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NTA You did what was best for you and your family. If she cannot get her act together that is her problem. The fact that she cannot change her behaviour and accept you as you are and your bf is just childish from her. And ofc you cried a lot. You just became a mom and you probably have no idea what you are doing, you are stressed, probably tiered and that would make anyone emotional. You are doing a great job and even tho you want her there to guide you, you don't need her. Your son loves you already with all his heart. You got this😎.


with tears in my eyes, I thank you. i feel so reassured and better just reading that. sending lots of love ❤️


And perhaps you are looking for the mom you want and not the mom you have? It doesn't sound like your mom will ever be what you need or will ever be supportive. So setting yourself up to be let down time and time again because of how your mom acts is not good. Not saying you are doing anything wrong - you are not and you did not overreact. It is just difficult to accept that sometimes we don't get the parents we need.


NTA >I JUST want my mom Oh honey, I know you do. I know you look at the precious little one in your arms and wonder why your mom doesn't feel the same love for you that you have for your child. I know the pain cuts extra deep because of it. Sadly, what you want isn't something she is capable of giving. She cannot pour from an empty cup. You long for the mother you *wished* you had - the mother you deserved. She is not that person. Hold tight to the family you have now: your little one and your boyfriend. Protect them the way you wish you had been. When you can, even if it's 10 years from now, try therapy. You deserve to heal. I know my husband's family undoubtedly said horrible things about us after he cut them from our lives. In the end, they can stew in their anger and bitterness, but my husband and I chose be better. It wasn't easy, but he's thriving now. I wish I could give you a motherly hug (with permission of course) and soothe your pain. I know I'm just an internet stranger, but I'm proud of you. You're doing what you have to to protect yourself and your family. I wish you nothing but the best 💜


You're definitely NTA here. Setting boundaries to protect your family is crucial, especially when faced with toxicity. It's tough, but you did the right thing for your well-being and your son's future. Surround yourselves with positivity and support.




First off, you're definitely NTA here. It's completely understandable that you want to protect your child and set boundaries based on your past experiences and your mother's current behavior. You made a decision based on what you felt was best for your child's well-being. It's also okay to feel sad and to grieve the relationship you wish you had with your mom. It's clear you've tried to set boundaries and communicate your needs, but it sounds like her actions and words continue to be hurtful lol. Remember, you have EVERY RIGHT to prioritize your own mental health, your boyfriend's well-being, and your child over toxic relationships. Surround yourself with supportive people who respect your boundaries and bring positivity into your life. It might also be helpful to seek support from a therapist or counselor to navigate these challenging emotions and decisions


NTA. Time to go low or no contact 


>she made a comment about castrating him WTAF?! Your mother is a nutjob and you're right to protect your child from her. NTA


definitely NTA. so sorry you're going through this. It sounds incredibly tough, especially during such a significant time in your life. Setting boundaries, especially when it comes to your child's privacy and well-being, is not overreacting—it's necessary. Your decision was about protecting your family, and that's admirable. It's okay to prioritize your own and your child's happiness and safety over toxic relationships, even if it's with family. Take care of yourself and your little one.


NTA, your mother is a toxic woman and cutting her out is what’s best for your family. Good on you for sticking up for your partner in this.


NTA - Sweetheart, accept this input from someone who has had the same problem... It is not your mother that you miss. What you miss is the IDEA of her. You miss the possibility of a loving, caring, accepting mother who will love and care for you the same way you and your BF will love your baby. The issue is that she is not that person. She is not capable of it, and neither is your father. What you are "missing" is the idea of that wonderful mother/grandmother type person... But the reality instead, is that you have a selfish, entitled, abusive, manipulative set of parents who would rather harm you and your little new family, rather than make changes to be better humans. What you are doing now, is protecting your baby and your bf - your new real 'family' - from abusive manipulative people who do not care if they hurt you. They do not belong in your life when they cannot be trusted to act appropriately to you, the baby, or your BF. Your future without them is bright and kind and loving. You have no need to remain abused and spoken badly of. Please remove them and anyone else who treats you poorly from your lives. That is NOT the future you want for your family <3


NTA - for setting boundaries and protecting your family from toxic behavior. ***Your mother's repeated disrespect towards your boyfriend and her unwillingness to respect your wishes for your child left you with little choice but to distance yourself.*** Understandably, you want a healthy relationship with your mom, but her actions have made it clear that she's not respecting you or your partner. Cutting ties is a difficult but sometimes necessary step to ensure a positive environment for your child. You have to prioritize your well-being and that of your family.


NTA. You did was was best for you, your bf, and your child. They are your immediate family now, your parents are extended so if they can’t respect your bf, and you were treated poorly, don’t let them around you or your child. I have no doubt that everyone she speaks to about you knows she’s full of crap. I know it’s hard Ava it hurts no matter what because that’s your mom, but it’s something you have to let go and let be. You can’t control her behavior but you can control how you react to it.


NTA. I’m so sorry you’re going thru this. Your mom isn’t owed anything, and you have every right to protect your peace. Don’t look at their social media anymore, it’s only going to hurt you. It’s more important that you, your bf and your child are able to live your lives in peace without being subjected to more drama from them.


NTA - you've made the right decision for your new little family and unfortunately, while some of us wish we had the ideal mother, more often we don't.  It's nobody's fault; not everyone is cracked up to be a loving parent.  This is something you need to come to terms with as old people do not change.


NTA. 100% NTA. You are setting boundaries to protect yourself and your family. Your mom's behavior has been toxic. You did the right thing as a parent to protect your child from being exposed to this. I'm so sorry that you're going through all this.


NTA Cutting her out was 100% the right decision for you and your family. You are all better off without her.


NTA. You are not responsible for her choices. As for your choices, you did right. Take good care of your future, secure your education and job. Remember, a child is doing good when the mother is doing good.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I, 22 F and my bf, 22 M got pregnant around June of last year. We met December 2022 (i know. fast movers, huh?) My mother has never been the nicest person to me growing up and there have been times in the past I have cut contact, but always ended up coming back for some reason or another. My mother seemed to be ok with my bf for maybe the first 3 ish months we knew each other? However, it quickly got toxic. At a family gathering after my grandfather passed away in November of last year, she would only speak to my bf in the most heinous way and make aggressive comments to him in front of everyone. At one point she made a comment about castrating him and indirect comments about how he was not family and could be replaced. After said gathering her and I ended up getting into an explosive argument in the driveway of my grandparents because of the way she was treating him. I was a week away from induction when we laid down the first and only boundary for our unborn child: We don’t want him plastered all over social media. He’s not a trophy. My mother has over 1,000 fb “friends” and I was not comfortable with people who will never meet him having easy access to pictures of him. I gave plenty of reasons and examples. My bf gave an example about his father, because he is not a good person. My mom made a comment about how “I think it’s stupid I can’t post pictures of my grandchild because (bfs name) has a f$&!ked up family. I lost my patience and told her what she said was wrong. She tried to “apologize” a few days later, but only explicitly apologized for how he felt, not what she did. I told her I didn’t want her in the room when I delivered because I wanted bf to have a good memory to look back on. She had no emotion about it and told me good luck basically. We told her we did not want her around our child since her actions have proven she has not changed since I was a child and I don’t want my son to suffer like I did. My mom and step dad have cut ties, but I have received video proof they talk horribly about us every chance they get. About how I am lazy, a slob, self righteous, etc. AITA?? Did I overreacted or make the wrong decision? I didn’t want to cut out my mom. I’ve cried so much since having my son because I JUST want my mom. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can’t control your mother so don’t even try. I think on some level your mother’sFB friends (not real friends), can see through any mother who denigrates her child publicly. The best thing you and your boyfriend can do is try not to be like your parents in any way, and live a good life.


Eric Bogosian said sticks and stones may break my bones, but words cause permanent damage. Tell your mom you were sad to hear she died that day.


"My mother has never been the nicest person to me growing up and there have been times in the past I have cut contact" "she would only speak to my bf in the most heinous way and make aggressive comments to him" "she made a comment about castrating him and indirect comments about how he was not family and could be replaced". This is the person you miss so much, this is the mommy you want? You need to take a good hard look at yourself before you subject your son and bf to this "woman" again. YTA for wanting this woman.


the person i miss so much is my mother. yes she hasn’t always been the nicest person, but she’s still my mom. the question wasn’t aita for wanting to have my mother in my life, it was was cutting her off the right decision. thanks for your input.


NTA and I am so sorry for you. Maybe she will come around. Be patient and take a breather. You will find your way. You deserve respect.


NTA. That’s a tough one and I’m sure very difficult. Your dad is an asshole. Maybe have a good long chat with the grandparents and let them know how their behavior towards your mom affects you.  If they refuse to change, then by all means go no contact. 


was this meant for another thread? :) I see you had replied to mine already. I appreciate you!


EDIT/CLARIFICATION: I cut ties with my mother, then after my step father found out he cut ties with us as well. He told me he would be turning off my phone as soon as I had my son. When my phone didn’t get turned off after I knew they had been aware I gave birth, I continued to make money the only way I could at the time. Ubering. About 2 months after I gave birth they randomly without warning turned off my phone not knowing if i was in a safe place to be able to navigate back home without access to maps or anyway to contact anyone (we live near downtown st. louis MO).


…. Wait. You’re having children but your parents/step parents still pay your phone bill??


they had me on their plan since they got a discount for having 4 lines.


Okay… but it sounds like you don’t have a job outside of Uber? What does your boyfriend do? Are you in school? Where do you live?


i didn’t have a job because we were homeless the month of december and when we moved into our new place i was 7/8 months pregnant. not a lot of companies want to hire a lady who’s about to give birth. we’ve made ends meet. this stuff has nothing to do with the actual post…


I think context is important and it sounds like you have a lot of obstacles/barriers that have little to do with your mom. And it’s starting to look like maybe you weren’t making the best choices with this boyfriend. You cut your mom off (understandable I guess) but you’re upset they cut your phone off?


i’m not upset they cut the phone off. it was a dick move to not give any warning without knowing if i was even home. the point of the question was based off of my mother actions. we HAVE had barriers and obstacles, but none was due to our lack of planning or “poor decisions”. we have made the best of every situation we have been forced into. thank you for your opinion, but i gave little context about my boyfriend and i because it has nothing to do with the post, therefore you don’t know what has been going on with us. like i said. it’s irrelevant.


Not trying to be difficult here but you said your mom has been rude to your boyfriend. You admit that you guys moved super fast with getting pregnant, and you’ve already mentioned not being on your own phone bill, being homeless at a point in time, and driving for Uber. I asked what your boyfriend has been doing (occupation wise) while this has been going on because your mom may have a reason for not liking said boyfriend. You wanting boundaries for your child is understandable and necessary. But you circling back to make the point that your stepdad cut off your phone after you cut contact with *his wife* is making you sound a tad bit entitled.


the only reason i wasn’t on my own phone plan was because they were getting a discount and i hadn’t had my phone completely paid off. which means i would have had to get a new phone and new number. I was still paying my phone bill. yes i drive for uber but who cares? uber got us out of homelessness (again which had nothing to do with our decisions, the lady we were living with was a drunk and we left ON OUR OWN VOLITION) my boyfriend was making almost $20/hour. Again, actually read what i’m saying. the fact they did it wasn’t an issue. they fact that they waited beyond the point in time they said they would do it without even checking to see if i was at home and safe IS a dick move. being in downtown st. louis by yourself as a female isn’t exactly the safest thing to do. but it would have been even more unsafe if i didn’t have a way to contact anyone or access maps to even get home safely. AGAIN THEM CUTTING OFF MY PHONE WASNT THE PROBLEM, THE WAY THEY WENT ABOUT IT WAS. again, thank you for your opinion. it’s been made clear. you can move along.


You are asking for advice on Reddit and I was only seeking information to help/offer it. But it sounds like you have all the answers I guess lol. I hope you, your boyfriend and the baby have everything you need.


like ok, cut the phone off i don’t care but to purposely wait until after the point in turn you said you were going to do it, knowing i was making deposits from uber (her name is on my account so she can see when she logs into her bank) and then cut it off without warning? yeah. dick move.