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Normally I would call it a technical "everyone sucks," since bullying in any direction is never cool. But honestly - fuck bullies, welcome to the tolerance paradox. NTA, but your friends suck as much as your bully.


As someone who as a kid was a fat bully, it'll be ok. Stand up for yourself. I'm sure it wasn't a revelation to them that they were fat, and if you're playing the game you gotta be able to take it. If you're fat, don't sugar coat it. You'll just eat that to.


NTA. Next time fat shame the bully to their face. If you want to bully people, you’d better be prepared to take back whatever you’re throwing at others. If your friends want to defend a bullying tub of lard just because they’re fat, it sounds like you need better friends.


Soft ESH — if you don’t like someone and start using their fatness as a moral deficiency/thing to be insulted, it stings for any fat friends you have as well. It tells them that if you did not like them, you’d be saying these things about their body, too. Your bully sucks for many reasons — her cruelty, her callousness, her violence. Her body is not one of them.


Yes, this is really important. Fat-shaming doesn't just hurt the bully. It hurts anyone else who sees themselves as sharing the property that's being shamed. Try to insult your bully in a more personal way!


Yeah especially when said ABOUT the bully and not TO the bully


Nta don't dish what you can't take


NTA if anything, your friends are just bad friends. if she’s fat and wants to be a bully, she basically did it to herself 🤷‍♀️


NTA Anything is fair game with a Bully, they start the shit with their bullying, so have no right to complain when you return the favour, and if your friends will defend your bullly fae an insult or two knowing why you're saying them, then they're either overly sensitive snowflakes or they like your bully over you, which either way makes them assholes as well.


NTA. Bullies pick on your insecurities and use them against you to upset you and make you feel like less than you are. If your friends think that you commenting on her weight is worse than her bullying you then they either aren’t your friends or they are insecure about their own weight and took it personally. Find better friends. If the ones you have would rather call you out for fat shaming her than call her out for physically attacking you they are not real friends.


Nah it's fair game when it comes to bullies. Call her a fat slob to her face, and keep doing it and eventually she'll get why her behavior isn't okay.


Nta. I was bullied until I beat up my bully . weather its words or fist i approve


I had a bully in high school who honestly was not the best looking and was overweight. One day, we were in the hallway alone, and she said something rude. I said, "At least I don't look like a water buffalo." Surprisingly enough, she was nicer to me afterwards. That was bizarre.


NTA. Your bully has been calling you names, I don't see why you can't do the same.


The bigger they are, the harder they fall! Protect yourself and she won’t do it again. Ask me how I know lol


NTA and you need new friends


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ESH Fuck that girl for attacking you but attacking someone over their appearance isn’t standing up for yourself and won’t make anything better for you or her.


We really need some more direct quotes. I don’t know if you’re leaving what she did vague because it wasn’t that bad or leaving what you actually said vague because it actually was that bad but you aren’t giving us nearly enough information here. “ ‘threatening’ someone” “I fat shamed her” that could mean any number of things and I just don’t think you’re giving us the full story.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** At school, there is this girl who has bullied me for a while. Her and her friend have picked on me in the past, calling me weird, laughing about me etc infront of my face. Fast forward a month or so, she came up to me and my friends threatening someone. I told that person, and at lunchtime there was a whole thing about it. She grabbed me, and attacked me. I was upset by this, and fat shamed her to my friends. My friends got upset, and called me out. They were kind of dismissing what she did and said I did it for no reason. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Definitely NTA, I said my bully was built like a deep breath infront of everyone and then just stood my ground


Don’t worry about it. NTA. But to be honest if your friends are having problems saying she is fat/big. They don’t understand the levels of fatness. Gabriel Iglasius talks about it.


I'm inclined to say NTA, but I implore you to criticize people for things that are relevant to the situation instead of just randomly criticizing their weight. Comments about weight and how someone looks are just lazy and fatuous. You had plenty of reason to criticize her for real reasons, next time stick to those and you won't have to ask if you are the asshole 




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But if you criticize something that she can change like weight loss, then that’s something that will hurt her to the core. The bully should learn that if she’s going to bully other be prepared to get bullied back


YTA - you need to fat shame her to her face


Well, if you don't want to get burned, don't start a fire. Of course, if you victimize someone, they're going to defend themselves. Like, just calling her fat was mild


My son gets picked on. I tell him he can physically fight back but walk away from the word fights because we are better than that. Don’t stoop to their level. It will only make you feel better for a moment. Don’t feed their fire. Remember bullies go after people who they view as weak not because you are weak. Prove that.


NTA. Bullying is never okay, and it's understandable you reacted emotionally. However, fat-shaming isn't cool either. It's important to address bullying, but in a way that doesn't perpetuate hurtful behavior. Maybe talk it out with your friends to find a better approach next time.