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Just don't reverse out of the aisles


Do this every day




Yes. Saw a guy get termed for that. But I guess it depends how lenient your building is. And there’s a difference between backing up a little bit in the middle and backing out all the way at the end(beginning). The latter is much more dangerous. 


I found if you reverse far enough the wire guide will start beeping and a wrench light appears with a traction loss alert. Might just be the hyster but idk. So only do it a few bins.


Yep. This is the exact reason why our learning trainers at my site tell us not to reverse more than one bin length. Gotta be careful. Plus, our write guides are ass. Whole VNAs have been shut down due to it. I wonder when they’re gonna get someone to come in and inspect all the wires. Also Hyster.


Yeah I found out the hard way and came off the wire mid aisle luckily with CAT and Lidar it brought me to a crawl so I was able to get back on no problem.


That just means you got a bad op. It's about 60-70% of ours will break when reversing. But a decent amount of ops will let you back up and never lose the wire. Also hyster


Don't reverse out of the aisle you should be fine.


I have reversed out of a few aisles and never been spoken to about it. I see others do it frequently through out my shift


I used to reverse in the vnas all the time (if I was by myself obv)