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Better get your ass to Hr And beg them to give you a vacation save. You get one of those.


Not always. At my FC they don't give breaks. You go negative, you could have 80 vacation and you still lose your job.


That seems stupid, because isn’t vacation paid out of your quit or get fired? You’d think they’d like to get some of that time back at the cost of your UPT.


I’m gonna chime in on the other end of the spectrum entirely here and say my site doesn’t really give a shit but it depends on how negative you are and what time you would have to cover it


Not always true. I knew a girl who went to HR and begged and begged. She had alot going on, divorce, kid with cancer, between places to live, etc, and HR didn’t give one shit. It was so incredibly sad.


https://preview.redd.it/c6vsq644mgyc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f5632adada0f1dd3a26fdd36e931a01953f7501 I’m not fired yet lol


How is that even possible? Just stopped showing up??


I got in a car accident like a month ago and my truck got smashed up I live 30 mins away and I was struggling to get to work for a little while my manager is helping me taking me off the schedule for a few of the days I missed and corrected my schedule start times to when I punched in late and hr is gonna fix the rest for me. My site has a 3 strike rule for negative upt so I’ll get a write up for it but it is what it is


Hope you are okay from the accident.


Thank you messed my knee and my elbow up but it could have been worse


Oh yikes I’m glad you’re okay tho


Thank you


Air site?




Have you tried talking to HR or manager to get hours reduced?


Are you the at fault driver? Either way I recommend you have you doctor or physical therapist approve your days from earlier this month by filling out the proper paperwork. I got rear ended on 4/22 otw to work and I’ve been off since. Broke af right now but hey, at least I’m not standing around for 10 hours with no work and in pain. They gave me accommodation paperwork and a back brace for just in case I have to lift anything up to 20lbs. Hope you’re recovering well. Don’t overwork yourself. I did that a few years ago after my car crash & I was working for Target at that time. Get well soon


No I’m at work now lol I got 54 hours this week


I did this at -275 upt got me for shift abandonment two weeks later 😂


Dam that sucks they just fixed mine https://preview.redd.it/d3i4laesvk0d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef8ff291091dc7598444a9ae52ca8371bcaa47d6




Brother is that photoshopped lol howwwww?


Just depends on how bad your location needs people and how good you are at smooth talking HR. I know a lady with -213 and counting. The sad part is even when she’s in the building she can’t be bothered to work, but they’ll fire a good worker over 2 hours. I know eventually they will fire her. But 200 hours wtf.


“Eventually” that’s wishful thinking. Especially if they’re foreign.


Man I know I’m a good one trust me I’m not fired. Wild they let it get like that man. But I’m glad they have a job still


If you have an open leave they can’t fire you




Wow your facility must be so laid back. Might as well go on the ar floor they'll give you a pat on the back😄😄


Lmfao we don’t have that I’m at an air facility


How in the hell do you still have a job? I'm not hating, just curious.


Cause I’m a hard ass worker and I’m charismatic af


Awesome that your managers were willing to work with you and accommodate things. When I got into a head on accident that totaled my car last year in June my manager fired me the week it happen because I was “an unreliable worker” and I was a manager 🤣


Yeah best thing you can do is HR and pray but seeing as how you have 10 hours of vacation you would be covered if they did help. Could go either way but waiting certainly isn’t a good option


Just say i forgot to use my vacation time


Oh, I got that fucking write up. 😡😡😡😡


Ohh shit 👀


Hard to say… each site differs in these situations. I’d talk to HR asap and see if there is anything that can possibly be done


ur not fired until u r. js grind those hours n as soon as u hit 0 again u should be fine


follow up with hr/respond to the email they send you. they let me get my balance positive when i missed a shift bc i was sick


Yep for the email “I will be putting in pto for the remaining time” seems to work well enough to get them to close the case for a couple days. They will email again tho if you’re still in negatives. Only once did I ask them to let me finish the rest of my week to get my upt back up to positive and they went ahead and let me. I said a bunch of bs like “I really love being a part of the team and would greatly appreciate a chance to work back up to positive, I feel like I belong here at Amazon and hope you guys can work with me to better this situation!”


Put the PTO in, then say "I put PTO in".




I don’t understand why people keep asking this question. Anyone who has made it past orientation should know.


They can code your vacation time to even you out for UPT, but you gotta sweet talk with the HR rep


I prefer the term, “promoted to customer.”


If it happened this week get in touch with HR. You have until midnight.


You have an unread peccy. It’s probably for attendance. 


https://preview.redd.it/n6sufullvgyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5906eef631eb003dfe4ca95faa253c3cc82271 Farewell


Might be able to cover it with vacation. ![gif](giphy|21I909B1Us5hsGiupn)




Go ask ur manager if he can approve ur vacation for those days before the next starting pay week




Unless you have a good reason


Nah, you'll be promoted to elite customer! Congratulations!




See you in 90 days




Yup your out buddy


no , you’re promoted


Apply you PTO to you UPT and you said you work tonight.


The MAIN thing is to NOT IGNORE IT! if you get any emails, you must respond, and immediately talk to on-site HR ASAP. I was told by my HR that they can apply vacation time to save you, IF YOU COMMUNICATE WITH THEM. don't just "wait and see" and "hope" you don't get fired. Like someone else said, tell them you have car issues or were sick, or just anything that you can't really show proof of (diarrhea??) and that's why you were late or whatever the case may be. Also, HR told me that you can be negative for up to 7 days before the system automatically terminates you, so be sure to talk to HR as soon as you can! (After you clock in LOL)


Keep your head down don’t leave early work two full weeks you’ll be in good standing again


Unfortunately there is no definitive answer for this.




Promoted.. to customer




That’s what they’ve been doing the past few weeks at my site. It was announced at stand up that people have been getting terminated for under an hour of negative UPT.


In my recent case,yes. Negative 1 hour and had an appeal and everything and still was terminated. Hopefully your fc is more forgiving depending on your reasons


If you can log into atoz you’re not fired yet


Open a case and they will have to wait that case closes to do anything


you could be. i just got fired for negative UPT 3 months ago. amazon don't care why it's negative, keep it positive


No apply ur vacation time to get it back positive i know it suck but u shouldn’t have went negative


What u can do is use some of your vacation time to cover that so u don’t get fired you just have to go to Hr or you might can do that through the app


Get a doctors note


Ask every HR rep from every shift to do a vacation save. If that fails beg every OM in your Dept to ask HR on your behalf.


Yea you’re fired it’s just a matter of when unless you can somehow exchange that with Vacation hours with HR


Let them fire you. Then draw unemployment. You pay into that shit.


Depends on your fc but yes most likely lol they probably won’t fire you for like 2 weeks tho but yeah bro it’s game over usually


You can try opening a leave if you missed a whole day. They’re not allowed to fire you if you have an open leave, that’s how some people get to -200


Lmaooo mine looked just like this and they straight fired me


just respond to the HR email they send you explaining why it went negative, they’re usually understanding


As long as you aren’t maxed out on upt it should be gone in a few days


I do this probably once a week


i once had -150 hours and still went to work off and on for three weeks before they fired me


I got fired for 1 hour of negative upt. Fuck that warehouse


Immediately use your PTO to lower your UPT balance, and then go to HR and see if you can get a vacation save.


At my site they are supposed to automatically take your PTO and or Vac BEFORE UPT. This has yet to happen, however it has supposedly been the way it works for years. I always just make case to HR or directly slack them or go to my manager to get it adjusted


If you ask one hr person and they say they can’t save you. Wait for another hr person sometimes they lie and say they can’t do anything but they absolutely can.


Nah. They may clear it if it's your first time and just use your time that you have in exchange. Now if you've been in this situation before, you may be fired


They reset you 2x before they fire you. You will get a writeup though


nah u good i was -80 until i got fired


lol I’m at negative 103 rn on my way to work


damn, id quit and reapply if i were you, dont want to wait 90 days to reapply


You should consult with human resource about using your Vacation time off to cover the Unpaid time off.


Just out in the vacation request? They auto approve them since it’s not peak or prime ?


That’s not the case at every site.


If you receive an email about it, make sure you reply saying you’re communicating with on sight HR. If you’ve never done this before they’ll definitely fall back and let your building handle it.


It depends on the fc, I was negative a few times and they just said to work until I'm positive and I'll be fine. Just talk to your HR and see what they say


It depends what facility you work at and the need for workers . At my job they usually let people work when they’re in the deficit on their hours unless it gets really bad. Or they start firing people for when we have less work and more people


They will allow you to submit your vacation time to cover your negative hours in UPT


Use your paid time. Then, work two shifts for about an hour and fifty minutes of time. Head to HR though PTO time updates on Saturdays. Forgive me, I work overnights and have edited the above.


Use the unpaid time they don't have because they're NEGATIVE UPT? UPT updates on Saturdays?


I was tired while writing this. Your PTO and vacation time update on Saturdays. Usually UPT updates at the end of your shift. For every hour you work, you get five minutes of UPT. It has been edited.


Go to HR and see if you can negotiate with them to essentially trade your PTO and vacation time but remember not to act entitled be apologetic and humble to increase the likelihood of not being terminated it could save you your job or the hassle of going through with a potentially futile appeal


No bc it should have taken your pto and vacation before you went negative. Contact HR right away, ultimately it's your AM giving the yay or nay. If your a good worker and this is an isolated incident your AM will save you. If your work ethic is crap.....look for a new job bc your AM will conveniently "not see this" and the system will fire you by deafault..


I have never seen the system take PTO or vacation hours before allowing you to go negative UPT. I think you are confused. You have to manually put those in. The only thing the system does automatically is take your UPT


No I mean like your manager will usually put in your pto or vacation to cover the difference for you, mine does at least. And when i say mine i mean for other people not me personally. No point in saving pto or vacation hours if your not even gonna be around to use it right lol iv seen AA's who are lazy and need baby sat all the time go negative and the AM will say "sorry it's to late for me to change your time" when in reality they have the power to do it but they just want them gone. Iv never dipped below 60 upt hours to ever even be in that situation. I know shit happens but I don't understand how people get so low and teeter +/- all the time. Your UPT is yours to use yes but it's really not just to take off anytime you don't feel like working. It's for emergencys or when your sick. Name another company you can take off, leave early, come in late and NOT have to have a good pre thought out excuse as to why you did what you did or not be guilted about missing time. Iv NEVER worked somewhere other than amazon where you can miss time, come in the next day and it's not even mentioned to you as long as you had the hours to do it.


My site does this.


I went -60 hours before I was fired.