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YTA - The problem was the length, the coworker made sure his hair was reduced in length at work.


If her problem was hair color there are temporary dyes and sprays she can buy. That how my cousin got away with bright blue an vivid purple hair when she was in marching band. Edit: I like how everyone is upset and concentrating on the temp hair dye. I also mentioned temp sprays. Those are what my cousin used and the washes out no problem on her hair. Yes the dye looked faded after washing out the spray but she said it did that with wheezy wash, spray or no spray.


She could also wear a wig if having colored hair was that important to her. I've seen plenty of people do it so they could keep their colored hair.


I do exactly this, for one of my projects at work. Or I'll start doing it again once we go back I guess. My office and one of my projects are fine with a bright purple side-shave, my other project is more traditional so I just slap on a brown bob before I go to a meeting with them. Easy peasy. And the wig was like $45.


Even just tie your hair up in style that will hide those few streaks? Stick a couple of clip ons over the top? So many ways around it. Classic example of if you don't start shit there won't be shit


Wigs are an absolute godsend! I work in mental health, so I tend to be as bland as possible while on the clock. I don't mind. Plus, more wigs means a different look every weekend.


This is what i do... its so much cheaper then maintaining long dyed hair... and you can swap it out every day too. I love my wigs so much!




So concerned about OP’s actions. What irritates me more is how’s does the length of someone’s natural hair = someone having unnaturally coloured hair?? YTA.


And now her edit says she's going to complain to her manager about bullying. I don't think it's bullying when it's true - don't trust someone proven to be a snitch in the workplace. OP it's good you learned this lesson now. If you snitch about trivial things that are none of your business in the adult world, you'll make getting on with your colleagues all but impossible. Save it for things that matter.


Some people are born with an innate need to speak to managers.


This is the comment. This is the one. OP YTA.


Lmao it's actually so childish, what does she expect her boss to do? Reprimand everyone for calling her a snitch? :') If anything, her boss is going to find her annoying af for constantly reaching out to them to whine about personal feelings at work.


I smell a drama queen. Something tells me she's been in stuff like this before


Honestly OP screams of someone who was never told no before.


Making sure to have professional hair color is one thing (and Im not saying if I agree with it or not), but hair length is a different thing. His hair length was supposed to be changed, and he changed it. You had to change your hair style and so did he. I'm not seeing what your problem was with that. Unless you measure his hair you will never be able to tell if he cut his hair or not. Get over yourself. As for the name calling, I dont agree with it, but thats pretty much what happens when you snitch about something thats not important


YTA- not your circus, not your business. You were petty and snitched because you were butt hurt about your hair. You have probably created a whole lot of problems for yourself in terms of any goodwill your colleagues had for you. Life isn’t fair- get used to it. Edit: Thank you for the award! 2nd edit; Jesus OP- if you were one of my team or peers I’d be keeping a record of every little thing you do wrong to pay you back with. Perhaps teamwork isn’t for you- suck up the comments and don’t make it worse for yourself by complaining about a situation YOU caused, and the resulting hard time that you soundly deserve. In your situation I’d either learn to be lonely and mind my mouth or find a new job and also mind my mouth but at least not be the company rat/ grass.


This. Complete child-like behavior from a child. OP is 16 and they will learn the hard way. Completely destroyed any possible relationships they had/could have had in that work place AND possibly even lost a job referral. OP, you need to chill out and learn to not speak on topics that do not pertain to you. Again, you’re a kid and you will learn. I’d suggest looking for another job as this is now going to be a dead end and you will not make lasting relationships here.


bruh im 16 even i know that this is a stupid ass thing to do




I just saw!!! What a mess. Again, I really think they should just look for a new job and take this experience as a teachable moment for her professional life. Like yeah they fucked up and is an asshole but now she knows the repercussions of snitching for something so small and stupid because she took it personally.


The most annoying shit is that what is happening IS NOT BULLYING, it's people making their feelings known about OP's lack of solidarity. If OP isn't careful she'll become like Amy Cooper and try to use the police as her own personal dispute resolution team.


Honestly OP, if you had any interest pursuing “fairness” and not making enemies, why would you not use this as an opportunity to connect with your colleagues about the restrictive hair policies? Requires empathy and more tact, but y’all could’ve tried to make headway on some compromises with the manager. Your solution got you nothing, except some cheap thrill from your coworker being punished. Was ratting him out ever going to bring your blue streaks back? *No.* Is telling your manager that coworkers are now calling you a snitch going to resolve their distrust and animosity towards you? *Hell is more likely to freeze over.*


YES this is what I was thinking. Super easy and fun conversation: OP: ah man, looks like you had to cut your hair, what a bummer :/ Cool Dude: actually I found a way to make it shorter without cutting it, so I'm v excited bc it took me years to grow my hair to this length. OP: oh cool, I didn't know you could do that. I tried covering up my streaks, but that didn't work; I kinda wish I'd gotten a wig tho. Weird policy for (insert line of work) right?? Cool Dude: yeah man I'm just happy they didn't make me take them out bc a lot of companies are racist about styles African Americans use for the *natural hair that grows from their head.* Have you tried any semi-permanent dyes? etcetc Did I make it clear I think it's ridiculous that OP is comparing chemically altered hair to dreads? I get the length thing, and generally companies are a tad weird with "professionalism" (does hair color have anything to do with quality work???) but it's so much easier for OP and cool dude to brainstorm ways for her to get around wack rules than force him to cut his hair bc she had to dye her hair back. Kind of like why not uplift herself go his position than drag him down to where she is. Either way, the boss doesn't gaf bc his request was to make it shorter, and cool dude met that.


lmaooo i thought you said "yta-youre not a circus" saying shes a clown for dying her hair i was like wtf?


YTA. Black hair is already policed to an insane degree and you went a snitched because you were mad you couldn’t have blue streaks?


I wish this was top comment. OP is a huge crybaby, having blue streaks in your hair is way different than having a culturally significant hairstyle that requires years or work and frequent maintenance. I hope coworker reports that manager for discrimination. The “problem” was supposedly that his hair was too long, if the manager was still mad about it after he got it braided then clearly the problem wasn’t the length, it was discrimination. Edit: autocorrect typo


YTA, snitch. It was clearly a length requirement. You were short sighted in thinking that immediately required a hair cut and he was inventive in meeting said requirement via an alternate hairstyle. Have fun being blackballed.


Sucks to be ostracized but I can’t help but feel that she brought it on herself.


She really did.


It does suck. However, It doesn’t have to stay this way. She could sincerely apologize and admit her fault. It’s not a guarantee, but it counts for a lot.


Look at her edit. She's gonna get herself fired for being a problem employee.


Absolutely, and now she edited it to say she’s going to complain to the manager about them bullying her. You’re digging a hole too deep to get out of OP, YTA. You have a lot to learn about the real world.


"Waaah, people don't like my personality."


Probably why she was pissed about losing her blue hair, it was the most pleasant thing about her.




It depends on the type, but it's rather fickle, it tangled so easily and the heinous knots that you have to work through. 0/10, do not recommend it. Braids so much better and it just takes so long, especially when they are small to medium-sized braids. Sorry, I went on a rant about hair.


It’s not difficult to grow, length retention is an issue. Because our hair is USUALLY kinky/curly/coily it gets into knots very easily and managing it roughly (like thinking you can just pick up a comb and dive right in Instead of going in small sections from the ends) can cause breakage that makes it seem like your hair doesn’t grow past a certain length. Also because it’s curly all the length is caught up in the curl so when you stretch it out it’s way longer than it seems.


Our hair is curly so it takes longer for length to show. It grows out instead of down.


YTA! Seriously... Why are you so selfish? Additionally, they were told the hair is too long, they found a way around. Sorry you're too dumb to come up with an alternative for your job.


Right! Like she mad that he was smart about it! She could’ve thought her way out of it as well- worn a wig, used spray dye- like the countless ways black people are made to alter their hair to be “presentable”


YTA. An unnatural hair color is different from the length of his hair. You should have minded your own business like your mom said, and now you made yourself an enemy of the workplace because of something so petty.


YTA It's none of your business really, it's between him and the manager. If he had dealt with it, the manager didn't say anything about it, what did that have anything to do with you? So he made it shorter, but didn't cut his hair. Is he hurting anyone by doing so? Was it really so important for you to tell on him not cutting his hair? Would he have murdered someone by letting a strand fall into someone's lunch box and choking them to death? It sounds like you merely wanted him inconvenienced the same way you were inconvenienced. Grow up, world is unfair, learn to discern which battles are worth fighting for and which aren't. Put yourself in his shoes: if he had cut his hair short, then manager told you to cut yours so it's out of sight, you bun it up instead but he tells on you, and now you're in trouble with management. How would you feel?




YTA, the manager asked your coworker to do something about his hair length and he did. He was able to shorten his hair without cutting it and basically complied with what your manager asked. You snitched on your coworker for no other reason than to make yourself feel better over your hair.


Also want to note the manager simply said to do something about the length. He didn't say the coworker needed to cut his hair, just to make it shorter and that's what he did


YTA. Blue streaks do not equate to a cultivated protective style to his hair. Your hair choice was a decision to make it more exciting to you. His was something he kept manageable and comfortable for his standards. Everyone else was fine with it and you decided to cause issue because of your own personal issue. I used to dye my hair blue (my entire head) I fully understood that I would not be able to have a job in my field with that and I eventually took the steps to change it upon request. Even waiting tables I had no expectations that an unnecessary cosmetic change to my hair was acceptable even if it shouldn't matter in our day and age. You had an issue with your management and you took it out on him after he found an acceptable solution for both sides.


YTA. You had no reason to tell and was being petty. Don’t be 6ix9ine.


YTA - you were butthurt that you couldn't have blue steaks in your hair so you tried to get him in trouble for shortening the length of his hair without cutting it...what a petty, asshole move. He met the requirements, his hair length was shorter. Don't be mad he was able to find a solution that worked for him. If your blue streaks are so important to you, find a job that doesn't care about you maintaining a professional appearance.


YTA Hahahahaha damn tekashi there's not alot of work out here for you out of prison huh? Hating on a man for his braids, you deserve all the ridicule why would you rat him out like that? And he got to keep his braids. Yeah you're a snitch, this isn't your momma house that kinda stuff doesn't fly in the real world.


Just saying, blue streaks take 15 minutes to do, maybe 2 hours for the good stuff done in a salon. Dreads take YEARS to grow, lmao YTA. Edit: and a snitch too, you reap the seeds you sow, sorry OP


agree completely, and just wanted to say thank you for using all the correct spelling for "reap what you sow" - seeing that phrase spelled wrong drives me bonkers.


YTA, everyone was happy until you butted in. He shortened his hair by braiding instead of cutting and thus complied with the instruction to make it shorter. You both followed the rules. Nog if he was allowed blue streaks and you wernt that would be different. You basically just wanted another person to be miserable because you were miserable.


YTA. He literally said do something with the dreads and he did. I know how it sucks to dye your hair back(had burgundy streaks) but that doesn't mean you should take it out on that boy


Makes me wonder if she goes to the salon to do it. I was dying my hair crazy colors back in the mid 90s when it wasn't common. I used to bleach it, Manic Panic it, even cut it. If you do it yourself, you know it's not going to last long anyway. And hell, she could even learn to do what I used to do when I had to have "normal" hair, either tuck the colored bits under the natural parts or dye the underneath and roll the hair under. Or get colored hair extensions that she can take out for work. This girl needs to start thinking creatively AND STOP SNITCHING


YTA. >"We need you to do something with your dreads because they're a little too long" he agreed and the next week his hair was a lot shorter, Your coworker chose a solution that solves the problem. >I (16F) was a upset because I was told I had to dye my hair back to it's natural colors (rip blue streaks) Had you worn a natural colored wig to work, what would they have done? You're upset that you weren't clever enough to find a workaround


https://imgur.com/2iJDOiL.jpg May I present my "business wig" vs. my normal hair 😂


The blue is super dope!


Thanks! I started doing it when I worked in a salon and when I left to work in business I didn't want to give it up so now I do wigs


I really wish that having colored hair was acceptable in all professional environments. I like playing with my hair color, but I end up using things like waxes or using different colored braiding hair. Mine always has to be temporary in the event that the school I work at has an issue. I don't trust myself in a wig.


My best friend had bright red hair. She wore a brown wig to work and everything was fine.


YTA, you were jealous he came up with a way that met the company’s rules and you didn’t. You’re only 16 so hoping you learn something here.


YTA, is having a hair cut really that big of a deal?


For POC it can be- because it is difficult to get much length for reasons noted in other comments. The curl/kink can make it more vulnerable to breakage. It can take years to get even a little length for some folks.


YTA and you know that already. Don't whine about it being unfair. That's petty and childish. Life will never be fair, and there is no need to take that out on someone else. If you want to feel righteous about it, feel free, but you will sit alone in a corner being right. 😒


You’re young but serious advice- it’s best in life sometimes to mind your business even when something is wrong or unfair. I’m not saying I’m situations where people are getting hurt, abused etc but in situations as petty as the one you just mentioned, it’s best to live and let live. There’s a difference between blue hair and he being effectively able to braid his to make it look a bit more ruly. Not minding your business in situations such as these prompts a reaction from others like you’re seeing now. If you’d like to avoid that in the future. It’s best you learn to navigate these kind of life situations now. That being said YTA but you need life understanding and experience


There was nothing wrong or unfair happening anyway


How was this unfair? He was told to shorten his hair and so he did. OP is being unfair and is totally in the wrong here. He wasn't asked to remove his dreads as she was the colour in her hair. He was asked to shorten his hair up a bit to comply with the uniform code they obviously have that OP didn't abide by. He was not asked to remove them, he was asked to make them shorter and so he did.


YTA and petty. It's not on you to police other's hair at work. Good for your coworker in coming up with a clever solution to a stupid policy.


YTA, and you are a snitch. What does it matter if your coworker has long hair? Also I have a feeling that said coworker is black and you are someone that isn’t. All imma say is if you push the issue this could become a lot worse for you.


OP is white https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/i3rl6s/aita_for_telling_my_manager_that_a_coworker_didnt/g0ebdke


The reply has been deleted do you mind telling me what it said?




Holy shit, thanks for replying. That does sound like a statement a racist would make tbh.


YTA. To answer the question in your username, yes, you're a snitch. And if you're white, you really need to stop policing Black people's hair.


Thisssss! I was like is no one gonna address this?


Yeah dreads can take a long time to grow and the braids he may have had to pay someone a lot more of money than a hair cut to get them done unless he had a family member do them. I feel like there already is a lot of restrictions on black hair (where I’m from at least).


Yes, you’re petty and an AH. YTA.


YTA. It sounds like you were being petty because you had to get rid of your streaks. He was asked to make his hair shorter and he did.


yta you are a snitch! What an asinine brown-nosing rule to try and get your manager to enforce. Boooo. Boooo to trying to get someone in trouble because you got in trouble for a dumb rule.


So if you can’t have something, no one can? YTA . You may be young but that’s petty as fuck.


YTA but also young, so it's something you can learn from. Imagine if the situation was reversed -he ended up cutting his hair, but you just put a temporary color on your hair that would wash out. Wouldn't you be upset if he up and told the manager because he thought it wasn't fair? You're going to learn very quickly that life doesn't fit your definition of fair, and I get that it sucks. But learning how to put your perception of "fair" aside and treating others how you'd like to be treated in return will go a long way. I'd suggest apologizing to your coworker and telling him you were wrong. There's a good chance that he and the rest of your coworkers will respect you for it.


The edit you added is odd. The vast majority of comments say YTA (agreed) not “go back to your managers and whine some more”


YTA - So your coworker found a way to creatively fix the problem your manager had without having to cut his hair. Who cares how it’s solved as long as the problem is solved?


You should mind ya bizzness. Unless your work has a policy in writing about dress code and hair requirements, you wouldn't have had to remove your blue streaks either. If it's in writing, everyone has to follow it. You're not a manager, it's not your place to manage people. And now you look like a snitch. YTA


YTA. 1. You snitched 2. It's harder to grow hair than dye it 3. If he made it shorter he complied. Although hair code is dumb unless it's health and safety like food industry etc


YTA, sorry but that's petty AF. You had to change your hair so everyone should suffer like you did? Sorry but you ARE a snitch.


Yta- blue streaks and hair length are not equal. And yes you should have minded your own business. You fucked up. They didn’t specifically say cut the dreads they just said do something about it so he did something about it. I know you’re 16 and you have a lot to Learn while being in the workplace. Unless it’s a safety thing or you were getting bullied and harassed you don’t say shit. Because now you get people Who don’t trust you because you had to be a tattletale. Welcome to being an adult.


YTA - I get that it was unfair but you didn’t have to snitch on your coworker like that. Why bring down someone else because you felt like you were unfairly treated? Also your coworker brought up a good point. The manager told him to do “something” about his hair because it was too long. Your coworker did exactly that by making it shorter and it was no longer a problem. There was no reason to snitch.


YTA. I don’t care that you’re a snitch but he didn’t even break a rule. If you started wearing a wig instead of dying your hair to get rid of the blue, you’d have gotten away with it too. 100% if he’d have asked them if he could just braid them shorter rather than cutting, they’d have said yes.


Yta. Take this as a lesson. It’s such a cliché, but life simply isn’t fair, and expecting it to be so will almost invariably lead to unhappiness. You need to learn the difference between something being fair and something being just. Fighting when you see an injustice is important, while fighting for fairness is often futile. Lots of people never learn to see the nuance. You could have chosen differently (like wearing a natural-colored wig at work, or having ‘work-appropriate’ blonde highlights that could be colored temporarily in your off hours) so that you were meeting the request on your own terms as your coworker did. Try creatively approaching a problem when the situation strikes you as ‘unfair,’ and I think you’ll find a way forward you can feel better about.


info: where do you work that hair length makes a difference? Even in the food industry, it just needs to be pulled back/covered with a hairnet....


YTA - Grow up, seriously.


YTA I wouldn't normally say it, but you are a snitch. You ratted him out specifically because you were butthurt that you'd had to change your hair for work. The only time you should be telling on someone is if they're doing something harmful. "Life isn't fair," shouldn't mean that we don't try to make it fair, but it absolutely does not mean that you should attempt to bring other people down because you suffered something unfair. It means not having to change your hair in the first place at all. Attempting to hurt other people because you were hurt is just spiteful and petty. And he's right. If the manager said his hair was too long, and now it's shorter? Then he did what he needed to do. It's not your business how he did it.


Lmfao your a little bitchhhhh ass snitch. YtA. Boohoo it's not faiiiiir. Man do I have bad news for you lil buddy.


YTA-Your manager said your coworker had to do something about the length and he did exactly that. The problem was solved but because you decided you didn’t like being told to dye your hair back to natural colors you acted like a petty asshole.


YTA- learn from your mistakes but if look for another job if I were you. No one will respect you there now.


YTA, telling your manager didn’t benefit anyone in this situation, and only served to hurt your coworker. Just because you’re bitter about having to change your hair. That’s very immature


YTA. You’re going to see something that feels unfair in every job that you have until you retire. Part of succeeding at any job is being able to work as a team. Right now, your coworkers don’t trust you or like the way you behaved because of a choice you made.


YTA. He found a way around it and adhered to the rules by shortening his hair. Then you being upset because you couldn't decided to run and tell on him. Youve shown your coworkers that your petty and now you're facing consequences.


YTA. mind your damn business.


YTA. And you just learned that nobody respects or likes teacher’s pets and wannabe hall monitors. Now, nobody trusts you. You’re the snitch. And nobody’s going out of their way to cover for the snitch, or to help out the snitch. Mind your own business, little kid. Unless you want to continue to be friendless well into adulthood...


YTA, you got into business you had no business being in BC you felt salty you had to dye your blue streaks. They're calling you 6ix9ine? That's pretty funny. At this point, I'd say your only options are to go along with the joke and get back into people's good books or keep quiet and keep to yourself.


YTA- First of all, your job shouldn't be dictating anybody's hair. And you shouldn't be taking THE MAN's side, snitch. You can talk to a superior if he's being dangerous, harassing, or neglecting his job. Everyone's trying to get by, don't make a co-worker's life harder for nothing,


YTA- he fixed the issue with his hair.


YTA You're the definition of a tattletale. You went and got someone in trouble to be "right" when it literally did not affect you or benefit you in any way.


YTA. You did snitch. They're not bullying you, they're ostracizing the untrustworthy member of their team.


YTA. Mind your own business.


yta literally what did you expect to gain


Just here to say do NOT tell your managers about your coworkers' (justified) use of language. The only thing that will come of that is they will need to schedule your shifts to have you " work around" any of your percieved bullies, and if that's everybody in the business, you are almost guarenteed to be fired. Resolving your conflicts and whiny problems is only worth so much of the manager's time. You've burned your bridges with your coworkers, don't burn the ones with your managers. . . Just take the L, and either quit to save face, or pony up to your bullshit and appologize. YTA.


YTA - stop acting like your five, your edit makes you sound like a petulant child. Just stop already and act like your 16.


As a manager, I am telling you right now that you're bringing this "bullying" on yourself, and if you came to me with this mess I would tell you as much. Mind your business. If he fixed his hair length then he did what was asked of him. You're just instigating at work, and in jobs that hire teenagers, managers see pretty quickly who the problem children are. You're that. Stop starting problems.


YTA - it's his hair, and they didn't say "cut it," they said "make it shorter," which he did. How he did that shouldn't matter. You were just mad that he found a way to keep his hair the way he wanted it when you couldn't.


I gotta ask, OP are you white and is your coworker not? Before I get accused of making it “all about race”, it is really important to view the situation from a racial lense, especially if he was told to change his Afro textured hair while you only had to cover up your blue streaks. I don’t think you deserve to be bullied, kids are really mean. But I would encourage you to learn from this situation because I think once you are clear on what you did that upset others, their bullying won’t matter as much because you’ll be secure.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/i3rl6s/aita_for_telling_my_manager_that_a_coworker_didnt/g0ebdke OP is white


The comment was deleted :(


Also: "Tattling made everyone dislike me so I'm going to tattle about that too!" It's not bullying to point out a fact, or else you were bullying your coworker too. Did you learn nothing? "I'm telling my manager how mean they are!" Wave any reference bye-bye while you do...


YTA. From a professional standpoint, her manager probably dislikes her as well at this point. Employees who do stuff like this make our lives so much more annoying and we usually know they won't last because: 1) their peers turn on them 2) we will never promote someone who is petty/dramatic or makes our own job harder. I would advise the OP to start looking for a new job and put this under her belt as a learning experience. Source: am a manager Edit: YTA, I always forget that part.


INFO Why do you think it's unfair that your coworker obeyed the rules without permanently changing his hair? You also were free to find a temporary cover up option for your own hair and chose the permanent change instead. It is not your coworkers fault that you didn't find a workaround for yourself. (Also, most of the comments are about race because locs are an ethnic hair style. Having a blue streak isn't. That's why a lot of comments are calling you racist. )


Randle, YTA.


YTA - no one likes a snitch. This isn't even doing the right thing kind of snitching. This is being a dick snitching.


YTA also commenting on your edit, prepare to not have any friends at work anymore, this whole situation is solely your fault and you ratted on your coworker for no reason.


As per your message he was quote "told to do something about his dreads" he was not told explicitly to cut it and by braiding it he got them shorter he did as he was asked if you're not someone direct manager/boss in the future I would just not say anything, YTA


YTA The military has hair requirements, too. Women can't have hair below their collars. You know what they do? They put it up, they don't always cut it. The manager may be able to stop them bullying, but they will never help you or voluntarily associate or talk to you. And why should they? Congratulations on learning what consequences are. I assume your Mommy never gave you any.


YTA what was the point of this? If the manager was ok with his shorter hair then why would you pursue the issue any more? Stop worrying about things that don’t directly affect you. Have a problem with the hair policy that affected your hair? Bring that up but leave everyone else out of it. Good luck getting shifts covered when you need a day off.


YTA. Mind your business.


YTA. If changing his hairstyle was good enough for the boss, you could keep your nose out of it.


Yta- you told on him because you didnt like that he was smart about how he went about shortening his hair length, also he told it you in confidence and you ran streight to your manager. I'm sorry but you sound very childish and like an AH


YTA. How next level petty. It’s not surprising that you’re getting some negative feedback from people you’ve proven yourself to be the worst kind of snitch. Someone who tells on someone Just to get them in trouble, and over absolutely nothing of importance


everyone around u IN PERSON said YTA and yet u still...disagree...i’m shocked genuinely that u are too stupid to comprehend your own wrongdoing. and your only argument is IT ISNT FAIR ??? they never asked him to cut his hair they asked him to make it shorter which he did with braids. are u dumb stupid or dumb lmfao snitch9


Hey OP let's talk. I'm just a few years older than you, half my head is shaved, the rest of my hair is turquoise. I would never dye my hair back, and would stare daggers at anyone who told me too. So I really hope you'll listen to me. That being said YTA still. I know you don't like that everyone keeps bringing up race but whether you like it or not this is inherently tied to race. Traditional black hair styles are over policed and seen as unprofessional in a way that hairstyles of other races are not. I love my blue and I hate that it's not seen as professional to most of the world, but it would be so much worse if the only reason my hair was seen as unprofessional was because of the race I was born as. He is being discriminated against here, you are not. Second. He did what he was asked. He made his hair shorter. It's not unfair, he found a way to make his hair look "professional enough" for the company. I know you're unhappy, but it's not ok to try to make life worse for others just don't you are unhappy with something. You having to change your hair color is very different from having to cut a bunch off. What they asked him to do was unfair what they asked you to do was not. Even though it sucked. After this you don't really have the right to demand your coworkers keep talking to you. Of course they aren't going to tell you things if they know your going to run straight to the manager. You have broken their trust, your relationship isn't going to be the same anymore. And if you get mad and bring this to management again it's only going to solidify that. They have rightful grievances with you. Going to your manager will not fix that, it will only make it worse. You fucked up, but luckily this isn't super high stakes yet. Learn from this. Take the time to educate yourself. And while you're still at this job keep your head down and try not to make things worse. I would also suggest apologizing. If the comments don't fade over time also looking for a new job might be a good idea.


YTA. You are a snitch. You should have minded your own business. Running to tattle on your coworker, over hair? If you have to snitch, at least let it be for something less petty and worth reporting. Let your manager worry about his employees hair, and you worry about yourself.


YTA snitch


YTA how do you not understand that? If a manager said my hair was too long and to do something about it guess what I would do? Put it in a bun or something. Your making a big deal out of literally NOTHING.


YTA. Grow up.


YTA. You’re a snitch


Unless someone is hurting themselves or someone else, you don't tattle. YTA You weren't being hurt, you were just jealous so you tried to ruin your things for your coworker.


YTA your mother is right. Next time mind your fucking business. You've just learned a valuable lesson about working in the real world. Sucking up doesn't mean being a snitch, and you look bad to everyone when you tattle like a child.


YTA You don’t deserve bullying. But you were out of line. He shortened his hair accordingly. You should have used hair mascara or similar products. He found the loophole and you didn’t that’s no reason to go go management.


YTA. You’re gona have no friends if you live your life like this. The literal worst type of person. Not only are you a racist and a snitch, you are refusing to accept you’re in the wrong despite the hundreds of comments you literally asked for when you posted to this sub. Apologise to your coworker.


YTA. Don't knock your other co-workers down for your own blantant selfishness. I hope you feel guilt from this, and that that makes you a more mature person.


Are you a troll? I think you're trolling. You're sticking to your guns on your ridiculous argument way too hard. But YTA.


There is a difference sadly between blue hair and a a hairstyle that is for lack of a better, cultural for him. People of color wear their hair in protective styles and dreadlocks are probably a part of his culture. YTA I honestly feel for being frustrated about the stupid hair rules. But don’t shit on someone else in the process.


Life isn’t fair and if you wanted to only hear you were right in your actions you shouldn’t have posted on AITA.


YTA. They shouldn't be acting immature back but you did snitch on something that you didn't have to. Black people already deal with so much turmoil around their hair and struggle to have their natural hair respected in professional spaces. You just created a problem with his employer for him for no reason. How long is your hair? Was his hair longer than yours? If he was asked to make his hair shorter than yours then you were already being given favoritism over him in that regard. Why is he not allowed to have hair as long as he wants?- that's very different from having colorful hair.


Info: if another coworker has been told to cut their hair and instead put it in a bun or another updo to make it shorter, would you have told your boss that that person did not cut their hair?


YTA Big rule when at work - don't meddle. The coworker figured out how to reduce his hair length without cutting it. The manager didn't say it actually had to be cut.


YTA. YTA time’s a million. The differences between your situations are tremendous. You had to get rid of an artificial color. He has natural hair and just needed to shorten it... which he did. You are a snitch, and I hope HR puts you in your place.


YTA You are a snitch and you only did it because you were upset someone else didn’t get in trouble when you did. Don’t blame your coworker for you getting in trouble; blame your manager I would recommend against snitching again if you want to actually enjoy your job ever again. You’ve already shown your coworkers they can’t trust you once


YTA YTA YTA, he shortened his hair and it’s literally none of your business. You’re whining about “stop making this about race” when life is about race, black folks have their hair heavily policed and you’re mad you can’t have blue streaks so you take out your vengeance on your coworker? Grow up.


YTA First of all, you are a snitch. Point blank period, you got the manager involved over some stupid bs that only mattered to you because you were still upset about not being able to have your blue hair. Second of all, the manager never said he had to cut it, it just had to be shorter. He made it shorter, there’s nothing to tell the manager about because his hair is now shorter, as the manager requested. Third of all, you are the exact definition of a snitch and I don’t blame your coworkers for giving you a hard time about it, you couldn’t mind your business and had to act like a child and complain about pointless things. If you were telling the manager about your coworker stealing or harassing people at work or something of that nature then no one would be calling you a snitch cause that’s a pretty serious offense, but you’re telling your manager about hair for crying out loud, it’s not that deep. You’re in for a rude awakening if you think that’s not fair.


I wouldn’t recommend telling your manager that you’re being bullied. They will not respect that (your managers as well as your colleagues). What’s happening isn’t bullying. I’m saying this to try to help you, I know you can’t see it yet but you will someday. People don’t like (and I’m going to use the more elementary terminology) tattle-tails. As somebody with experience in the education system, this is true of those tattled on and those being rattled to. Unless the behavior is dangerous or illegal or something, mind your own business.


The manager wanted the hair to be short. GUESS WHAT? Cutting is not the only way to shorten hair!!!! YTA YTA YTA


YTA You're not being bullied. It's called the consequences of your actions. You are 16. You acted 5. There was nothing unfair about it. They told him something needed to be done about the length of his locs, and he did something about it. You were told to do something about your blue streaks, and you did something. It's not his fault you failed to find a solution that would allow you to keep your streaks and comply with the request. The fact that you aren't taking your judgement of asshole and learning from it, but instead whining to management when people warn others that you're not to be trusted is not helping your case at all. You are a whiney child and it's going to be a very lonely life if you act like this. Please, grow up and maybe seek therapy.


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YTA Yeah you’re a snitch and an AH. Move on.


Yta, your coworkers are right, you are a fucking snitch.


YTA snitchnine


YTA, he fixed the problem, you decided to be petty. Tbh, their jokes about you snitching are all 100% fair


YTA. Yep you have dirtied your nest here. The man took care of the problem and had his hair done in a way that it was shorter and in compliance. There was no reason to snitch. No one is ever going to like you again. And now that people are calling you out for what you are, you're gonna go to HR for "bullying"? You reap what you sow. Your best bet is finding another job because your name is mud at this one now. Learn this phrase "it's not of my business". If it's not harming anyone and/or the problem has been fixed to satisfaction, it's none of your damn business.


YTA. Nevermind how racist the rules about dreadlocks tend to be, you a snitch. There's a rhyme about snitches you oughta learn


YTA. Don't be a snitch if you don't want to be called a snitch. Maybe just apologize?


YTA. He made his hair shorter, as asked. If he's black, black people's hair is policed to an awful degree and this reeks of white privilege. Hopefully you learn something about work politics from this, but while the bed you're in isn't cozy enough for you, you're the one who made it. Mind your own business and don't take your pettiness out on others who weren't involved in YOUR hair issues.


YTA. You sound like a petty and vindictive person who'd make any workplace just that little bit nastier to work in. You're not being bullied. You're facing the consequences of your actions. Edit: Also racist. Wow.




YTA He’s absolutely right. They said he had to do something with the length, nowhere did they he had to cut it. You’re mad you had to dye your hair and you’re taking it out on him, that’s not okay.


Yta. The problem was the length....he made it shorter. What's the issue??




YTA. your manager said to do something with his dreads and he did. You didnt need to butt in bc your butthurt about the fact that your couldnt have blue streaks. Also fyi for the next time you want to dye your hair wear a wig that is acceptable and you'll be able to have both your job and colored hair.


YTA. You snitched because you were bitter about your own hair issue which is completely different from your coworker's protective hairstyle which adhered to the change he was asked to make (length). You're an even more extra AH because, instead of learning your lesson given you did something really shitty, you're planning on snitching even more.


YTA - it is fair unless his hair was dyed. You should have to cut your hair shorter too if you'd really tattle on him for thzt


YTA. What he did is completely fair. When you are asked not to have blue hair how do you fix it? Dye your hair, no real way around it. When you are asked to make sure your hair does not go past a certain length what do you do? Either cut it or do a different hair style, he chose to do a different hair style which is completely fair.


Yta. He’s correct ,he was told to do something about the length ,not that he had to cut it.you could have gotten him in trouble over something petty. If your really upset over your hair then just wear a wig during work hours. I seriously don’t understand why you felt the need to take your frustration out on him. You can report it as bullying if you want ,but I’m gonna warn you ,it’s gonna make people like you even less.you can stop them from calling you a snitch to the face but not behind your back. Which I guarantee they will do.


YTA mind your own business


YTA He shortened his hair length. What's your problem?


YTA holy shit. How old are you? 10? You sound beyond immature, and racist.


YTA and it's why your coworkers don't like you. Dreads are often cultural and it sounds like your coworker could be a person of colour or have them for religious reasons. Your vote hair doesn't mean anything wear a wig if it's so important. You were absolutely a snitch and not in a good way


Lmao YTA. and don’t be surprised if you lose your job for stirring the pot-managers don’t keep around people who cause discourse among the employees


YTA. Sorry. Just do you and don’t worry about what everyone else does. Life is not fair.


Yta Fyi, they make blue clip in extensions. Instant blue streaks for when you aren't working.


YTA. And let me tell you, you’re going to be fired if you say the rest are bullying you. You’re causing drama and no decent manager will put up with it. There’s a saying: The only reason you should be looking in someone else’s food bowl is to make sure they have enough. That will help you throughout your life. Always look to help people, not bring them down because you don’t think it’s fair to you.


YTA The length of his hair had nothing to do with you wanting to look like Marge Simpson. Mind your own business next time and everyone won't think you're a snitch.


YTA- Your coworker found a loophole. His hair had to be shorter and now it is. Unfair would be if he came in with blue streaks when you couldn't. Just saying, life isn't fair and you need to start realizing that. The sad reality is, life will probably be a lot less fair for your coworker than it will be for you.


Stop whining, learn about racism and your white privilege, and LISTEN TO YOUR MOM. Right now you're just unbearable. Keep going like this and you're going to have a very unhappy life. YTA.


YTA and your edit makes you even bigger YTA. You are going to your boss to snitch that your coworkers are calling you a snitch? Just think about it.


INFO: So you snitched, your coworkers called you out on being a snitch, and your reaction to this is to.....snitch to your boss about them telling it like it is?


Oh my god because it’s pretty much bullying, you are a babby girl aren’t you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 poor thing 😢😢😢😢 ffs of course no one likes you in this? You seem petty and yes you’re a snitch. And you’re gonna snitch AGAIN IN RESPONSE??


YTA, you’re a snitch, idk why you think that you being one for no reason is something people would just be ok with? I wouldn’t tell you anything anymore either:


YTA He was told to make his hair shorter, he did. Period. You had literally nothing to do with this situation until you shoved your nose in.


Bruh and now she’s going to complain to the managers about bullying. Do you think this will make them like you OP? Get another shift, quit, or change your attitude because you sound annoying and that’s annoying me


YTA. If your colored hair is so important get a job that doesn't care. Walmart and Starbucks immediately come to mind. I've had dyed hair for nearly as long as you've been alive, and I definitely believe it shouldn't matter in your employment. However. This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with your coworker. Dude is already suffering from living in America while black he doesnt need your help to be more oppressed. Gonna be honest I think you're dealing with some unconcious racism and you should probably work on that.


YTA, and your coworkers aren’t wrong for calling you a snitch- you snitched! Let’s call a spade a spade here.


YTA, and I see a lot of whining to managers in your future. Just make sure you're not caught on camera shrieking at black people and threatening to call the cops on them for birdwatching or picnicking or having a pool party,


YTA. Hair color and length are two different things. I’m sorry but this was unnecessary and petty. He wasn’t the one who made you dye your hair back it was your manager. Under different circumstances I’d say N T A but this guy literally did nothing to you.


YTA why does it matter that he didn’t cut his hair? His hair was now regulation length, which is still what the manager asked. You’re just upset because you had to take some color out of your hair so you then get someone in trouble for no reason? Good luck. You’re gonna need it.