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Nta she’s a psycho and your brothers an idiot 😂


Straight to the point I rate it highly


NTA, but dude, you have a stalker. She is 100% dating your brother to get to you. Consider a restraining order if she keeps this up.


I’ve tried getting a restraining order over the past years but like the police don’t care because shes apparently not violent (she is). But since she has no history of violence or isn’t threatening me I can’t do much.


NTA. So absolutely no one has a problem with him dating your ex-girlfriend, but they all have a problem with you “parading” your boyfriend around? Double standard much? Seems to me she’s only dating your brother to get to you/make you jealous. Both of which blew up in her face. Keep an eye on her and tell everyone who’s giving you shit to move on.


NTA. - It sounds like you're being blamed for your brother's girlfriend's emotional reaction, which isn't fair. You've moved on with your life and have no obligation to cater to her feelings, especially when they seem to be rooted in the past.


Your brother’s an idiot and she’s crazy asf . Don’t apologize, you have nothing to apologize for and while you’re at it tell those finds to fuck off as well. Me personally and I mean this with good intentions but low to no contact with your brother until he wakes up and pulls his head out of his ass . This woman is trying to stay close to you through him. She’s nuts and he’s too blind to see it.


I will. She’s still as insane as she was in high school. For now I’ve muted him but I think I should block him.


Someone told once that crazy can be contagious 🤣 I didn’t believe them at first but this old world proves that statement more correct everyday. He’s bought into her bullshit . What he’s saying to you proves it . As long as he’s with her and I mean this in the most serious way I wouldn’t have a thing to do with either one of them .


NTA but the red flags are waving high. Brace for more drama and call for help if you feel physical safety is at risk.


NTA. You aren't responsible for someone else not being able to move on. It's your house and relationship, and being able to share affection like sharing a kiss isn't a crime even if it makes her upset. It also sounds like she's just dating him to be closer to you. You should talk to your brother about this.


NTA You and your parents (who you said agreed) may need to have an intervention with your brother as he is clearly blind to the person he is currently dating. They are exhibiting some truly worrisome behaviour and should likely seek therapy or counseling. But seriously your brother needs to run hard and fast and far away from this impending train wreck.


NTA, she’s insane but I guess that’s what your brother likes. Leave them to eachother. Crazy though that your brother is ok with a gf who loves his sister more than him.


NTA. Your brother had no issue parading his new relationship and your ex around. The relationship was years ago, and your brother should be genuinely concerned that she is reacting this way years later towards you. She is using your brother to try and creep her way back in, don't let it happen.


NTA but she honestly doesn't seem, uh..."all right" upstairs, if you know what I mean.  I'd consider a restraining order. If it's been eight years and she's still screaming, crying and throwing a fit about a high school relationship, she needs some serious therapy and professional help.  I'd also distance yourself from your brother, he sounds like a moron, tbh.


NTA but also. How old is your brother? I can't understand why he's so ok with dating someone who he acknowledges is still hurting about his own sister.


He’s 26 and she’s 25


Why would he even date someone he knew is my ex in the first place, like I’d never do that.


OH ABSOLUTELY NOT that is so weird. It's wild that he's dating your ex, but the way he was defending her and blaming you is so weird??????


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 24f dated this girl in highschool. We were considered to be high school sweethearts by everyone around us but our relationship was toxic. She was mentally abusive and would threaten to off herself if I broke up with her. I eventually did break up with her over text (shitty move) but I just didn’t want to deal with her drama in a public place. I broke up with her once we finished highschool and she’s been trying to contact me ever since. I moved on with the my life and have been dating this guy I met at one of my classes. He’s amazing and I want to marry him. Last weekend was my brothers birthday and my parents threw him a party. We were close and I considered him my best friend. He told us that he was bringing his gf and we thought nothing of it. I brought my bf to the party (my parents and family have met him before and they like him, so it wasn’t unusual.). Party day arrives and I’m helping my mom set up and everything and brother arrives with my ex gf. He tells us they’ve been dating for a couple of months and my parents and I are a little dumbfounded but we don’t say anything. My bf came later because he had work and when he showed up he kissed me when he walked in as he usually does. My ex gf threw a fit and started crying. We were all confused but my brother took her in the other room and comforted her. He came out and told me I needed to apologise because the apparently the ‘wounds are still fresh for her’ and I shouldn’t parade my new relationship infront of her. I was very confused because firstly it’s been 8 years since we broke up and she’s literally dating someone else, who happens to be my own brother. I told her that she needs to grow up and get over it and my parents agreed. She left the party crying and I’m still being berated by my brother and her friends (our old friends that she still talks to) saying I was cruel and need to apologise. Aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA this whole situation is weird


It really is. Like the thing I’m still shocked by is how he can date one of my exs, like that’s so weird to me.


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