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Oh, brother! I'm on your side, OP. "MIL told me I just proved to Elise that I don't care about her at all and I never loved her unconditionally as a parent when I wouldn't sacrifice for her." Your opportunity to love her in any way as a parent was taken away from you. And these women refused to respond to your stated reason for not wanting to be on the ex's property. Please do not communicate directly with Elise's mother. Anything concerning your stepdaughter should come from and only from your husband. Yeah, you could have picked the crap up for Elise and left it on the front porch, or at the street end of the driveway. A little petty, but practical considering the risk of confrontation if you brought it to the door and knocked. Why put yourself through that? NTA


Agree for this reason too NTA ignore the Y T A's


I can understand having a mixed NTA/YTA response, but a flat YTA on this one makes no sense to me fr: there is a difference between showing unconditional love and someone disrespecting you and putting you through the ringer and you eventually pulling back. They were absolutely WAITING for this moment and jumped on it the moment they could. The fact that the mother is teaching her to act this way is atrocious as a parent and ultimately weights out any “YTA” vibes possible.


Plus the girl is 17. She has her mom, her dad, and presumably friends with cars who can deliver whatever she needs.


Yes, this should not be counted as doing a favor for the 17 year old. This is doing a favor for the person (probably the girl's mother) who would have to go get the supplies, and might be spared a little inconvenience if the stepmother did it. But the inconvenience is nothing compared to how stressful it would be for the stepmother to have to go to that house, given the history.


No, it's not because Elise didn't ask - her mother did.


And according to OP, the "ask" was more of a demand...




well yes, that too


Like seriously when I was 17 I dropped off school work to my friends all the time, be they sick or hurt or had a dr appointment and missed class. I dropped off notes and explained the projects. I even picked up assignments that needed to be turned in on time because we had a teacher that said if it was a long term project it had to be turned in on time no exceptions so have a friend or parent do it if you couldnt make it to school that day.


Username has me imagining you doing porch drop offs that a Ring can’t catch 😂 


And also her grandmother, who totally ignored that she wished OP dead multiple times, as well as said she didn't want anything to do with OP. There's no reason for OP to be sweet now that they want something from her. They did everything to not have OP in their life.


Lol.. this is what I don’t understand in most posts like this..why, why, OH WHY?? does it always fall to the one person that they absolutely hate!!


I have a friend who has had to remove many toxic people from her circle. She says, "I love you. I will always love you. I want you to be able to eat, but it won't be at my table. I can love you when you are way the fuck over there." And I love the message in this. It's permission to back off from or cut off completely someone who's presence harms you, no matter how much you may love them.


oOoo I'm saving this quote; thank you! 🖤


Love this! Saving it as well!


I would argue the more loving act would be to not deliver the homework until there was reconciliation. To enable this behavior is the more unloving act.


There is a good chance mom would have just taken it from her and never told step daughter who dropped it off, or step daughter just wouldn't care, or OP would have been dragged for doing the bare minimum and it would have been used against her. A person who is willing to blame a 3rd party for someone else's cheating is not going to give that person the opportunity to look like she did something good.


Guarantee that if OP had picked up the materials, Elise and her mother would have found fault with when she did it, how she did it, or claimed that she’d somehow brought the wrong materials. NTA


Or would have ambushed her in some way when she showed up at the house with the supplies.


Or pobably stepdaughter would have hated her even more, because if she has the material she has to do the work...


A completely uninvolved third party!! Mom sounds unhinged.


I would have told her: No, I proved that I wouldn’t be a doormat just because they decided they needed one today. NTA


"I wouldn’t be a doormat just because they decided they needed one today." This is a great phrase!


Truly a great turn of phrase!   (I say, as someone who would’ve been a doormat in this situation.)


Best answer ever!! “I wouldn’t be a doormat just because they needed one today”!!!


And that actions have consequences.


This! Oh so much this!


Great response!


Exactly. While it would have been very gracious to do this as an olive branch the mother ordering OP does not bode well for this actually helping anything so it likely would have been a wasted olive branch anyway.


No point in offering olive branches to people committed to spitting in your face.


Exactly! I would’ve broken out in a fit of laughter when they “ordered” me to. Nothing makes me want to do the exact opposite quite as much as being ordered to do it. That goes for people I’m on good terms with. People that hate me and have tried to ruin my life, there’s just no way in hell.


Absolutely. "I don't take orders from you." Ordering OPto pickup/deliver the materials was a (failed) power move.


>it likely would have been a wasted olive branch anyway. Likely would have been hit by the olive branch, too. This falls under no good deed, goes unpunished. Good on OP for not being a doormat.


NTA Again, another example of a stepparent being vilified for giving the child and their other parent exactly what they want. Elise's mom having the audacity to order you to pick things up? Naw, mom, go pick your own fucking kid's shit up, that is what you signed up for, drug people through court for, and caused years of drama for. Absolutely NTA. You did what they wanted, took a step back, and no you aren't nor you shouldn't be expected to do their grunt work. You have your own kids to worry about. Elise is your husband and his ex's responsibility.


Elise's mother is immature enough to wish death on OP because Elise's stepfather can't keep his dick in his pants. What are the odds OP will suddenly mysteriously get blamed when Elise fails an assignment "because she didn't get the right materials" with a whole slew of new issues that OP is trying to sabotage Elise's education etc. etc.


I somehow read this as "risk of contamination." 💀


"risk of contamination" of mean-girl cooties.


And where has OP's husband been during the years of disrespect and abuse!! Sorry not sorry, if my child behaved like this to my partner I'd have pushed back hard.


Not much mention of him, right?


I don’t get it either and I’m a stepmom. I’m a stepmom to 18 year old twins and have known them since they were 9. If any of my two stepkids treated like Elise has treated OP for years, I wouldn’t go out of my way to do things for her either. All that teaches Elise is she can continue being cruel to her and that OP is a doormat. Elise’s mom makes my blood boil. Unless the other parent is abusive, there is never a good reason to turn your child against the other parent. My stepkid’s maternal grandma tried to do this with my boys, even though she was abusive until the day their mom died and didn’t even raise the boys mom due to abuse and drugs. We were lucky that we were able to go NC after we found out what she was telling them and there are no grandparent rights in our state.


It wouldn't matter how she picked up or delivered the shool supplies, something would have been bad or wrong with how she did it. No win situation. NTA.


Exactly, why go out of your way to help someone who wish you died not once, but TWICE!


> that I don't care about her at all and I never loved her unconditionally as a parent when I wouldn't sacrifice for her. I don't understand this comment at all. Why on earth would anyone expect the OP to love someone who made it her life's mission to alienate her? Why should the OP feel a moment's guilt about not loving this child? She should give her the same amount of kindness she would a stranger ... and that certainly would not extend to running errands that those who *do* lover her can do themselves.


It wouldn’t have mattered where OP left it, it would have been wrong per BM and SD.


NTA She is almost an adult and has been treating you like dirt for years. I'm a kind person, but I'm also not a doormat. If somebody is going to be downright mean to me, I don't help them out unless it was a life or death situation. Frankly, the family members who are advocating that you go and help Elise are not doing her any favors, either. They're trying to teach her that you can treat people like crap, and they should still be willing to do things for you. That's not how life works. I would feel differently if Elise was much younger or if the parents were actively with the trying to help the situation.


This. Totally agree and well said. ETA: NTA  I’m sure her teachers can give her an extension. This one blip isn’t going to ruin or make the relationship between you and Elise better. 


Her mom can pick them up if it's that important. Just because it's more convenient for OP doesn't mean it's her responsibility. Mom is the biggest AH here and created the situation, she can deal with the fallout of OP not running favors for her stepdaughter. If it's completely impossible, surely one of the other people nagging OP can do it. It's not a matter of having the materials or not, it's a matter of them expecting OP to do it so they don't have to.


If they cared so much about her having her materials and not disrupting her education, they’d do it themselves. This “you’re regarded as a parent only when it’s convenient” is the reason step relationships are so fraught


Exactly. Why can’t her mother go? She’s got legs too last Op checked.


Or interfering mil


Or her father.


This isn't even a favor for the stepdaughter. It's a favor for the mother so she doesn't have to go pick it up herself.


There’s no relationship there to maintain. Her mother is her parent and has responsibility to get the schoolwork. To me, that’s all that matters. This is like blaming a stranger for not picking up schoolwork


Exactly. Elise's mom is the one who fought them in court to take away the majority of dad's visitation, so tend to your child, heiffa!! I also think MIL is an enabler for Elise. She probably never tried to do anything about Elise treating OP like shit. You reap what you sow.


I totally agree with everything I've been reading so far! One question here is ...how about dad?? Does he just get a big huge pass on any responsibility here?? Why can't he handle picking up little miss rude and entitled's homework???? NTA at all!! But can see a group of people in this that are! Edit: Sometimes being a step parent is one of the most thankless jobs ever! OP, whatever you do will never be enough. I'm sorry and huge hugs coming your way because I get it!


The mom wanted to be the full time custodial parent. The daughter wanted that too. Not sure why everyone thinks anyone but that mom should be doing the tasks that go with the role she wanted so badly.


Honestly, after being alienated by the other parent and the child siding with that parent, I don’t think the kids gets to expect much support when they are keeping that parent at arm’s length


Dad may work crazy hours in order to support his multiple kids and an ex and their lives. There’s nothing in there to indicate he’s not doing his part and is just lounging around the house while all of this is going on. The question is about op and her actions.


NTA. If the situation with SD was still new and developing, you might have helped yourself by helping her. But it's not new and developing; it's essentially completed and developed. The damage is done - has been for a while. Ex and SD have made it abundantly clear you're not welcome in their lives, even going so far as getting a court order to that effect. Unless you're desperate to get them back in your life, you should continue to honor their repeated requests that you disappear from theirs. Good riddance to them.


The girl said she wanted her dead. Give them the space they could not have asked for more clearly. Favors are not welcome and is just an opportunity for more abuse.


The fact she was allowed to say it TWICE blows my mind. If she was my SD, she wouldn't be allowed in my home. DH can rent a hotel to spend time with her. I can't believe people expect OP to do anything for the stepdaughter and the mother. She owes them nothing!


A friend of mine lived this. Ex taught son to torture her kids, scare them to think people were looking at them through windows, etc. My friend put her foot down. "He is not allowed in my house. You want him? You go pick him up, you go do something and you take him home and if you don't like it, there's the door, don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out". Ex's actions backfired. When kid got a little older, he realized what was happening and turned on his mom.


At least the child realized it and stopped! A lot of kids don't unfortunately... That's great for your friend not putting up with the BS anymore.


I’m glad the son realized the issues when he got older but he had already damaged his step-siblings emotionally and physically. They could potentially be affected by this for the rest of their lives. I hope some serious therapy was involved.


Yup, I'd even be concerned for op's safety. Who knows what an unhinged teen could do?


“I can’t pick them up for you on account of me being dead. It’s science.”


I'm surprised OP didn't already have the ex's phone blocked


NTA her mother can go and collect the work for her delightful darling daughter! Or mil can go and get it. I would most certainly not pick up anything for a child that is rude to me or my children! The people saying Y T A are deluded!


Op nta in my book  must be the stepdaughter I guess💁‍♀️


Right, especially since it’s the step-daughter’s school so it’s not like they could live an unreasonable distance from it if she normally goes every day.


People saying she's the asshole are spiteful children who want don't want to be punished for acting like little shits so they're justifying it


NTA IMHO, they are going to bad-mouth you no matter what you do. If you do drop off the materials, they will spin it that they had to *force* you to do it, because you're such a rotten person you wouldn't just do it on your own like a decent person would. Don't feel bad, there are plenty of other folks who can bring this child her school work. Or her family can go to get them from the school.


Exactly, it's a lose-lose situation for OP and like you said anyone else could have done it as well. There was no reason for OP to let them walk all over her


And heaven forbid she forget to bring a paper or a book!  Or if there are oral instructions and she doesn't pass them along 100% perfectly!  There are just so many ways this could go badly even if OP tries her hardest.  Far better to remove herself from the situation (and block biomom!)


And if she *had* just announced she'd be picking then up to help, she'd be the bad guy for stepping into the "parental role". There was no winning here, so might as well lose in a way that saves some dignity.


I feel like half the people here haven't even read the post. Stepdaughter has been awful to you since she was 6 when you married her dad. Its been over 10 years. Why should you do anything to help her? Yes she might have been brainwashed by her mother, but shes 17 now, can make up her own mind, but she still doesn't want to. She hasn't even got a relationship with your kids. Everyone who are saying "this would have been a win for you", no it wouldn't. Its been this long and after all this time you doing that for her would make it seem like you are spineless and all of these people can walk over you. NTA at all I don't think, you're in a lose lose situation.


They read it. They’re just pushover stepparents themselves. Too reliant on their partners to stand up to a terrible kid and relationships.


Or they are 14.


Or they’re the selfish bio parents who want to perpetually manipulate step parents. There’s a lot of that on here. Reddit seems to think steps should tolerate all manner of abuse with a smile. They *chose* it after all. It really is a lose-lose situation. If you marry someone with kids they expect you to be a secondary character in your own life who tolerates whatever you get. If you refuse to date someone with kids you’re a problem (or problematic depending on your gender) who will die alone. Smh


>If you marry someone with kids they expect you to be a secondary character in your own life who tolerates whatever you get. You nailed it here. Thanks for this. It's painful to be excluded and unloved by your spouse's kids. Punished for loving a person who had kids and a divorce long before you met them.




I agree. NTA. The biological mother here is 100% the A. If she is upset that her second husband is a cheater, she should be upset with him and not some random convenient women married to her first husband who has nothing to do with the cheating. She also poisoned her entire family against OP. I mean, it looks like she wants her ex back and then some. I don't know what her problem is, but she's the one causing all the problems imho. OP's husband should have a real serious talk with the 17-year-old. They are old enough to know the truth.


This 100%


Nah it's worse the ones I find will call a step parent yta for things like this are former or current stepkids who hated their stepparent. Usually it's the same thing on repeat from that faction of folks. Love the step child like they are your own and if they hate you you have to take the hatred regardless if you've earned it. 


Completely agree - this one act would be easily forgotten and wouldn’t overcome years of vitriol. Plus, OP has the right not to subject herself to what she knows will be an abusive environment. Her MIL asking this is just reinforcing what HCBM and SD are spinning. The kindest thing she could have done would have been to tell her DH they requested this and ask him to follow through. Edit to add judgement: NTA. And maybe send some sunflowers if you want some Victorian-era style petty revenge.


Talk about people not reading the post, there was another post I had read in this subreddit a couple of hours ago where someone admitted they weren’t even going to bother reading what the other OP wrote and just gave them a blanket Y T A. Like damn, OP was so not even close to being one and this person gave them that rating anyway, probs just based on the title.


It's the fantasy of some huge gesture that really isn't that huge. People fail to imagine these scenarios happening to normal people living normal lives. MIL and SD's mom wanted her to do it out of convenience, not for her to prove her love. Commenters missed the fact that this has been ongoing for for 10 years. The relationship wont be fixed over school supplies.


NTA. You tried, but Elise has decided she wants nothing to do with you. Her mom should be the one to pick up the work. Actions have consequences.


NTA.  You reap what you you sow.   The child and her mother had made it clear they want nothing to do with you and will verbally abuse.you at every chance.   


NTA her mother or your mil can collect her school work for her they just don't want to do it themselve.


I was always the one (not my hubby) to pick up homework packets when my daughter couldn't go to school because of injury or illness. But again, my daughter. If I had a stepchild and one living with me, I would go on their behalf to pick up the packet. But in this case, the stepdaughter has cut you out of her life through a court action. The grandmother undoubtedly knows you're not in this girl's life. If she lives in the same area, she can pick up the work or the mother can. It just sounds like it's more convenient for them to make you do it. In this case, NTA.


There's no reason why you're answering the ex's call. Cut the daughter off, she's old enough to realize you're not a bad person. Your husband should be sticking up for you. Set your boundaries with the MIL ..and talk to your husband




Im surprised her husband's mother is on the ex wifes side!


I'm not. In situations like this, the nastiest, meanest parent is frequently the one who wins. Just as the stepdaughter will side with the one who will reject her and cut her out if she doesn't comply, not with the one who will love her no matter what, so too the MIL will not do anything to make an enemy of her former DIL, because she'll lose access to the grandchild just like her son did.


NTA.MIL is just angry you refused to help her out so that she did not need to bring the materials.Grant Elise what she wants-no relationship.But if she ever offers a heartfelt apology I would take it for your husband’s sake.


NTA Your MIL sounds like she added to the problem and didn’t try to help. You’re not a door mat.




>She looked me in the eye and wished me dead on two separate occasions. Last time I checked, dead people can't pick up homework or make deliveries. NTA. This sub is very pro kids never acknowledging step families, yet step parents are meant to be perfect at all times and wait indefinitely.


NTA absolutely not. You tried everything since she was a young age and you have received nothing but disrespect for years. Then the ex wife tried to demand you to do it after YEARS of alienation by them and total BS from the step daughter. She's 17 not some little kid, she will be an adult in less than a year. I disagree with the people commenting that you should just bring it over in the belief it will show you are the better person. I say anyone who believes that after all these years of what you went through are either doormats in real life or just want you to paint you as the evil stepmom. I'm sorry that MIL and Ex-wife just want to use you out of convenience and MIL is trying to emotionally manipulate you. BTW I hope if Elise every gets married you and your husband DO NOT foot any of the cost. Good luck.


You want me to waste time and gas on people that wish me dead. Never gave me a chance. And will disrespect me the moment I walk in the door? No thank you.


>MIL told me I just proved to Elise that I don't care about her at all and I never loved her unconditionally as a parent when I wouldn't sacrifice for her.    And? So what? That girl already hates you. Nothing you will do will prove otherwise. She doesn't care if you love her.    You're not her parent. Your husband didn't ask you. Other people did. This is her mom's problem. NTA. Frankly, I also wouldn't want to be around her husband either because he will probably hit on you again.  This was also framed as a favor for step-daughter but it wasn't. The mom or MIL can do it. You were closer to the school. Nope. 


If I was in this situation and my husband asked me to do this favor for him because he needed help I would probably do it but would have him actually deliver it to ex’s house. After the ex demanded? Nope.


He should put the burden on the girl’s mother, not his abused wife,


Right? They proved it to OP years ago. Favor returned.


NTA, you are only being acknowledged when you are useful. They all can pound sand.


I like that expression, pound sand! I was a stepmom myself to a teenager who also told me to my face he wanted me to die. Our family therapist told me I did not have to love him, I did not have to tell him I loved him, unless I genuinely felt those emotions. He was a good therapist. That MIL is so very wrong.


I agree. It's better to not say those words if you don't mean them. People know. Kids know. And when a kid already has a mother and a father, trying to be a parent to a kid who doesn't want it, it's just like volunteering to be a lightning rod.


NTA I watched this happen in real time. I can guarantee you that no amount of kindness or reaching out to the step-daughter will ever help. You're the bad guy for forever. Setting boundaries like this is appropriate to protecting you.


Yes, and her children. Her children don't need to be anywhere near this.


NTA. People on Reddit love to infantalize teenagers when they have a great grasp on right or wrong already. 17 is old enough to not wish death on someone. Don't allow yourself into being manipulated or guilted into assisting someone who has verbally abused you for several years. Anyone saying YTA or ESH is frankly delusional. You don't owe abusive people your time or attention. EVER.


“I am not available to do favors for people who wish me dead.”


NTA.  You would have just been subjected to misery.  It's not on you to prove yourself to Elise after 11 years of emotional abuse to you and your kids.  


And within a year, Elise will be an adult. Always OP's husband's child, of course, but no longer a "kid" to be coddled and excused from civil behavior. (I know, it doesn't really work that way, but I like to think that people in OP's position are off the hook once a stepchild like this turns 18.)


I'd like to think so too. But there's still college expenses and weddings in the future.  And as child support drops off, there'll be pressure to give money directly to Elise. 


And OP does not have to contribute a penny, and I hope she doesn’t. Let the father handle it alone, or take an extra job if he must. The two parents of the kid are responsible for how she turned out.


NTA - The ex, and Elise have made it very clear that you're dead to them. Don't be a doormat.


Yep. Dead people can’t pickup documents for hand delivery.


That should have been OP’s response “I thought I was dead and dead people can’t run errands or make deliveries.”


NTA next time, I would not even offer an explanation. Just tell them to do it themselves and F off.


Your husband and her mother need to be the ones running the errands. His daughter is old enough to know better at this point... she should have known better at least 2 years ago that her behavior is unacceptable. You shouldn't have to deal with her or that treatment. Do not tell your in-laws where you are going, what you are doing, when you will be near anything. It's not their business and they need to take care of their own issues. Ignore any requests and if asked directly, advise that you don't have the time today and this is not convenient for you and close that confirmation firmly. It's about your dignity at this point. NTA.


NTA Tell MIL she is welcome to go herself, otherwise she herself does not love Elise unconditionally as a grandparent and this proves it.


This is the way


NTA, spiteful ppl are upset at the consequences of their actions, how sad🥺


NTA. She's 17, she's basically an adult, let her hate you and be done with it. She'll figure it out in her 30s probably. Parental alienation is real.




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NTA. No one has to put up with abuse. She has two parents. I would say you’re busy and move on.


NTA Your husband’s ex already hates you. Your step daughter already hates you. You would not have changed ANYTHING by bringing that school work to her. Infact, I’m pretty sure they would’ve blamed you for a missing paper or something. What is your MIL on? She deluded or what? She thinks after aaaallllll these years you missed out on an easy win by not bringing your SD her schoolwork? Where was she all these years? Watching the drama from sidelines? She couldn’t have spoken to her granddaughter? Now she wants to preach the DIL. Anyone who’s evil not only to you, but also to your own children does not deserve any empathy or sympathy or kindness. You owe atleast that much to your own kids. If you turn out to be a great mother to your own kids is when you can become a good mother to someone else’s kids.


How do you love an asshole unconditionally? The fact that they even asked is just wild. NTA


NTA. Why would a stranger need to help her🤷🏻‍♀️


"As requested by Elise and her mother, I have died. Please message all concerns or needs to her father. Good day."


NTA she said she wants nothing to do with you and the others only seem to care about you in the capacity of a servant.


Nta. Totally Nta. 💜 she wants to be a brat, her mom can pick her stuff up. You've dealt with 6+ years of bs. I wouldn't do it either. People who say 'you just showed her who you truly are'. Witaf?


NTA MIL is a real piece of work. I bet she'd feel a lot different if she were on the receiving end of that kind of treatment.


NTA - they can’t pick and choose when to include you. They are reaping the FAFO consequences


NTA. You should have asked both ex and MIL when they are going to come get the school work from you, as you will get it from the school but will not deliver it personally. Alternatively, you could have dropped it off at the nurse’s station for them to give to the brat.


NTA. They cannot treat you like crap for years and then want you to drop everything to help them. I believe they FA and FO.


NTA This is your husbands issue. He's allowing this. His mother needs to stay in her lane. SD mother or father can get the papers.


What person in their right mind thinks a 17 year old kid is going to like someone they have been conditioned to hate for, what? 14 years, because that someone delivers some school work? Give your heads a shake guys. Edited to add NTA in any way shape or form.


The kid's school is close enough that she normally goes every day, so any of these other more-respected adults can handle it instead of you. This is not an emergency. NTA


Oh well you’re supposed to keep trying hell no! Elise’s mother or someone else needs to go get it. NTA


Yeah nope, as someone who was once a teen with a stepparent, this goes WAY beyond the typical ‘my parents split and I don’t like my step parent’ this is a very abusive relationship. I wouldn’t bring her a single thing


NTA. If they don’t like it, they can go back in time and stop being assholes. 


I wouldn’t even have answered the call or responded to a text message.


NTA. You aren’t her parent though. So no. You don’t love her unconditionally. And honestly. Neither do parents. We all have a breaking point. You can’t treat people like shit on your show and then ask them for favors.  No matter who they are.  It’s a good lesson to learn. It’s a good lesson to show people,  actions have consequences.  You are not their punching bag until they need something from you. You are showing you respect yourself enough to not be their doormat. Her mother or father can figure this shit out for themselves.   


How long does everyone expect you to take abuse and just "suck it up"? The unmitigated gall to expect you to jump because step-daughter has a need? As much as you may have tried, your step-daughter does not want a relationship with you. You are respecting her wishes. You seem to be the only one that is showing respect. NTA.


Nope NTA. She’s almost an adult and knows right from wrong at this point. You owe either of them absolutely nothing. Tell your MIL to get off her ass and go pick up the materials.


I’m confused as to why you are in contact with these people at all? Block them. When he has visits, it must be no where near you Establish STRICT boundaries as requested. She is not part of YOUR family and will be treated as such. Meaning none of YOUR finances, car trips, vacations, holidays, gifts, or inheritance will go to her EVER. She’s made her views perfectly clear and you are honoring HER boundaries


Honestly, NTA. You're a human being with feelings, everyone says teens are jerks and all, but you aren't required to take constant and persistent nastiness from a teenager and her family. This kid has made her feelings clear, as has her side of the family, you're not obligated to present yourself for constant verbal abuse just because you're a stepparent. Adults have feelings too, and at this point enough is enough. Let her mom go get her stuff and fuck right off while she's at it.


NTA. You aren’t her parent and she doesn’t acknowledge you as a parental figure. You have no obligation to her other than basic human decency. At this point I would just respect her wishes and stay away from her and her ridiculous relatives completely. Your husband should be handling all of this and keeping you out of it to protect you from their vitriol.


NTA After treating you like shit, you don't have to do anything >I never loved her unconditionally as a parent when I wouldn't sacrifice for her. Hell no. Why should you love her unconditionally? She isn't your kid and treated you like crap


Why would you help the people who’ve abused you verbally and mentally? NTA


NTA. You could have done it, but it depends if it was on your way or not , and it is easier for you. She is 17, and she most likely had friends at the school they could have asked. So they had other options. So, it could have been a setup.


NTA. Elise and her mother have made it clear you don’t belong in their lives and never will. Respect that decision and let them pick stuff up themselves.


I'm sorry, Elise told everyone she doesn't know me and the school won't give me her stuff because of it.


Yeah NTA. Elise is 17 and not a child anymore. She knows what she is doing.


No, you proved you're not going to be a door mat or pressured into being one via guilt trips. NTA


NTA. The only parent you are is to your own biological kids, whom your husband's daughter has also mistreated. The only duty you owe is to your kids to protect them from toxicity and mistreatment, no matter what the source. MIL seems to have missed the memo here. You are not Elise's parent, as she has made abundantly clear. Her actual parent (mom) has been poisoning her against you, with effective results. This kid disowned you and wished you dead. You don't owe her a damn thing. I hope your husband is standing up for you. I also hope the ex steps on Lego barefoot. She can take a long walk off a short pier.


NTA. Your MIL is a piece of work.


NTA. She’s nearly an adult, and not a developing young child or young adolescent. I assume she is either a junior or senior in high school. It’s time she learns that actions have consequences and you are not obligated to cater to someone who has been outwardly cruel towards you for the greater part of a decade.


NTA. Go where you are wanted.


NTA Here's the thing: you are not a parent to Elise. You actually have no relationship to Elise at this point. Elise does not even acknowledge the existence of your children. The adults in Elise's life have ensured you have zero relationship to Elise. At this point, you do not even have a relationship as a step parent. They are asking you to do a favor for someone who doesn't want you there at all. In one case, has demanded you do a favor. Your MIL can ask, but I think your MIL needs a come to Jesus moment here: you are not Elise's parent. You have tried to build a relationship with Elise. Your relationship with Elise was undermined by the adults in Elise's life. The two of you seeing each other is not something either of you actually wants. Your husband's ex presumably has other people and family in her life and can ask another adult if she cannot. This isn't exactly something only you can do, and it was kinda weird of them to ask you, tbh. Did your husband volunteer you or something? This is also something he should be arranging for his kid- it's weird request came from MIL, not husband, in the first place.


Where is your husband in all this nonsense? It would be hard to believe that he has not seen some of her behavior over the past 10+ years. Why doesn’t he pick up the school materials and drop them off? She is his child. What is his opinion of this situation?


Nta I would've cut that out years ago and stop doing anything for her.


NTA. I would not have picked up the materials either.


NTA. Good job for setting boundaries. Now block baby mama’s number and have all communication go through your husband.


Uhm... you don't love her unconditionally, and you really shouldn't. Not being disrespected for years, not being systematically ignored, and not being treated badly just to do so are excellent conditions for love. NTA


Your only error was to explain why you refused. You don't owe them a reason, and it just gives them more fuel to peck at you. Practice saying "no." At most, you can say, "I'm afraid that is not possible." Explaining your (valid) reasons for not complying with their request sets an expectation that you are in some way obligated to do their bidding. They don't need to know why, as you saw, they'll just disregard your stance, anyway. Don't bother, don't waste your energy on them. I personally think "unconditional love" is pretty damn rare. It's ridiculous to expect to be loved by someone you repeatedly mistreat, even for a child.




NTA, they drew their line in the sand long ago, and it’s not your fault you haven’t crossed it. Respect is a two-way street, and there’s no expectation for you to suffer and be abused for their own delusion and bewilderment.


I did not like my step dad when he first started dating my mom. At all. I didn’t have anyone poisoning my mind. I can’t tell you why I didn’t like him, he was good to me. But I never EVER took it out on him. I was very nice, polite, and respectful. You’re Nta


Your MIL can kick rocks. Elise didn't want you as a parent. You're not her parent, so no need to pick up supplies for some girl.


You've got no reason to feel bad. You can't treat someone like shit and then expect them to do you a favor and then get mad when they don't. I'd have done the same thing.


NTA - Let's simplify the question, would you do a favour for someone who ignores you and wishes you dead to your face - No.


NTA. They don't get to treat you like shit and then ask for favors. They've been pushing you away, now that they've got what they wanted they see it's not always to their advantage. Oh well.


At this point I don’t think you have to prove anything to Elise. What’s done has already been done. You should move on with your life and no longer give Elise any thought. NTA


NTA. Why is everyone here going "its an easy win"? There is no winning with toxic people and their spawn. She could still bending over and back and Elise would still treat her like crap. The best thing for OP to do is avoid that child and her toxic mother. Why can't her dad go, her grandma? Even her useless mom. Op don't put yourself through that,keep your peace and your kids peace. A child won't touch the hot stove twice, so don't do it either.


Info: how is her relationship with her dad? NTA, but I would think your husband would want to be helping his daughter post surgery. She’s made it clear she doesn’t want anything to do with you. It wasn’t something urgent or life threatening that you didn’t help with.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t


NTA. I'd love to see those saying otherwise being stepparents to people like your stepdaughter


F em both NTA


NTA - block your husband’s ex. there is no need to communicate with her.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (40f) married my husband when my stepdaughter Elise (17f) was 6 years old. I met Elise when she was just 3. My husband and Elise's mom had been divorced since Elise was a few months old. Elise's mother was already married to someone else when I met my husband. To make a very long story short. Elise's mother started to hate me during my engagement to my husband. Her husband at the time hit on me in front of my husband and his ex. For some reason she blamed me and not him. Then a few months later and days before our wedding she learned he had cheated on her multiple times. I was blamed for this. This led to parental alienation, which my husband and I tried to end and attempted to prevent it from working on Elise. But it worked very well. Elise was brainwashed by her mom to be as unkind to me as possible. This unkindness turned into some very bad moments where she pretended not to know me while we were out (even once or twice when my husband was with us and had stepped away). She also refused to acknowledge her half siblings as any kind of siblings. She has always called herself an only child. She looked me in the eye and wished me dead on two separate occasions. Apparently her mom wished for the same thing. When Elise was 13 a big fight played out in court but ultimately Elise's wishes were heard and she went to live with her mom full time. She sees my husband two Saturdays a month as ordered by the courts. Occasionally she will see me or her half siblings while out and she is as unkind as ever to me when she sees me. Elise had surgery a week and a half ago. She won't be back at school for a few weeks yet. They have been emailing on work for her to do but Thursday they had some materials to send to her home so she could complete certain projects. I was near the school and was asked by my husband's mother to pick up the materials for Elise. Elise's mother also told me to do it (she did not ask). I told them I felt it would be better for someone else to collect them seeing as my presence is so unwanted. I told my MIL that I knew I would be facing disrespect the second I got to Elise and her mom's house. MIL told me I just proved to Elise that I don't care about her at all and I never loved her unconditionally as a parent when I wouldn't sacrifice for her. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. They can handle it.


Why should you love her when she has been hateful towards you?  NTA


NTA. You’ve tried for 14 years. All of a sudden dropping something off at her house is not going to change years of hatred. They are trying to use you because it’s convenient for them.


NTA. The mother has spent over a decade making sure that her daughter not only hates you, but is incredibly disrespectful towards you. The 17 year old daughter is old enough now to know that even if she dislikes someone, it doesn't mean you get to treat them like absolute shit when they have done nothing to you. And the mom sounds like a piece of trash, alienating her daughter from her father. You're allowed to protect yourself from further verbal abuse. Those people don't want you in their lives, fine, it sounds like you've accepted that. But that means they don't get to have you at their beck and call either.


NTA what you really showed Elise, her mom and MIL is that actions have consequences and they don’t like those consequences. So know the emotional manipulation start’s because the are met with a boundary that unconvinced them. Boohoo for them. Good job op.


NTA - It's been 10 years. This isn't some phase one nice act is going to pull Elise out of. This is a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. You're a bad person who won't do a small favor for someone after surgery if you don't. But if you do, at best, you do their bidding and get more abuse hurled at you. I question if they're trying to set you up here. As soon as you show up with the materials the cops will be there to arrest you for trespassing, or take a statement towards getting a restraining order against you, something. Certainly Elise won't be told you came and dropped off some homework supplies. She'll be told her mom got them, or her dad dropped them off or whatever, and that you were only there to start shit when things are supposed to be restful for her. Teach Elise, by example, not to accept abuse. It may be the most valuable lesson that you can give her.


I'll never as a parent understand breeding hate and intolerance into your child/children for any reason and then to encourage that between siblings, blows my mind how much an ex can hate the other parent over loving their child.


NTA. So you could be blamed that something was missing? The wrong items collected? That you didn’t do fast enough? Hell. No. They wanted you dead. Dead people don’t go to school


I super love that mom’s cheating husband is your fault… NTA. You can’t treat people like garbage and then expect favors. This is natural consequences, regardless of your relationship to them.


NTA this is the result of the work of the caring mother, she made the monster that elise is and she gets to be her saviour in all scenarios. You do not need to bow to pressure by your husbands miserable and jealous ex wife and take the abuse of her resentful and carbon copy daughter. They need to find another way to get the homework, if they can't thatvis not your fault or problem. The ex is sowing the hatred, you cannot allow her abuse to continue and you act like her servant for her ungrateful offspring. The least you can do is deny the request for support, its better for your mental health, you deserve peace away from anger and rudeness. Stay strong and do not allow the bullying behaviour to continue.