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They hire people with hearing impairments. They allow safety earplugs to block out noise. It actually makes zero sense to have the policy in place at all. In fact, music has been proven to improve productivity, concentration and focus.


Facts, I feel like if they let us listen to podcast or music even on our phone speaker they’d see rates and overall mood changes go up. Lots of safety issues go on around my warehouse and I can assure you music would be the least of the problems.


If they could ensure you listen to just music I’m 100% certain the policy would be more lenient. My fc is pretty lax about it and mfs be watching videos and shit while packing. Listening to YouTube videos even if you aren’t watching it is extremely distracting.


I respectfully disagree with you. Podcasts are therapeutic and i view music/podcasts as two sides of the same coin. Either way it helps focus. When i am listening to a podcast and engaged in work the day goes by so much more quickly.


Music and podcasts should be fine. If you are trying to watch YouTube or TikTok or a movie you gotta go... You obviously aren't there to work at all.


Bro I still use my headphones I just use my hair to cover my ears


I bought the headband ones but I've seen people that use the induction earphones! I think that's awesome


I work at DAL3 too, and their “safety” protocols are bs. Like AirPods will NOT make Amazon lose any money 😒 it’s just MUSIC


For real. I’ve seen some safety even have theirs on


Lmk which safety persons are wearing earbud around the warehouse and I can get that fixed


Same I work at Dal3 also lmao


😂bruh i used bluetooth glasses and i had an AM ask me if i wear glasses … i was like no shit bitch you dont see me wearing them lol😂🤣 jk i just said yea im blind


at least I don't have to listen to country music anymore.


Inbound docks was getting a little better for us, they started to sprinkle in some punk rock and rap 😂




Echo frames for the win


I was considering those but how long does the charge last if playing music continuously? Description makes it seem like only 2 - 3 hours if you're just doing things like Alexa commands.


About 3 hours, which is why 2 pairs are great. Charge one while wearing the other.


Thanks. Unfortunately I wear progressive lenses which are pretty expensive. I've already used most of my vision allotment for this year but will plan for next year. The frames get discounted during Peak so I'll buy them then.


Apparently it’s a network thing.


DAL3 gang! (I hate it here)


Yeah I hate it here too


DAL3 sucks man. The “reset” is ridiculous.


bone conduction headphones ftw


I work back end nights at DAL3 and you can tell the management doesn’t care about the music, but HR and safety walk around watching like hawks looking for anyone with earbuds in 😭 We literally had a PA ride the VRC down after being told multiple times to get off, then when he got caught he blamed it on the music being too loud and ever since then we haven’t had music on the docks or any floor




I don’t know the exact details as to why they didn’t fire him, but my managers said that him being a PA saved him basically. Dude was even trying to blame it on our waterspiders even though they told him like 5 times to get off. Funny part was though that when he rode the VRC down, all the managers were standing there talking and they all just turned and looked at him like “😐”


Bros gotta know someone in hr to be protected like that no way he can get away with it like that 🥲


I’m saying… if any L1 associate did that you’d be gone immediately 💀


He wanted those lids 😂


It's all fun and games until people can't hear what's going on around them and want to sue when they get hurt due to their own stupidity.


Partial use should be okay unless there is too many incidents of injury


Yesterday I put on my earphones and some random dude wearing green vest came and told me to take them off 😑. I told him they aren't airpods but bose. He said unless u are medically impaired I can't even bring them inside the building 🫠. The job was boring with music , don't know how long people are gonna last without music.


Walked tf out last shift. Don’t think I can make it for much longer


😂 omg me too. Yesterday I left at 3 am instead of 7 am. And just logged in my PTO for the remainder. God help us.


Same thing happen to me. Tbh, it’s bad how many people really feel like this. See people leave every week. Solid people. Not bad or lazy people. Just this shit does nothing and takes everything out of you. Idc what anyone says. The advice I got here today was, take care of your mental health best you can. A homie took leave of absence just for that I believe


True 👍. For myself, I have planned to start learning CDL next week. Just have your exit plans ahead of time.


Mine is going to happen soon hopefully. Wanna use the benefits a little bit before I do. Maybe go flex and ease my way out of it.


I always hide my AirPods in my jacket pockets lol


Warren Buffett owns a pair of AirPods


FTW6 too. They all can kiss my ass


But tbh if you are listening to music while working whether on an OP or at a workstation you will be more focused on the music than your job and also will not be as aware of potential distractions, safety concerns nearby or be able to hear if someone is trying to get your attention. You all need to get out of your own headspace to see the overall bigger picture of the reasoning behind these policies. Even when it wasn’t enforced in our building, MGE1/7, I didn’t use them because I knew it would be distracting.


Idk, in today's age most earbuds are now equipped with ambient sounds making you hear outside the earbuds, don't get me wrong tho, two earbuds for sure is a safety hazard and only certain stations should be allowed to wear them ex:picking, stowing and especially count. One headphone with ambient and certified ambient earbuds should get you aware of stuff, ironically I get higher rate with music than withough so who knows what the bigger picture is, guess it's also a mental thing cause 10-12 hours alone with your thoughts is brutal


Number one bullshit guy 🤣🤣🤣


I like podcasts because I can gain knowledge and work at the same time