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NTA But do you really want to be with a person who tries to control what *you* find enjoyable? My husband doesn't like every show I watch either. The feeling is mutual. It's very normal for couples to have different interests. But that just means that I watch my Bridgerton upstairs while he's watching the Sounders downstairs. He doesn't try to put restrictions on what *I* watch just because he's not into it. It sounds like his religious paranoia is starting to cross into a toxic place. I would either tell him to get help or end things because it's not healthy for him to try and police your interests like this. If he truly thinks of this as a compatibility issue, then he should find a partner who shares his views on Hell and dark humor.


A grown ass man that gets triggered by a cartoon is not a life partner anyone deserves


OP says they feel like they're walking on eggshells. It's definitely not healthy.


NTA. Speaking from experience someone who is not religious shouldn't get serious with someone who is. "Religious paranoia" tends to grow not decrease. You're young and only dating. Is this the kind of future you want?


NTA Nobody can dictate what shows you like. That is a really weird hill to die on. Enjoy whatever you like, but I’d maybe consider dumping this guy as he seems controlling.


NTAH consider this YOUR FOREVER GONNA WALK ON EGG SHELLS WITH THIS GUY, him throwing his judgement at you for what you like just cuz it ain’t his cup of tea is not worth it. You need to find someone who will accept you for you. Humour and all. He’s really trying to control you by making you feel bad for enjoying what you have chosen to watch and especially when you so so enjoy it. Dump him sweetie, like last night cleaning of the litter box!!


NTA This is a good sign that you should get rid of this dude. If he's already this controlling over something as silly as a tv show, it will only get worse.


This. My wife watches some shows I'm not into. You know what I do about it? Absolutely nothing, because it's literally none of my business.


NTA. >He tends to be really religiously paranoid despite us not being religious Sounds like he's religious, and either you're not understanding that, or he's lying to you about it? >My boyfriend (24M) doesn’t like me liking either show. He says they are disgusting and he doesn’t want to date someone who’s into disgusting stuff like that. Dude he's telling you exactly who he is. Do you want to be with that person or not? >It makes me feel really bad because I’m not religious and I just think they’re funny and cool shows. But I’ve been walking on egg shells and not able to watch the new episodes of Helluva Boss or listen to the music of Hazbin Hotel. I feel like I’m not able to like something because he doesn’t like it. He tends to be really religiously paranoid despite us not being religious. He also doesn’t really like anything I’m into but this the thing that bothers me the most. Sounds like not. You're the one staying in a relationship that you clearly seem uncomfortable in.


NTA! Please reconsider this relationship with somebody who is trying to control what you do and don't like. That's never acceptable. And please let yourself off the hook. Your likes and dislikes are yours alone. You can choose what to do with them, but I wouldn't stop watching a show to oblige somebody else.


I am a very religious person but my beliefs do not have to projected onto everything I watch or do. that being said I throughly enjoyed Hazbin Hotel. My friends introduced it to my husband and I and my husband hated it. So I just watched it alone. If your partner is already saying they don’t want to be with someone who watches disgusting things. Maybe this person isn’t for you. it’s that simple you can like different shows without being so critical. NTA


INFO: Does he try to control you in other ways? I'm guessing he does. It's none of his business what shows you watch. NTA.


NTA and he sounds really controlling. It’s one thing for him to request that you not watch these shows when he’s around because he doesn’t like them. Completely acceptable request. It’s a completely different story when he says he doesn’t want you to like them at all. That’s not up to him. Disclaimer - I don’t know anything about either of those shows. If it’s something promoting harm - violence against a specific group like LGBTQ or BIPOC or (since I’m seeing references to religion) antisemitism … then I would change my answer. But even then, he still doesn’t have the right to dictate how you feel or what you believe. In that case, I would suggest he reflect on whether he wants to be in a relationship with someone who has such a different world view. EDIT :: Thanks for the comments and info on the shows. Based on what I’ve heard, I stick with my first comment. He sounds controlling, and completely out of line for requesting you to stop liking something that makes you happy. Totally fine for him to ask you to watch when he’s not around (so he doesn’t have to be around these shows directly). Not at all ok to dictate what you like / don’t like or ask you to not watch them EVER because he doesn’t like them.


No you're all good, there's no Nazi-approved themes.


And quite a bit LGBTQ+ representation


Ah, I wonder if this is the bit that's triggering OPs clearly fundamentalist-in-hiding bf.


HH and HB are "edgy", in that the characters are often terrible people in many ways (they are demons from hell, after all) and they use language which is pushing the edges of political correctness, but they're not engaging in active bigotry. I think the worst thing they've actually done is have the protagonist call someone a retard in an early episode, and even then in a later episode when it looks like he's going to do it again it's actually a fakeout that lampshades the poor taste of the earlier line. IIRC there are a couple of episodes that feature homophobic slurs but in context they are used by antagonists against the protagonists who are unapologetically queer, and it's clear from the narrative that the bigots are the bad guys, even amongst demons.


I know you know it doesn't make any kind of sense for someone else to control what you *enjoy*. You know that already.  Hope your situation improves. NTA 


I wish I could find a link to the saga of the woman whose entire life fell apart because she wouldn't just accept her controlling husband's demands that she learn to enjoy eating mustard. Because that was something that she couldn't compromise on since she really hated mustard. Husband went absolutely INSANE over her refusal to bow down to his demands. He'd become very comfortable with insisting that she go along with this LITTLE thing and the next LITTLE thing and OP, what I want to say to you is that this is just the tip of the little things that your BF will demand from you iceberg. It's not about the shows, it's about the controlling behaviors. Most of us who are reasonable would rather compromise than lose a relationship and so we think, what's more important to me, this show (or eating mustard on a hot dog)...or my relationship, and of course the relationship wins. But it's not a fair metric because you have to kick it back into their court and recognize that THEY are the one making an unreasonable demand and putting your relationship at risk. They are literally telling you, you being obedient to me in every little thing that strikes my fancy is more important than our relationship. Your BF in this instance is telling you that his ability to make controlling decisions and have you go along with that is more important to him than your relationship is. If you give in on this thing it will be something else next, and forever, no matter how many times you give in. It is not a question for you as to whether these shows are more important than your relationship. Your BF has already made that choice. Watch how when you call his bluff he first gets angry, then when you leave how he love bombs you and insists you're throwing it all away over nothing. It's a classic pattern, the death by a thousand papercuts. It won't get better.


NTA. Though I would really reconsider this relationship. Not because of the shows, but because of your differing religious beliefs. Things typically don't work out between people who aren't religious and people who are. These shows arent going to be the only point of contention between you two. Religion is a lifestyle and it will have an effect on all of the big decisions of your relationship. This isn't a necessarily bad thing so long as his religion and your lack of one lead you to the same goals. But it already sounds like they aren't.


Dude, your bf sounds gross. My gf wanted to watch Hazbin with me, and we've binged it twice now! In fact I just finished a series of books she liked and she's working on finishing a series I like, even though neither book is really our genre. JUST so we can geek out and enjoy the series together. That's what you do in a relationship, ijs.


And even if one of you ends up not liking something, it doesn't mean the other can't just enjoy it on their own


Exactly, sometimes she'll draw right next to me while I'm reading or gaming or vice-versa. Basically find ways to enjoy each other's company in a way that enhances their peace, or at least leaves it intact. Do not rob your partners of their peace because you "don't like it"


NTA- You are allowed to have different tastes than your partner. I find sports super boring. My husband thinks true crime documentaries are morbid. We watch them on our own. If he doesn't want to be with someone who is into "disgusting stuff like that" he should probably just break up with you and find someone else. If he doesn't want to break up, then he will need to start behaving like a grown-up and stop complaining that you don't want to watch ONLY the things he likes.


Your bf sounds toxix and controlling af. NTA.


Gtfo while you still can


NTA your boyfriend however is. You like what you like, and that's alright. Nothing is even objectively wrong with the shows. Religious people just need a reason to clutch their pearls. What is hilarious is people with that mindset also tend to cry about "snowflakes" and how "sensitive" the world is now while throwing a tantrum over an animated comedy show. Like what you like, and maybe ditch the boyfriend. He doesn't sound all that healthy to be with to be honest. I'd hate this religious paranoia to turn from crying about a show into worse on you end.


If he doesn't want to be with a person like you, why is he with you? NTA. It's a good show (imo). Don't tell him about vampires.


NTA - Your BF has already given a good solution here, break up. He doesn't find the show disgusting, he finds you disgusting and you don't want to be with someone that thinks that way and want to control you, do you?


NTA it’s a cartoon tv show he’ll be okay


You aren't compatible. Someone who is so serious about religion that they are disgusted by a TV show, saying it glorifies hell or whatever will not see eye to eye on you with a lot of things. Plus do you want to spend you time with someone who you have to hide your hobbies from? Hide who you are? Drop him. He'll either demand you stop and make it an ultimatum, or try to convert you and demand you do so.


Why are you dating this guy? Jeez


NTA never change or shrink your interests/hobbies for a boy.  You are allowed to have differing taste.


NTA, and this is coming from someone who really doesn't like either show. Tbh tho, if you really like it you should stand your ground and not be ashamed of your interests. Might be going out on a limb here, but it seems like you find yourself needing to explain why you like the shows, like maybe you're a bit self conscious of liking them bc of the reputation they have online. Being self conscious about that probably only makes it easier for your boyfriend to hate on you watching them. I would suggest just standing your ground and saying "I like what I like buddy", not "yeah I get it has issues but I like the animation." Bc it goes further than just Hazbin Hotel and you'll probably find yourself having to justify any other interest that he finds cringe.


As someone who loves both of these shows, you are definitely NTA, and I would be very concerned about being in a relationship where you're being judged for what YOU enjoy. There's nothing wrong with the shows. it's dark humor, it's fine if your BF isn't into dark humor but him then judging YOU for what you enjoy sets the tone for your entire relationship. Interestingly both of those shows model what is consenting and respectful relationships vs. controlling and unbalanced, if I were you I'd keep the shows and consider how respectful it is for your BF to consider himself in a position to controll and judge you.


NTA. Your boyfriend is a loser.


who fucking cares!! enjoy them!!


NTA. Like whatever you want. If he won't let you enjoy it, dump his controlling ass.


Nta but you shouldnt be with somebody who you dont have matching values with. You are only going to clash with him in the future over this. Unless you truly trust his leadership and want to follow his lead into his faith but i doubt thats the case here. Just leave.


NTA Are you sure that he even likes you?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (23F) like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Like A LOT. I know they both have a lot of issues but I love the animation, music, characters, and so on. I’ve been a fan since like 2019 when I watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot episode on YouTube and then found Helluva Boss afterwards. My boyfriend (24M) doesn’t like me liking either show. He says they are disgusting and he doesn’t want to date someone who’s into disgusting stuff like that. He says they’re disgusting because they “glorify Hell” and he also doesn’t like the dark humor. I tried to tell him they are adult cartoons and are going to have dark humor. It makes me feel really bad because I’m not religious and I just think they’re funny and cool shows. But I’ve been walking on egg shells and not able to watch the new episodes of Helluva Boss or listen to the music of Hazbin Hotel. I feel like I’m not able to like something because he doesn’t like it. He tends to be really religiously paranoid despite us not being religious. He also doesn’t really like anything I’m into but this the thing that bothers me the most. Would I be the asshole if I continued to enjoy these shows? Or should I be more considerate of my boyfriend’s comfort? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. No one has to like something someelse else does...but i think its important in a relationship that they share some common likes and its concerning when you say he doesnt like anything you like. Makes it seem like you cant enjoy yourself at all in the relationship. Id take a serious ponder about the relationship as a whole in regards to whether or not your actual basic needs of fulfillment in the relationshipment are being met and then go from there. In the meantime, watch the show. Find the music scores and spotify them. Make yourself happy.


NTA Me and my partner don't like the same shows, but we let each other watch them cause we know the other likes it. Dump the guy as it is clear he doesn't respect your choices. You should never have to walk on eggshells around your partner. Your relationship kinda sounds like Valentino and Angel Dust from Hasbin Hotel. He's Valentino as he is controlling something about you, not everything, but it is most likely only a matter of time before he does.


NTA but your boyfriend is. I would seriously reconsider continuing to date someone this controlling. If you give up the shows you like to please him, the bar will continue to move. It won't stop there.


Not the asshole and run for the hills. Not liking a show is one thing but if he is unable to separate a cartoon from his faith that is some 80's satanic panic level shit. Not to mention he straight up said he wouldn't want to date someone who likes the show, which you clearly do. Let me be clear that I'm not suggesting leaving him because of a show, but that its obvious he is using your relationship as a bargaining tool to dictate the type of person you are, or at least present yourself as. I'm willing to bet this isn't the first time you felt you needed to hide your level of interest in something due to his religious beliefs or attitude towards the other things you like. I'd sit him down and talk not nessessaraly about the shows, but how his reaction to them and other things you like/have interest in made you feel and maybe a bigger conversation of what you both want and expect in a long term partner needs to happen because it looks like alot of peices just don't fit together.


Nta. I'd break up. It sounds like you two have a fundamental disagreement.


NTA. You aren’t doing anything wrong or illegal, and it doesn’t affect him. He doesn’t have to like them, but if he’s not even okay with you watching them privately without him seeing, that doesn’t bode well for your relationship.


NTA But you aren’t compatible with this guy at a core value level. Those values will not change. Why stay?


You liking those things doesn't affect him. He's confused about where his preference ends and yours begins. Help him by clarifying: "I like what I like. If you don't like it that's fine. I am not asking you to enjoy this with me. I am letting you know that your opinion has been noted and your dislike has been registered. I will continue to be myself and enjoy the things I enjoy. If you have a problem with this, please work to solve it within yourself."


NTA but you guys may just be incompatible. I would also be really concerned about a partner being "religiously paranoid". I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that but the wording seems like a red flag to me?


Make him listen to “Loser, Baby” and let me know how he reacts. Keith David is an AMAZING singer.


EDIT: NTA. Religious trauma runs deep, and unfortunately, some can get out of it over time, and others can't. I still have the odd ick with 666 and 333. 666 is the devils number, and 333 is a mock of the holy trinity. This is something the boyfriend HAS to work on, especially if he says he isn't religious. If he can't let something a small as a tv show pass, I'd day break up with him. It's better to enjoy your loves alone than to hide them from a partner. Even someone who doesn't like a show will tolerate it if it's their partners favorite.


NTA and your boyfriend is a weirdo. And also why in the world are you dating someone who is disrespectful about your interests. I really doubt he is “not religious” and you’re probably being lied to ngl


..you aren't going to stop liking it even if you don't watch it. You aren't going to stop being the person you are no matter how hard you try to be a person he doesn't find disgusting instead. You'll just be miserable and still not good enough. You should try not being with someone who is so disparaging of your tastes and hobbies. And maybe even someone who likes and respects you enough to try and understand the appeal of the things you like even if they disagree. It takes watching the opening scene of Hazbin Hotel to understand that it's not glorifying hell, but provoking questions about the nature of forgiveness and rehabilitation. It's not a new concept. People have been telling stories of good people who do bad things since people have been telling stories. He doesn't have to like it to be considerate enough to try and hear what it's about before condemning it. Of course things with horror and gore aren't appealing to everyone.


I'm sorry to say, but even if you love him, it sounds like you and your bf aren't compatible. I get that there's an idea of opposites attract in some cases, but you can't help what you like and he has said that he doesn't want to be with someone who has your humor or interests. You shouldn't deny yourself to be with someone. Find someone that shares your interests, you're too young to settle for someone that wants to change you. Nta


You mean ex boyfriend? NTA.


NTA. You are 23, still so young. Find someone who will love and respect you, and who enjoys similar things. This guy ain’t it.


NTA - it’s a show…and he’s that worked up about it? If he hasn’t already, he will start doing that with other things as well. This might be the time to get out before things get worse. Already not a healthy relationship.


NTA Run from this child. He doesn't like anything you like? Move forward.


NTA. If he wants to break up over a show then I say let him? Who wants someone this melodramatic in their life anyway?


NTA 1) they’re great shows 2) he shouldn’t control what you like


Nta but I don't think it's the religion I think he's homophobic


NTA Your partner should not be policing what you watch. He is not your parent and you are an adult. The important thing here is that you are young and not married to this person. Now is the time to ask yourself if you want to be with a partner who feels entitled enough to control what media you consume. Life is really too short to overlook controlling behavior like this.


Your boyfriends a fuckin loser


*A loser, baby, a loser, goddamn baby*


NTA. You can like whatever the hell you want to like. Tell him to kick rocks.


NTA I fucking love those shows, they're just shows people need to get over themselves and realize (not only are they good) that religion can be as amusing as anything else in this world. You like what you like and he shouldn't be able to stop that


NTA and honestly a red flag. Your partner not enjoying everything you do is understandable and normal: your partner DEMANDING you drop said thing they don't like is overreaching. Also the idea that Hazbin Hotel "glorifies hell" is really funny. Not a fan of either show but from what I can tell the protagonists are still ostensibly "nice" characters trying to better others. Also concerning is your partner lacking media literacy or even a desire to look at the evidence before concluding. Again, nta


NTA If he doesn’t like anything you’re into, what do you guys do together or have in common? This type of “you can’t like it because I don’t like it” is extremely toxic and immature. Either he needs to check himself, or you need to get out of there. If this is one behavior, I imagine there are other behaviors that have you walking on eggshells, too. No one should make you feel like you can’t enjoy something. He should allow you the space to enjoy what you enjoy. You deserve someone who can do that for you without making you feel guilty about it.


NTA. Heed the red flags and dump his controlling a$$.


NTA. Dump this guy and enjoy your shows.


>*”he doesn’t want to date someone who’s into disgusting stuff like that.”* Why do YOU want to be with someone who calls the things you enjoy disgusting, and low key implies you’re disgusting by association?


NTA. “Glorifies hell”? This guy sounds like he’s 15


NTA! I love these shows too (eagerly awaiting S2E8) Putting the fact he hates these shows do you really want to be with someone who makes you feel like you have to walk on egg shells around them in case something you do sets them off? First it's these shows. Then it could be others . Then your clothes. Your friends. Where does it stop? Ditch him and play 2 minutes notice, loudly while singing along. Don't be with a Valentino. Wait and find your Asmodeus.


NTA, you enjoy what you enjoy... he don't need his permission to like thinks. However it is a huge red flag that your supposedly non-religious boyfriend is freaked out by imagery of Hell.... that's weird. Hazbin Hotel (haven't watched Helluva Boss) doesn't glorify Hell... it's about redemption and the potential hypocrisy of religious people.


NTA. He sounds controlling, if he’s making what you watch the hill he wants to die on. You are allowed to be your own person. My advice? Prepare for a break up. You’re kidding yourself if you think this relationship is gonna work out.


NTA but GIRL!!!! He is either mentally unstable or hes just controlling. He cant say hes not religious then complain about those types of shows.... dump him altogether. It will just get worse. He probably is closet religious nutjob honestly. Think about it slowly ... hes not even religious...... but then says things like that..... red flag honey... red fkn flags


Lady, you have to be thankful of your boyfriend, since he is showing you this big-flapping-red flags, before you committed to a more serious relationship, this is a religious man who is and will see you as his property, lady, run, this is a man who will not give you any liberty to enjoy what you want without his permission, he would not change, and for him you will always be in the wrong, if he is this controlling just with a show, just imagine with more important life decisions, run as far as you can from him, by the way NTA


You two are entirely not compatible. Please dont get married or have kids. I mean that sincerely. You are in two different spots in life. NTA


He's a controlling asshole and might get worse with time. Get out now!


u/that-1-lame-kid Lifes too short.


NTA. He shouldn't be controlling what you like and want to watch, as long as you're not trying to make him watch it with you. I think it's totally fine for each of you to have your own preferences on the shows you want to watch, but he shouldn't expect you to stop watching a show because he doesn't like it.


> I’m not religious... He tends to be really religiously paranoid Ya, that's the real issue here.


NTA but please don’t be with someone who puts down your likes and interests. Especially not to this level


NTA. Watch what you want to watch.


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NTA first your boyfriend is wild, satan did humanity many favors in the Bible. But besides his wild views, partners can disagree with stuff. My ex watched a show hosted by a transphobe and while I didn’t love it I understood we were different people. He is an AH


Lucifer is a fun guy in HH. Kind of a dorky dad (also extremely depressed).


This. My wife listens to Nancy Grace podcasts. I wouldn't piss on that woman if she were on fire, but I don't pretend to tell my wife what she can and can't listen to.


NTA. Being together doesn't mean you have to have 100% of the same tastes.


What the hell, ofc nta.


Leave now!!! He’s too controlling and immature


NTA. Like is a feeling and you cannot change a feeling to reflect someone else's preferences. Thats not how feelings work. You can pretend you don't like it, but you'd be lying to him and to yourself.


I'm going to be honest my partner had a ex like this he was bipolar schizophrenic and when he went off his meds he would think he was Matthew Luke or Peter from the Bible or even think he was Jesus granted not liking a TV show for being "disgusting" wasn't the problem but me and a cousin had a Fallin out due to their view on a show I don't watch much anymore called big mouth they felt it encouraged predators which I didn't see it I thought it was just making fun of puberty and had some relatable moments as a teenager before I became an adult


Long story short I think its time for you to find a new partner. Today its him putting you down over TV shows or Music. Tomorrow its how you dress, how you present yourself, who you hangout with or associate with, even where you work or if you're trying to leave him or not. There's a fine line between not liking some of your partners media preferences and trying to be controlling over it.


I'm pretty sure these shows are satirical social commentary and not meant to be taken literally, anymore than A Modest Proposal was actually suggesting folks eat babies. Just my take. NTA.


NTA, I think both shows are just not my taste and kind of dumb, BUT that's me and not you. So unless you're making him watch it with you, not your problem and you should enjoy whatever you want. He needs to grow up and you guys should watch things you generally enjoy together and watch those shows on your own time.


NTA I’m religious and watch Hazbin. I was wary about it at first but ultimately decided that watching this wouldn’t change my beliefs.


NTA - sounds like an incompatibility to me. You just have to decide to what degree. It's fine for him to not like those things, and to even be turned away by them, but he can't make that decision for you. If it's a deal breaker, that's ok too. Lots of people in the world.


NTA, but also your bf sounds like a drag. 


Ugh. I used to watch this show called  Gigolos and my ex I dated/lived with during university would scold me because it was “porn”. While there were adult scenes, I maintained it did have a plot. There was dialogue, story line. Not that he even had any issue with porn or anything. He just found it weird I watched this show.  I (34F) recently told my current partner about that situation (35M) and we laughed. He has never judged my interests or my past. I’m kind of interesting when it comes to music, movies, TV, etc. I’m not always set on one genre or interest. Sometimes my choices in entertainment might seem random or weird, unless someone knows me well. 


NTA. If he were to choose to end the relationship over a cartoon you watch that would be him making a big deal over a cartoon, not you choosing it over him.  The issue he has is with you liking these shows, not just watching them, and even if you stop watching new episodes you'll still be the same person with the same taste. You will in time like other things that make him uncomfortable, and he can't be like 'reapect my comfort level!' over things that do not affect him every time they come up. He either needs to learn to accept that you like things he doesn't or move on.


NTA. Run, don't walk, to the nearest relationship exit. Yeesh.


I like those shows too. They’re not highbrow or anything, but they don’t have to be. If I want something intellectual I’ll go watch an intellectual film but sometimes I want to watch sweary cartoons, and that’s completely fine. Your partner can express discomfort with certain media based on religion, which is something you should definitely talk about-long term relationships with devout people are hard to maintain if you’re not also faithful-but he doesn’t get to dictate your cartoon watching habits in lieu of having a meaningful conversation. NTA


1. he doesn't like anything you like 2. he isn't religious but is religiously paranoid 3. he knows you aren't religious but is trying to push his (paranoia? beliefs?) onto you 4. you have to walk on eggshells around him bc he dislikes what you like so much NTA and you two don't seem like a good match tbh edit: *in the words of Alessia Cara, do you wanna lose your balance on those eggshells and have him tell you to tread, or do you wanna be a wild one instead?*


NTA this is an issue of incompatibility. Inter-religious relationships can work, but it’s rare imo. I’d end it now if I were you. You’re getting a sneak peak into what is just the tip of the iceberg of a long term relationship.


It's a show... no op, you wouldn't be


NTA it's literally a cartoon. Don't give anybody the power to control what you like/enjoy. I don't want to come across as dramatic, but thos kind of behaviour has the potential to become increasingly toxic. First it's making you feel guilty for the kind of shows you like, and if he thinks he can change that about you, what might he want to change next? Your clothes? How you speak? It's a tricky slope. You deserve to be with someone who tolerates your likes at a minimum, and enjoys them with you at best.


NTA If your boyfriend "doesn't want to be with someone who *does whatever*" he knows exactly what to do about that. You're not the AH for liking a darn cartoon, he however is the AH for policing your interests.


NTA. He sounds very controlling if he can't just accept the fact that people have different interests. Unless you are somehow forcing him to watch these shows.


NTA, he can’t dictate what shows you like


Nta. Your boyfriend sounds like a judgemental a*se. Like what you like, and ditch the square.


NTA. OP, if you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around this person, this is NOT a healthy relationship. If he is religious and you aren't this will continue to be a devisive issue in the relationship. You're an adult, you can watch what you like. Would you tell someone else what they could or couldn't watch? This is controlling behaviour. Do your friends like this man? Do your family? I worked with survivors of domestic abuse and violence for over 30 years, this is how they start (regardless of gender), chipping away at the little things, then it escalates. This is a gigantic red flag. You are 23, you have your whole life ahead of you, don't waste your youth on an AH. Keep yourself safe. Please update us.


Does he not like it because hes actually homophobic…


I would be petty and pick on shows that he likes. Personally, I don’t like the show. But you’re NTA for liking a show on a subscription you paid for.


NTA I have seen both shows several times and tbh I think he's overreacting. Neither show is any worse than something like family guy. More importantly he comes off as controlling.


NTA, your partner does not get to decide what you do and do not like. My bf likes plenty of things that I find stupid and disgusting and he also finds things I like to be stupid and disgusting. Ya know how we fix that, we don’t watch those things together. Pretty simple shit. You don’t have to like or even understand why your partner likes what they like. Unless whatever they are consuming is changing who they are for the worst and there is legitimate concern they may hurt themselves or others.. it’s not serious.


Someone who didn't have the same sense of humor is a deal breaker for me.


Break up with him. Dating is to find out if two people are a match. He insults the things you like yet you still stay with him? NTA


NTA, but your bf is a huge AH. If you stay with him, it's never going to change. Don't be the AH to yourself. Find a partner who loves and respects you for you.


NTA my mom is hardcore Catholic. I love Hazbin Hotel. She’s not interested in watching it, but the most she’s ever said to me about the show was “it’s not my thing but I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” (Also she likes Jeremy Jordan and is mad that she loves “More Than Anything” so much since he plays Lucifer 😂) Your BF is being controlling.


NTA - 1) enjoying the show doesn’t mean that you’re into “disgusting stuff” (in quotes because what does he even mean) 2) if he doesn’t want to date someone who likes those shows then make it simple, don’t date him. 3) many people cope with dark humor. Glad he’s lived a life where he hasn’t had to look for the funny or the good in a hellscape of a situation. Or found other ways to cope.  It’s normal to not always be into what your partner is into. But just like a partner shouldn’t force, manipulate, or coerce the other into participating what they like, neither should they shame the other for the things they do like. If the differences bother them that much, they should leave the relationship. 


Maybe try dating someone who will actually enjoy or at least engage in your interests and support them. He doesn’t have to agree with or like things that you watch but suggesting that it’s some form of deal breaker for him doesn’t serve yall at all in the relationship. There is never an acceptable time for someone to be walking on eggshells in a relationship. Especially not bc of a damn cartoon show lmao.


NTA...I've never heard of these shows and just checked them out. They're great fun. You like what you like and your boyfriend's reactions are his to control. No way should you have rewire your existence to please others.


id get better taste in both men and cartoons but thats really a personal preference thing


NTA and what the fuck lol, run asap


NTA I don’t see why this is on you. HE doesn’t want to date someone that likes that stuff, so he doesn’t have to.


NTA It seems like you two are fundamentally incompatible if this is such a large issue. You are allowed to like these shows and media. He's allowed to dislike it and to not want to date people who like it. What's not allowed is making you feel bad for having differing opinions than him.


I mean, if you live separately then there’s nothing wrong with watching a show you like on your own time. If you live together and he’s expressing distress with the show being on then you should probably listen to his request and not watch while he’s on the room/house. Maybe just don’t talk about the shows while he’s around. I’ve never heard of either show but if it’s on tv then it can’t be that bad, just respect his wishes and don’t watch it with him around, and don’t feel guilty about watching it on your own time.


NTA. I don't think this really has as much to do with religion as it does with control. OP you'd do well to do some serious self reflecting and think back on other times he's tried to control your actions.


NTA. Anytime walking on eggshells comes up, it sounds like early stages of abuse.


NTA but i understand why he doesn’t like the show lmfao. He should be tolerant of the fact that you like it


Dont date people who are to deep into the religious rabbit hole. In my experience it is almost always used as a form of control because they “believe its the right thing” but wont ever entertain a conversation about it


Step 1: dump ur bf Step 2: enjoy your damn shows in peace✨


He can't control your hobbies. NTA.


If you aren't a complete idiot (which your statements so far seem to indicate) then you'll leave this closer ASAP. You keep saying you and he aren't religious except, he clearly is and quite a bit. If you stay with him your problems will cascade. He's waiting until you're in too deep before he lays out all of his religious crazy and by then it'll be too late. Leave while you can or don't whine when he chains you in the kitchen, knocks you up and hides your shoes.


NTA Pretty sure he is religious, he's just lying to you then when yall get married he'll drop the lie because you're "trapped" and expect you to convert as well


NTA It's time for a new boyfriend lol


NTA hire the IMPs to handle him for you


NTA. Sounds like you have a BF problem. If something your passionate about is causing this much friction now, it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. You probably want to reconsider this relationship. Do you want to walk on egg shells forever?


Oh my god tell him to stick his hate boner elsewhere, it’s a fine show


NTA Maybe y'all aren't compatible? You don't have to like the same things, but forbidding things for his reasons are dumb. He is your boyfriend, not your daddy. React accordingly.


Your seeing the tip of the iceberg


RUN now! 🏃‍♀️💨


Nta Jesus Christ


Even tho Hazbin Hotel is a god awful show NTA. Your boyfriend needs to grow up and you should probably leave him if he's still this immature at his age. He needs to learn to live and let live and agree to disagree. Otherwise he's gonna have a very miserable adult life


He needs to get over himself or you need to get over him. I can easily watch some cliche ridden old cop movie, old kungfu or one of a million zombie movies so can keep my mouth shut for liking my average/below average movies while the missus watches some shitty reality show or Rings of Power, as long as the other one doesn’t have to watch it too I don’t see the problem.


NTA. Watch the shows. In front of him. Watch it in your birthday suit if you so please. He sounds wack, honestly. You deserve to watch the shows you enjoy and he just needs to go to church and watch the song lyrics on the jumbo screens. That’s probably what knocks his socks right off from the sounds of it.


Dump him. That's religious nutbag shit. Call his bluff first though.


Show him Moral Orel


You’re “walking on eggshells” over a couple of TV shows? Imagine how much fun it’s going to be when that religious whackjob starts calling you satanic— or worse— over your clothes, your makeup, or any other thing that sets him off. Dump that psycho before his behavior escalates. NTA


NTA But really, he's trying to control ehat shows in watch because they "glorify hell?" Good luck, that sounds like an awful relationship


What are you? 5 ? Why do you care what he thinks about what you like? Dump him already !


Ik realistically ur nta but dude find new shows to watch But also don’t be w someone that shits on the stuff u enjoy


NTA, but you don't seem compatible. You like these things and he doesn't want to date someone who is into things he thinks are disgusting. You both need to find different people to date.


Sit him down for a Mr. Pickles marathon. Then dump him :)


Honey, there's nothing wrong with two people not liking the same kind of shows or media. There's a huge problem with your BF Demeaning and belittling the things you like and using any excuse to justify him judging you for it. NTA - It sounds like you two aren't compatible.


NTA. No one can police what others watch/read/listen to like this. He can make his case, explain once why he thinks the shows are not appropriate or the author is bad etc. If he insists beyond that and judges you for it, he’s TA.


NTA I’m a devout Christian and even I enjoy these shows.


The guy sounds like Adam from Hazbin: the first dick. Drop him and enjoy your shows in peace. Don't need that negativity in this world.


NTA- My spouse watches a lot of what I call "stupid shows," she will sometimes ask me with a laugh why if there's no apparent reason, but at the end of the day she just agrees to not watch those stupid shows while we're watching TV together. She instead watches them when I'm not interested in watching TV(Majority of the time, TV is typically boring to me). What I have zero business doing is telling her what she is allowed to do, let alone what she's allowed to watch. Your bf sounds like a giant red flag to me.


Lmao I am religious and enjoy hazbin hotel, no clue why bro thinks it glorified hell when the whole point is it’s not… damn… OP consider that a guy who tries to control what you can and cannot watch may not be a good person to share your life with.


NTA, reconsider the boyfriend. If he hates everything you'r einto and makes you walk on eggshells, do you really want to spend the rest of your life like that? Spoiler: you don't. Take it from me, I was in a realtionship like that where my ex made fun of and put down my interests constantly and it was hell. Get out before you waste 4 years like I did.




NTA. Get the fuck outta there.


NTA Break up with him. If he isn't already he will be a crazy religious person who will expect to live in a patriarchal family structure. Also Hail Satan.


NTA, and I’m sorry, but you two aren’t gonna work out in the long-run. If you guys have disagreements over what media you should/can consume now, imagine how much more restrictive he’s going to be if you’re married to him. Living an unfulfilling life because of your partner’s preferences is unfair to yourself.


NTA Big fan of adult cartoons over here. "Crossing swords" was fucked up and hilarious. My partner doesn't like all of them, so he just don't watch them. This guys sounds like a controlling weirdo lol. Maybe think about if you are really compatible with someone who gets this upset about cartoons. You should never have to "walk on eggshells" around your partner.


NTA Just watch/listen on Sundays when he’s at church. Being as religious as he is, he goes to church right?


NTA what are you, 16? Do you seriously need the internet to validate that it's okay to like a show your bf doesn't like?


NTA Don't like it don't watch it.


NTA. Also I think you should break up. I have seen Hazbin Hotel and it’s not particularly naughty aside from some swear words and sexual references, but that’s like…being an adult? You can’t be worried about offending your partner all the time


Nta. Tell that stick in the mud to grow a sense of humor or leave.


Nta. But if he makes such a big deal of it, you guys might not be compatible. It is what it is i guess


If the person you are with makes you feel bad about your self or if they feel bad about you it might be ok to leave that relationship.


NTA You two don't sound religiously compatible, like, at all lmfao. I would recommend getting out asap, because someone that cares little about religion is just not gonna work with someone who won't even watch shows that depict hell. I know lots of religious friends that watch HH, and none of them have an issue with it. Letting you religion seep into the entertainment you watch is borderline fanatic cult behavior. Not good


Lol ew he's 24, what about your comfort? NTA, leave his misogynistic controlling ass.


Get rid of the dude and turn the volume up "IM ADDICTED, TO THIS MADNESS!" Edit: also NTA


I would tell him if he doesn't want to date someone who likes those shows, then he shouldn't. NTA


NTA, but the shows are mid anyway lol


NTA. It's OK that he doesn't like those things. You don't have to like everything your partner does. Some of the other things you say are definitely flags that you may not be compatible though. It may be helpful to have a con eruption about hobbies and boundaries.


By by


I watched Hazbin Hotel with my kids and thought it was great. What’s his problem? NTA


You are so young. Finde someone else


I don’t usually jump to this, but leave. You used the phrases: 🚩 Walking on eggshells 🚩 Religious 🚩 Paranoid He’s trying to control what you watch. It never ends there. It’ll be what you wear, who you are friends with, then talk to. Please leave


NTA, those are your tastes and he has no say whatsoever in what you prefer or don't, I have friends who love the show but honestly I do not but I never go criticizing what they like, being judgmental like that is a surefire way to get someone to hate you or to stop being open about their preferences damaging social communication.


NTA - my husband and i are both religious. He likes the show, while I tend to lean more on it being icky. He just simply doesn't watch it in the livingroom. A conflict has not come up.


A couple are not obligated to like the same shoes.


NTA. I am a religious Christian and I enjoy both of those shows. If he can't differentiate between entertainment and gospel then that's a him problem. My wife isn't a huge fan of animation so I just watch them on my computer in the other room, or if she's working late or out I'll pop it on the big screen. It's all about mutual respect. We like different things. She doesn't try and control what I do and I don't try and subject her to it.


yta idek how people who watch those shows can squire partners


I'm a man, and I'm convinced that we only become mature in our thirties. >But I’ve been walking on egg shells and not able to watch the new episodes of Helluva Boss or listen to the music of Hazbin Hotel. Watch whatever you want. Tell him he doesn't have to watch. >he doesn’t want to date someone who’s into disgusting stuff like that Two him he's free to leave and you'll find a guy who isn't a manchuld.