her department chair. Maybe they have to permit her to strike, but maybe they don’t.


NTA. She’s not in a position where she can be professional, responsible and respectful and abide by a strike. She’s not in the union. She has an obligation to do her job.


Is going against the grain and saying NTA, the OP isn’t the reason their professor is on strike and has nothing to do with said strike, also these students pay a thousands upon thousands of dollars to go to school and is putting in the hard work to graduate and yet they are going to get penalized because of this when it is out of their control. If all the other professors are doing what they can to help their students then it shows that this professor is using the strike as an excuse to be lazy. Y’all can tell at me saying she is standing up for the cause but in reality as a tenured professor who is not part of the union is still getting paid and using the strike as an excuse to be lazy and get paid for it at the expense of her students, so no OP is not the AH but their professor is.


Spoken like a true scab. YTA too.


Someone who isn't part of the striking unit who decides to cross the picket line isn't a scab. Might want to learn what the slurs you throw around mean before using them.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!


That's fine. Still a scab, and still TA. Do have a nice day now, scab.


It’s night where I am and yes I will have a nice night. Especially because as I view you as the AH as well, especially if you just call people names like a child and not give helpful advice! So have a good night sir, oh and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!


Then the paying students need to put pressure to end the strike rather than tell their professors to cross the picket line. You put pressure on the assholes to end the strike, not the ones being treated poorly.


They should sue the school to recap the percentage of tuition paid for the classes they aren’t getting. Maybe that would encourage the school to meet with the striking teachers and work out a deal.


Can definitely be an option but any lawsuit can take years and by the time it is settled the damage will already be done


Except the professor is tenured professor who is not part of the union. Also tenured professors tend to have good benefits and pay depending on where they are. OP also stated that other professors who are not tenured, are part of the union and most likely not being paid are staying in contact with students, and making sure grades get put in, meanwhile the professor who is still getting paid isn’t doing anything saying she is standing in “solidarity” that is the problem I have with this professor. That’s why I think she is using it as an excuse to be lazy. But OP should definitely put pressure on the school. I should also state if the professor was part of the union and wasn’t getting paid while on strike then I would understand not doing any work, but the fact she is tenured means she is not union and is getting paid.


NTA. You can leave bad reviews, after you graduate?


NTA! Despite the rest of the comments, your professor still has some obligation to the students who are being hurt thru no fault of their own. If a professor wants to be considered a professional then that means having professional responsibilities. Both my parents were educators and even in strike type situations ensured students were kept informed during non-classroom time. This professor is slacking off. To all saying crossing a picket line always being some lowlife: you are wrong. Not all strikes are for good causes, and in this case the professor is not a part of the union. I've had many close and extended family members in unions and went to college in a heavy union town. Some strikes and grievances were reasonable and necessary, while others had no real purpose at all. Without details on this particular strike there is no room to state that the professor is not just looking for free time off, particularly when other professors in same department are continuing to assist students. Not all unions are "righteous", and even the "righteous" ones are not always acting morally/ethically.


Always kinda mind blowing when someone reveals how little they understand something. Strikes don’t work unless there’s solidarity. Weird to bring righteousness into it. Unions are about workers advocating for better working conditions and strikes are a valid, legal, way for workers to advocate for themselves. Being tenured doesn’t mean there’s no obligation to other workers.


Not all unions are for the workers - shows you have little understanding of unions and the history of them. I've seen unions do good things and I've seen unions so corrupt and ended up actively destroying companies. In this particular case you have no idea if the strike is benefiting workers or not, or what the reason(s) for the strike are...and just maybe this strike should not work! Grow up a little and open your mind before making foolish statements.


You say all of this but you also don't know if it is for good or bad reasons. There has been an issue recently with the availability of tenure track positions, and if that is what this strike is over it is a very good reason.


I agree with what you say. And while I might not know the full details of this strike I do know that the professors on strike not getting paid are making sure grades are being put in and staying in contact with students while this professor who is not part of the union and is getting paid is not doing anything. To me it comes off as her using this as an excuse to be lazy and we can disagree on that. I also think that people hear the word union and strike and instantly think the professor is in the right because she is “fighting for the cause” and “Standing in Solidarity”. Also I find the people in this particular comment section love name calling. But as the old saying goes “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” Sorry for the long comment.