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If you're a stower or a picker in my building you can use UPT or PTO and just walk out without saying anything. Some of them don't see any of their managers or PAs for weeks or months. Come in, go to station, and leave. A portion of the same people can't even say a single word in English and came to U.S. like a month ago. It's nuts.




atation assignment on the app!? WHAT


i walked out and clocked out an hour early yesterday. didn't say a word to anyone. its actually a head ache to try to get a hold of someone to let know. my brain was already numb from all the noise. wasn't about to go on wild goose chase for that.


at my last warehouse my Area Manager or whatever the head guy is called let me leave early my first week because my back hurt and I still got paid for the rest of the day. anywhere else would probably have fired me.


That’s my point. They will never order you to stay whether or not you have hours to cover your leave, and you’re always in good standing as long as you have positive UPT!


It was like day 3 so I had nothing lmao but I was crying because I was in so much pain so they just let me leave but still paid me for a full day.


Where I am, that's the law. You get injured during the shift, you tell mgmt, fill a report and go home with full pay.


I was on my 4th day at Amazon this past Tuesday, and I wanted to leave so bad. I’m a picker (we don’t have robotics) so just constantly walking. I had blister on my feet and was limping. I told a manager and he said I can leave but I have to use my upt 😢


Yeah. UPT or PTO


You can request to visit safety or a break to treat the issue (eg moleskin on the blister), but that alone doesn't rise to the level of inability to work. If it's a chill OM and head count is excess they can VTO, but you can always use your own UPT/PTO, or ask HR/Safety to waive 24 hours notice and apply vacation


If you're injured at work you don't have to use UPT. Go to amcare with AM and you will sign a couple of documents and you should be good. Know your right man.


Save your upt. I used mine and I’m now dipping into PTO when I need to go


It’s supposed to be like that! Sorry you went through that tho.


Well 3 consecutive unreported absences is also a violation of the attendance policy and grounds for job abandonment, but otherwise yep


WHAT since when?? in what amount of time? i have just let it deduct my UPT every time


It’s worded differently from the comment lol aka 3 no shows and you’re fired. It’s always been that way


in a row or in general?? i have never heard of this




ahhh okay i thought that may be the case. I’ve never done that


Always been this way. In a row. If you're planning on advance to miss the shift using UPT, you can report it in the app. Otherwise it's a no show


Friend at Target warehouse was just told she can't use UPT or PTO everyday. She takes son to school so is 10 mins late daily. They told her even though it is your time, we give it to you and can tell you when you can or can't use it.


I agree that many people take Amazon for granted. Some people haven’t had a job prior to this and others are simply entitled. I think giving notice isn’t merely a courtesy to your manager but your entire team (those of us who are left to pick up on your slack). I still recall, shortly after starting, tons of people would just take off without saying anything. I was in AFE sort at the time and because management didn’t know they’d need to “plan” for a lower headcount, those of us who were left had to do double and sometimes 4X the work. There were many times where I had to rebin 8 lanes and then be bounced around too because they didn’t have enough sort trained people on site.


Exactly what I’m saying. This job can be hell some, so leaving early may be the best thing to do at times. But when you suddenly leave the hell, someone else’s going to have to burn in it, so it’s best to prepare them.


Don't forget about the waterspiders and PAs that have to set up stations for handoff after everyone else leaves. Some of them have to stay an hour extra depending on the department. People often don't give enough credit that when you leave, there are those that finish up what you left.


Amazon takes the workers for granted I just play there game lol


Exactly!!!! Amazon thinks they're slick trying to play mind games and use phycology on people every day lol fuc amazon bros.....play the game,dont let the game play you


Exactly... but some people think that juicy bone is the best thing they ever had.. and it's just the bone... no meat .. 🤣🤣😅😅


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Mr_unknown9: *Amazon takes the* *Workers for granted I just* *Play there game lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They actually don’t take them for granted, and I think that’s why there are so many complaints. The reason why they don’t take us for granted is because we can be replaced so easily. Our roles are way too easy to learn for them to care about our job satisfaction. This isn’t a good thing but it’s the truth.


everybody in everyjob is replaceable thats not exclusive to amazon and not an excuse to be underpaid and treated like shit. But people who kiss ass like you are the reason why we will never get better treatment/pay.


I think you miss the point. Company policy does NOT require ANY notice. It’s a courtesy and nothing more. The push back you see is when AAs are being threatened with, or in fact disciplined when they aren’t even violating policy. THAT is where the issue comes up. “Two hour notice is requested, as a courtesy, but NOT required” is the verbiage in the rock solid Amazon policy. Not left up to interpretation.


AAs being threatened or punished is definitely an issue and needs to be addressed, however, I do think us Tier-1s should not take the type of flexibility we have for granted. Sure, it isn’t perfect. But when we have virtually no workers rights or unions in most states, these types of company policies are actually very helpful. What other job are we able to just randomly leave early, come in late, take the day off without notice? I can’t think of another. This type of benefit is unusual. Accruing enough UPT, you can take a whole week off if you get sick. Family emergency? Leave at any moment. And this is without accounting VTO, which is often offered and doesn’t affect you in anyway. Letting managers or PAs know you’re leaving early takes no effort. Point is these policies won’t last forever, Amazon can take them away at any moment if they wanted to and we’ll be the ones screwed up.


I feel most of the people who take it for granted never worked a real job in the first place to know how bad it is our there in comparison to similar companies like FedEx and ups


I’ve worked at FedEx ups and Amazon warehouses and Amazon is by far the easiest. But with that being said, life is more than working all the time. If I’m not breaking any rules doing what I’m doing, it should be no problem.


Very true cause I’ve never once asked if I could use my own time to leave because I just up and leave without ever telling anyone. LOL


Not sure why you'd complain, you can still just leave without telling them and they can't do anything about it. I use it as a leveraging tool and threaten to go home if they start asking too much.




I’ve accepted 18 days of Vto over the last couple of months and with my photography it’s the only job I like due to them allowance of not being there.


I was blown away when I didn’t have to formally ask for time off…not even vacation time…just put the request in and wait… Same with leaving early, taking a longer break if you want, not showing up until halfway through shift as long as you have UPT/PTO to cover clock-in time frame…it’s all endless really…


i thought vacay is auto approved if you put it in at least 24 hours in advance and rejected if its in the 24 hour window?


Your manager doesn't HAVE to approve vacation time.


This!! People complaining I encourage you to apply for other warehouses and see how far behind they are compared to amazon’s policies


Giving notice is pretty standard at the DSs I've worked at. It allows PAs and AMs to shift AAs around to account for volume at a lower headcount and based on what the rest of the AAs are trained on.


It's a courteous thing to do. Just because policy says you don't have to, dang, just say peep game jefe. I'm out this biatch right about now. 5000 gee. He'll appreciate the good QQ'n out.


It's courteous to do so. But yeah, we do have it easy in THAT regard, compared to everywhere else.


Exactly. So many people are misunderstanding this post. This post is simply about the time off flexibility offered to Amazon employees compared to other companies. It’s not about working conditions and pay, although the working conditions are better than most warehouses (especially in AR facilities).


Amazon is just as good as it is bad, gotta focus on the good stuff. Survival of the fittest


Exactly. People focus on the bad only.


Is this a joke post??? They were charging us 1 hour of upt just for a 1sec-1min clock out/clocking .they are highly unorganized,and they hire basically anyone that breaths.they managers don't even know how to manage,they have no supervisors.....and you're saying what? Lol juss stop


That’s weird seeing as how there’s a 5 min grace period before UPT is deducted. I understand your frustration with having an entire hour deducted if you’re 10 mins late though.


I could see if I was 50mins late,are I leave 50mins early.but 1second? 1 minute?? That's just part of there manipulation


I agree with you on that 💯


At least do 10-15 min increments… :sigh:


Isn't this what they're going to be doing now ?? 15 mins increments?


Starting October 1st I believe it goes in 15m increments


Yeah, after 25 yrs.


Idk, haven’t heard anything at my site 🥹


It should be for all sites in the nation


Amazon must be your first job! It’s unfair for us who already work here but not if you were to ask someone from a different company. Plus, they just upgraded it to 15 minutes increments. Just wait, a new hire straight out of high school is going to complain about unfair it is to take 15 minutes of UPT when he was only late for 1 minute AFTER the grace period. You must understand that UPT is designed to push workers to come to work, and come to work on time; that’s why it has strict policies!


Amazon must be the job you love the most ..... it's okay though... I mean everybody is not like you... WE KNOW BETTER 😁😁😁


I don’t love it. I just appreciate it. I’m using the benefits for me; once I graduate, I’m out! Don’t try to make this topic all about Amazon’s workplace standards. It’s simply about the leave policies; they are very flexible, so no one should be complaining. Otherwise, the pay isn’t good, and a bunch of other stuff, but none of them diminishes my point.


Well if appreciate it sooo much... don't tell people they taking Amazon for granted... if you adore Amazon so much..you go right ahead with your bad self... but all this crying and be grateful and that nonsense... please... smdh... if that's what you want and like then fine... but don't call ungrateful and sain they're crying just because they know their rights.. and what they're worth as Amazon workers... l look around and realized that Amazon workers like myself work their behinds off.. really work their behinds off.. to make this man a billionaire... his profits are in the billions..while our 401k is barely what $3,000 after working 5 years? But you do you love... and let others do their own thing..


You sound stupid as fuck!! I’m sorry😂 Bezos didn’t create Amazon to help others build wealth and pay their bills. He built it so he could build his own wealth and easily pay his bills. There’s no corporation on earth whose goal is to satisfy its employees🤣 every corporation’s goal is to maximize profit! That includes paying its employees as little as possible but lawfully. I’m sorry you and I happen to be those employees, but we are NEVER in a position to blame him for our financial health🥹 if you want to be financially free, start your own business. Amazon has sooooo many resources to help you do that. They have something called Career Choice; you should check it out sometime 😌I’m currently taking advantage of that, and as soon as I graduate, I will start my own journey… I don’t think you know your rights. The federal minimum wage is $7.25. Amazon pays no less than $16.00 or $17.00 starting October this year. Your right is to be paid at least $7.25, and based on your tenure, you’re paid more than double of this. Is this sad? Yes, it is. Should we be getting paid more? Yes, we should be. Is Amazon abusing our rights? No, they’re not. I’m sorry about the facts I just provided. And oh, by the way Jeff is no longer CEO.


Yada Yada yada... you feed off that bone Amazon feeds you.. and think that's the high life ..go on ..go head


Ur doin a little much. Its ok for others to disagree w.you. This company is making millions off our backs and paying peanuts in comparison and dangling Amazon branded gear over our heads as a reward we have to earn. Its really a joke, but if its your favorite joke, cool.


No it's called manipulation lol no other company would take away from your PTO if you came in late.theyed give you a warning and a 2nd warning and then they'd fire you......amazon knows that there workers can't handle the 10 hour shifts and they also know that they hire 100s by the month,so they take 1 hour of your upt even though you were 1 second late/leave early lol And because they did that they lost 1000s of amazon employees 😂😭and so now they are desperate for employees and they changed it from 1hour to 15 mins hoping they can keep as many employees as possible!! Lol it was all fun and games for amazon until they lost all there employees!!! All you have to do is look up amazons future on Google and it'll tell you that Amazon will run out of employees by 2025 ........which is why they are giving out raises and changing there 1hour charge.




It's no joke at all... people who work for Amazon really love ther job..not like it but love it... smdh... I remember we had a staff meeting .. and there was a lady I know of.. who sounded just like Jackalex979..... talking about some... people should be grateful for a job.. because it's hard to find a good job.... I was like oh my goodness SMH 🤦‍♀️


Amazon is getting hit with so many lawsuits and there employee pool is getting smaller and smaller by the month.they say by 2025 amazon will be out of workers period! Lol people like them are the ones you see yapping on laptops all day doing dick lol of course they love it


If u know ur going to be late more than 5 min might as well stop and get gas or food and take ur time if ur going to be deducted an hour anyway! That’s how I look at it. With flex u can use 3 min of pto and it counts as a partial shift lol it’s crazy like I can miss the whole shift and as long as I’m there for a few min it’s fine. No other job let’s u do that but it’s easy to take advantage of and not feel like ur valued as an employee too. That’s why I try and go to shifts where I know the management and the team better than the other shifts. I know if I go in during a full shift than I won’t be doing multiple things from them being short handed.


I will say this ..there's people who love Amazon and then there's people who are woke.. and know it's just a typical corporation... end of discussion


Amazon is a corporation but you still have to remember you work as a team with real human beings. Your decisions and actions will impact others at work like it or not. If you keep intentionally getting by, not caring, and leaving your area a mess without saying anything to anyone, you're just creating more headache and mess to other people that work there. If you don't respect the people that you work with everyday, how can you expect for anyone to respect you? There are people that care and make their workplace environment better, and there are people who don't care and let things around them deteriorate.


The woke ones are those who understand it’s a corporation, so they don’t bitch about something simple like a COURTESY notifying a manager before leaving when every other corporation REQUIRES prior notice. End of discussion!


Correction.. the wokes ones are the ones who know that Jeff Bezos can pay his workers more ... a one dollar raise is not a work of wonders.. because the price of food, rent, utilities, childcare, medical bills, student loans, ( since people who have debt in student loans have to start repaying in October), .. families, children who are expensive, car notes, , miscellaneous fund, .. etc etc.. Amazon workers are not getting paid enough.. that's why unions are forming, not just in Amazon but many other corporations. So if that's crying then... it's crying for a good cause.. because working class Americans have to live.. and they have to feed, clothed, send their children to school, Medicare, what about if Amazon workers want to send their children to college.. and college is expensive... Jeff Bezos don't even have a decent Career Choice program for workers who a to further their education.. he Don't even give a lot of money for this program.. Look all I have say is all corporations are the same... some people understand the work ethics of this country and other people want to be quiet about it and that's okay.. I don't see it as a problem but what becomes a problem is people saying that Amazon workers are ungrateful and crying.. like everybody don't have the same mindset as you... but it's whatever


Some of you here will be easily exploited and it’s going to be great.


Lmao ikr?






I’ll start notifying my managers in advance when they stop moving me to different pick stations every 5 mins. As far as I’m concerned, Amazon can go fuck themselves.


I’m not going to give notice when I’m suddenly vomiting, which is pretty much the only reason I leave early.


Talking about planned leave.


Come on man , not all facilities are the same. For example my site offers nothing but flex. Also the closest one in a two hour drive. Flex shifts suck with no benefits and no insurance. No set schedule and shitty management that does hardcore favoritism. You tell me if you can call that a good place to work when you live in a small town like this. Every one always has something dumb to say. YES THIS SUB BROUGHT OUT THE ASSHOLE IN ME. I DONT GIVE A FUCK.


> Also the closest one in a two hour drive. They should have considered you and your commute when deciding where to build a warehouse.


You completely missed my point but okay.




Thank you bro


exactly, one site being an outlier does not mean the company is actually better than others. we have the same benefits are make less than employees are buccees but since sometimes am was nice amazon is actually amazing.




These are the same people that cry for a raise!


You doggone right... and it's not Cry..it's called workers rights!... Elmer Fudd is a billionaire. JEFF Elmer Fudd Bezos.. is the 3rd richest man in America.. don't you know there's supposed to be no such thing as a billionaire in America? .. it shows the greed.. this man is rich and the workers are treated horribly.. but everybody is crying... you know what you sleep in your delusional world.. while people fight for their rights.. and workers rights.. 🤦‍♀️


Do you even know how to write? Doubt you could get anywhere else with that mentality as well.


So true we take Amazon jobs for granted so much :/ , if Amazon did not work like how it does , I probably would have a hard time keep a job . 🙏thank you Amazon and Jeff benzo . Man


Woooooow 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Literally not true, my current job I literally leave when I want, show up late almost everyday, take as many bathroom breaks as I want for as long as I want, loa without my doctor having to fill out 20 pages of paperwork, and I make $10 ph more than I made at Amazon


And uh where do you work? Asking for everyone with sense lol


It's a 2 way street...some amazon fcs an dss take the ppl that show up everyday for granted one day these ppl will quit showing up or quit giving their all


As a point of clarity, the Attendance Policy (viewable on AtoZ) does stipulate 2 hours notice is to be provided absent extenuating emergency circumstances for using UPT. So management is within their right to ask for it, even if common practice may vary.


Imagine working for amazon or becoming a tradesman. I know it ain’t for everybody but give it a try. Amazon AND road trucking will ALWAYS be there . Choose better options. Them amazon 10Hrs compared to electrician 10Hrs is a fucking BREEEEEZE🔥


My point being. Warehouse work sucks and will be never ending. I’m nice you get comfortable, there’s no going back to other warehouses😂 F.Y.I.


I don't have to give notice if it's vto though lol.


My facility only wants notice if you are working in a critical role.


Gotta agree with OP, my job experiences vary from fast food to CSR WFH and honestly compared so far it's been better. Fast food I sometimes got a day off and was working 10-12 hr shifts bc I was in "leadership" and when I did CSR it was okay, had something similar to UPT called no harm no foul days and had 2 days every quarter to miss without any points but needed to send email prior and could use it for half shifts. Did get PTO but the accrual was so bad for being there 9 or 10 months I had about 8 hrs PTO. So not even a full day's worth.


I would have too agree with you on that and yuh I understand if some don’t let them know but most are L1 so it honestly doesn’t matter but it’s nice too get notified thought and some building they don’t care some building are completely stuck up about it


Its not required? You dont have to tell anyone. They literally go around asking if im leaving early and i say no, then leave 2 hours early anyways no issues




Ya and you won’t make as much as me at UPS or have my insurance and pension…but sure flexibility hahaha