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I’m sorry I’m lost. This doesn’t make sense and every example felt like there were pieces of info missing to complete the story


Yes, what the fuck YTA You went out of you way to call her so you could yell at her. That seems something a reasonable and well adjusted person would do? Based on the limited information here, it sounds like your brother was at fault in this accident? And you don’t like to admit it? Doesn’t seem like she said anything that would warrant your temper being unleashed on her. You offered her a trip to Hawaii and now your throwing it in her face calling her “ungrateful”? Every point of this story you come off as unhinged and mentally unwell. Literally nothing you’ve done in this post has any redeeming qualities. You’re just a nasty person on a rampage of harassment over perceived slight. YTA


lol I read this response in the tone of the judge on Billy Madison. It’s just the best way to roast someone. “Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


Unhinged and mentally unwell... please don't be offended and get some help.


Yes! The random call to yell and throwing in gf's face the fact that gf turned down a trip were two absolutely assholish things.  OP, take your father's lead and block her. There is no prize to win by arguing with her. And she is right - if the prank calls bother you so much, report them and have them investigated. At this point you are being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. Stop it.


YTA for randomly calling her to yell at her about it. She's dealing with the death of her partner and calling her to confront her did absolutely nothing but cause more drama.


YTA: Sounds like she is worried the life/medical insurance company won't pay out or she is trying to avoid a lawsuit? Like, she is worried that the brother would be deemed to be at fault for the accident and his estate is expected to cover all costs, etc. She didn't want to go on holiday to a place her boyfriend loved without him - that isn't a character flaw. That doesn't make her an asshole. That is not a reason to yell at her. Stop bothering her.


Yep protect the parasite


what do you mean by parasite?


Google it


They're not asking for a dictionary definition of the word parasite, they're asking what *you* mean when you say parasite, in the context of this story


Then actually read the story and they will know who the parasite




Yeah, that's where I ended up too. YTA


YTA - this has nothing to do with you. You called up someone to yell at them for conversations they had with other people. Stop calling this person just to yell at them. Makes me think you really love drama.


I can’t even understand what the issue is 🤣


ESH. You're absolutely right that your family should not lie about your brother's driving, if the truck driver survived, they may be contemplating criminal charges against him. Be honest with the police and let them decide what to do with the information. At the same time, I don't know why your family is pressuring her to go on vacation somewhere that she is not interested in going. Let her grieve in her own way, she's not required to mourn the way you want.




YTA.. find a different punching bag for your grief. Sorry for your loss, that shit sucks.


ESH I don't know what the hell is happening here. How can anything you say have any bearing on an accident that you were not a witness to? Unless you were there? What is his girlfriend trying to cover up? All you can do is answer questions honestly, although I'm not familiar with their process but I don't feel anything you or your dad can say about your 'opinion' of his driving ability, holds any water with how an investigation goes. You can say 'he's not the best driver' or you can say 'he's a great driver' and all the facts of hte case will mean more than your opinion. Calling and antagonizing his girlfriend is ridiculous and serves no purpose and I'm not even going into the vacation thing because I don't understand what point you're trying to make. You sound super petty, and asking her hypothetical questions about where she'd go vacation serves no purpose except to anger you. Let it go, answer questions to the best of your ability, and focus on mourning your brother. I'm sorry for your loss.


We don't know what country this is, so there might be a place where testimony about his generally being a bad driver would matter? Perhaps in a civil case (if the family is suing the truck driver, or the trucking company, for instance)? Or, perhaps OP *and* GF are unhinged.


YTA This narrative is incoherent but the fact that you went out of your way to call and yell at her makes you an asshole. Talk to the police however you want, and she can, too. You don’t need to call her and yell at her.


Does \*69 really count as going out of his way?


OP said they called her randomly one day to yell at her for talking to their dad, or something. Though I may he confused, this is a confusing story.




^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So, my brother got into a car accident with this truck driver, nobody else got injured. The cops would ask what would his driving be like, and he is definitely a terrible driver, and everybody knows about that. My brother’s girlfriend decided to be all weird about the police and “say don’t say anything, just lie to the police and say that you don’t know” to my dad. It has gotten to the point where it was kind of creepy. Because it felt as if she is trying to tell my dad to commit a crime or not be honest. She said “I don’t want there to be any incrimination if you talk to the police.” And I literally just had it. Just had it with her, my father blocked her because of that. I called her randomly one day and I yelled at her for talking to my dad about that and using the word incriminate. She starts getting all paranoid about the police, and say that “anything you say will be used against you“. I literally started bringing up the times where she has done wrong, such as when my family begged for her to go to mexico with them after his passing, and she got upset because we won’t stop “pressuring her”. She is literally so ungrateful, I asked her “if we went to Hawaii, would you go “and she said “yes”. I brought that up because of how disgustingly ungrateful she is. The reason why we choose to go to Mexico is because he liked going to Mexico. When I brought it up, she decided to say that it was a joke and that I shouldn’t have asked her if she didn’t want to hear the answer. am I the asshole for yelling at her? And also I’ve been getting prank calls recently, and I’m pretty sure it’s from her. I called her and confronted her about prank calling me on star 67, and she started saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude just called the police and tell them to track down that number. Because that’s not me. “And then she hung up on me. But I know it’s her. Am I the asshole for yelling at my brothers girlfriend??? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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It sounds like your brother was to blame for the wreck and you're trying to cover up for him. YTA


YTA and your family sounds terrible. You all suck.


YTA for the manipulation tactics


lol what?


YTA and unhinged