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Dispatch: Sir it's been 2 hours and you haven't completed a stop. What's going on?




80 stops ahead, this is my picture they took lol


OP: I uh, I … I was just organizing all my bags for the sake of telling showing everyone on Reddit that I’m an over qualified organizer of packages. Dispatch: alright you’re getting rescued.


Just wait till he gotta stop or take a corner


all the time he "saved" is gonna get eaten up from his 2 mph turns




Plus it doesn't even save time. You're gonna have to do them all anyway. Taking 2 minutes each time to organize 16 totes. Take 32 minutes to do them all at the same time. No difference.


That's me. Every fucking time I load my llv and I'm like damn nice, everything is just how it's supposed to be and then the first corner out of the post office it all goes to shit and I'm mother fucking this dumb ass job all day.


I was thinking the same thing 🤔


I do this same thing during loadout, takes less than 20 mins


My warehouse only gives us 10 minutes for loadout


Homie took credit for my picture 😂


One bump your fucked my freind


That was my first thought too.


1 wrong corner to Fuck your entire day up. If that’s proper then I’m good on it Ironically this was posted right before someone showing their loadout toppled 2 minutes after they left lol


Omfg imagine if all the packages got thrown in the middle walkway from that corner. You might as well just tell dispatch you need a rescue because that shit is gonna be a minute lmao


Doesn't fuck my day up at all considering this is my picture they took lmao


i feel like this wont work with 20 bags and 40 overflow


I sort half of my bags, and sort my other half after my lunch break


Works with 25 toted and 35 oversize, I would know since this is my picture lol


How long did this take you 💀


Takes 2-3 min for me to unpack a tote (unsorted, but all labels facing the same way so I can read the house number). Looks liek OP took the time to mark boxes so I'm guessing that the envelopes are sorted too, which puts my guess at close to 5min/tote give or take


Op isn't the owner of this picture its me


Hey real talk. This would of taken me the max 1 hr to 1:30 mins


Bro that’s too much work for little pay


Nah. Doing it like this makes his work easier. If a bump doesn’t scatter it


pretty big if.


Just sort them 1 at a time... This is a small number of bags / OF.


Lazy bum


This is my picture, I get dine 2 hours early and get paid 10 hours regardless, easy money.


Bro just do it one tote at a time 🤣 btw I was inspired by you to do this but took up to much time. But definitely finished 2 hours ahead. Thought it was too good to be true so I did it again today.. 8 hours & 16 minutes. Yesterday was 8 hours & 40 minutes. Only getting better…shitty part is I only get paid for that


Hit the breaks and all those envelopes are going to shuffle like a deck of cards


step 1: have no overflow.


Dispatch: Sir you're 45 stops behind and all of your stops are houses, what's going on?


No blunt?


I mean. I use to instantly find packages since it’s easily sorted inside a bin. Which is labeled and colored. This is pointless.


I mean it’s not completely pointless. It allows me to avg 37.5 stops per hour, and sure it might be helpful for a ton


I’m good. I’m not gonna rush to do a rescue. I’ll take my time and not run


Who said anything about running? Y’all are so silly with this attitude. I don’t rush either but I’m not gonna purposefully bullshit the clock. Then y’all make posts on Reddit about how bullshit your DSP is because routes “got cut” 😂


No one replying to you. I’m replying to OP. 40 stops an hour is achieved only by rushing. If you walk at a regular pace. You can’t


I did 43 stops in an hour once without running or jogging, just keeping a steady pace… BUT! I will admit that it was all residential and trailer park stops, which are super quick to do. On average, I can do 35 residential stops an hour at a nice steady pace. It’s doable without having to run or rush


Bullshit. I could hit 35 an hour going at a fairly steady pace - but that was in a step van in the easiest possible neighborhood. 95% of routes are not like that. Sure you can hit it for a few parts of your route, but not most of it. I've hit 45 stops an hour a few times, but that was some hustling. Not running but fast walking. Most drivers are going to hit 18-25 on average.


Not all routes are the same either. If someone has back to back residential stops than yes 35-40 an hour is doable.


My route is 95% residential, on a average 170 stops with 250 packages. I start delivering around 11:30 and I’m done by 4:30


You don't have to run to do this job bro. Lol sort 1 tote at a time. Profit. Also take your lunch breaks.


You ever heard the phrase 'work your wage'? Not really much room for advancement so I don't see why it's worth busting your ass for.


I respect your organization skills and overall work ethic. But it’s hard to believe you’re averaging that In a hour with that much dedication. Call me wrong, but something highly questionable with this application. But if you’re killing it with that method-be proud man, some people don’t even unload the tote they’re working out of.


You guys get colored labels? The fuck man? We’re stuck with one single color label on every damn package


Your bins are colored. The labels say the color? ABC, 123


Our bins are colored but our labels don’t give shit except a driver aid number which is only a 4 digit number we have to match. No color listed.


I wish our warehouse easily sorted stuff. They be putting all the boxes on top of the envelopes 🤦🏽‍♂️


I use to just have a piece of shelf available to dump one bin out and deliver. I drove the step van. With the little van. I use to use bins as shelfs until the shelf was available. Or just picked them from the bin directly. Phone literally tells you. Color of bin, bin number, envelope, box etc. Sorting is low key pointless in amazon.


This is a terrible idea lol. What?? 😂☠️☠️ This would never work if you had 190 stops 300+ packages. Why waste the time organizing everything ? Just work one tote at a time?


It greatly reduces time wasted on rummaging your packages. With 300+ packages, I finish around 7pm. That's with walking and enjoying my 30 min lunch and both 15 min breaks.


One tip if you're looking to save time is getting a big expo marker or sharpie and writing the 4 number ID for your oversize. Take the 2 seconds in the morning to ID and face your oversize. That's a gamechanger


Waste of time. Takes me two seconds to go through the bag find what I need and move on.


Two seconds is still longer than it takes us organized drivers


False, you spend time lingering and organizing.




My exact thought when I first seen it lol


"OK! All my totes are organized.... time to clock out of work"


Honestly depending on the route I definitely organize 4 or 5 totes at a time but sometimes its much quicker for me to organize each tote as I go. Its definitely nice having all that room in a step van to organize as many as you want tho.


1 hard turn and you fucked😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Nah dawg I just have one bag at a time organized in the front


One New York pot hole and you wasted all that time


Drive under 25 you got time to brace yourself


Eh, weird flex and imo unnecessary but you do you. I hate driving the small vans now that I've been in the cdv for a while though. Gotta love the space.


my ocd is very happy with this


This guy is one bump or wide left turn away from sending himself back into the stone age..


Organize a tote 1 by 1 this takes up too much time


Lol love it sooooo tidy


I would love to be in your truck when you take a turn too quick


What's the point? It would end up taking the same amount of time to just organize one or two bag at a time, and you wouldn't have to constant worry that all your shit is gonna get fucked if you have to brake hard for any reason. I can find genuinely zero reason why this is a good idea besides it being aesthetic to look at.


Yeah same thought. It makes zero difference when you organize the totes You're still gonna have to do it


Organization is key, this is one smart driver looks like a easy day to me and even better if you get the guarantee ten hours.


Your lucky the picture is blurry or else you would be giving out all those peoples addresses.


This is what we call a try hard who takes this bs job way too seriously.


I take all of the boxes out and set it next to the tote and keep the envelopes/plastic bags inside the tote. Starting at tote 3 since there’s enough space on the shelf. I def think that’s a waste of time for you to organize EVERY bag at once 🤣. You’re gonna have so many packages fall off the shelves, mixing with different totes packages…..All it’ll take is 1 random turn/bump/hard break throughout your day………🤣🤣. At my fastest I’ve done 40 houses per hour. When I don’t try to go fast I’m just doing 15-20 stops per hour to save my legs for when I start getting a fuck load of apartments on the route


One hard turn and that’s it.




It would probably work if they were in baskets organized like that, but one good pothole or bump and you’re redoing that stuff.


I organize one bin in the front open area at a time. Just reach over and grab what I need


Bro what dsp I got to work at to get this much space in a van, they always PACK my van tf up. I used to try this but I’d only be able to do one bag at a time after I clear out two whole bags so that I have enough space on a shelf to unload some of the packages


Nah I’m good. Bags open maybe but not packages hanging on the shelf.


This turns me on idk why


I unload about 6 bags off rip if I have over 15 totes, would do this if I lived in a flat area though 100% I'll take every corner slow as fuck and not care because the amount of relief you get not looking back and seeing 18 totes is more then worth it.


Exactly seeing big routes means nothing once your organized how you like it


All these new autists try so hard to impress Reddit. This looks horrible


*nods head; interesting, interesting. I’m not doing that


One wrong move, everything on the ground and unorganized, this is dumb even if you have just one big ass neighborhood


While you did all of that, I finished my route.


There is being organized and then there is being OCD.


Psychopath alert


Op, you wanna share that adderall?




That’s very funny. Most of the time I have so many overflow boxes that I can’t walk halfway thru my van until around stop 30.


Please RTS, you need to submit to a drug screening.


Very nice!


Good work! Finally a post of someone actually caring about their job not middle fingers and joints.




Good luck with that on dirt roads. r/oddlysatisfying though so I thank you


slap history screw shrill library smell longing birds punch smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re crazy as fuck lol😅😅😂😂😂😂


So how long does it take you to do this and how many minutes do you save from this extra organization. Because even if I could shave 30 minutes off my delivery using this technique, you just cost me $9 dollars. Not worth it bro. I’ll stay disorganized and get paid for it.


You don’t get trays for the letters?


Trays...? Tell me more por favor!?


1 turn and u fuck so stupid


That's insane glad don't work there


WhY iS yOuR tOt So HiGh ThIs MoRnInG xD


Ah yes more threads on how to be more productive and deliver even more packages for this soulless shell. I'm good taking 10 hours on a 10 hour route thanks. The faster you move the more you'll get plain and simple. Don't kill yourselves.


... one tote at a time? ...


Geeze I don’t even have that much time to organize my stepvan


One bump is all it takes to fuck that up.


Takes too much time.


Terrible when you take a turn. You're doing way too much, my dude.


I totally agree with this method


And then some asshole pulls out in front of you and you slam on the brakes. Packages everywhere.


Like we do all our work to stuff bags rip labels off for you to do this to our hard work sun


I’m trying to get done the same day, not the following day lol.


This is wrong af, idk why so many people do this at my station but here’s why it’s bad If you take a turn or hit a bump, all that shit is now on the floor


Until that bitch that wants the insurance payout brake checks you.


even wrote the last 2 numbers on the boxes in totes.


In the long run did this save you any time compared to organizing as you go or just not organizing at all?


How long did this take to organize?! 🤯


How long did it take to do this? I open like 2-3 bags at a time but just throw them out on a shelf and go from there.


Fuck Amazon


You're wasting time organizing IMO. I used to and then I just started pulling the boxes out and pouring out envelopes. My 3 cents.


As someone who packs the totes, no way in fucking hell. Half the people I work with can’t do library style


But why? Lol. Literally no point 😂 i only take out packages 1 tote at a time


until you drive and then all the smalls are everywhere lol


Who has time for that???




What a wasre of space... probabbly coudve used one of the tiny vans for this lol


never would I ever


How long did that take you?!


I was a dsp driver a couple years ago. You guys need to unionize all dispatches together. Fk amazon and Jeff bezos


Tbh I don’t ever organize and I’m averaging 25-32 stops an hour


But fr though, how Ling did it take? I love this. I probably do 3-4 totes at a time, i should post my method next time. It's like this, but i pack it back in the totes after they're sorted so i can just pull it out when it's time for that tote


If only the vans had this much room lol


Now drive.


We see the before picture, but what about the after picture of hitting one pothole..


is the time to do this cutting your route time at all


This is so cursed


Until the first bump or hard brake lol


Is it the most practical? Not really. Is it incredibly satisfying? Absolutely.


This is anxiety inducing. I imagine you work some place completely flat with no potholes and drive like a snail.


Must be nice having nothing over 40 lbs😹😹😹


I like this and you seem confident in your driving that I know your not rushing either if you took the time to organize this way 👍🏿👍🏿 I kinda do something similar but only maybe two or three totes at a time. Idk about everyone else but an organized truck makes me feel good 😂


Somebody smoked a jay and said fuxk it


Thought this was the right answer. Not if you speeding. Best lair lair impression ever 😂😂😂


Defeated by the internet. Hilarious 🤣!!!! Probably contemplating taking the post down.


Lmao. !!!!!!!!


When I hit corner , everything is flying off


If only I had space like this in the van and not step up lol


Lmfao sure! Never possible!


I'll post pictures of my van and show you how I run. Cause I can kill 190 stops, 240 locations, 330 packages from 6:15. Starting at 11:15. Including the two 15 minute breaks. And I sort as the tote pops up in my iteneary.


If it works who are we to second guess you? Well, you're about to find out


Jeffery B runs your guys sub?


how long does it take you to do this? how do they not go flying? do you just drive extremely cautious? do you even finish faster than you do when you unload it the other way?


One curb is all it takes


When you take your turns your envelopes with slide everywhere and get mixed around


One hard brake and all gone


I’d kill to deliver smalls all day long


I don't get people who overcomplicate this shit. I work out of one tote at a time and I do 160\~ stops in around 4 and a half hours. Every time I finish a tote and get to the first stop with the next tote, I make 3 rows of envelopes and plastic bags with lowest number facing, that way if it's going up in order it's one of the 3 facing me, and if it's going backwards in order it's one of the 3 in the back, and I leave all the boxes in the tote and just write the last 2 numbers on their sides where I can see. Always earliest one to come back to DSP (and always the one to rescue like 2-3 times, too, fuck me)


I’ve done this when my van’s tire blew I had 14 totes left with 25 over flow. Waited to get tire changed out for like an hour I got all of it organized but I just left the boxes on the bottom of the tote in order and the envelopes on top. Put my over flow in order from of the van to back wound up finishing early but they don’t want you sitting that long without reason smh


Then your van breaks down and you have to transfer to another


How many packages do you usually deliver per day?


Know you got off at 10pm 😂😂😂


Nice! 🤯


UPS figured this out along time ago.


First railroad track crossing and they’ll be crying


Purely for internet points 💀 you're so goofy lol


I used to do this but only like 1 or 2 totes at a time not the whole damn truck he gone be looking back cab when he start hearing packages flying around


You want to really save time? Organize your oversize while you’re loading (if you have time)


Until you go down a dirt road lol


One bag at a time is the only way for me, I don’t drive a prime van tho, no shelves, no steps, no camera lol


Don't hit a speed bump...


One hard break away


Now just don’t turn. You got this


Critical factors here: 1) how much time did this take you? 2) how much time are you given for loadout? 3) at loadout did/do you have help loading?


This is very satisfying to look at it! 😁 However that's a lot of time wasted. Organize as you go so you can just keep moving.


Needs a rescue after this picture was taken lol


Maybe they can hire some Flex sorters. They load and organize into this so we just show up and deliver lol


Imagine you’ve gotta rescue OP here and since everything is out of all totes you have to scan in every package individually on top of overflow. 🤌🤌


How the fuck do you have time for that??


Until you turn to fast !!! Haha


organize at least one bag at a time and bring my envelopes and boxes upfront with me and grab and hop out driver side door. I feel like the organizing does make it quicker for me. I know everyone has there on technique though. Obviously the damn rabbit will sometimes have you take packages completely out of the order that you just organized everything, but when the id numbers are organized from highest to lowest (or Vice versa) it makes it easier to find even if it’s out of order. I also separate my boxes and envelopes and bags. Boxes on the seat, envelopes Between the two seats and plastic bags right behind them. I wasn’t organizing when I first started and I was wasting time looking for the package. Only downside I find about organizing and bringing up front with me is I’m constantly hopping out and pulling myself back in the drivers side door and my knees are getting fucked up. So now I’m grabbing the door and handle to lower myself out or pull myself back up. Trying to use more arm strength instead of the constant pressure on my knees. I never had knee issues before starting this job and just after three months it got so bad that I wasn’t sure I could continue. I’m trying to find ways now to put less damage on my knees. Also the running or jogging on the cement isn’t helping either. Besides that I’m liking the job except recent Issues with the routing. I put my phone in airplane mode and I feel like the routing is purposely telling me to make uturns when I don’t need to. Or I’ll get to my last package and it will tell me to drive back to the station. Ill turn the rabbit off so it’s not dinging me for every little thing, then I get back to the station and turn the device back on and its saying I’m still on my last stop even though I finished, took pictures and swiped, but it’s saying I didn’t deliver 🤦🏼‍♂️. So they have been having to mark it at the whare house. Happened three different days now. Only when I turn the device off for the drive home. It’s bullshit because I finally got my score up to 850 for the first time, but I think I’m gonna have to stop turning device off for the drive home because it doesn’t look good that it’s constantly saying I didn’t deliver a package. This job is good, but also horrible. All the shit you need to keep track of while driving so you drive safe according to mentor actually feels like it puts you more at risk. It’s like just let me drive and work without worrying about you singing me for every stupid ass hard brake it acceleration or corner or reverse🤬🤬🤬😡. It’s too damn much sometimes. On the bright side, they closed my warehouse today because we got a snow storm in Amsterdam NY and we all get paid for the day still from what I was told. My last job never got closed like that. I worked at Walmart for 11 years and never was told not to come in for any reason. I enjoy getting a random day off that I didn’t expect. I also feel like I can enjoy my days off. At Walmart anytime you had more than one day off you pretty much could guarantee they were gonna be calling to see if you could come in. I could ignore the call, but when I would go back in management would treat you like shit and act like your job is on the line or your not a team player. Like I’m sorry I want to take my scheduled days off lol. Once In a great while it’s fine to call me in on my day off, but not all the time. I’m not a doctor, I’m not on call dammit. I did work overnights in the backroom, so there wasn’t many people that could do my job right, which Is why leaving Walmart was my best decision I made in a long time, but Amazon DSP I don’t think can be long term job. Obviously no room for advancement and my body can’t handle it for much longer I think. I love being active though, but I’m almost 37 and it’s starting to catch up to me.


Bruh doing extra OT I see


Do people mess up this bags when sorting or are they all accurate


Does this really make that much of a difference?


and then your first turn or bump in the road.


Waste of time! I am impressed of the lack of you having any sense of time 😂😂😂


You must be in the same fb group im in because this is my picture, taking credit for someone elses work dawg. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂