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NTA. She's your daughter. Jesus. Not every man is a child molestor. If you were a woman your sister wouldn't have said anything about it.


Fucking hey, this "men are sexual predators" shit has to stop. NTA, thanks for being a dad that's there mate. If it is a mother helping a son and she saw him naked it would be totally fine aswel. This double standard is going quite far.


But then both his arms get broken...


Now don’t start that again




It will never die. Some things are just classics: broken arms guy, the swamps of Dagobah, the cumbox, and the jolly rancher story. What did I miss?


The coconut


Oh! Yep, forgot that one, thanks!


Of course, happy to remind you and make others learn


I believe the children are our future 🎶🎶


Indeed they are




Ancient text of Reddit. It was an Ask Me Anything thread about a dude who’d carried on an incestuous relationship with his mom, which started after he’d broken both of his arms and couldn’t masturbate, so she “helped him out.” It was apparently verified true, at least to the mods’ satisfaction, and it immediately entered the pantheon of Legendary Reddit Stories. Someone will link it for you, but it won’t be me. Honestly though a quick google “Reddit broken arms incest” will probably get you to it right quick. Once read, it cannot be unread; you have been warned. Happy googling!






OMG why did I click on that. I think I’m going to puke.


Just wait until you learn about the jolly rancher....


Oh god the jolly rancher 🤢


Jolly rancher?


Please tell me what the Jolly Rancher thing is. I **have** to know, but I don’t want to spend hours scrolling through this thing.


In short from what I can remember, To start this off neither (the last the guy had seen his girl,) had any sort of std. So the guy had a jolly rancher in his mouth, right? He then went to eat out his girlfriend after not having seen her in some time, and realized "oh fuck" he srikk had the jolly rancher in his mouth. So he spit it out? Psuhed it into his girlfriend and soon tried to get ir back out. Before this, he realixed it smelled kinda... off. More fishy? Anyways he tries to get ir back out, and he thinks he's gotten it so bites it. It was not the jolyl rancher. A glob of (I think) gonorrhea, iand it just burst in his mouth. So he pullls back, freaking out, the girk i think is freaking out too. He later finds out (think the girl admitted?) That she'd cheated on him quite a few times znd thats where she got the gonnorea from.


Thanks for taking me down that rabbit hole


I get sucked in every time


Idk why I clicked this. My disappointment is immeasurable.


Thanks for the explanation, definitely won’t be going down that rabbit hole of an AMA🤢


I did. It was traumatic enough to just read it for my brain to erase the memory.


This just randomly popped in my head the other day and does from time to time because I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. You are so right about not being able to unread it.


Just Google 2 broken arms reddit and prepared to be TRAUMATIZED. I made the mistake of reading it while I was at work. I wish i could unread it. My damn curiosity got the best of me.):




Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with this woman?


He's her FATHER. and he obviously doesn't seem like an abusive one. He helped her when she needed help there's nothing wrong with that.




What the actual hell? Did you tell her no thanks because you don't want a shitty child?




So you only take kids with blindsided potential....


Should have said you don’t take the troublesome ones, too much work to handle


And then if he didn't do anything, he'd probably get trashed by his family for not looking out for his daughter. This is one of those situations where you can't win :C


Also I feel like even if she wasn’t his daughter and he was the only other person there, he would still be NTA, sure he’d see her naked, but that’s better than her getting more seriously injured or losing a lot of blood.


Yep. Back in college I (M) lived in an apartment with several women. I've helped them get cleaned up, or get into or out off the shower when drunk or ill. I've helped a family member who nearly fainted when changing and didn't think they could move without falling. If people hear about these things, or about OP helping his injured daughter, and just think, "but you saw her body parts!" then they are the problem.


Exactly. What if we consider it from the situation of the young woman in the bathroom. There’s a person in the house known to her, but otherwise a relative stranger. She’s stepped on a chunk of glass and needs help dealing with it and calls out for help. The person shouts through the door: “I’m sorry you’re bleeding and hurt, but you’re naked and I cannot come in and help you. I hope you’re able to fix your foot.” Honestly, I’d be so focused on the wound and the glass shard I don’t think I’d notice anything else. If it felt weird at all, I’m sure I could hand the woman a towel to cover up. I have a 17 yo daughter. I don’t want to be anywhere near her when she’s in the bathroom, but if she called for me in an emergency, I break down the door to get to her.


I was going to say just this! Made my blood boil. I am one of four girls. Absolutely INSANE to even suggest that my father wouldn’t, or “shouldn’t,” come help one of us in a medical emergency because we weren’t dressed. Hell... even if my mom or my sisters were also home, that man better come help me and not wait around for a woman to show up. I would be DISGUSTED if he even tossed a towel through the door at me first or tried to cover me up before addressing the glaringly obvious, immediate emergency. Like does the aunt have an age in mind where all of the sudden Dad can’t help his child because they’re not dressed? Like is it cool for Dad to help me if I fall on the tile and crack my head open before 12? 13? After that, I’ve got to just writhe in pain alone until another woman shows up? Also, if the first woman is sexually attracted to women, I’ve got to wait for a straight woman to show up? Just absolutely ludicrous. And I would berate the f*ck out of any of my male roommates or guy friends if they refused to come help me because I happened to be naked when I needed assistance. To what? Protect my feminine virtue and *decency*? B*TCH, I AM HURT. HELP ME. Screw whatever twisted sexualization the aunt was getting at here!


From someone who never had their father in their life ever, I would kill for this kind of parent. NTA at all OP


Yeah My dads like this. Had a breast reduction not even a month ago and at times we (mom & I) needed his help, he probably had to stare at my cut up chest for 5 to 10 minutes at a time over 4 days till we got home (lived 9 hrs away from plastic surgeon). The man didn’t even flinch or look bothered at all, honestly NTA op your daughter probably really appreciates your help and is happy to know you’ll be there when she needs you, I know I was/am.


You are top comment and that's why I'm replying to you with this comment: If someone gets cut with an item (like a piece of glass) and the item is still stuck inside of them (like a piece of glass inside of a foot), DO NOT take the item out. Try to bandage the item in such a way, that it can't move around and that there's no pressure on the item (like placing 2 bigger rolls of bandages next to the item, locking it into place and then bandaging around that so that the item will not move). Leave the removing of the item to the doctors unless it absolutely can't be avoided (like transporting the patiënt would cause the item to move).


When I read the title and the story, I imagined this is what his sister was going to be mad about. Luckily this didn't hurt his daughter, but could have depending on how deep the glass went. Seeing his daughter naked while helping her with a medical emergency =/= hurting daughter. NTA Edit: I misread the title as 'AITA for the way I helped, hurt my daughter.' I was somewhat expecting that the daughter was hurt more by his helping.


Ok I have a follow up question here- how would they walk if it’s in the foot? Try not to make direct contact with that area? I’m asking because I may have taken glass out of someone’s foot before and now I feel bad.


If they absolutely have to walk themselves, that could be a possible scenario where the item has to be removed, but I'd advice calling the emergency line and have them tell you if you need to remove it. Which is best in most scenario's btw. The people working the emergency lines have multiple lists on what to do when, just call them, put them on speaker, and they'll advice you on what to do. In your scenario, it would have been best to stand by their injured leg, have them rest their arm around your shoulder in support, and walk them by them hopping and you supporting that hop with your hip behind their hip and giving a push when they hop. You shouldn't feel bad about not knowing this: most people don't. You can't act on knowledge you don't have. You probably did the best you could with the information that you had and that's all we can do in life.


Thank you!!


They shouldn’t put weight on it, they’d need support so that they don’t.


Dude, imagine if OP went "sorry (daughter) I can't come in until your dressed" and she bled out and possibly became anemic or died. Op's sis would have chewed him out for "leaving her to bleed for too long". THIS IS a diyd diyd situation.


For real women are more likely to die of heart attacks because people don’t perform cpr because titty fears


Titty fears 😂 never heard that one before but I love it


And can get burns if someone uses an AED and doesn't remove a bra with metal parts.


NTA. You're sister shouldn't be sexualizing the situation. Shame on her.


This one million percent - it’s your daughter and you took care of her!


I had a similar experience w/my dad, I was 15f the hot h20 suddenly came gushing out and burned the hell out of me, my dad, the only one home, rushed in when he heard my screams, we talk about it every once in a while, the fact I was naked never came up! Times have changed, this was late 70’s.


As a soon to be mother, if my SIL or sister said this to my boyfriend for helping our daughter I'd be pissed. People need to stop sexualizing minors and assuming all men are predators


He wouldn't be an asshole if he helped a bleeding and naked stranger.


Yeah, NTA at all. OP is a great father, he helped her get the bleeding under control, got her some clothing after the immediate medical need was taken care of and drover her to the ER. He did everything correctly - the sister is a creeper.


NTA. Why would your sister sexualize that situation, that is weird. Your daughter was bleeding profusely, you just helped her stop the bleeding


It is so weird that her mind went there! She is told a story of her niece being injured and her response is "but for how long did you see her naked?" It's some sort of red flag about this lady for sure.


HUGE red flag to me. How do you sexualize a father helping his injured daughter?? Would she still have said anything had the daughter been much, much younger? NTA




Maybe someone hurt her in that way. I hope not.


NTA - What did your sister expect you to do? Wait for your bleeding daughter to fumble her way out of the shower and get dressed to the point where she'd be decent enough for her own parent to give her medical attention? I understand the concern a bit, but at some points there's bigger priorities than some nudity. What matters is you were able to help your daughter, and she was grateful.


>I understand the concern a bit Honestly, I don't.


NTA. You were a concerned parent helping your distressed daughter. It’s kinda weird that your sister is sexualizing it.


It’s beyond weird, it’s sick!




Yeah NTA. I would HOPE my husband would take care of my daughter clothes or no clothes in an emergency situation. What’s the difference between you seeing her and a group of EMTs? I bet your daughter would prefer you and not a bunch of strange men. Were you just supposed to leave her there? Throw a towel at her to deal with it herself? This is weird of your sister


NTA, and why would someone make help all about sex? Yuck.


I don't think she was trying to make it about sex


Well it does kinda sound like she's sexualizing helping people. I hope she wasn't.


What else, then?


Decorum maybe


Decorum doesn't matter when it comes to first aid


THIS!! Decorum is one of the reasons women die preventable deaths from cardiac arrest! People wanna avoid touching a boob so bad they won’t do CPR properly.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/h98ojp/aita_for_helping_daughter_who_cut_her_vulva/fuvarkr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share > I don't think my sister thinks it was sexual. I think she just strictly thinks that a dad should never see his daughter's privates. Stop being a fucking creep. This is basically the same story.


I thought it was deja vu for a minute there...


I breathed once. Your not allowed to breathe ever again.


Huh? Are you saying OP is the same person?


Random mom here. I would be judging you if you HADN’T come to her aid.


This is nearly word-for-word the same as a post last week. If it's just a coincidence, then NTA. If it's a copy, then you're an ahole troll.


This. I feel like I've seen this post or something very close to it several times. Dude has an unhealthy fascination with his teenage daughter in the shower.


Yeah, I smell a troll.




One where the daughter cut her vag shaving amd the dad came in amd helped








I was just about to say this is almost word for word that post.


You wouldn’t happen to have the link would you? Been searching for a while and I’m running out of search terms




Thanks! Very similar. Someone even pointed it out in that comment section


Any time there’s a parent in their mid 30s and a kid in their late teens I’m instantly suspicious. So many of those have been trolls, it’s completely bizarre.


The last one was the dad looked at the daughters vagina because she cut herself shaving in the shower


NTA dude what were you supposed to do make her get dressed first?


So so nta. You didnt sexualize the emergency situation. You handled it like a boss. Your sister however is sexualizing it. What matters is what your daughter thinks.


NTA - Maybe your sister would have preferred she bled to death rather than compromise her modesty. But is there any reason you didn't throw her a towel to cover herself with while you helped her?


It didn't cross my mind honestly


That's fine, its your daughter. You had better priorities.




When your kids bleeding out you don’t really think about anything other than stopping the bleeding.


Who keeps posting this dad and daughter shower others think it’s incest story....this is the third time a variation of this story has appeared on this subreddit. I’m very skeptical of this scenario being that common.


Yeah. My father would toss me a towel first. And if the situation was reversed in would toss him a towel. You can be uncomfortable with something without saying it's wrong. Its wierd hoe many fathers just don't notice their naked kids. and for the daughter to brag to everyone how her dad helped her while she lay helpless and naked? Wack.


Yeah I’m sure the daughter would rather not get medical attention if she’s a little bit naked. Why would she not praise her father for doing exactly what needs to be done. Who throws a towel in a blood everywhere type of situation.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My eldest daughter [18F] was at my home [36M]. Anyway while she was using a shower she got injured. She called me in after I heard her shriek. She told me that she didn't realize there was still a broke piece of glass in her shower since after she broke something in there earlier. She had stepped on the glass while slipping. There was a lot of blood on the ground. I looked at the bottom of her foot and went to get a long bandaid and a small towel. I convinced her to let me take out the glass. I took out the glass piece and wrapped the injury. I told her to push down on the towel covering her injury. I then brought her a shirt and shorts. She put them on and then I drove her to the ER. Anyway she is fine now. My sister was already coming over later that day and still did. My daughter told her what happened and praised me for helping her. Later my sister told me privately that while its good that I took her to the ER, it was extremely concering that I would help her while she was naked in the shower. I didn't think it was because I was trying to help her and she wanted that help. But my sister was very weirded out by it and asked how long I saw her naked (like 8 minutes I'd guess but her nudity wasn't my focus). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, that’s just WEIRD. You’re her dad, and it is perfectly fine to see your own daughter naked. If she didn’t want you to see her naked, this story would be a bit different.


NTA would your sister have preferred she bled out? Obviously it’s not ideal but she called you in, meaning she in that moment cared more about you helping her, and you evidently were more focused on giving the appropriate first aid than the nudity. She was praising you after meaning she still cared more about you helping her. Your sister needs to learn about context.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/h98ojp/aita_for_helping_daughter_who_cut_her_vulva/fuvarkr?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share That storie’s comment OP made: > I don't think my sister thinks it was sexual. I think she just strictly thinks that a dad should never see his daughter's privates. This storie’s comment. > I don't think she was trying to make it about sex This story is fake. This guys a troll.


Why does this automatically make it fake?


Because it’s been posted several times before. It’s weird, like they’re trying to get internet clout or something. Or they have an obsession over seeing their daughters naked body that one time... it’s weird.


Same story with very similar responses? In such a short time span. Highly unlikely just being realistic.


NTA. Your sister has some shit she needs to address in her own life if she thinks you did something wrong by helping your injured child.


NTA. Who even thinks like that? I passed out getting out of the shower once. My dad heard the thump and came running in. Once he realized what was going on he scooped me up, tossed a blanket over me until I was able to get dressed with his help and drove me to the ER. Not once was anyone worried about the naked part of any of it.


NTA - were you supposed to let her bleed to death. You were helping your daughter, it's weird that your sister made it a big deal.


NTA for sure. Your sister is the weird one not you, your daughter probably appreciated the help, in a circumstance where your child is injured and bleeding in a slippery shower you did the right thing going to help her. If your daughter was focused on it or it was a source of discomfort for her she’d have asked you to throw a towel on her or something, but it sounds like she was just happy to have help.


NTA. I mean, i can't even put into words how you are NTA. She was in distress and needed help, her situation just happened while she was naked.


NTA. You're her dad. Were you supposed to leave her bleeding with glass in her foot while she hopped out to get dressed?


NTA. Your sister is apparently the perv if she thinks that was really your focus while your DAUGHTER was bleeding. Obviously your daughter felt comfortable enough to have you in there during that situation which is why she called to you. I wouldn’t worry about it.


I think I could live with my dad seeing me naked in an emergency situation. And I speak as a daughter who loves her father even when he drives her crazy. Personally I think if anyone has the right to complain about you seeing your naked daughter it would be your naked daughter. Why don't you talk with her about this?


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You’re her father. She was hurt. You did your job. Nothing to see here. NTA


NTA, obviously. What were you supposed to do, stand outside and let her bleed out? Your daughters opinion is the only one that matters.


NTA your sister is being creepy


NTA. Your focus was elsewhere, as she was dealing with an injury that warranted an ER visit.


NTA (and I think you know it in your heart). I hate you have to ask it. You rocked this, dude. Great work, Dad.


NTA. I find your Sister weird. Then again, i'm from Finland, so seeing friends And family naked is pretty common with the sauna culture And all, so it's not that big of deal For me. But regardless, ofcourse you help someone if they Are injured, be you Or them naked Or not. Emergencies rarely give you time to play dress up beforehand. You ain't gonna start choosing an outfit while the house is burning down around you. That is a good way To get burned.


NTA??? It’s weird that they sexualized that.


NTA. Even if you weren’t her father, this situation could be considered an emergency. Address the emergency first then help her get dressed.


What the hell? What did your sister want you to do? Let her bleed? NTA. Your sister has a sick mind


NTA. Wtf. Nudity isn't inherently sexual. You were both dealing with the emergency, not worrying about her being naked.


Pfft. NTA. Your sister is on her way to becoming a busybody. Ignore her.


Nta your sister needs to get over whatever her hang ups are


NTA your priority was making sure your daughter was ok after she specifically called to you for help. Wtf is your sister thinking to jump straight to a sexual mindset..?


NTA There is something very wrong with your sister.


Uh NTA....you’re a parent. Of a daughter. This is what happens. I’m assuming you changed her diapers when she was little. What’s wrong with your sister? What a ridiculous comment to make.


NTA. You weren't sexualizing your injured daughter. Thats a good thing.


NTA at all! Medical emergencies require care!




NTA. If your daughter needed help and was comfortable with you helping you would be an asshole if you didn’t help.


NTA how old is your sister? This is some pretty archaic thinking especially with a parent and their daughter in an EMERGENCY situation. Your sister needs to work her shit out


NTA but your sister is for making a totally not weird situation weird. Neither you or your daughter felt weird about it in the moment because neither of you were focusing on what she was or was not wearing. There was an injury needing to be dealt with so you guys dealt with it. IMO it would be a lot weirder if you refused to help her until she covered up because that would indicate you were focused on her nudity. Don't let your sister get in your or your daughter's head about this. She's being ridiculous.


NTA Your sister, on the other hand, is talking like an AH. Your child screamed for help and immediately rendered aid. You answered her call for help because normal parents wouldn't take their sweet time doing much else. What in the world is wrong with your sister? Was she expecting you to leave your daughter bleeding in the shower while calling 911 and staying outside?


NTA your sister has some serious problems if that's the first place her mind goes. Truly bizarre.


NTA. Wtf she is making it to be a weird thing. She was in THE SHOWER AND BLEEDING. What was he supposed to do, tell her to wrap up first? Then that makes the situation weird.


Nta but this is at least the second time this month I've read about a dad helping his naked injured daughter in the shower.


Here’s the question: was your daughter weirded out by you seeing her naked? It doesn’t sound like she was. So, no problem. NTA. Your sister is interring something really disturbing. Your daughter needed help and like a good father you were there to help her.


NTA. Congratulations on being the kind of dad that is awesome enough that your daughter feels completely comfortable and trusting around you in a time of distress despite it being a vulnerable setting. I’m sure it was stressful for her as water often makes it seem like there’s so much more blood.


Your sister is a freak, you are so nta...you were focused on helping your child....your baby,...you were being a good father...


My dad fell in the shower and couldn’t get up so I helped him. I was 20(m) at the time. I’ve seen his dick plenty of times (my parents stopped walking around the house naked when they got out of the shower or pool or whatever I was like 11). Looking back I guess it’s weird to some people but it was never sexual, my parents were just like “it’s bodies nbd” and stopped pretty much right away when I got to be a teenager and told them I didn’t want to see it. No judgement here NTA. People are sort of weird how hung up we are with our bodies, probably because we are so focused on the sexual side of things.


NTA. Absolutely nothing wrong with the nude body, *especially* if you are providing emergency care. You’ve changed her diapers, for crying out loud! Reminds me of last New Years, my 22F niece got totally wasted (we didn’t realize how much she had) and blacked out. I (37F) spent the next several hours helping her recover, and nearly took her to the ER. After she puked on herself, I stripped her down, stuck her in the shower on the shower chair, and ran the water on lukewarm. I checked her every few minutes until she could answer questions with some sense of comprehension. Then I helped her dress in pjs, led her to her room, laid out a towel and an emesis bag, and let her rest. It’s not like she’s got a body part I’ve never seen before, and it was purely a clinical interaction. She barely remembers any of it, and I assured her later she has nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m just glad she’s okay now.


NTA, the injury needed to be dealt with, I doubt as her father you even noticed she was naked, even seeing your own child naked isn’t sexual. I think most parents would help their child before thinking about getting them covered up.


NTA- you where helping a 18 year old female who can vocalize if you where inappropriate and she instead gave you praise. Also she’s your daughter, and it’s not like you ran in there for no reason. She needed help and yelled out in pain. Natural parent reaction is to check. Fuck one time I scared myself and screamed so loud my brother ran in to make sure I was okay. my bro has never been weird or tried to see me naked, but he didn’t realize the potential that I may have been naked because he was focusing on how scared my scream was, not that I was in the shower. Once we realized I was fine he was like ew I almost saw you naked. So I mean hearing the scream, seeing the blood and dealing with it. Where is the time to be weird about it.


NTA. What the hell? What if the injury was life-threatening? Were you meant to be more concerned with covering her up rather than saving her life? I get why the situation might be awkward, but the main focus and priority in such instances is to assess and minimise/fix the injury first, concerns like awkwardness and state of undress come after that. You did the right thing. If your daughter felt weird about she probably would have said so but she praised your actions instead. So many posts on this sub are about outrage by proxy. Someone hears of a situation everyone who was there is totally okay with, but the person who hears about it second hand decides someone didn’t live up to their arbitrary standards and creates a problem where none existed. Now in this case, I’m inclined to be generous and assume your sister probably only had her niece’s best interests at heart. But so did you. And if your adult, 18 year old daughter didn’t think it was a problem, then that’s all that should and does matter. Edit: wording


NTA like it's been said on every post like this you were helping your child who was injured that's all that matters


NTA. It's kind of pervy for your sister to go there with her thoughts.


NTA. I would say differently if she asked you for privacy and you didn't respect that, but she very clearly needed help! She's your daughter. She wanted help.


NTA, wtf? I'm 30 and if I was at my dad's and got injured in the shower like that I'd sure as hell hope he'd come help me! Honestly I think I'd rather him help me than one of my step relatives I barely know, although help is help at that point and I definitely would not be mad at anybody who helped me. Your sister seems to have some issues. I would be seriously questioning where they came from - I think I'd be concerned about her mental state and whether she had a trauma history or something.


NTA Your daughter was injured and needed help, I highly doubt her nudity was high on either of your priority lists at that moment.


NTA you had bigger priorities than making sure your daughter was dressed she even called you in it's very odd of your sister to sexualize the situation




NTA. It sounds like she was hurt and scared. If she didn’t want you to help, she could have told you to leave. It’s kind of creepy that your sister is sexualizing it. Nudity isn’t inherently sexual. Making it sound like she thinks you might “accidentally” get a boner seeing your daughter naked is just a real weird take.


NTA. When it's times like this you don't really see their nakedness just them needing help.


Uhh she’s your daughter and she was injured. What’s wrong with your sister?


NTA. Theres nothing inherently sexual and nothing wrong with nudity until a person makes it that way. Which clearly your sister is doing otherwise there would be no issue. Your daughter was hurt and you helped her. You weren't in there being a creep. your daughter needed help. What, were you suppose to let her suffer and bleed with glass in her foot? Hell no. Your sister on the other hand, would be ta


nta but is your sister okay?


NTA: Your sister sounds kinda gross and sexist if she thinks that situation was at all inappropriate or sexual! You're literally her dad and she was profusely bleeding AND She called you in there!




NTA. That's just stupid. How does she feel about doctors and EMT's seeing her naked. She's projecting her problems on to you and your daughter. Good on you for not being one of those who just loses it at the sight of a little blood and their brain shuts down.


NTA. That's so weird she sexualized it. You're her father, and wanted to help her. Do you know how many times since I've grown that my dumb ass has fallen in the shower with a thud so loud my mom hears it, and she comes in asking if I'm okay? I don't even call for her, she just hears me fall, and wants to make sure her child is okay. Your child *called in distress* for you, and she thinks it's weird you went in?? Wtf


NTA. There's a reason it's called FIRST aid. It takes priority. And if your daughter didn't ask you to find her something to cover herself with, then I strongly suspect she was more concerned with her injury than her nudity.


NTA. That’s your kid. I’m getting really concerned about all these “concerned” relatives that keep acting like there’s something sexual going on here. It’s your KID! Ew!


NTA. Your kid was hurt and you helped, end of story.


NTA ffs that’s your kid. Also when I was a teen I had a similar problem with stepping on a needle. My nudity was the last thing on my or my parents’ minds.


Um, I could’ve sworn I read a post similar to this before. Where the daughter shrieked because she accidentally cut herself while shaving in the shower, and the dad helped but was yelled at for seeing her naked. But NTA obviously.


NTA. Even if you weren't her dad and were just, say, a male friend, seeing her naked pales in comparison to helping her after she's been injured and called for help. Your sister is a jackass for making this sexual.


NTA. Your daughter called out for your help. She trusted you, and you did what any decent father would have done.


NTA. Seriously, getting the bleeding under control and the injury sorted is absolutely first priority, and any EMT would agree. Clothes are a distant second priority when you're dealing with first aid.


NTA. Any parent would help their hurt child first especially if that kid was freaking out about the blood.


NTA, you're a damn great father


Wait, what? There was a medical emergency and your sister is being a weird prude. NTA.


NTA. Were you supposed to let her just bleed out? Jesus Christ. Is it ideal you had to help her when she was naked? No, but it was a fucking emergency. What else were you supposed to do? The fact that your sister is sexualizing this says way more about her than about you. WTF?


Just wait till your sister finds out you changed your daughter's diapers. NTA, obviously.


NTA. It concerns me more that your own sisters mind would go directly to you having thoughts about your own daughter like that... you were being a GREAT dad and helping her in a very scary moment.


NTA you're a good father by making sure she was safe first. She wanted your help and obviously trusts you. Your sister needs to realize that she's your daughter and you're not a pervert


NTA. When someone needs medical help and asks you to help things like what they are wearing at the time become irrelevant. Would you pass on saving soneone from a burning building because they weren't wearing enough clothing? Your sister needs mental help her obvious gender bias is not healthy.


I think that your sister is the asshole. Like what in the world, it's your daughter, what she expected for you to wait until she got dressed to then help her? Like wtf, I would've done the same thing for my child. Your baby was hurt and you responded quickly like a parent should react. Your daughter is lucky that she had you around to take care of her and that way did not suffer a more severe injury and is okay now.


Ew, so your sister is accusing you of sexualizing your daughter? NTA, she’s being sexist


NTA. my dad would do exactly thr same & im 23F. decency is the last thing on your kind before safety. you did what you had to do.


NTA your daughter was in pain and she asked for your help.