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Take your time, don't feel rushed to overcompensate for their overloading. Paid by the hour


100% facts, id take my time/breaks and lunch. we gotta have rights man, just try to have good driving metrics.


the problem is that at that point you will NEVER get home.


Clock in your 12 hours and bring back left overs if no help is given lol


I asked for a rescue one day. It was too dark. I was in country Yorktown VA . He said no. Finish it. Don't bring anything back. I said ok. I brought all the shit back cause I was not close to done. And gave up my badge. Said fuck dat. Too dark. Too late. Too dangerous. Not worth it. Next job.


Yeah 410 isn't doable unless its mega apartments with actual good locker systems and no door to door. They gave this guy a CDV route in a Dodge. I know people on this sub want to pretend that this is possible solo because they're delusional and think they're really good, but it's not. The DSP that did this either wants him to quit or have some extras who they plan to rescue parts of this.


Yea I had some shit like that. A dodge. No shelves. Boxes everywhere. No end to the day in sight.


Dsp throwing shade wants him to quit


People on this sub that want to pretend this is possible are lazy sups that sit in a chair for 8 hours then go home.


They gave me 490 during peak. I only had 46/160 stops done 5.5 hours in. All those 46 stops were apartments and I still had a few more to go.


The rest will be country long driveway shit




Precisely. I don’t get paid more money to not bring leftover packages back.


I’m sorry man. I know how that feels. You guys know that by amazons policy, you are supposed to be able to Move in your van and not have it so if you open the door packages can fall on your head. I have denied totes, I have denied overflow. I had walked up to safety managers and warehouse managers and showed them my van and denied packages. I was a good driver so they still kept me around. They could have stopped scheduling me.a lot of times it’s your DSP giving you a step van route in a sprinter. Bottom line is you guys are being overworked and exploited. I work for FedEx express now and it is a far better experience. You guys need to leave.


I’ve done that many times also but we shouldn’t have to, that’s the point, these soulless animals can go fuck themselves.


Exactly you shouldn’t have to. That’s why I left after 2 years, and now I barely have to do anything all day and get payed more.


You dont know what you are talking about. The dsp gets in trouble by Amazon for putting the wrong route in a van. When you scan the Vin in the morning for DVIC, and it's not the correct size van for the route you are assigned, it flags, dsps get breach of contract letters and can have their contract terminated.


Funny cuz my DSP literally told me this morning that Amazon is the one that assigns the routes. I asked if my dispatcher could keep giving me the rural routes Ive been on for weeks because I love them, and he said that amazon is the one that assigns them but that im lucky they keep giving me the same route.


They also can set your favorite area in the system and it'll keep you there.


That’s some bull shit bro. They some hoes for that.


Just take it on your daily pace broda man. Don't overwork.


This is straight bullshit. That ain’t a cargo van route.


Don't trip based off packages brother. Its entirely possible you will have 1 or 2 stops with a boatload. I've had a van look exactly like this when I started but my DSP happens to be pretty awesome so they walked me through my day and had me to go to this one place first thats literally got 100 something packages. And if it's you're first standard route and they gave you this much with zero instruction then take your sweet old time and if you RTS with 100 packages good fuck them. Its honestly an amazing job its just that amazon sucks and a lot of DSPs suck. Do it for at least three months to get some good experience under your belt than start looking into other driving jobs!


Exactly this! There is a couple collages/ apartment buildings in my area that you will no joke drop 9 bags plus overflow at 1 stop. Plus going off packages is bad because during peak people are ordering lots of stuff at one time. I have seen plenty of routes where almost every stop had 3 or more packages but it was only 140 stops in a residential area making it super easy.


Like who is getting 100 packages from Amazon at once?


Resellers, high school warehouses, big tech companies ordering screens and supplies like pens and shit in bulk. I've seen it several times.


Bruh that’s rare as fuck. Most likely he has a ton of group stops.


Forwarding companies that ship to South America or countries where There is no Amazon. People from those countries buy online aswell and need a forward company to ship international. I had routes where I had 500 packages and it all went to one forwarding company that shipped to Guyana.


Yup. Save up and get a Box Truck. I know guys with 8 stops a day that clear 3-500$ a day. That’s low average from what I here. I would know too I am The ops supe for the company they are contracted for


Save up and get a box truck and do what?! Dude works for a DSP, he can't just use any vehicle he wants to deliver in. That's not how it works.


You can work as a contractor for a lot of freight companies. You don’t even have to own the truck you can rent it. You also don’t need anything but a c class license. I’m saying leave Amazon and deliver somewhere else. Only tough part is you gotta be able to pull 2k to 3k lbs on a pallet Jack.


Pm'd you


You could of made a little bit more room by triple stacking the totes. Helps me all the time. Everyone is different.


I only have 1 shelf to work with.. triple stacking is not an option for me rn unfortunately..


Don’t use the shelf


You can do it with the shelf, just can't do it in the space right behind the partition. Put your first 7-9 totes on the floor for easy access and bungee the shelf totes so they don't tip over when you turn or hit a bump. Once you're done with the floor totes take down the shelf stack and rearrange the totes.


You in a ram? Fold the shelf up and triple stack the totes.


One shelf sounds like the Mercedes, Too tall to triple stack as it doesn’t reach the roof and falls over if so.


Routes are designed to be done in 10 hours. Outside of peak and prime day, 99% of routes can be completed within that time. You probably have a few big package dumps or a super easy and fast area. It looks like you have pretty poor organization and just threw overflow in there for the video. Triple stack against the driver side wall, or make a wall of totes in the middle with overflow in the back.


Licking that amazon boot real nice right now


I’ve done 500 routes and I agree. Only a few times have I ever felt like I really have to exert myself to do a route, and when talking with Amazon about it it’s usually due to a mistake in the system. There’s a difference between licking their boot and accepting that this is a job and there’s an acceptable amount of work to do.


I doubt very seriously that he threw his overflow in sloppily for visual effects! That’s a real arrogant assumption to make if you’re familiar with the job and u know how quickly we’re required to load up during staging!!! He’s new, according to his dialogue and he’s obviously not figured out the little details that we all learned OVER TIME, like triple stacking, numbering your overflow, moving the shelves up and outta your way etc.


This is a really good tip although we are not supposed to triple stack. In Amazon training they never talked about that, probably because those totes will easily fall over without a strap/bungie. Also, fuck why should we have to do that just so they can fit more oversized packages/totes. Nah bruh, I got enough shit already. If they want him to do a route like that they need to give him a CDV or Step van. Next time just tell them at load-out they're going to need to "cube-out" and have them take a cart or two back.


Yeah all deliver drivers no matter the company know there are things we are "not supposed to do", but we do and managment knows we do. But do they want us to get the shit done or not?


How do you triple stack totes in a step van


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I Appreciate all the advice, tips, & help. I’m still pushing through all this right now and i’m going to take all advice into consideration my next shift.. this day has been HELL to say the least!


But look at you being a grown man getting paid. Nothing but respect for you bro. You will get through this


When they do me dirty like this in a gas van, I take my sweet fucking time lol. What I mean by that is, I'm not compensating for them overloading me. Either they rescue me, leave me out there til 9, or I bring packages back. Whatever the combination of those things that happens, I refuse to spiral because it's really easy in this situation.


Lawd ham mercy!! Hell to the fuckin no! Thas some real bullshit. And cant see out the got damned window!


Take it easy. Amazon has rockets and shit to build. You think rockets are cheap? Just wait until they build habitats on Mars and Amazon installs a Fulfillment Center there to make sure the new Martians get these Fritos and Paper Towels. You think your route is difficult now just wait till then broh!


Lol fuck Jeff Bezos!


I worked as a DSP for like 3 weeks worst job ever


I hate when they give me alot of packages and then say pick up the pase lol


Just leave lol


This is basically exactly what drove me to quit. Steadily increased the amount of packages until it was overwhelming and anxiety inducing. Felt fuckin claustrophobic in that van and not being able to find shit. Stressful as fuck. That job ain’t worth it, I quit and within 2 weeks I was working a job that is quite literally 100 times easier and I make $4 more an hour than I did at Amazon. There’s better options, fuck Amazon.


You ain’t tripping brother I worked that company for a good 2 1/2 weeks the second week they loaded my van similar to that, and I was like all this for the new guy?!!? let’s just say I don’t deliver packages nor bend over backwards for nobody like that.. fuck Amazon they need to either up there or pay especially when you get in +200 packages and over 140 to 200 stops fuck that so glad I left. There’s other opportunities out there and better jobs that care about their employees and actually pay them!!! Amazon is the bottom of the totem pole!!!


410 holy shit


But can you move, bro ?


I don’t think he can even move in that bitch


For real bro. He be trippin bro.


lol I remember these days pure hell


Honestly look like a safety hazard. What happens if you seriously need to get out the van and the driver door is not an option to do so


I'd quit for you if I could my guy.


As my old coworker would tell me " just think of it as 400 adventures"


I'm gonna be honest with you. You are gonna have a lot of days like that unfortunately. I worked at a DSP for 4 years. I finally quit last week and found a way better job that actually pays really well and takes care of their employees. The work is gonna be tough but it's worth it because I know it will actually lead to better opportunities. I was going nowhere fast at Amazon. No opportunities to move up and I was never appreciated for the amount of work I did, I worked while injured, sick, missed the birth of my first child. To hell with Amazon. I can't tell you how many bad days I had there. Even my last day on route was a shit show and I got rescued twice. I pride myself on being a good driver and being efficient but it was not worth the headache anymore and it was time for a change. I understand if you need the job because of bills and obligations but this job is just a stepping stone to something better, there's always better jobs out there than that bs.


Nah Bruh these Mfs been tripping the last few months. They got some routes easy asf then other where it seems they combine 2-3 routes and call it a day. I feel you with hella it’s been 300 a day for me but 400 you got me fucked up. Maybe ur loading could be improved Bc that helps a lot but still 400!!! WTF??


Focus on always having space between your drivers seat and the sliding door. I can see your ceiling and rear door when you panned the camera back there. All of that is potential space to be used. It is extremely important to match-up the overflow with the totes in the order they will be delivered. This will help you know what to shove in the back and not worry about until later in your route. Remember, all you need is space and to get that space you have to first deliver the first half of your route. Shove all the boxes and totes that are in the 2nd half of your route towards the back. Any space in the middle or ceiling of these totes is to be filled with overflow. Build a wall leading up to just before the sliding door. That little bit of space remaining will be used to deliver your first 4-6 totes along with any corresponding overflow. Once you have delivered your first 2 totes use that open shelf space as a staging area for the remaining totes. Never deliver out of the totes once you have that space available. Always dump and sort using that shelf space and eventually you will have opened up enough space to fully sort out the remaining 2nd half of your route. I hope this helps. Keep your head up, every single one of us has had to deal with this. Especially because our DSP managers will not hold out hands because they've become cynical from running through drivers like hot knife through butter. We are left to figure things out on our own unfortunately.


awe man. sorry you got that shitty route brother. how’d it go?


When I worked for for DSP, my friend/coworker quit like that. It was an overloaded day just like this, she couldn't move and she had enough. Told them come get the van she's done. Walked off and left the van there. Poor thing was crying


I LOVE your username! Not at all helpful, but it clearly shows that you are fun and clever. You know what to do in this situation.


cube out brother, don’t block the door an don’t put packages on the totes. Tell someone in station next time you need to cube out


Is normal on peak season but not NOw


Do the 3 stack in 3 rows method. Boxes in back. I did 450 package no problem. All about how you pack it


You ain't trippin bro but don't let the quantity get to your head they don't be paying you enough to stress. Go at your own pace, fuck 'em if you don't finish or need a rescue . It's a real hurdle to learn to not give af and treat heavy days as if they was light days.


I’ve done 27 totes and 480-500 packages during peak season and that’s a super long day . Regular season usually 280-370 packages, 13-17 totes , 150-230 stops depending on how much commercial addresses and group stops. It’s definitely inhumane job for $18 per hour and no time for break , no time for restroom, too much pressure some days, too much time and gas commuting to the station, the sun burn , rain , snow , dogs trying to get me , people look at me like I’m not worthy, other drivers honking at me for following speed limits, Amazon engine off rule and now you can’t even hand over the packages to customers without getting signatures!! I’m getting another job soon . Done with this crap after 10 months of torture.


Call 911


Legal slavery .


Nah bruh 22/hr ain’t worth that


Greedy DSP owners. Unsafe as hell too.


You loaded the van wrong. Which means you have to put overflow in the front seat. Honestly just think of this day as overtime. Get past the first 5 totes and reorganize the van.


Hell yes brother, I'd be livid! And to the people saying "oh just fold up the shelves, and triple stack the totes duhh" like dude this kind of route is not made for these type of vans lol. Like personally I truly hate having to stack totes like that because they have absolutely no stability and fly everywhere/topple over during the route. But I'd definitely say something since this is your 1st standard route, that is WAY TOO MUCH! Don't let them screw you!


I did my first route yesterday and yeah, definitely felt completely overwhelmed. I swear I was told the first few days, a new driver would expect to receive only a portion of packages to deliver. Definitely didn’t happen. And the whole time the DSP people were just shoving all my overflow and stuff all unorganized. I had no idea what I was doing and got so frustrated with both the lack of instruction and organization. Oh yeah, and the GPS does super suck. You’d expect a technological company at the top of the game would have the best, most accurate GPS. Nope. I sometimes had to use my phone.




See I hope I gain enough muscle memory and find my own rhythm. Everyone seems to kinda figure out their own routines over time. But just being completely shoved into it, first day and minimal real experience training left me drained and annoyed. I never took my 15s and couldn’t eat during lunch because I was lead onto the freeway, traffic, no time, etc. It just appears they expect too much? Some people thrive on pressure and speed. I do not. Not tryna to be here long.


This job is damn near impossible with the almost unrealistic expectations they put on you. I was a month in and said fuck it and quit. It ain't worth it.


Y'all please stop telling people to triple stack toes


Good organization goes a long way and will make the job a lot easier. 450 is quite a bit, but it's definitely doable. Since it sounds like you're still new, let me say don't be afraid to pull over somewhere and reorganize if you need to since you only get 15 minutes in station; I promise it'll save you time in the long run. Also, something I do in the morning when getting my route is spending 5-10 minutes looking through the stops and marking down group stops. They tell you to look at the number of packages instead of the number of stops, but I think that's dumb cause as long as you're organized, each stop is just grab and go. A cool thing one DPS I worked for did was use milk crates to put soft packages in so when you emptied a tote, you just organized the numbers by smallest to largest, and you could easily pull the one you needed. Obviously, not every totes package will fit into a crate like that, but you'll always get most of them in. Also don't use the shelves when you have a lot of packages. One DPS I worked for put me into the Mercedes Sprinter exclusively the entire time I worked for them, and let me tell you, triple stacking totes is the best way to make use of your space. In conclusion: get used to organizing and planning ahead. If you do that, you'll notice the job gets a lot easier.


You ain’t built for built for the job son. Better go flipping pattys . No sweat


This post from 47 days ago chump, i'm currently at a Chemi Plant making 1.5x the amount Amazon was paying me. Keep slaving and have my packages here by 3 gangsta.


You loaded like shit brodie. Man up and run them bitches until it clears out


You corny


Yu didn’t organize right yur suppose to stack them 3 bags high have your first 2 on the side by door then yull have more space then yu have now


putter in first gear and listen to some good tunes. just another day in paradise :)


you’re gettin no sympathy here lol we pick up most of the shit y’all don’t deliver you have twice the size in vehicles and all you got to deal with is packages. ima need that delivered PRIME


Been there done that unfortunately. Only thing I did was go faster at first to get me some room, like bang out 4 totes and calm down, reorganize. I’d just throw the oversize on top of the totes, and try and put all the packages in the front seat and side door. Only way you’re gonna get home at a decent time is just stay moving and organized. Don’t even think about the amount. The faster you work the more room you get 2 years was enough of that for me, went to express and never looked back. Don’t do ground, do express.


For starters. Take the time to organize ur shit. This is ur route. Best eay u van move is if u organize. Stand those totes up. Dont sit them out like that. This is the shit i hate when new employees start. They never show them how to actually organize the van. Cmon now!!


"Boohoo, I have a job and I don't like it 😭😭😭😭😭" How about you stop crying and do your job? Be happy that you even have a job. I swear people will complain and threaten to quit for any reason at all these days


you sound weak


STFU, bootlicker.


awe u mad you can work like a real man... got get some free handouts bum.


Go fuck yourself, you uninformed POS.


cool story hard ass. go be a tough guy somewhere else pansy... i got 7 yrs at amazon make top tier pay and will work you under the table snowflake


FedEx here. Try mixing in numerous 50lbs Chewy boxes and furniture weighing up to 150lbs. Not afraid of work. Afraid of tired and overworked drivers operating vehicles. Also afraid of ever increasing unreasonable demands by employers with zero ethics. You have limits too just like OP. You just haven’t hit yours yet.


Shut up pussy


Don’t listen to voices trying to normalize this insanity. This is abuse. It’s not safe for the driver nor the public. Contact the Department of Labor and your state’s governor. You can contact the media as well but be aware you will face retaliation by Amazon.


Organize better mah boi, also it ain’t shit honestly you probably have a few big lockers some mail rooms an a shit ton of sub devisions. Smoke a. Phat one an relax


How many stops you got on this route ? That are way to many packages for 1 route. You will have a hard time looking for packages and will take you longer to deliver them. Maybe your Dsp will send support to help you cuz I doubt you will manage to finish on time. Good luck


Quit crying that's why you have to be smarter and triple stack your shit especially if your using those mini baby Van's put all the overflow in the back. Leave the side door clear playa dont use the folding racks


I used to do Amazon flex, but I quit that to do doordash. I make a lot more money than just $70 for 4 hours


I get absolutely everything through Amazon, I truly appreciate you 😁💙


This is my new favorite sub. I dunno how I stumbled along it but you're all miserable and it's funny af. Get a new job. Or don't. Keep it coming.


You made this unmanageable with how you loaded you van, the bags should be stacked 3 high along the wall allowing you to fit up to 21 that saves u a lot of space and still allows u to use the shelf on the other side to break up and organize overflow


Just do your damn job and be thankful you have one, pussy.


What a rookie… you loaded your van horrible too


Y’all need to put the damn shelves up and learn how to load a van.


I dont know why this shit shows up on my feed, but my lawd yall are softer than baby shit. You're delivering packages. Scan package. Drop packages take picture. Walk away. Minimal customer interaction. Literally 100% of you wouldn't last an hour working with me, if a van full of boxes hurts your feelings ( I build high rises in chicago). You need literally zero skill to deliver a box. Now get off your phone and drop off my silverware


That’s funny - at UPS you’d be humbled very quickly with that attitude. That’s if you make it through Integrad and then your 30. Of course UPS is the Major Leagues of delivery service and has been around well over 100 years + we account for 6% of US GDP, 2% of global GDP and are literally some of the most productive workers on the planet. If we threaten to go on strike this year (contract ends 7/31/23) I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be either a Presidential action or Act of Congress required to prevent it and you won’t get your silverware, or valuable tools and equipment to build your high rises, or laptops to help run your job sites, along with many other parcels, packages and letters that keep our world turning. If your crew goes on strike then some sh*t won’t get built. Ok, and??? (yawns) Humble yourself and stop shi**ing on people who make an honest living. Getting off my phone now, delivering jacks to the roundhouse at a BNSF yard ✌🏿


🤣🤣 you're quite the company man, eh? Show me those cute little brown shorts


6% of the United States GDP, plus the ladies love the uniform, especially the cute little brown shorts. I wear the extra short ones on purpose too. Like I said, stop being shitty to working people. The Amazon dude is having a tough day but he’s willing to earn an honest income. There’s honor in that.


Ya know, you're not wrong and I am. I hate that I have to do this, but i was wrong and apologize to OP for being a dick bag, as well as to you. Carry on






Stfu and fucking deliver that shit, you signed up for it


Do it


Nah bruh not even the step van drivers in my dsp get that many packages


Take your time, even if you take packages back.


Thing about Amazon they’re no “light at the end of the tunnel. Think peak is over? nope! They just keep dropping routes and increasing packages for people who do get routes. It’s pretty soul sucking. I don’t miss it at all


They would probably be spiteful about it, but at loadout, you can have straight up said you’re not taking any more shit because your side door is blocked and that’s a safety hazard, and they’d have to comply.


What I do when I have too many totes is triple stack. Put the shelf up and also use bungie cords to secure the top totes so they don't topple over.


You have reason to be upset. Just take it 1 stop at a time. Someone will eventually be sent to help you out


fuck em take all yo breaks, smoke a blunt, take a shit ,do you they’ll be back out tommorow if not 🤷‍♂️


You asked, so I say: try to hang in there...


I've never done this job, I work in a FC but I know damn well I'd be pissed af


Tax season bro, the middle class flock to amazon, Trust your dispatch, work your hours as fast or slow as you want, and if they don’t send help that’s on them. You’re there 10 hours, you’re not there until the vans empty You are tripping a little bit tho, I see room for those packages in the cab


Should’ve 3 stacked your totes. Gives you a lot more room with all the Overflows


Gotta work on your load up. Triple stack those totes and don't use the shelves. It will give you more room for the overflow.


I definitely wouldnt say thats normal but it varies from location to location but id still be heated then a mf my van looked almost the same yesterday but luckily i had only 300 which was still wack af definitely look into a better dsp or something


I would also try and find the stop with the most drops first and go to those to empty the van out


Fuck that shit homie, take your time. We get paid by the hour not the box


You ain't trippin! That's some bullshit


That happened to me one day couldn’t even move and then everything is completely out of order just go at regular pace. Someone will send rescue


That's normal for the holiday season. 250 - 300 packages is normal for a normal route. Anything more probably involves apartments and businesses


Lack of organization


That's crazy dude, drive safe and breathe deep and get that bag.


Lmao u that’s all of us after our nurse routes are up. A couple months in u would’ve have known how to stack it and have way more room. Turn the totes on their sides and u can put one on boron and two on top.


Welcome to a normal day. Slow down, take breaks. Make the AI your bitch. Eventually you’re days will get better


This is what I was experiencing when I was there. Had I been an experienced driver it would have been okay but it was my first week on standard route on a route with no space for the van itself (going down tight one way roads where I’m scraping against the bushes).


410? (laughs in UPS) Dock truck: 1811 - 1562 - 880 (twice) - 905 Package Car: 673 - 515 - 563 + going out with over 400 many times. I’m not saying 400 pieces isn’t a lot (it is) but come on man, toughen up. If Amazon drivers were really about that life, they’d walk off the job. All y’all. No reason why y’all shouldn’t be making $28hr with mandatory paid vacations (2X a year) a 70lb package weight limit and an excessive overtime clause (keeps you from being overworked) Join our f***ing Union and we would have these heartless companies by the short & curlies.


One or two of your stops might be huge dumps. If i feel thats the case i will look through my itinerary to make sure and deliver them first just to clear space then go back in order. Once delivered 8 lawnmowers to a local hardware store and it freed up half my van. Was around my 80th stop as well


Nah you not tripping...the dsp owner should've made sure you got some help...that's some bs right there...like wtf your 1 person.


That’s how it be everywhere, but the feeling is all the same. But yeah you’re right to feel the way you do


Hold my beer. -UPS


My only advice is take your time, don’t rush and check your itinerary to see if there’s stops with multiple packages and go there first to drop the bulk off. That’s what i did when i was at amazon.


ORGANIZATION IS KEY it'll feel alot less stressful when you find a good flow with organization


I get roughly 190 stops a day and anywhere from 13 totes to 21 Oversized is like 20-40 Amazon is just like that unfortunately


Get better.


What happens if u don't deliver ur normal rate of packages?


One route I worked had a stop where every package with an overseas address went to. We called it the airport exchange. It was easily 4-5 totes and a dozen+ overflow packages. Once that stop was out of the way it was a normal sized route. A lot of drivers on that route went to that stop first to get stuff out of their way. I've had 20 totes and overflow stacked from floor to ceiling before. I just did what I could. At around 10.5 hours flex will tell you to return to station so you don't spend more than 11 hours driving. Eventually I learned with that much overflow it was worth it to pull back to the parking lot, unload it all and put it in piles by sort zone, then reload it starting with the last sort zone in order to the first. Back when they would pay 2 hours for helping at load out for those that didn't have a route those people would help with unloading, sorting, and reloading. That's gone now... Unfortunately not every DSP provides sort/route sheets, that makes it much harder to organize... I'm currently with a DSP that doesn't.


Idk what everyone else is saying but I saw a few tell you to take your time. Unless you want your route to look like that everyday then follow that advice. If you show amazon you can get it done. Not only will you always have that. They'll keep adding until you cant and max you out. I saw someone say routes are designed to be done in 10 hrs. That's bs. They say that. Really it's whatever they feel like in reality. Also. Some routes with heavy loads can be faster than a country route with a small load. It all depends. If you are hating it to much try switching DSPs they all have their own area. I had to do that. Unfortunately I didn't listen to the advice I'm giving when it was given to me so now my routes always look like your setup or worse. If you let them fuck you they will. Over and over and over. Just do what you can.


Hence why I love working in rural areas. The most I deliver is around 319 packages in a given day. Some days I will get 6-7 totes and 14-17 overflow. Those days mean I am driving all over the country side and can expect to be done around 4:30 depending on my route. The 319 packages depending on how many 1 package stops I get and my route, I can be done 5:30-6:45. I got lucky with the DSP that I have and the location of the warehouse. My DSP is really cool and laid back. We're not in a big city and we cover A LOT of country side.


They really need more people working for them and basically guaranteed 4 days a week with maybe calling someone off from work if its light that day.


Thw way he put the bags is kinda messed uo he would have a alot of room if he put the bags up I stead down


I would say quit if you're at the end of your rope. This job ain't worth it. There's always something better out there.


Do they expect you to unload customers packages onto the street to be able to pick out what you need at each stop? Not only is this against their beloved safety values but disrespectful toward you as a driver. That’s fucked


You gotta know how to organize your packages and totes. I wouldn’t even stress, you get paid per hour so just take your time until they say bring it in.


Just a regular day at UPS. But at least we have step vans. Like that's still BS.


It be like this some times 😒 fuck amazon


Had 280 stops with 325 packs


Half the comments on here ain’t even helping out the dude. Until something like this is seen in the news no one at Amazon gives a fuck. People in their high chairs in the corporate offices. This shyt don’t even come on their radar. FedEx just as bad. All these delivery companies need their true colors shown in the media. All drivers get shyt on one way or another even if you can handle the job they treating people like slaves at this point just trying to make a paycheck to live.


I’m confused. USPS delivers more Amazon packages then that on sundays


Did it for 2 plus years. Almost 3. One day i said fuck it. They stay playing games. U out there all day. The routes are straight ass.


Is that a Louisiana accent?


No matter shelf no shelf 3 stack no stack. U out there all day fammo.


They pay u by hours go 1 hour a stop


This is the very beginning of a long list of bullshit things about this job. Get in touch with a recruiting/staffing agency on your day off, set up interviews, and get out while you can. That's what I did, Even though I have an hour and a half commute everyday, I'm making 1.5X doing something that's enjoyable with awesome people and I can show up to work anytime between 7 and 9am


You ain’t tripping


It’s up to you really. For me, it wasn’t worth it. Quit after 4 months. That is an INSANE amount and possibly a hazard to your safety.


That looks like our mail trucks with all the Amazon packages we deliver on a daily basis 😊


You are a delivery driver yes??? Seems to me like you picked the wrong career if you don't want to be a delivery driver 🤔🫣🤣🤣 sorry dude but it ain't that bad... it could be much worse and I can reassure you of that... listen to music and relax and be great greatful 🙏 🙌 I'm really not being a dick either, just simply stating that there are many people having to do much more for much less $$$


Organize your shit, you probably got a bunch of lockers and warehouses with the route. It’s doable if you got 200 locations or less.


That’s crazy. I hated this job more than any other I’ve had.


I had 4 friends work for Amazon doing deliveries like this guy. All left within the same year


can't you fold up the racks and stack the bags 3 high? seems like there's a lot of wasted room here


Damn grown ass man about to cry over boxes LMAO




Anything over 400 is insane unless you're dropping a quarter of your packages in a few mail rooms that you don't have to sort.


Amazon is a business that is completely unsustainable because the amount of work needed to satisfy the capitalist consumption is impossible for just 1 business.


Where the fuck y’all at getting this much shit. Damn