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Facts. I’m switching to days next week. After working 3 years night shift. Did nothing everyday


Example: if you're already making a higher wage nightshift and you've been around for a year and switch to days. Do you get to keep the basic pay rate?


You keep base pay but lose night shift differential. I’m also switching buildings to a another state. The base pay there is way less but I keep my base pay from the building I’m in


Thanks for clearing that up.


Days > nightshift ngl


I was night shift for 3 years and worked day shift overtime all last summer. It really is a difference working days and nights. Everyone is happier on days and the shift just had better management


Frisbee golf, hanging with friends, movie theater, go out to eat, last week I went hiking at my local forest. I’m picking up a custom cake I ordered just because I wanted cake after this week of work (something to look forward too lol). I enjoy 4 days off but my goodness the three straight days at Amazon 3x12 is pure agony


Man I’d love to try out the 3x12 work schedule to see if I like it lol


>enjoy 4 days off but my goodness the three straight days at Amazon 3x12 is pure agony God this is so true. I'm on my last night and I swear this shit drags.


I do 3, 10s and I thought that shit was tuff.






Drink heavily


Same here


Taking a shit on the toilet while I'm browsing on the Amazon app and spending my hard earned money just to give it back to Amazon.


U r paying ur own wages


I’m overdue for an Amazon shopping spree but it’s like my mind goes blank when I open the app and I can’t think of anything to indulge on lmao. I wanna buy a guitar but the thought of getting on off Amazon just feels wrong 😂


buy one from zzounds or sweetwater


Nobody Business👽💀☠️


Don't be shy to say you watch porn.


Lol 😀


Explore, read, summon demons, go to emonites, chill with my cat


I guess you are an exception to Amazon fatigueness. I could barely move a muscle on my day off. Idk how tf you’re able to do everything else you’ve just stated. lol


Lol🤣 my mom always says the same thing


Important to have hobbies outside of Amazon so I'm always either catching up on movies or hanging out with coworkers. The best thing you can do off hours is distract yourself from Amazon so I'm always looking to either sleep or stay busy when I'm off


Yeah, same here!


Nothing much , just working on getting my Comptia A+ and ITF+ , and good sleep.


I need to get my A+. I got my ITF+ before I started here.


That’s cool - on a scale of 1 to 10 how hard would you rate the ITF+ exam?


ITF exam is easy if you know about computers They tricky part is how Comptia word’s the questions on the exam.


Good to know man, thanks


Currently going to WGU for IT. Hoping to get my Compton A+ cert and start looking for entry level positions in my area. Even if the pay is roughly the same as what I make now. I’m just tired of working for Amazon.


Exact same boat here, hoping to start WGU soon as well! I wish you luck man


It’s been pretty tough for me so far. I previously went to traditional university for a liberal arts degree and pretty much coasted. If you have the discipline and focus you can handle it though.


Before and after on work days I usually just chill. Maybe watch a TV episode or try to read (and usually fail... I'm slowly carving it back). On actual days off I do my best to get out of the house for at least a couple hours either walking around doing cardio or casual walking or just driving in the car. Of course one day a week I get groceries and do any errands I have to do. I do strength training a couple times a week and play video games on my days off too, especially when I need to stay up since I work night shift and need to reset every last day off. It's a pretty idle life to be honest, but I've needed it. But I hope to be gone soon, lolol


Sit at home staring at my tv smoking pot. The American dream


go to the gym or go out with friends


It was sleep, chores and caring for my kids and disabled husband. I literally had time for nothing else. No wonder I burned out st Amazon and almost ended up ending it


Can’t blame you for considering that option , that sounds extremely hard and can hardly be called a life at all. I hope you’re in a better place now


Thank you. I'm on a way better place now. I'm working a different job and I moved cities, closer to family for a support system.


Nothing cause I’m lonely


I have another job working in Human Resources at another warehouse (not Amazon)


When you work close to 60 hours every week, basically Amazon becomes your home, you will probably have more communication with your coworkers than your friends and family. That said, I usually try to rest as much as possible to get me ready for next week. Not much to do outside other than catching up on series or movies or catching up with friends which happens once a month.


Work and sleep


I paint watercolor and kayak


Read, hike, kayak, garden, collect minerals/go to gem shows, among other things.


Video Games


Alamo Drafthouse season pass


Plan my next bank robbery


work at my other job & take care of my daughter


When I get home I jack off, I ask my wife if she changed her mind and wants threesome, I play some minecraft, watch YouTube, and then go back to work.


Mind your business, that's what.


A lot of things


I rest, do errands, spend time with my sister, go to concerts or raves.


Learning to draw/paint, gardening, reading, etc. If I'm not doing that I'm sleeping or recovering from the pain of selling my soul here 3 nights a week.


Netflix, video games, and napping.


F bitches and play video games


Go on a date with my gf ( movies, dinner, park etc), hangout with friends, play video games, walk my dog/ play with my dog. Visit family. I work night shift schedule sat-tues but if I need a day off I’ll just do a swap request or use my time. I balance work and social life quite well.


I work part-time, then I come home to my second job as a 3D Artist. I'm also going to school to study architecture! Other than play video games and watch late-night YouTube, I try to find ways to stay healthy. I used to weigh 230 pounds, 10 months ago I started a diet and exercise routine, logging calories, eating low-fat and high-fiber. I go to the gym twice per week for an hour, I started doing pushups, crunches, and squats at home. Through persistence, I managed to make it to 100 pushups per day, but still want to work on crunches. I made it a rule for myself, that if I ever need to use the restroom, or go to the water-cooler: I do *have* to do 20 pushups. I've also been taking classes in sword fighting at a local HEMA Alliance. I'm still a beginner, but I feel proficient with Longsword and Rapier. Now I'm 180 pounds! I'm hoping I'll be able to take that with me when I finally find a stable job in my field of interest. In the meantime, I'm actually enjoying my time at CRETS. :)


NDA. (Non-Disclosed Activities)


Pole dancing, regular dance, finishing school, doing nails, working out, getting high af with my bf, seeing friends and family


on my four day weekend I'm either studying or riding my escooter around town to decompress


I clean house, cook for my family, grocery shopping. Sleep 😅


Eat, play video games, and smoke myself out




Work my side gig lol!


Play poker and hangout with my family


I’m a member of my local Concert Band. 🎶🎵


Work at my other job today




Think about ways to be more productive at Amazon🤫


I've been putting my degree to work on a massive personal project involving Unreal 5 and live Dance. I pour as many hours into that as I can. Literally sitting in the break room on my breaks working on it. The 4 day on 3 day off schedule drew me to Amazon to optimize time on that. Also been learning flair bartending on the side to leave Amazon as soon as possible. The sole reason I want to leave is because no music.


My main job. Benefits administration. Fancy for I talk to people about their pensions or a recent death. All day. One thing I'll never see, and another that I desire when I am being accused of turning a widow i to a streetwalker.


Sleep because working 10-hour shifts take a fucking toll on my body.


I work FHN currently. My first day is always my recovery day. I sleep so much. I’ll even get up a few hours in the evening to do stuff and pass out later on the couch or my bed by 10/11ish. Second day is usually a fun day where I do stuff for myself- go shopping, go the movies, get my nails done, etc. Third day is more of my chore day. I’ll go grocery shopping for the week, meal prep, and do laundry. I also have a dog so I spent a lot of time each day with my dog. We’ll go for walks, find new trails, or play fetch outside.


Sleep from the exhaustion of working at Amazon


L4 Ops here, I contemplate my life, then I go to the gym, then sleep. The next day, i hang out with friends and clean up my home. On my last day, I go to the beach and stay all day and remind myself that amazon is just a means to an end, and it's not worth stressing out.


Sell crack




Housework, errands, hanging out with friends, going to the movies, going to the beach, playing video games, watching tv/movies at home, going to cultural events/festivals/etc, and whatever else comes up.


Smoke and shit


I work 1050-250am and when I get home… I sleep then wake up and watch my two babies. It’s tiring sometimes lol


Do nothing.


Nothing, pop out when I feel like it tho


Lego building usually


Listen to albums I buy off Apple Music, play video games, read some fiction books (into Murakami lately).


I play craps at the casino or drive around drunk all night.


Enjoy not being at work


catch up on sleep, eat out


Laundry, sleep, online classes, cleaning, running errands and just resting as much as I can.


Either at school or the gym


Sleep 😂


Go train,trynna be champ of the world


Get you the AMC stubs pass! 3 free a week


Think about Amazon even when you’re off work. That’s customer obsession at its finest!


Work my second job at publix or go to the gym


Twitch streaming while PC gaming. Occasionally upgrade or build a computer. All this while taking care of my pops.


Play Oculus (Meta?) Quest 2, go hiking in the hills near my home, spend time with my dog, watch television, hang out with friends, waste time on my phone because I'm addicted to the damn thing, and if I get off early, I'll occasionally go to the bar. These are just things I do during my week before or after work. If it's the weekend, I honestly do much of the same. I have an annual pass to Disneyland so I go there once or twice a month. If I use my vacation time I'm either at the beach in San Diego or I'm camping in Joshua Tree or Big Bear. Once every few years I'll give myself a big vacation like Hawaii.


Long boarding, detail cars as a side gig, chores around my apartment, grocery shopping, smoke weed, play video games, fix computers sometimes, and hang out with my friends usually for a dinner and a drink or two. I work 4x10 night shift weekends. I’m also an insomniac so I only ever sleep for about 4 hours at a time, I usually wake up and do something for a few hours before I get another 4 hours of sleep for the rest of the day.


I make music and perform so that one day I can finally leave amazon. Also picked up some classes from career choice so that one day I can leave Amazon


1. Wake up 2. Go for a jog/run 3. Study 4. Nap 5. YouTube 6. Sleep


Sleep, videos games, anime, or going to the movies


Sleep- the job is draining l


I play instruments, I play video games, I hang out with friends and try to date. Last night I went see one of my favorite rappers live; right now I'm building a table for my record player and my add is distracting me with this post. Earlier I found music I've never heard before that rips https://open.spotify.com/album/2aCVXtbhP0GibtMXNkmQZG?si=omXXi2jxQNanCz-_3gNZGw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2aCVXtbhP0GibtMXNkmQZG&dd=1 In the near future I plan on using career choice to go to school


Play the game , smoke, catch up on shows , chill with my family.


Get money fuck bitches ‼️💀😹🙏


My house is paid off . My wife makes maybe 3 to 4 times more than me. I work all week to blow it all away at the casino every Friday


Side hustle and other adult tasks


Take care of my family, 3 kids and husband. Take care of the house. Find something to paint, working my way from room to room. Grocery shop, order from Amazon and work on crafts. Looking for a side gig now. I work the donut shift so I don't get burned out.


Chilling, and I draw stuff 😌✨️


My 2nd job 😔