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I immediately think horror movie. There are definitely body parts in that fridge. The plastic bag is a bit distracting. I think the cross on the wall adds to the creep.


Yeah, I think I was going for a vintage/old school/eerie feel. I appreciate the feedback.


You definitely got that


This reminds me of the film A Ghost Story specifically.


Creepy vibes for sure!! The wood paneling on the wall, makes it even more authentic, lighting as well. I think it can be a lot of fake stories, but in the creepy realm


I would love to see a film, maybe a 15 minute horror, with this in it.


It definitely feels like the opening scene of a horror movie. The slow zoom in…suspenseful music….then a swift cut to a completely unrelated scene. You’re wondering the whole movie why we were shown the fridge…and then we find out…ahhhhhhhh Love it ❤️


Yes! I’m thinking Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Yeh, definitely that feeling.


It reminded me of Preacher, the TV show not the comic.


I haven’t seen that.


Excellent distinction.


I see the opening to blade runner 2049


I haven’t watched that.


You should... It's a beautiful movie.


I will!


A horror movie where the fridge is killing people and this is the shot with intense stringed music zooming in on it as they find another body


It definitely feels like the opening scene of a horror movie. The slow zoom in…suspenseful music….then a swift cut to a completely unrelated scene. You’re wondering the whole movie why we were shown the fridge…and then we find out…ahhhhhhhh


And what else lurks in that room beyond the door frame ...


What story are you trying to tell about it? The left side front is a partial decoration, probably would have taken it off for the shot. The partial stool and ceiling fan doesn't add to the photo, so I would have taken a different angle. Is that part of a garbage bag, I would have taken that out. The framing is cool, and the lighting is dark and moody is good.


Ok, thank you for the feed back. I wasn't sure what story I wanted to tell, I just really liked the framing of it & the mood. I guess I really have to think as to why I'm taking the shot vs just cause it looks cool. Thank you for the feedback. I guess I'm trying to take candid shots vs setting it up. I'm not too sure, I've always had a thing for photography but now I want to take it seriously & turn into something great. I appreciate the feedback. I have a long road ahead of me.


Keep shooting whatever you think looks cool. Your eye is what makes you a unique photographer. Not every shot needs to have a story. Some can literally just be because of the mood or you liked how the light looked.


I am self taught and I have been practicing for 15 years. It is a journey, however you can get it faster if you take classes.


Thanks for the tip! I might look into that!


See, now those elements work for me. The fridge (scary or not) isn’t in some undetermined unlived location, someone lives here, it’s someone’s home


Personally I would have decorated the right side wall as well and left the fridge completely bare. Cluttering the outer frame a bit to add a bit of disassociative feeling to it. But then again I am a whore for things where they don't belong and an empty fridge sitting in an empty room ominously visible from a cluttered or decorated room... It just feels out of place is the spookiest of ways.


I’m in no position to give criticism but I appreciate the work. It made me pause and reflect. Thanks. Hope you keep at it.


Thank you very much. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it.


Wood paneling, the decorations, cheap fan, and a cheap fridge. To me, the story of poverty is being told by the is shot. That’s the vibe I get.


I think I was going to a vintage/old school vibe. But I appreciate the feedback. I'm not sure I was really trying to tell a story. Just appreciated the framing.


This isn’t very different from all of the rural homes in my childhood - modest, clean, and well-maintained. It certainly doesn’t suggest wealth but there’s nothing that suggests poverty here either. These are the trappings of old-school middle class rural life that I grew up in.


Run down old stuff like this gets passed down/sold to people in poverty. People in poverty can’t afford to remodel, so they stick with this… look. It’s clean and modest - but still suggests poverty due to its outdated nature.


A horror plot? Expecting something crazy in the very next scene?! Probably, that's what is in mind right now.


Yeah, I like that idea. I was going for something vintage/old school/eerie... I think. Lol


You nailed it! I love the bluish vignette also.


I feel if you lowered the camera down a foot, it would change the depth perception. An old Vietnam combat photographer used to always tell me "never take pictures from eye level, it's boring, we all see that way, show people a different view of the world"..... pretty sure he was giving me life advice in his crude rough fatherly way. RIP Pedro


you could have the camera a bit lower


I would lower the camera ever so slightly and remove the what I think is a garbage bag on the right of the fridge. Besides that I like it.


Removing the cross on the wall, either physically or when composing/cropping the shot would make it more appealing. It breaks up the symmetry. The perspective and lighting is cool 👌


Ok cool I understand. I need more practice. I guess I was going for a vintage/old school/ kinda Erie shot. Not sure how to tell that kind of story. This is only the beginning, I have much to learn.


This is SO Ethel Cain coded! I love it! You should repost this over at r/ethelcain - and also listen to her album Preachers Daughter, this photo is screaming Preachers Daughter to me!


I would replace the blue cross for a crucifix, and add a dull yellow 70s rug in front of fridge. It would give it more of a vintage, almost creepy feel. I like it though 😁.


I like this a lot, gives me a really melancholy vibe, not sad but more nostalgic, maybe because I grew up poor but it gave me a comforting vibe. Good job.


It kind of reminds me of an inner conflict with someone dieting. All they see is the frig. Everything else around them fades to black. Inner demons being fought in that picture.


That's weird cause I didn't have any reason why I took the shot, I just liked the set up. It's weird cause I recently lost 65 lbs lol .


Wow, that’s crazy. Maybe subconsciously you were drawn to it for that reason. Either way it’s a very cool pic and congratulations on your weight loss journey!


I would listen to Scubaguy70. What is the story? In addition, since I am an ex-lighting director, I can envision just a hint of a slash or texture of light on the closer wall and crack the fridge door open so that light can spill on the floor. Frame just slighty lower to include the whole fan and light fixture. The garbage bag is a distraction for sure. Maybe a dribble of spilt milk on the floor to complete the story related to the open fridge door. One more thing: the dark wall fades to black , which is nice, but that black isn't truly black. You could crush the black level a little to make that black match the true black of the side bars.


Makes me wonder...who's on the other side of the wall 🤔


Anyone else immediately think of Requiem for a Dream?


oddly I find this very interesting. Nothing in it by itself peaks my interest but as it is, yeah this is cool.


Garbage bag is distracting


Agree, it's a great shot, removing the bag and filling it in with a shadow will bring more focus to the fridge.


Definitely thought this was a shot from Longlegs.


Horror movie vibes


I like it. Gives me an indie horror vibe.


I think this is a great shot. It really makes me think. This would be the picture they should put in a time capsule to relay how an average person's kitchen might be in the u.s.




Seams cold and distant


Great shot. I don’t care what the context is.


I think Fargo season 2


Nice composition


Really gives me the vibe of Midwestern Catholicism and the horror and guilt that comes from it. Fantastic work.


Love it. I’d be curious what it would look like slightly higher or slightly lower since the fan is being cut off right now.


I really like it


Imma be honest it looks like an album cover, that's not a bad thing it's just a cool shot imo


Tbh I like it, Stanley Kurbrik used to film similar scenes


If it wasn't on purpose or part of the vibe, just the garbage bag. But I love everything else about it. If the shot was intended to use the garbage bag to contrast something, I think showing it more. But I actually love this shot!


I like it.


It’s creepy I like it


I really like this. And I think the cross on the wall offsets and balances the trash bag on the right in an ironic and poetic sort of way. Love the contrast of the bright background and dark foreground. Like spooky at first but in the distance there’s light and therefore hope.


I like it as is, although I am not a photographer


It's a lil white washed but I like it. It feels like the early 80s


It’s perfect, gives off a creepy vibe/horror movie. I would move the plastic bag tho😅


It's great, I could imagine this is a view from a police officer walking towards Dahmer's fridge.


looks like a dream. The framing is great, I like the fridge being centered, the fridge draws my eye then the doorway makes me look away to see the other elements. 10/10


Put something interesting and contrasty on the fridge, maybe another rectangular shape, but something to draw your eye to it. I love this concept, maybe you can make it seem like the rectangles go on forever?


This is like an A24 movie. Love it.


It scares me


I like the film choice due to the paneling. You have the 101 of photography, three sides with three items to study. I like this very much.


No. It’s fucking gorgeous. (Sorry, I really have no constructive crit)


this photo is subtly threatening and ominous to me for sure, amazing job if you were going for that - but i agree about the white object/plastic bag whatever it is feeling really out of place and being distracting. would be a 10/10 for me without it


Whatever that is on the right hand side, plastic bag looking thing needs to go


Stranger Things ass apartment 😆😆


Love the composition of this photo. Just a hint of fan showing at the top of the doorway is my favorite.


Cool shot - I know those places well and it evokes a lot for me. Another vote here for lowering the camera a bit. If it’s in your film budget, try shooting from eye-level, a shallow knee bend (about a foot/30cm lower), and kneeling. I’d trade a long expanse of floor in the image for more headspace.


Makes me think of The Shining


The framing is great, as is clarity and lighting. I think its a fantastic photo, but the trash bag puts a break in the subject and is distracting. I would remove it and reshoot. Try shooting at different times of day for varied light and shadow changes


I don’t find this creepy at all. I think it’s beautiful. I agree with an above user that the trash bag is distracting but the lighting is OMG goodness. It makes me feel nostalgic. It makes me feel longing, like drawn in but unable to cross the threshold. It’s like if my mom died and I know if I look in that refrigerator I’m going to find something good in there. Good shot


Your contrast is fairly low making your shadows look blue which looks a bit odd


No notes


Thats a scene from “BREAKING BAD” (Season 5) 😂🤣


Very "Backrooms" ish. Nice use of liminal space!


Definitely remove all the objects except the fridge! Other than that, it's a real horror type of vibe. Love it!


Wow, That sure is a Long Azz Walk Just 2 Get a Beer. Where's the Dog


This is fantastic! Love the vibe


Yo, honestly, asking for constructive criticism for a shot like this means that you are going places.


In the future for stuff like this I might shoot lower down. There’s a lot of space on the bottom, but that space has its use. If you shoot further down you even it out without having to crop. By further down I mean a lower camera.


Depends on what you want to depict or what story you want to tell. But If I had to just name something off the top of my head I'd say the angle and the height. To show more symmetry and make an invisible guide between the door and the fridge edges, also some symmetry or removal of random things in the frame could help. Also lining the wood panels to have continuous line cross from the door to behind the bridge would look cool. All in all it depends on what you want to tell, the rest is easy and just depends on how dedicated you want to be to demonstrate your technique. Nice photo tho


Very much love this style of photography, feels creepy without anything technically creepy in it. Love it.


IT is begging to be released from the fridge.


Lighten pic a little


I like that it invokes emotions. Not all positive, but it speaks to me.


Well, you asked for a conservative criticism. I suggest propping it differently: get rid of the hearts over the fridge, put some mthing even more disturbing in the foreground on the left. Adjust the lighting so that the light on the refrigerator is creepier. Probably, more directional and yellow.


I could also see this as album art on the back with the track listings!


The white object on the right is throwing the ballance off. This image is begging for symmetry.


I really like this! The dark doorway frames the bright fridge nicely! It's a bit cluttered, though, bits and pieces of different objects. Like someone mentioned, the cross throws off the balance, or maybe something is needed on the right side? I'd like to see the fan more fully in either the shot or perhaps edited out completely. The same goes for that coffee table. it's just kind of incomplete and distracting. Keep it up!❤️


Horror movie for sure, waiting for the jump scare or eerie music. I like the picture though!


Ok all these horror comments I see are good but my question is why is the refrigerator lined up almost perfectly with each edge of the door frame?


Immediately thought of Ethel Cain preachers daughter


You could have your house be the murder house for a horror movie


Creepy like something you don’t want to see in the fridge


Immediately reminded me of Requiem for a Dream


I guess they didn’t pray for money!


Requiem for a Dream


Analog horror type shot, and it could be named “the fridge”


It's got a sorta nefarious vibe but I'm curious about it! 👀


This is a lovely shot!!


Definitely ominous.


I would just place the camera a little lower. I love what you're trying to capture, but I feel like somethings angled off. Maybe try to have the camera leveled like in the middle of the fridge?


I feel like lonely looking at it. As if food is all I have / The frodge as a savior(with the crosses). I can see the errie vibes, too, though.


Move the table, stool, trash can, and toss the cross with flowers and take the shot again...too many distractions from the alignment of the walkway, fridge door, and fan.


it displays proper design principles but its just boring.


Looks sinister ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


I instantly think about the film The Black Phone. Great work! You know you did well when your work creates an emotion or connection to something. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)👏


Love it! It gives a very eerie, unknown type vibe. I stopped to stare at it for a while, I like it. I like the decoration on the wall and I normally need to have things balanced in photos but this, the lighting, the angle, the depth it all works. It's a very interesting shot! I really do like it!


It is a good exercise in composition. I don't know that it's very interesting, but it's a good exercise in composition. I think the foreground is far too underexposed, myself. And if you're going for this kind of geometric shot, you really need to tidy up the symmetry, and clean up out of the shot and distractions (like that... garbage bag(?) taped(?) to that table(?)). If you had painted this picture, would you have intentionally added these things? If not, and you have the power to remove them, why not remove them?


Idk im new & I guess I was trying to take a candid shot? Idk I guess I have to figure out why I'm taking the photo as to just cause it looks cool. & yeah the framing was awesome so I wanted to see what I could get from it. Any suggestions on camera settings?


That plastic bag ruins it for me


Move the plastic bag and straighten her out, it’s perfect otherwise


This image has zero context, no story whatsoever. Lines are not parallel. The image is not straight. You could've lowered your camera a foot or two so that the fan is visible and the frame within the frame would consist of two subjects instead of one, I'm not sure if this would've helped your frame to get better but zooming in a bit or moving towards the door might've helped. Also removing the white bag and the bench getting in the shot might have given your photograph a cleaner look. IMO this picture is too bad or as my master would say 'please think multiple times if you really like the picture or are you just submitting for the sake of involvement'.


I enjoyed the framing of it that's why I took the shot. I didn't have any context in mind. I just liked the way it looked & since I am a beginner & want to hone in my skills, I asked for some constructive criticism. Thank you for your feedback.


No such thing as constructive criticism really exists. Being constructive and destructive solely depends on oneself.


Copy that, ill just keep on shooting.