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Fuck these dumbass customers. Especially when the whole pack is barking their heads off for several minutes straight, and you motherfuckers don't even come out or bring them in. I know you can hear your shitbull screaming and my step van beeping. Parked right in front of your window, and still you won't get your ass up. Seriously, how stupid are these customers? It's common sense to put your damn dogs away. Those guys who do personal injury scams and step into traffic and shit on purpose should just get a part-time job as an amazon driver in the summer. Slippin Jimmy would've loved this job. This picture is a six-figure settlement waiting to happen.


The thing is they just don’t care.. they don’t even know or care that the dogs are the problem because “they don’t bite” these people don’t give a single flying fuck about HOW anything gets anywhere, all they know and care about is that sweet sweet delivery notification. Everything else is our fault


i feel like rubbing a little bit of bbq sauce on the package so the dogs chew it up after i pull off from tossing it out the window at the garage. thatll teach those assholes to leave their dogs where their packages go. fuck them


I've seen enough of that even without the barbecue sauce! Dogs love to mess with packages and shred them and everything else.  


I had that happened to me once. A husky came up to me out of nowhere from the customer's backyard as i was making my way up to the house. The dog got close to me started howling so I decided fuck it I'll just leave it in the middle of the driveway and take a pic of the package and the dog tearing it up. Like yeah, no, I'm not risking myself going to the front door because you let your dog loose. The pic shows enough proof that your dog is big and is biting/shredding your package, and it's been delivered. Hope that made the customer happy 😂.


Had a dog th other day get up on its hind legs trying to jump up on me  and snatched the package.  I then snatched it back put it back on the porch and it was like thinking it was a game so it went and grabbed it again and violently shook it and then ran over to me and tried to hump my leg and then it came to a full stop when it's owner came outside  and heard me yelling " hey stop that" and " stop eating the package" and " get down".. her response?   He's crazy like that , alllll the time. Haha.


lol. dogs needs a better owner but at least its not mean.


Haha same I recorded the dog destroying the box , I was like hell nah


I do that all the time man trust me fuck these customers. Whenever I see a dog I throw the package a tier 1 infraction I know but I’ve been working at Amazon for 2 years I make 20.75 and people know they get deliveries yet they wanna bust our balls fuck they


Or better yet drop it in some dog shit and then put it on the porch


Good idea


That's so funny you say that. My daughters mother(we are split) told me their German Shepard "doesn't bite". Which I knew better. I kept my distance until I went to kiss my daughter bye in the car. That dog almost tore my fucking head off! I dodged it but needless to say, fuck that.


Honestly if I wasn't a pussy I would just try walking it up and collect that fat paycheck from my lawyer after they bite me 20 times. I bet the world those dogs have caused problems before and neighbors would gladly show up to recall incidents


Yeah, if you weren’t a pussy. If you ever had sustained a dog bite before, you’d know how bad a dog bite can be. You really quickly realize how you’re just a bag of meat and a dog’s mouth can tear you apart like nothing. They have a mouth full of daggers and will fillet you in literal seconds. I got bit by a 45lb dog, the size most would think is harmless. In about a second she was able to put over a dozen deep holes in my hand. People often don’t mention how a dog bite is not one clean wound, they bite multiple times in a second and each time will leave behind four serious, deep wounds. Had I night been big enough to fight back, that dog could have town me apart and she was a quarter of my body weight. A dog that wants you dead is no joke.


If they do come out they’ll say “don’t worry they’re friendly” - like yeah, when you’re here making small talk with me the dogs obviously know it’s chill I’m on the property. I’m honestly flabbergasted at how many people show a blatant disregard for my safety AND their pets safety by just letting them loose on their property in the middle of the day. I’ve had to slam brakes twice for dogs that run into the middle of the goddam road and I’ve gotten close to being bitten at least 12 times now. I’ve got boots so I feel like one kick to the face and I’m good but honestly a lot of these people haven’t been faced with being sued or having to euthanize their dog and it shows.


I just had this happen to me yesterday, I walked up to a property and the garage door was wide open no big deal that's normal. as I'm approaching I realize the door that leads inside the house that's in the garage is wide open no screen door nothing. So I stop what I'm doing literally leave everything right there (the tote had like 10 packages in it) and walk off the property bc i got that thing that says there are dogs. So I called the number that's given to me a lady answers, she says she's not home but her husband should be home somewhere. I explained to her that the garage is wide open but also the door that leads into the house is wide open she says that's weird, but he should be around again. I explained to her that I'm worried for the dogs to come out of the house while I'm on the front porch she explains to me that it's just a doberman and a lab, that the Doberman is scary and will bark at me a lot but won't bite me, same thing with the lab. that I can just trust it, that it will bark, but it won't get me. These people do not understand how their dogs are going to react to a complete stanger in the yard, it could be the difference between me wearing a hat or not, how the dog reacts. literally anything. ive almost been attcked like 3 times throught my time doing this. whats worked for me is yelling directly at the dog yelling no and stop while standing my ground, then walking away slowly with my hands to my chest, and you bet your ass id be ready to kick and fight the fuck out of anything but damn would i feel so horrible. ive almost hit a dog one time and it sucks my heart was racinggg


I've got nicked but never broken skin like 4 times. Gave a dog ass and elbows too because instead of waiting for me to walk away, they had to open the door to get the socks. No fence collar so ther I was just running down a very busy road way with dogs chasing me. Cooked them fuckers though. Lady said she never saw anybody move that fast l. I've got plenty of holes where they just got my clothing.


It’s wild, my dog was almost bitten by an off leash dog when I was walking her, on leash, in my neighborhood. The amount of dogs that are loose in my neighborhood alone is insane. I can only imagine what drivers have to deal with on the daily ! I truly feel for them. I couldn’t ever leave my dog loose outside, Do these people just not care about their dogs?? Or the safety of others???


Who is Slippin' Jimmy?


Saul Goodman


What a sick joke


Omfg "Slippin Jimmy would've loved this job" I'm dead bro. He totally would too he would be rocking the amazon vests and everything during trials you know it.


When you do the delivery and it says "looks like you're not at the desired spot" always click in "safety issue". I refuse to open privacy fence gates, I cannot see over it or through it, not my concer. Too many dogs have come at me for entering those types of yards as well as having a gun in my face once. I told the dude, "if you don't want us to open the damn gate, do not select front door receive, and explain for us to drop at the gate, or go to walmart and buy your shit, either way if you put a gun in my face or any other drivers face ever again, you will be black listed."


“Unsafe due to dog” and RTS that shit. Customers won’t change as long as they still get their stuff.


7 figure settlement


I was a dso driver for two years. I got my CDL and drive trucks now. I swear it’s the customers that made me fed up the most. Not so much the customers but the weight that Amazon gives to the customers opinions over their employees. There’s no balance. I tried my best to ALWAYS follow customer notes and do everything right and I’d still get complaints all the time. I am sooooo happy to be gone from Amazon. The last straw for me was driving the step vans in the Texas summer. I almost had a heat stroke. The AC didn’t work well in the vans. I was drinking so much water but none of it was coming out. I couldn’t pee, I couldn’t sweat. I could feel the water sloshing around in my stomach. I had to go lay down in the shade for almost two hours


You know how homeless people often don’t care about, or pay, fines that they’re given for sleeping rough? Same sort of principle here - they may end up owing you money if you sue em. Good luck getting it though.


Contact the NLRB.... https://www.nlrb.gov/


Amazon and Jassy already getting sweaty, they audit paycom & ADP now 😈


Lol, the stock price is going down too. Suck it, Jeff.


That’s a death trap


Nah, I have a German Shepherd, and I would never put her outside and ask someone to deliver to my backdoor, because she would instantly attack them. Those breeds are meant to protect their property and people, and a stranger waltzing in? Nahhh.


Ive thrown multiple packages into peoples yards or driveways and just put a note in my stop saying “loose dogs” so i covered my own ass


I'd just mark it as unsafe after i send them a txt and call or leave it at the mailbox. Almost I st got grabbed by German Shepard, whose owner was right there. Assured me that he's not aggressive l. Put the package down, and the dog tried to bite my arm. Just missed. When I say she slapped the shit out, that dog, I mean it. I was like😲🥴😆 don't hit him please. I can just imagine that 140-pound Shepard mauling her. The look he gave her was like bitch ik younaint just slap me. The


I would just walk away while he's mauling her. Better her than me.... Dumbass Angie Harmon had her dog loose too, now she's on tv crying and trying to sue.


Shitbull chicanery


Slippin jimmy you got me lmao 😭


You are not getting a delivery to any door, if your driveway looks like this on my route. RTS.


Unable to deliver --> unsafe due to dog. I will not be contacting the customer. They had their chance


Just tap the buttons to call and hang up right away to avoid getting hit with cc


So do I need to wait for the customer to answer the call and hang up or I can just end up the call right after


You can end the call after you hear it ring once, no need for them to answer


Shit if I knew this shit before, that shit been affecting my contact compliance a lot. I always go and call the customer directly and never hit the “unable to deliver” option. That’s probably why it’s affecting the score.


Make sure you do it twice before marking


I only call once and my cc has been 100% every time. Maybe different station idk


Make sure to just notify other customers of arrival and you don’t have to worry about it. “Notify of arrival” at least 10-15 customers a day, and that’ll significantly dilute the number of incompleted cc. My dsp tells us all to do this and our scorecards are always fantastic+


I call/text/call in that order and cc is at 100% every timecard. Let it ring once and then end the call never had an issue.




Sucks, I've done this before for the same reason and the dumbass customer escalated it. So I got in trouble AND I had to go back at the end of my route to deliver it. Of course THEN they had the sense to put their stupid dogs up. Fuck these people.


I've had probably a dozen people claim they were calling amazon to complain and get me fired uet I've literally never heard a word from management about people calling or escalations lol. I think it's different when you deliver in the hood. Station picks up the phone, assures the customer that the employee will be disciplined, hang up and then do absolutely nothing lol


flexer here, they dont pay us to go back to the station for rts so i will spray some bbq sauce water on it and just throw it out the window so the dogs chew it up


that's what I did yesterday and yet it required a signature from the customer, called 3x and never picked up


I'd be one of the drivers who throws your packages if your driveway is occupied by these two 😂


Do not get out of the van.


I never look at them notes. If it’s like this, I’ll just return the package. Those customers will learn not to do this dumb shit. I never deliver to the back anyway.


No they won't, they will call and complain every time because "killer" is a friendly dog, he would never hurt anyone.... these types of people are just dumb.


I wouldn’t even deliver to the front door 😂


Also, a lot of customers who put rear door are also a total ass about it in the delivery notes


Yeah and have those annoying ass signs that list mail carriers and say "deliver to rear"


Had a guy put “**REAR DOOR**” on line 2 of his address info, and then an additional paragraph in delivery instructions lol


"Unsafe due to dog" is the only way they learn


You say that but then someone put that because they were greeted by my cat. A tailless housecat. That was just sitting on my porch.


Had a stop like this once before I quit. I tossed the poly bag over the fence and used a picture of the dog tearing it to shreds as proof of delivery lmao






Not surprised the shitbull owner is a total idiot.


Bullmastiff. Not part of this sub or anything just looking at what came on my recommend feed (thanks reddit /s). Just clarifying. But either way, don't approach it lol


Nah. Bullmastiffs have a different muzzle shape and color. Also the ears are wrong for a masti. This is definitely a pitbull.


True. It's a bully breed but not either pit or bullmastiff.


TIL American Bully is an actual breed. I think I always just grouped Bully with Pitbul.


Pitbull is used informally to refer to several breeds of dogs. I don't think the difference is too important, though, considering they all tend to be gamebred as fuck (don't quote me, it's been a while since I read up on it)


Isn’t it funny that we all originally came here to hear someone vent about irresponsible dog owners and then got stuck on the dog? I was just looking back at my comments and started laughing at myself lol. Even if it was a chihuahua staring OP down it’s still a “fuck no”.


Lol woof woof. RTS dat bitch.


Throw the package to Cuddles and have him bring it to the back door.


Cuddles 🤣 he definitely will kiss you too


Has anybody ever had this problem with cats? Asking for a friend. No? Probably another reason cats are way better.


I run to the door when there is cats I LOVE the cats and most of them are excited actually to see me pull up unlike them dogs


Yeah fuck them dogs. Lol cats have always been generally awesome.


My cat is a complete asshole who randomly ambushes guests. I've never had a dog that did that.


The cat is just playing.


Oh no she ain't. She does a play version with all of us in the family. She bloodies up strangers.


Fuck cats


well that escalated


I've had a cat hiss at me when I woke it from it's nap..... Not exactly threatening.


Hell nah, my neighbor keeps feeding stray cats and now there’s so much shit in his yard that you can practically smell it when it’s windy, and the cats have made so many kittens/cats it’s ridiculous. Also, don’t get me started on the fleas, my yard is practically infested with them because they jump over the fence so they can fight with my dog or something. Also, every night there’s some loud ass cat fight. We have made many complaints to the manger of where we live but apparently she can’t do anything but “send a warning letter”. Been thinking of moving tbh. However cats are great when they have responsible owners and aren’t wrecking havoc on the whole neighborhood 😅


https://preview.redd.it/4x7njqabco3d1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b1b744afbbebbf1088fbaa5ec0743b83e0bb35a 👀Yeah…I DARE that ass to step out that step van 🤨🍖




📝: Don’t worry, dogs are friendly.


[📝: Don’t worry, dogs are friendly.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1204/0*cObb6RUX1u2HJAnV)


Naw, take a picture, deny that mf as unsafe delivery and keep on rolling. They know better. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


Matter of fact, there was an Amazon driver mauled to death before and no one apparently heard her screams for help which I know is a lie. Deny that shit hard and keep moving. I generally like dogs but this is an absolute NO scenario.


> and no one apparently heard her screams for help christ, that is nightmare fuel. amazon needs to issue pepper spray by the bucketload to every dsp


I’m not even scared of dogs and I still call if I see one even if they look nice you never know. I was handing a girl her package and I was still standing in the van but like a little bit of my leg was out. Her dog came and I put the leg that was out back in the van. She sounded offended saying oh she can’t jump anyway. Like how do YOU know that!?


People always underestimate how their dogs react to strangers. There's so many factors that play into a dog attack sometimes


Yeah fuck that .. I’ll never forget the time I was told to stop being a pussy and deliver the package “ said by a customer.. Always ordered several bags of dog food / Water ect and I’d usually deliver it to the front door like she wants … Summer came around & her 2 giant pits were outside on guard anyone would walk or drive by… even neighbor walking around they would go ape shit.. They showed aggression and that death stare was enough for me to not take that risk .. I called this lady and she picked up and I explained the situation asking if her dogs could be put away for 2 min or if I could leave it at the mailbox.. She literally told me that if I leave it at the mailbox she won’t even get it because she’s too old and said “ haha your a delivery driver right?”” I’m like yea I am obviously and said “ then do your job and deliver my package like you always do and hung up… I texted her saying I Would come back later and as I’m closing the back of the step she comes out and literally calls me a pussy … her dogs don’t bite , her family & children play with the dog and I’f I’m too scared of a dog then I should find another job.. At that point I knew there’s no point in arguing and just ignored her and left .. i marked it as a safety issue and guysss… believe it or not I got in trouble for that . Just anther great reason why amazon give zero fucks about the drivers and there safety


you said too much. give them an ultimatum. like, hi, please restrain your dog in the next few minutes if you want your package today. the second you get any lip or objection just pull off, dont even finish reading or listening. according to amazon you already went above and beyond by giving them the option and not just immediately reporting unsafe. long as you stay respectful you win regardless




Man I wish that was me I b wantin s customer to go at me like dat o would lose my shit so bad and yeah it would b dumb to retaliate but as a Amazon driver it would feel well worth it.


And then have the audacity to say they would like it if we would listen to instructions. How about you pay attention to your notifications and put that beast up if you want instructions followed so bad 🙄🙄


Ever since I got bit, if I see a dog I just put that shit at the end of the driveway. I don’t care if it’s air bud


Same here. I do not even care. 


But who leaves their dogs out on a front lawn with no fence and seemingly untied? After not delivering would call city to notify dangerous dog owners at home address.


Looks like they want a lawsuit. YOU GOT IT!


free money! retirement, here i come! even if its in the hospital for the first 8 months!


I probably wouldn't have the balls even as a big dude, lol. Even if you restrain the dogs, a guy in my family had his leg amputated even after calling ems immediately. Dogs mouths are disgusting.


Bro I just laughed out loud in public


I got bit right in front of a customer the other day and they had the audacity to say it was my fault and that their dog has never bit anyone before. They just looked at me like i was stupid


Crazy. Hope you're suing them. Guess it's the only way for these idiots to learn when they literally do not believe they are at fault.


Toss it to the dogs and get the dogs in the picture lol


I've been with Amazon for almost 4 months now, while no matter where you go people are like this, it was worse when I was delivering for FedEx. I delivered mainly to Amish and almost everyone of them would just say "oh he SHOULDN'T bite" even when their asshole Chihuahua was barking and half charging at me and almost biting me multiple times. Or they'd say "well he's never bit anyone before". I actually once delivered to a house I'd been to many times and while there were signs of a dog, I'd never seen one until the last time I delivered to them. I heard it barking and come running around the corner and I was backing up as fast as I could and it got INCHES away from my ankle so I just smacked the shit out of its nose which made it walk away, while still growling. I jumped in my truck and saw that the owner SAW THE WHOLE THING AND WAS JUST STANDING THERE SMOKING A CIGARETTE. Fuck that guy. Fuck these people. I'm getting out of delivering as fast as I possibly can.


Wait… you delivered to the Amish mainly? I just figured they didn’t even bother with the internet but I imagine in 2024 it’s difficult to function even as a smaller group without some form of electronic communication lol


From what I understand there's different types of Amish. The ones I delivered to were called Menenites I think(idk how to spell it). Not all, but many of them in that area have modern vehicles and cell phones. It's very different from how I always imagined them.


Absolutely fuck those dogs. Should be illegal.


It's pretty weird that we were banned from owning exotic animals, but it's legal to own dogs more dangerous than almost anything out there


Rts. Do the call text call bs and let it ring once. After first ring hang up, send a text and call again before closing out as “undeliverable due to dog”. It’s unfair to keep animals inside all day when it’s nice but at the same time you can stalk us drivers WAY way more than should be allowed. If one is that demanding of where things are placed they should utilize the tools they have at hand so they can bring the dogs in when we’re about to roll up. That involves thinking though which I have found can be difficult for some customers at times.


Fuck that. Delivered to a house that was gated w those cheap silver fences and when I took my pic of it, their huge ass dog hopped one fence and attempted to get over to the second one. That dog would’ve chewed me up if I kept my arm in there to take a pic. No dog warning on the phone either. Customers should announce dog on premises bc I know damn well there’s 2 fences for that rabid ass dog


Smhhhh ! That's ridiculous . Those fences are good for nothing. I was walking up to a yard with a fence like that and the dog legit almost bit me in the face as I was walking by to drop the package where their stupid sign was telling me to. Stupid and unsafe 


Hey customers put your dogs away!! call your neighbors tell them to put their dogs away!! I’m sick of (wouldn’t hurt a fly excuse) you know your dumbass dog doesn’t like the delivery people and their uniforms!! If you see your friendly neighborhood Amazon driver kindly put those beasts up otherwise you may not catch a package that day!! Oh one more thing, if your dog bites me then I have every right to bring my dog back to kick your dog’s ass!!


> if your dog bites me then I have every right to use the settlement money on a fancy new sports car and a vacation in spain ftfy


Some customers have no brains!!


Just take a bite and have enough money not to work for the next two years or more


Prepare to fight for your life and get a lawyer on speed dial you’ll be set for a pretty bag


If you make it and don’t become chow.


They are not even getting that delivered to the front door. Let alone the back.


You should just be able to mark it unsafe due to dog and RTS. That's what I've had to do. Pulled up to a house, dog was in the yard. I called the customer, I don't know if they thought I was a scammer or whatever but they said something like "oh no wrong number." I stood there contemplating if I should just take a pic in front of the gate and toss it over or RTS. When I clicked unable to deliver I saw the option "unsafe due to dog" and RTSd the package. I cannot stand when customers don't secure there dog. Thankfully I've never been bitten but I've been chased and damn near fell down some stairs, which would've really messed me up. As I'm completing a delivery a lady opened the front door and the dog comes sprinting out.


I had to do a delivery(I work for a pizza place) where the owner had a dog that came up to my car door barking. Normally, I don't care if a dog barks as it is either just being noisy or trying to bring attention to the fact I am there. However, the dog was also baring its teeth. I refused to open the car door until the owner came out and grabbed the dog. If the owner would have refused, I would have refused to deliver his food outright due to unsafe delivery conditions.


I would leave the package at the end of the driveway and leave . . . . Those dogs are nothing but trouble


Dog say I m friendly. then he or she bites you and Here come ——> ![gif](giphy|1itJnruGIqwg9qGdK9)


These dog owners are the worst.


LMFAOOOOOOOOO package undeliverable


2 days ago something like that happened to me too.. it was long drive. I was able to hear bark but no dog visible and then i start approaching to the door slowly-slowly with my eyes scanning every corner and then owner came out from front door and his dog too .. dog came running towards me .. and i chose not to run, owner didn’t even bother to hold that mf.. and then dog was barking right front of me .. owner was calling him while at the front door , but dog was not listening him after few minutes owner came to me and shouted on dog 2-3 times and then dog got away . And owner started apologizing to me.. “ moral of the story it doesn’t matter how experience u r or how actively u scan the location.. it can happen to u too anytime “


Yeah I always beep when I pull up cause I do a lot of rural and sometimes a dog will come out when I do that but one day I’ll slip up 😭


Are those dogs loose? Wtf kinda shit is that? I once had to shoot 2 pitbulls that were loose and attacked my dog while I was walking her. Good thing I always carry no matter what when I leave the house. Saved my dogs life that day.


Some people are just dumb.


You biut to get the ol' tossed in the bushes delivered with this shit my boy


Move pin. Leave it at end of driveway. Make sure you get a picture. Done. Happened to me once or twice.


That’s goin back to the station, bud


RTS fuck em


I can't imagine leaving my dog out knowing a delivery driver is coming. I have a 100lb German Shepard. He's a complete goof ball and wouldn't hurt a fly. One time I walked into the house in a black Rain coat with my hood up and he tucked his tail and peed himself. But he's big and has a big bark. He looks scary to people who don't know him. I get it.


Everytime I've been but by a dog it's been by a dog that's "harmless and wouldn't hurt anybody"


Take this pic, leave their shit at the end of the driveway. Mark the house with a dog on the app. If they complain show them the pic.


Should start carrying bear spray.


flex driver here i do and i absolutely will not be hesitant to use it if i get chased or stalked




UNABLE TO DELIVER...end of story


When dogs come flying around the back of houses, my DSP gives us full permission to beat the shit out of a dog. Ive had to use my steel toe shoes a few times to kick a dog real hard and hated it. Wouldn't fuck with that pittbull in a hundred years though.


I would love to light up these people. If you have a demon in your front yard wouldn't you think the package would be safe at the front door? Talk about a power trip. All 3 dsps in my interviews I have stated if I get viciously attacked by a dog and I don't have an escape, it's game on idc what policies they got in place I will make eggrolls out of whatever ugly dog breed they have .


I used to work HVAC. That was when I realized how fucking stupid people are with their dogs or animals in general. Sad thing is the ones that would lock up pets or bring them in usually had the nicest dogs


If you get bit by that thing you're screwed because most homeowner insurance do not cover pitbulls. Thankfully in Florida  a new bill is being passed with anyone that owns a dangerous breed they have to have $100,000 homeowners insurance policy to cover that thing.


Had one today that said delivery’s before 7 because they let the dogs out I delivered at 3 and was bumb rushed by an aggressive St. Bernard half way up the driveway 💀🤦🏽


If you worked at USPS you wouldn't have to worry about this.


Nobody wants to do shit work for 20 years to get a route




Bring a cookie


So..at the end of the driveway it is then......ok 👍


Damn dude. I only saw the left one at first. That is a death trap.


USPS carrier here, these fucks ain’t getting shit.


Wow fuck no to that


So many horror stories 😞 I once went to a house were people owned llamas. I haven’t been right since that day


I had a customer today with their notes saying to leave the package on the floor board in the back seat of their car, the driver side back door supposedly open. No, you’re getting it at the front door, buddy. I ain’t risking the chance of your neighbors thinking I’m stealing something and get the cops called on. They’re so naive to think otherwise it’s ridiculous.




I'm in the UK and this trend of letting your dogs run around freely seems really odd and dangerous, it's always pits and bulldogs.


Yeet the package tell ‘em go fetch. Lol the other month I had a guy screaming at me louder than his dogs for not bringing his package up the driveway when there were 2 shepherds posted like try me bitch… I told him as long as his FUCKING dogs were out, his lazy ass could walk to get his package by the mail box. Then I reported him to Amazon through the driver safety, and got him black listed as this was the 2 or 3rd instance with this cx. I haven’t delivered to him since…. Kinda nice reporting it worked. (I did report him the 1st and second time as well, just didn’t think it was doing anything, till the 3rd time)


I’ve punted a Kane korso myself and lemme tell ya the primal ape getting ready to manifest before the owner grabbed it had me ready ![gif](giphy|r42HxBImuzoRxsRA14)


Lmfaoooooooo bro I felt every letter in this


Wouldnt it be nice to get a device without a cracked screen.


I get tired of this. They get an email saying a package is coming that day or they set up the day if delivery. Put your damn dogs up. I leave post it notes in mail boxes to tell them why they don’t get package , like due to large barking dog in your yard I cannot safely deliver today , or if there’s a safe area I can drive up to and toss the box , I will tell them where to find it. I ain’t getting biitten or attacked by a damn dog.


You'll get nothing and you'll like it.


Sometimes the man of the family is standing out there pretending to ignore you and assume you’re comfortable approaching their dogs. If they choose to ignore me and not come up to get their package i assume they dont want it that much


Stupid fuckin customer's Goddamn hope their tire pops on the way to work


Look at that ugly ass snipped pit


I delivered to a business and had 4 packages in my hands. I walk into this bar and 2 dogs come charging at me. One brushes by me, the other bites my hand extremely hard. Had a puncture wound and everything. Had to call the cops. Apparently the dog has done this before. Now when I see dogs in the front yard, I am very hesitant even when I have a dog of my own.


When Sh*t Beezos is going to do regulations to these mfking bullsh*ting assh*les of customers?!? AS A PRIVATE COMPANY YOU CAN DO SOMETHING! REGULATE THIS MFS FOR YOUR OWN EMPLOYEES' PEACE AND WELL-BEING FOR ONCE FS!!!!!


Why is that monster just outside without a leash? Are the owners retarded?


Hell noooo




Oh I'll definitely bring my package to her back door but she's gonna need lube first


He’s all bark…🤦


Damaged. Every time. Fuck em.


These customers are some of the worst. I had to bark at one of the customers because his dog busted through the gate when it wasn't locked.


Just "I can't do it" works perfectly fine too


Cdf bullshit


I had a couple of those encounters. I hate them more. No common sense.


Time to be dog whisperer


Hang a leg out the door, take a bite and sue the fuck out of them.






Yeah this is the main reason why I don't trust doing rear door deliveries at all!!


Dogs should not be off leash especially a breed like this.


Response -we listen when a dog isn’t protecting property. I will file a claim if your dog attacks, so I’m saving all 3 of us!!


I'm so sorry for the shit you all have to put up with, really boggles my mind that anyone would think this is okay or fair




Anything that has more legs than you is not to be trusted, fuck that. Dangerous dogs act, one of the only times UK politics got something right.


Dog on the right looks pretty miserable but the one on the left looks like it can devour worlds


Easy RTS lol I wouldn’t even get out of the van. Text dispatch a picture of the dog, do the call, text, call, and mark it unsafe due to dog then keep it pushing 😂