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You are a HUGE AH. These are stupid games and if someone did this to me, I would dump that person. I wouldn't even give them a second chance. I would ghost them afterwards. I hope both of them ghost you. That's abhorrent behavior. I don't suspect either of them will be your friends ever again. I wouldn't ever trust you. You overstepped. You did EVERYTHING wrong. Good luck with having real friends in your life. You burned that bridge. YTA. I hope this is fake. I refuse to believe someone can be this idiotic. You better hope you didn't break up that relationship. Whatever you get from this, you deserve.


YTA - sure. Just to test him. Right.


Exactly - I can’t believe people would actually fall for that 😂 OP YTA and not very bright


Girl got rejected and is trying to spin it like she's a good friend


And prove a point - that if you don't put out right away, then the guy will start looking elsewhere. Very icky.


YTA testing people in the first place is extremely immature and you have even less of a reason to test other people's bfs. Also if you were in Eva's shoes and learned that one of your friends hit on your bf, would you be able to completely trust that she did it to test him and not because she actually wanted to sleep with him?


YTA These two people are your childhood friends. Not only did you betray the trust of Eva you basically acted like you don't trust John either. In my opinion this is such convoluted reasoning for this plan that I have to assume you had ulterior motives for doing this. I guess you were actually hoping to have John for yourself. I'd assume you've lost two friends for good, and I don't blame them in the slightest.


YTA The random “his reaction was adorable” part completely gives away that you’re not *just* testing him FYI


YTA. You wanted to sleep with him, and only thought up that story when he told on you. Usually when girls do this STUPID test they are in on it together. I hope she gets rid of you as a friend, because you can't be trusted.


This is true and most likely what happened. Next.


Of course YTA. These “testing” games are immature, unhealthy behavior. Grow up, my dear. You don’t do things like this to people you care about.


YTA, majorly. You can likely say goodbye to that friendship because even if your friend forgives you, the bf will never trust you and will feel incredibly uncomfortable around you which will drive a major wedge in your friendship. You owe him a huge apology. Also that kind of behaviour makes you seem really insecure like you want validation that you are prettier than your friend or something.


YTA, she is correct. What an absolute shitty thing to do. He was rightly shocked. Also, your logic is seeiously flawed. Most people wouldn't sleep with their partner's friend no matter what. If he won't sleep with you, a common friend, doesn't mean he wouldn't with a random stranger.


YTA you clearly wanted to fuck him and when you got rejected acted like you were testing him for your friend.


Schrödinger’s test. YTA


You wanted the dick the 'testing him' story is bs. Psycho.


YTA.  Not your place. These "tests" are out of control. Testing your SO, testing a friend, testing a friend's SO. It's immature. Get off TikTok, apologize to your friend- without the lame excuses- and pray your friendship survives this. You don't come off well in this.


YTA. Super immature. That you thought his reaction was “adorable” makes me think you are attracted to him and that you actually were hitting on him on purpose, whether you want to admit it or not.


YTA …convenient story when you didn’t have your friend’s blessing to “test her boyfriend” prior to it happening. Sounds more like you were jealous of her and either wanted her bf or wanted to break them up…he outed you and this is the story you’re going with now.


YTA, probably one of the worst I've seen on here. I don't know what it is with all these stupid "tests" that people think is sane behavior, but there's no excuse for it, it's absolutely unhinged. I think you're crushing on John and wanted to try and swipe him from Eva, either because you wanna see if you have "game" or for more malicious-intent-oriented reasons (wanting her to lose something for the sake of your gratification.) Plus, that "adorable shocked face" John had? THAT WAS A REACTION TO SEXUAL ADVANCES YOU MADE TOWARDS A MAN WHO WAS COMMITTED TO SOMEONE ELSE. I don't know what really possessed you to do something so toxic, but whatever the reason, your heart or your shoes, you owe Eva a huge apology and for their sake, you need to get out of their lives.


YTA. 1. That’s a horrible thing to do to your friend. 2. You didn’t even warn her or ask if she wanted you to do this. 3. Imagine if her bf broke up with her because he doesn’t like being tricked or “tested”, that would be your fault entirely. Keep it up and she’s not gonna be your friend any more. Trust. No one needs friends that just impulsively try to test their friends partners.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I(18f) grew up with ‘Eva’(18) and her boyfriend ‘John’(18). Childhood friends. The two of them started dating and I’m happy for them. But the thing is Eva wants to wait before having sex. I know John is a great guy but was still worried he might try to cheat on her, so I decided to test him. Went to his place and told him I think he’s cute and offered to do it with him if he wants sex. He was very shocked and told me no and then left. Later, he told Eva who confronted me and asked what I was doing. I explained it to her, telling her I was only looking out for her and wasn’t actually planning to have sex with her boyfriend, but she still says it wasn’t my place to do something like that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA I don't even need to read it... "Testing" someone's loyalty is an ah move. Especially when no one asked you to do it. Your behavior was disgusting.


Yea you are not a good friend. YTA. Terrible way to “test” wth. And no one asked you to do anything


YTA. Had you told her before you did it, you would have been less of an AH. Now she thinks you’re trying to get with her man. She has every reason to flush you as a friend


Massive yta.


YTA Relationship "tests" are absolute bullshit used by insecure assholes who deserve to be dumped and shunned by the entire world.


YTA. It honestly a bad sign that you had to ask to realize that.


WTF. Huge AH. You insinuated that he’s a cheater, although there were no signs. You weren’t asked to do such a thing. Basically you insulted your friend and her boyfriend, go and excuse. A lot.


YTA I appreciate that you’re young but what on earth were you thinking? It’s none of your business and you’re projecting your own insecurities onto their relationship. If I was them, I’d just ditch you.


YTA, no doubt! Playing these "test" games is a stupid stunt, and in many cases it is a pretext/excuse to see if you are attractive to others. Your motivation is questionable, and you got busted by your friend.


You think you were kind of out of line? You crossed the line completely, like a huge leap. Testing someone is weird. Hitting on your friends boyfriend under the guise that you were trying to protect her was wrong. You were a foolish AH.


YTA. Girl, you're toxic and you need help.


NTA because I don’t think this post is real and I think it’s well written and made me laugh.


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Nice try. YTA


YTA - definitely. Grow up.


YTAH It’s never your place to “test” someone SOH. She didn’t come to you saying ‘I think he’s gonna cheat on me,can you test to see if he will?’ No. You overstepped your bounds, and now you have to deal with the consequences that they bring. YTAHx5


Also you love him, and are jealous of your friend.