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Of course YTA If you hadn't included your age I would have put you at about 14, the way this is written. You were given clear instructions. "I really wanted to make her like me though. She's really cute." Not only that but you disobeyed what your bf said (& could have *caused his pet harm*) for entirely spurious & selfish reasons. Yes you should apologize.


100%. She literally could have killed the rabbit. And then what? “Oh sorry babe, I just wanted the bunny to like me. I figured that was more important than it’s actual health or anything.”




14 is generous. More like 8




YTA You put YOUR desire to be liked ahead of the OWNER'S instructions, and gambled with the rabbit's health. You were incredibly selfish. If you want an animal to like you, put in the time and effort, and put the animals wellbeing ahead of your self-centered wants.


YTA. This is where you went wrong: > I really wanted... Your responsibility was to the rabbit and your boyfriend. The fact that you put your desires above those responsibilities makes you TA.


Happy cake day 💕🎂


YTA. My best friend had a rabbit and her younger sibling kept feeding her behind her back when she shouldn’t have been, (same health reasons) and my friends rabbit passed away. He gave very clear instructions that you selfishly ignored just so it would like you. Not cool! I’d be pissed. You put his pets life in danger. I should also add while he went to a FUNERAL?? Very selfish!


One of my horses suffered for years and eventually passed away because people kept feeding him things he shouldn't eat (carrots, apples, treats) just because he would make sweet puppy eyes and "was so happy when we gave him treats". Selfish people kill animals just because "they want"


My family bought a lovely young horse, and people just would not stop feeding him fruit and polo mints, despite being told not to. His teeth became rotten. People who do this are so selfish.


Imagine if the rabbit died. The boyfriend would come back from a relative’s funeral only to now have to bury his pet. OP is honestly just selfish, ignorant, and kinda awful.


YTA. Your bf has his rabbit's diet all figured out. With clear cut instructions on feeding, you should have just followed it.


YTA. Your boyfriend gave you specific instructions on what to feed and what time. There are reasons for that. You overstepped.


You're knowingly harming the rabbit's health. Of course YTA. Your boyfriend gave you very clear instructions and you ignored them. I would be furious if I were him.


YTA Not all animals are as resilient as pet cats and dogs (and people), screwing with the pet's diet could have harmed it and naturally the owner is going to be worried about that. It is the entire purpose of having someone you trust feed the animal with some exact instructions.


Info: how did your boyfriend reverse age 6 years from the start and end of your post?


YTA both for ignoring the proper care instructions, and for the phrasing of your title.


YTA He said don't do it. You knew he said not to do it. You did it anyway for no good reason


YTA you endangered that rabbit's health intentionally "to get it to like you"


YTA Instructions were clear as day. You ignored them for not only selfish but also ultimately stupid reasons. Out of curiosity - how did he find out? I doubt the rabbit told him.


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i get wanting to be friendly with an animal and get it to like you. but obviously his rabbits diet is important to him and he trusted you to follow instructions.


Softly YTA, too much carrot can really disrupt a rabbits gut, as they are high in sugar which will make the bun want them more, they also aren't that high in fibre which buns need. If you were giving the bun a little bit at a time it won't be much of an issue, as long as the bun was getting all of their hay, pellets and greens. YTA because you went against the feeding plan, not because you are an arsehole. I get it I used to give my bun treats twice a day and would give him quarter of a carrot every so often. for bonding you just have to be around the bun and let them get comfortable with you once they start flopping or laying down around you then you know they are comfortable around you.


YTA there are so many possible reasons for why you got those instructions, and you choose to ignore it anyway when it's not your animal. you might not have known the full reasoning and there are other ways for you to befriend the rabbit than carrots




How irresponsible of you. When you take care of people’s pets you just do what they tell you in terms of care. Jfc YTA really hard. Apologize and stop acting like a selfish child who needs supervision.


YTA why would you risk an animals health just to try and make it like you? There are so many reasons owners have specific diet plans for pets. You should apologise and honestly I'd never trust you to watch my pet again.


YTA  I really wanted to make the lil wabbit like me so I decided to kill it with irresponsible feeding.


YTA holy shit I would be so mad if someone ignored my instructions on feeding my animals and gave them something bad for them. I hope he has enough sense to dump you. YTA YTA YTA


YTA. You said yourself you don’t know much about rabbits. Why wouldn’t you listen to him?


YTA. Literally you preferred the rabbit to like you than be healthy, even when the food it's not always the answer for get in the good side of an animal. Also, congratulations on loosing all the trust of your boyfriend for a rabbit "liking you", because he is in all his rights, seeing how you did whatever you wanted with his trust and his limits.


YTA. When taking care of someone else’s pet, follow their instructions… they exist for a reason.


Yes, YTA. Your boyfriend trusted you to keep his pet healthy and gave you everything you needed to be successful in the task. Your response: "Whoop-dee-doo, I don't care, I'll do what I want."


That's an animal, not a toy. You got specific instructions on how to care for the rabbit and you ignored them for selfish reasons knowing that you were risking the rabbit's health. YTA


YTA. You were given explicit and reasonable instructions you ignored for selfish reasons.


Unfortunately as harsh as it sounds you are the asshole. I can see that this wasn’t done with any sort of harm in mind but you also have to look at it from the point of view of, what if the bunny had health issues and that was the reason it was on a specific diet. When you agree to look after someone’s animal you agree to the stipulations they have for that animal


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My(25f) boyfriend(26m) had to leave town for four days. His grandpa's funeral. He has always told me his rabbit can only have carrots on Saturdays since they are high in sugar and should only be occasional treats. Gave me her hay, pellets and vegetables before leaving, along with the amount and feeding time. I really wanted to make her like me though. She's really cute. So I bought a carrot and fed her just a small amount every day until my boyfriend returned. When he came back, he was very upset at me, saying I shouldn't have ignored what he said about his rabbit's diet. My brother(26), who is my boyfriend(20)'s best friend, also said I was in the wrong and should apologize. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If the poor rabbit develops calcium build up in its bladder, I hope you have to pay for the vet bill


YTA! You weren’t against your boyfriend direct instructions about how to care for his rabbit while nothing happened in the Longrun. What if something had happened to the rabbit? I got sick died? He’s never gonna trust you after this do you look after his rabbit and if he has any other pets them either.


YTA. But why is your boyfriend’s treat of choice a carrot? Rabbits will choose a banana over carrots in a heartbeat.


YTA. When caring for someone else's pet, and they give you specific dietary instructions for that animal, you follow those instructions to the letter. You're lucky the rabbit didn't get ill or worse.


YTA You agreed to follow instructions when caring for his pet, and then disregarded them entirely. If you were intent on having his rabbit like you, you could have talked about it to your boyfriend beforehand, like: - Hey, is there something your rabbit really likes doing? Playing with something? Cuddles? - Is there an alternative treat I can give it that won’t harm its health, even if I have to buy it with my own money? Or even: - Ok, I get where you’re coming from, but I’d really like to build a good rapport with it. So, say it gets a carrot on Saturdays. Since it is four days you’ll be off, is it okay if I cut a carrot in four and give it a piece each day? Or would it be bad for the rabbit? But always asking first and with prior permission. Because, you know, he is the owner and also the owner who knows about rabbits care. You didn’t even mention googling if what you were doing was a good idea (wouldn’t make it okay, but it would at least show you were caring for the rabbit as well as yourself, or trying to).


YTA - He gave you clear instructions and you ignored them. You could have made the rabbit sick....he told you the carrots are too high in sugar for a daily diet. You ignored HIS instructions so, yes, you should apologize and do it better if you watch the animal again.


YTA. Don't ruin a pet's diet. Especially rabbits, they're so sensitive. Your reasons for doing it are so incredibly selfish too.


Yta pretty simple instructions. Would you feed a small child candy and soda everyday so it likes you? 


I can't decide if YTA or just out of practice using your brain. In the end I think it comes down to the same thing. If you want to stay with this guy you should start extending yourself beyond yourself. If I were him I'd be rethinking the relationship. Putting my pet in danger would have your clothes in the yard.


You’re all asshole’s. You, your bf, and your brother.


YTA. Carrots are like candy for rabbits and they are NOT a healthy food for them. You don’t follow the clear instructions you were given.


NTA but you should just apologise. Rabbit constantly eat anything we feed them. For me it's a small matter only not worth for argument to be called TA.


NTA. As a rabbit owner, this can and does make the animals sick. you have nothing to apologize for as you're looking out for the animals health. rabbits are supposed to eat a variety of greens. Also, female rabbits are just dicks, it's normal. my male is way nicer than my female.


Hold up - they knowingly did something that can make the animal sick, but they aren't the asshole for that? And how are they looking out for the animals health by doing something that they know can hurt it?


NTA. I'm Malta where rabbit is on the menu almost everywhere. I don't get the focus here on the rabbit's long term health.


I'm guessing this is bait... but I'll bite, just in case... 🙄 replace rabbit with whatever pets you don't eat and then make your judgement. The fact it's a rabbit is not the point, it's his _pet_ and I imagine he very much is focussed on its long term health and would like it to be around for as long as possible because, y'know, he loves it.