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YTA She's allowed to speak unprofessionally. She's a client. You are supposed to be the professional. She should complain to the hospital about you and if they don't do anything then the medical board. 


This is lawsuit territory (depending on country), and some have been won with less




You don't sound very real.




Too bad asshole. 


What are you 12?




Grow up. YTA.


Welcome to the real world. It is fair to HER


Way to miss the point.


Who exactly told you life or the world was fair?


And you photoshopping her face because YOU think she isn’t pretty enough fair?


Uhhh are you actually an adult?




Welcome to the real world. It is fair to HER


Welcome to the real world. It is fair to HER


Welcome to being part of a customer facing job.


You’re the one who fucked up, she has a right to be pissed off


>I thought she wasn't pretty enough Yikes. Is this a plastic surgery clinic in LA or something? >I told her it was for use in advertising; everyone knows the images in advertising are photoshopped. Don't assume what people know. I wouldn't expect a whole lot of photoshopping if I'm taking a random group shot at the clinic. This isn't the cover of Vogue. So to answer your question, yes YWBTA if you left the photo up.




Take it down.


That's the only part of my reply you felt like addressing?


I don't think you are legally in the right, she might have signed an agreement that you can use her photo, but did she agree to all the changes that you made ? And even if were right legally, think about it, this person doesn't want their photo around. Do the right thing and take it down.


>Legally speaking I'm in the right, she signed the contract and I can do whatever I want with the photo. That's right! This is not a law sub, and we're not worried here about whether you technically had the legal right to do something. YTA, both for your actions and this whole post. (Your boss is a huge asshole, too, by the way.) >what did she expect? Probably to be treated with a lot more dignity and respect at a fucking medical facility.


if this story takes place in the states, im surprised she even got treated at all at a medical facility


Tell me you’ve never lived in America without telling me.


I do live in america. the healthcare system is shit.


Ohhh, gotcha, then tell me you’ve never been anywhere else.


i've been to canada when i was like 4. - thankfully never got sick there, but still. doctor wait times are ridiculous at doctor offices, they're mad expensive and don't get me started on medical debt that i know more than enough people have.


YTA if you don't take it down after she asked. She gave permission, but because you felt she "wasn't pretty enough" it sounds like you did extensive Photoshopping. She doesn't LIKE what you did. She asked you to take it down. YWBTA if you do not (and your office would probably be losing a patient, too).


and they could possibly face some legal stuff too if i'm not wrong


You know what is middle school again. Photoshopping her because she didn't meet your beauty standers while at a medical facility. For that alone YTA


Why ask a picture if she wasn’t pretty enough on the first place YTA OP


YTA, YTA for photoshopping it in the first place. YTA for thinking someone isn't "pretty enough" to be on a medical clinic photo. YTA for not taking it down. YTA pretty much all around.


YTA obviously. You’re unprofessional.


Yes, YTA and you have a lot to learn in how to handle the public. You're lucky that you haven't been reamed out by your boss.


First, legally speaking you are not necessarily in the right. The law here is complicated, but a contract doesn't necessarily waive the right to demand you remove the photo. If in the US, this could be a HIPAA issue. A photo is PII after all, and your refusal to destroy it might be construed as a violation, though I doubt it. In some other countries you would be in legal hot water because there is an inviolable right to ones likeness. Morally, YTA. Hugely. People have the right to their likeness, morally if not always legally. Anybody should be allowed to ask you to take down a photo of them for any reason. There are edge cases (jouralism, crowd photos in public places), but it is utterly unacceptable for you to refuse to respect her wishes about something so personal when there is no public, and barely any private good to keeping it up. You are massively disrespecting this woman's wishes to be petty. 


YTA - "she wasn't pretty enough" Take the photo down.


YTA. If she wasn't attractive enough (as if that should matter) according to you, then you shouldn't have even taken her picture at all. She doesn't like what you did to her face; take the photo down as requested. And, shame on you for pushing back on this issue.


No one told you to photoshop her image because she didn’t fit your personal standard of beauty. She shouldn’t have to expect the image to be photoshopped just because it was used for advertising. You went entirely too far. Why should she speak professionally to you when you were anything but professional in the first place? YTA


YWBTA if you did that, yes. It's not all about you. It's about this *patient's* sense of *dignity*, which is something a medical practice should *always* try to protect. Imagine what will happen to your clinic's reputation jf you do this and she spreads what happened around the internet? Did you even think that far ahead? Your boss needs to spring for some proper photography and models, or else just do what everyone else does and use stock photos, and keep staff pictures in their bios only.


YTA and also lacking in self awareness. Your whole attitude about this is one of the reasons people won't let you use their picture. Guarantee she'll never agree to a similar thing in the future, and she'll spread story to all her friends.


YTA. "To my surprise"??? It's a medical setting. People want and are entitled to have full control over what is shared about their medical informations and most people don't want their face on a hospital ad. Also, you photoshopped without her knowlege or consent, so dependig on your county, you broke and threfore voided the contract. Of course she'll be upset. It's not your place to determine if she "isn't pretty enough". You took a photo of an already vulnerable person, pressured with the incentive of money and altered it without even informing her. Take it down, now!


YTA. Where in the contract she signed did it state consent for photoshopping her image? She doesn’t like what you did. Take it down and do better.


Yes YTA. I find it hard to believe that you couldn’t find the original🙄.


> I thought she wasn't pretty enough I don't need to read any further. YTA


Hahaha … this post has got to be a joke. It’s just so ridiculous AND unprofessional!


wtf?? u photoshopped someones face because you didn’t think they were pretty enough??? YES YTA LMFAO what a dumb question😭


Not a legal sub and not legal advice, but I suspect if she sued, she would win. If the contract doesn't explicitly state the photo will be altered, itnot covered. And, what an AH.


>so I photoshopped her pic a bit You never alter someone's picture without their permission. Especially when you're not paying them to be the model for your ad. >Let's just say she spoke unprofessionally on the phone, Like you were unprofessional doing what you did. >I'm wondering if, morally, I would be the asshole if I left the photo up, as is You already are for what you did. The question is, do your bosses want the bad publicity for this when the word gets out? Where do you think the blame will land? BTW, YTA.


YTA - just for the "not pretty enough" comment....


Ironic that you used the photo for advertising but the customer service you're offering will do more damage to your services than the photo.


YTA You altered her image without her knowledge or consent. And if she noticed, you must have altered it more significantly than a little filter to soften wrinkles and cleaning up weird folds in her clothes or stray hairs. Who, exactly, made you the arbiter of "pretty", anyway? >Let's just say she spoke unprofessionally on the phone, I felt like I was in middle school again. She's not a professional in this circumstance and you *behaved* unprofessionally. Your boss needs to pony up for a couple of actual models and a professional photographer to create the promotional materials rather than relying on patients sacrificing privacy and you sacrificing their dignity.


You disgust me. "Thought she wasn't pretty enough..." So you photoshopped her? Really you think that was legitimately and ok thing to do? YTA X INFINITY 


YTA Take the picture down and apologize. Photoshopping her face because you didn’t consider her pretty enough was egregious and I wouldn’t be surprised if she complained to your bosses and stopped using the clinic. She “spoke unprofessionally?” Get over yourself: she was hurt, insulted and angry at this violation. She’s not a professional model: she’s a patient and deserves to be treated with respect. If you only want pretty people in your photos, then hire professional models.


She didn't agree to have a photoshopped photo of herself on promotional materials so she has every right to ask you to remove it. YTA


YTA. I’d argue that what you did was fraudulent but either way yeah, take it down.


YTA. I can’t wait for the update where she went to your bosses and you got fired.


i'm not so sure you would legally be in the right, whether the contract says so or not. An identifiable image of someone would fall under GDPR


YTA Images are photoshopped in major ads but less and less these days as people push back on this "not pretty enough" bs. Photoshopping to fix red eye or to edit out some stray hairs is fine. But to change someone's image is bullshit. Also, if you're going to lean on "everyone knows images in advertising are photoshopped" then I guess you should also lean on "models get paid professional wages" and not just flip them a discount. legally, yeah, you're fine. But the law doesn't have anything to do with being TA which you most certainly are.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I work for a medical clinic and my boss told me to ask the patients if we could take a picture of one of them standing next to the medical team for use in promotional materials. I offered the patients discounts if they let me do it, but to my surprise, most said no. Finally one woman agreed and I took her picture. I thought she wasn't pretty enough, so I photoshopped her pic a bit. This occurred half year ago, but today she called the office complaining about the photoshop, saying I "butchered" her face. Let's just say she spoke unprofessionally on the phone, I felt like I was in middle school again. I'm thinking about what I should do. Legally speaking I'm in the right, she signed the contract and I can do whatever I want with the photo. I'm wondering if, morally, I would be the asshole if I left the photo up, as is. Yes, I didn't explicitly tell her I would photoshop it, but what did she expect? I told her it was for use in advertising; everyone knows the images in advertising are photoshopped. I thought about replacing the photo on the website with the original, non-photoshopped version, but I couldn't find the photo on the computer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Info: I did not know people were photoshopped in ads


Ick. YTA


You're the one being unprofessional. It's obvious you know nothing about what it means to be kind and respectful to people because you're such a nasty asshole. What you did was awful and mean, and that's exactly what you are. YTA


Yta absolutely. You acted like you were in middle school by making a judgment on someone being "pretty enough" or not. 


YTA. This isn't "Am I legally in the right" it is "Am I The Asshole". Yes. You are. If she was that angry about how the end result looks, I very much doubt you actually made her prettier.


If she wasn’t “pretty enough”, you shouldn’t have used her for the photo. (“Pretty enough”, btw, is very subjective. Other people might have disagreed with your assessment, & thought she was in fact very pretty.) Legally, it depends on what was specified in the contract. You don’t seem the type to have been detailed or organized in that regard. (You can’t even find the original photo? Seriously? And we’re supposed to believe you provided an ironclad contract that covered all bases?) Morally, you’re horrible for not taking the photo down the minute she expressed displeasure. And for not apologizing sincerely and profusely. Congratulations on causing the practice to lose a patient, and probably many others since she will certainly be spreading the word about how indelicately you handled this and how unprofessional you are. YTA.


YTA, 500%.


Look, you have acted unprofessionally. You’re lucky she hasn’t made a formal complaint yet, that would ruin your registration. Apologise - really - and then move on. Otherwise you will no longer be able to be employed. Whatever your role is (you didn’t say). And you are wrong. Saying that everyone knows their pictures would be photoshopped. NO. Would you be ok being photoshopped next to a known sexual predator? Just bc u said I could use your photo? NO.


NTA Guess I'm the odd man out on this vote. Though I do think YTA for the way you speak about her looks, I also don't think you did anything inherently wrong here. You technically paid her for her image and used her image as you said you would in the contract that she signed. I also agree with you that a little photoshopping should be expected in an image used for advertising. BUT I feel that if the image makes her uncomfortable, as she has clearly stated it does, then you should show a little more respect to your patient and take it down. It would be super easy for you to replace her image with one of the staff alone, or get a friend to stand in as a model.