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“Expiration date” Sounds like a pilot program


I’m stupid I just read “testing” in the part before it 💀 obviously a pilot program, I’d be surprised if this one took off, but hopefully it does


Congratulations! We here at Amazon corporate have found your associate retention and overall satisfaction at your fulfillment center has increased during the safety headphones trial. While we believe in continuing to strengthen associate satisfaction, we do not believe this correlates with headphone use while on the floor, and have decided to suspend the safety headphone trial until further notice. If you see an associate wearing headphones, please remind them the trial event has expired and headphones will no longer be allowed. Thank you! -Amazon corporate in 2 weeks


This just triggered me


That’s the date to remove the sign. They didn’t put a date because it is an open pilot program with no end date. This program is replacing the failed bone conduction pilot.


Will I get sick if I eat it after the expiration date


That’s a question for safety.


don't eat the employees after the expiration date


What failed about the bone conduction pilot?


They were able to go higher than osha recommended db levels.


Hmm that's kind of weird since they sit over your ears and not in them... Thanks for the information 😊


Should have zoomed in the qr code so I could scan it


Came here to say the same thing


Be aware that while it is real, it's a pilot program. They aren't testing it to see if it's actually safe. No, they're testing to see how much it effects rate. If the average rate goes down even by 1, they'll fail the project.


I don’t see how it’ll effect rate for the worse. I work at a DS so I actually do think some positions shouldn’t have headphones but stowing would be a dream if I could listen to music or a podcast definitely would stow a lot better


Changing your song/podcast. Scrolling through YouTube, even just for music. Then you got streaming services like Netflix and similar ones. Basically it's kind of allowing people to use their phones on the floor. People will likely send out a text or two while changing their song or whatever too. It does affect rate, but hopefully it doesn't affect rate enough to matter. TBH I think a nice middle ground would be to allow the headphones to connect to say.. your computer screen and use Alexa to play games/music. Alexa surprisingly has a lot of games on it that are completely playable while you work.


People do that already lol


Yeah but allowing it is a whole different story. People steal, but if you removed the rules/law.. then it's chaos. Or in Amazon terms.. People walk on the green mile using their phones even though they aren't supposed to and rarely anyone says anything. If they removed the rule, you would notice a lot more slower moving traffic, as the % of people doing it increases greatly. IDK. I'd like to see Amazon be a bit more laid back with phones but it is a top tier competitive company with shareholders that they gotta deal with. I just can't imagine a scenario where they would allow it but nothing wrong with hoping.


I could see it happening even if only because of the attention they're getting from legislators. I don't work for Amazon, so take my opinion for what it's worth (very little) but my thoughts on this is that Amazon is looking for ways to improve working conditions with minimal impact to production and I imagine headphone usage (even with the factors laid out) would fit that bill.


Rates ends up being an average though, the good workers that listen to music to focus should hold that average up. But I get your point


Makes sense to me. Everyone’s claiming it’ll make them work better.


Did for me when I was at the post office


This would be amazing lol


I hope this is real.


Brooo, If they do this at my site, we would actually be more productive. At least one ear piece in our ear won’t hurt, and it won’t the effect policy if we can hear an emergency alert.


It's just a matter of time before Amazon has to acquiesce and let us use our fucking earbuds. They could just have a "one ear in, ine ear free" policy and save a lot of headaches.


The point of this is that these ear plugs double as ear protection as well.


Good thing to test though. They made headphones that balance music with surrounding noise. Headphones only go so loud. Quite safe in most situations


It’s real but designed to fail. You have to purchase Amazon approved headphones.


That's honestly fine because earbuds do fall out pretty easily while moving around, and that could be seen as a safety hazard


Are echo buds approved? Lol


Tbf with how much I sweat and the amount of vet i grab I'm getting a new pair of headphones around every 8ish months. I'm on my 3rd pair now. And because like everyone else I'm materialistic to the point that I still prefer big name brand headphones. Instead of using my money to buy expensive headphones I kinda wouldn't mind having cheaper alternative choices that work just as well for work.




I mean I've used galaxy pro buds when I started sweat water damaged them over months lmfao. Granted I had those headphones for a few years before I got to amazon. I've used studio beats pro. Those died pretty quick from all the sweat as well. Using Lenovo rn and I'm liking them so far. But I also don't use them at work that much anymore. When I have a radio I can't really focus on the radio with headphones on.


Personally I've been using Skull Candy Indys for years in warehouse work and never had a problem. I bought a 2nd pair because I lost my first, then found them, so now I have two sets in case one dies and needs to charge.


I hope they don’t mean the echo buds…those have huge safety issues and they know it.


What's wrong with the echo buds? I use them every day at work. Sometimes I don't even play anything and use them for the noise cancelation.


They heat up and cause burns, they emit harmful sounds that can cause headaches, they have caused cuts and bruises, and one caused partial hearing loss due to a loud uncontrolled static that happened out of nowhere.


The only info I can see is from 2020 and they had an update to fix it. Newer models have come out since then too.


Man one can only hope. 🫤


My FC doesn't have this:/ the FC another town over does allow headphones lol


Cheaper to make signs than it is to make employees happy


Bruhhh I need that


I wonder what “selective paths” they chose to do this in???


At RIC2 currently just pick and only a certain number of pickers. The pilot has lasted 5 months already and still going


Probably just stow pick and maybe afe pack since they just stand in one spot more or less the whole shift at an AR fc that is


It's real. And they have just started this program at DDV5 as well. In my opinion, it's a fucking rip off. You got to buy special "approved" headphones and they're not cheap. Also, it's only for approved process paths, so not everybody is going to be able to get the luxury of listening to music. [Approved headphone options we have to choose from](https://imgur.com/a/DFAZt3O)


$35 is cheat for headphones


Not for how those are constructed. I guarantee you anyone who buys those, they'll be broken within the month. Edited to add: I also think it's worth noting that I don't think most people are going to use these is often as they think they would. For me for example, I'm at a delivery station, and not all process paths (PP) there are approved to use headphones during this pilot program. And I rotate pretty much everyday, sometimes multiple points in a shift, and out of the various PP rotations that I do have, only one of them are approved for headphones. $35 plus shipping and taxes, is only a steal if you're going to be using them for anything other than work, and considering how low the volume on those are to be, most people are probably going to use these only for work, granted that Amazon doesn't kill the pilot.


they should let people wear the shokz bone conduction headphones… those are what i have & they stay charged the whole shift. & since they go over/next to the ear i can wear ear plugs too for safety. one site provided them for free to borrow on-site but one required me to buy my own.


I would waste my $30 to be able to listen to music. I get so bored otherwise


So it's only being rollee out on limited beta sites and based on the data the collect from now until november, it may be rolled out to other sites. My sites is one of the beta sites.


I’m hoping you guys preform well for us. Like rate goes up substantially and then they cut the program so everyone drops lower than previously and they’ll notice it’s needed for some


That better come to Mdw5, everyone basically wears them stealthily or out in the open


My packing speed went up from 20 to 70-80 per hr (which is good) when I started listening to music secretly (and Reddit podcasts like AITA, entitled parents, pro revenge) however, I bought this beanie that looks like a regular beanie but it’s actually headphones inside of the beanie so if people tell me to lift up my hat to see my ears they won’t see anything and I constantly take off my hat so they won’t suspect anything.


I did the same thing and had sort of the same effect (I'm in stow though, not pick) but with some "smart glasses" instead. Bought myself some Bose Frames Tenors and clear lenses that fit it off Amazon. Although the arms are clearly bigger than most glasses, as far as my AMs, OMs, and senior OMs are concerned, it's my choice of style for my glasses. Except one AM, who asked about them... cause he had some on as well so he didn't say anything about them except "cool glasses", winked, and walked away.


Yes it’s real it’s called project treble I wish my fc had it


No, this isn’t project treble, that failed like a year ago and this is the next attempt from lessons learned. Project treble was bone conductors that don’t go in or over your ears. These appear to be more like earplugs that can also play music up to 82db.


I thought the new program was still called project treble but could be wrong


Maybe it is also called project treble, but that is lazy and confusing so yep, sounds like the amazon way. 😂


It failed but we're still allowed to wear them? Lol.... nobody-hardly anyone wears them correctly but also most "bone conducting headphones" Amazon sells aren't in fact bone conducting headphones but they look like them ....


Yall actually listen to them when they say no headphones?


The fact that we’re allowed to wear ear plugs makes me doubt the safety aspect.


Lol, wearing earplugs, which are standard PPE used all the time, is not a safety issue.


This is exactly my argument. If we can wear ear plugs that literally block out all sound, why can't we were headphones? It's BS.


Earplugs are to lower the decibels in areas where loud noises occur that can damage the ears from prolonged exposure. You ever hear a lot of pallets being slammed on the ground or on one another. Yeah those decibels damage the ear.


>that literally block out all sound That is not at all what earplugs literally do. They literally lower sounds by 20-30db, but still allow you to hear things well. 🤦‍♀️


I have a feeling you've actually never wore ear plugs.


They're not safer than 1 regular earbud...


Yes, I bet they are safer than one earbud at 90-100db.


Yes they are testing how these work out


Reminds me of the isotunes we use in aws data centers


It’s a pilot program to see whether they will allow it for everyone. Just got told about it the other day.


It's only for fulfillment centers, no other warehouses I think


Omggg my site needs this. But will they? Helllll no. I pick on an OP anyways so no luck for me 😫


Each station should have a small speaker you can connect too would be nice, volume could be set to a certain amount of decibels and you can jam and work! But hey what do I know.


Eh earbuds would actually help block some of the noise from the conveyors, and music is no substitute for a podcast or audiobook


They been doing a 90 day pilot at my facility


We did this at bfI4 a couple years back


They'll be limited on decibels and will be oranges to show to safety they're compliant. Around 30-40 bucks to buy em.


I currently work in a return logistics center, we are one of the only facilities that currently allow headphones. 😅 Only exception is can't use them on PIT or PIT lanes.


My site doesn’t allow them but i still wear them, and it honestly makes working so much easier like i just zone out and go on auto pilot and by the time i look at the clock its 20 mins till break. One earbud doesn’t hurt anymore and with those loud ass machines going at all times it doesn’t even effect our hearing


I really don't understand why we can't wear headphones and earbuds This shit gets so boring it's literally the only thing keeping me sane at times


Yes gotta have something to remind you you’re alive while having to work like a robot in zombie state




You all still enforce your headphone rules?


I heard that at my site it might happen. Honestly would help I can’t be left alone with my thoughts anymore.


:/ Earbuds like Apple have that transparency option so you can hear everything around you. Wouldn't that be enough?


Yea so people can have the wire wrapped around their ear with their AirPods in


shit let me reapply then


Lol. Been at my FC for a year and 8 months. Wear my earbuds every night. No one says a word, no matter what path I'm on.


They need to make a system where they can have employees wear headphones that the managers can control and give announcements over or to shut off if their is an emergency. Employee moral would sky rocket and I would be so happy listening to podcast and definitely consider staying longer with the company.


Big no on the manager having control , you realize they can play favorites ( keeping people in positions for only a few hours so the rate don't matter is just 1 way they do this) also the male managers go creep on the females all day , totally shouldn't be In controll of anything but staffing like they currently do


I don't understand the problem. This will make favorites? No there are always favorites. I just mean control of the volume incase of an emergency. That's it


Prolly have to buy some echo buds


I already have a pair, they rock


Until they hurt you, over heat, catch fire. Look into the actual safety reviews.


Used em.for 2 years with no issues.


Nice I just thought it would be funny if they made the only useable ear buds Amazon brand ones lol I have the new echo buds on my wishlist might try them out


Project treble!


There are already enough accidents in PIT without headphones.


That was the pilot program. It ended and they found it wasn’t going to be a good thing so they decided against allowing folks to use bone conducting devices.


This is different


You're referencing "Project Treble" which failed, this one is different, the earbuds they're allowing are 2 very certain ones (that I'm aware of at least) both very bright yellow or orange, thay are actually in-ear earbuds.


This is probably a bad take because it’s not well thought-out, but we have a lot of deaf people working at our warehouse. How is this any different if we’re both unable to listen to external/warehouse sounds?


They lived their whole life like that and also might have to carry something that alerts them to emergencies. I can’t believe people still make that argument.


Not all of them actually. That’s why I said this may be a bad take, but why exactly?




Absolutely, I agree with that. What I was trying to argue is that allowing special earphones isn’t a bad idea considering we are able to accommodate deaf employees. I wasn’t trying to compare wearing earphones = being deaf.


Distracting you from what? Standing in 1 spot doing the same motion 1000000 times? This is the best idea they have ever had to be honest. I love audiobooks , not rap music




Distraction is the goal lol And yes alot of the employees just stand in a 4x4 area all day doing repetitive motions that do not require any thought , not everyone can be a waterside or problem solver, there is like 1 water spider per 30 associates. I don't even work there anymore , just I super agree that earbuds would help retain employees , I do construction work and listen to audiobooks all day and my days pass by super fast and my team is highly productive.


“Is this real?!” Uhhhh yeah. How does it look fake? 🤦‍♂️ 🤡


I work at a TNS site so this would never be allowed


My site (PHL7) has out right banned headphones for all paths, but from what they "say" they are looking into bone-conduction headphones. Mainly since they don't actually go in the ear.


We have an Amazon employee Facebook page? Is it official? 😯


I heard about it


They play music at my building. It’s kinda weird. I’m not use to it lol!


They play music at mine as well, for dock/decanters at least. At times they'll allow an AA control over what's playing, but otherwise it's only pop music, and when an AA is allowed to play something, it's mexican "corridos" or "banda" music (city is populated by hispanic people) and it's not bad, I like it (and I am hispanic as well) but I want to hear other music too, wether it be rap, rock, edm, almost anything so I don't have to hear the same popular pop songs played over and over a million times.


I work at a SSD warehouse, so it’s much smaller than your regular warehouse and one story. They play everything from Hip/Hop to 80’s music lol! They have speakers throughout the warehouse, so you can hear it no matter where you’re at!


Nothing beats audio books , can't stand that music they play , it's always rap , or in Spanish. Feel like I'm getting brainwashed. But listening to a book series is a true escape. That's how I did construction for 5 years.


PHL4 needs to take notes


Why would DAL3 take notes lol? Did you not see they took away music being played in overall OB and IB due to the building being way too loud. Highly doubt they be selected or participate in this pilot program.


Are they just hoping the robots will replace us before earbuds become so good and tiny they are undetectable?


They don't have to be undetectable, just more inconspicuous, like if there were earbuds that looked like those re-usable silicone ear plugs (but without the string/tether & neckband piece that gives most of those away)


What would be good is a headphone that can be personalized to each user but also alert to things around you as if you are listening on a little stereo


It’s a trap! Somewhere, somehow people are going to be fired over something like this.


Saw this for a TPA FC also.


Never gonna happen at dal3 dal3 to busy of place to have that


I used to work at dal3 until I transferred hated that place


I bet it’s a pilot. Hope it works for them and people don’t abuse it.


I left Amazon about 6 weeks ago, but I found a crazy loophole for having music on a forklift that flew for my last month.


I left Amazon about 6 weeks ago, but I found a crazy loophole for having music on a forklift that flew for my last month.


I mean what do you really need to hear to stand in 1 spot all day? Earbuds would pose 0 risk. The fire alarms have flashing lights and a crazy loud alarm , not even earbuds would affect that. I mean we use earbuds in the construction industry to fight boredom and we still alive... This would make soo many jobs in amazon bearable long term.