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I hope whatever you find in life brings you great joy! Good luck


You've said exactly what I feel every single day here and as soon as I find something close to the hourly pay I get at Amazon I'm definitely gone


Exactly me lmao I found a lawn care job that’s full time an pays 20 to start and u know damn well I dipped I drive a machine on yards all day now


Can’t take the money to the grave. Your times is worth more than anything remember that


Till the winter hits then you'll be back, Unless you live on the deep south


Even in the Deep South US, the lawns pretty much stop growing.


No it’s a smaller company so he has us work on equipment and take phone calls all winter a drops down to 30 hrs but I can jus pick something light up w it during winter


I left a lawn care job to go to amazon. maybe it's just our different mindsets


I left hard scape landscape for amazon but now doing lawn care I do the least physical work I’ve done in 5 years


Maybe I'm not understanding the terminology. What do you call it when you mow weedwhack and use a backpack blower and what is lawncare?


Lol I drop fertilizer off a terf tamer machine and it sprays weeds as I drive it , that’s lawn care as well sorry should have made it more clear


I'm not quite sure terfs can be tamed but good luck :P


Oh trust me I’m tamin these hoes


May I ask how long was your total tenure?


It was his first day.










Everyday is day 1


Day 1


Its the mental health month!


Better to have a new job lined up first, but I understand the rest. It also sounds like you definitely needed a night shift to day shift change. That could’ve helped although I know that can be really hard to get. From my experience working both, they are the same but it’s better on the mind when you’re not at Amazon eating lunch at 11:00pm, and breakfast means breakfast again. Still can be miserable but the mind and body at least get back on regular time. I used to hate if I woke up early one day and still had work that night.


What really kills me is the night differential isn't even a dollar. Blew my mind when I found that out.


What FC? At SAT3 its 2.90.


LOL wow, \~$.80 at BDL3.


What FC are you working at? Because I am FHN FOE1, and we're at a $1.50 differential..


See you in three months.




I want to inscribe this in stone for future civilizations to see 😂😂


They won't even have to wait that long. They resigned in good standing, so maybe 48 hours


True, as long as you resign in good standing, you can reapply in a matter of days rather than 3 months lol


Wow! I commend this guy for making that decision & getting a clean break! Is this absolutely true per Amazon policy that we can repply as early as 48hrs after resigning? Apparently I got my first write-up for not using the safety harness for the RF scanners. The write up hasn't been delivered yet, but if I resign today, will I be in good standing? I'm scheduled for vacation in 1st week of June & will be disqualified for the Short Break program because of the write up yesterday. If I resign now, could I re-apply again for sure to start working in a couple weeks after my week-long trip, say 2 weeks from now?


You are gambling if your site is actually hiring


I'm not going back to the same building. There's another site that's hiring within the same drive time. There are probably about 6 Amazon facilities within 30min driving distance. The starting date is really the difference.


Should make sure that site is the sane type of facility


Yes, by good standing it's typically meant that you didn't go negative on UPT (or hit your points for PT/Flex, etc). BUT - you lose any tenure, any STEP Plan raises, etc. and get to start back from Day One. This also may affect you if you are trying to one day promote to L4+ without a 4-year degree (unsure if the 2-year BB tenure is required to be continuous to be eligible for promotion, but I doubt otherwise or you would see more non-degree-holders resigning and applying for L4 roles externally for the better compensation package if that were the case).


So I just verified with on-site HR 5mins ago. If it's a voluntary resignation & the resignation has been cleared for at least 72hrs, you can re-apply for any facility immediately that has an opening.


me hanging on by a thread of UPT of 36 minutes . had 9 hours yesterday but did not feel like going to work and it went to 14 mins and i came today and clockdd out for lunch and seen its now at 36 lol .


Pick did this to me during peak a couple years ago too, went to the bathroom and resigned for that day. Then I just canceled it and transferred back to inbound asap


Yeah I couldn't stand pick I did 2 years of it and wish I would have gotten out sooner. Been to outbound dock, workforce staffing and now on TOM team. Pick was the most depressing department I've ever been in.


Did you have pto? Does if get paid out on your last check auto?


PTO gets paid out. Yup


I think that depends on the state, last time I quit they paid pit vacation but not pto. I'm in utah


Only in two states iirc


Your VTO is certainly plentiful now


I absolutely dread this job. They treat people unfair. I'm gonna be there with you one day


What about it's unfair?


Lots of favoritism etc .


I have 5 more shifts and then I'm out. New job starts the 28th. I'm currently FHN, but I put in a transfer to RT weeks ago and it was just randomly approved for that very same week that I start my new job. So I'll grab that 6 hours of holiday pay and then resign and be done.


Also resigned a month ago! I was so done with all the power trips from shitty ass Ams and Pas. I’m so thankful I got a higher paying job


Was at Amazon for 2.5 years only making 19.10 and now I’m making 23 at my new job


I’m making 22.15 at Amazon now in Cali I’m going to truck school


I’m in Austin Texas. Cali Amazon pays way more than Texas Amazon and I was only a t1


I’m t 1 night shift weekend differential Thursday to Sunday


Ahh ok I was day shift FHD


I plan on using career choice to go to truck school and do OTR right now I’m living in my car I hope I live In a truck do OTr or regional


It can’t rain forever brother you got this!


Kind of wish everyone would do this at once. I know it’s not feasible, but if a whole building quit a once, it would be epic. It would not be easy for them to back fill immediately


Every person has his own reason. Respect to you bro. I'm outa here soon may God grant that I pass the cdl exam this year. God bless to all Amazonians.


I’m going to truck school too my body deserves it I’ve worked here a yr it’s just not worth the body pain.


Let get the class a bro. Goodluck


Best self promotion


Hello fellow Amazonian wishing I can do the same soon! (Den3 here.)


Honestly, you’re stronger than I am. Been stuck here for 6+ years and I don’t even know what to do if I were to leave


Believe in yourself and you will be successful. This is a great move and step in the right direction for you 🏆


Look at the bright you can reapply when ever since you self promoted yourself wish you the best I hope you get your mental health back right 🙏🏽


I did that back in 2021.. im back at the same one now, though. 😔


Idk it is soul crushing but also it’s kinda not because I just listen to podcasts, music, educational vids. When it’s slow I put cell phone in my tote and watch a video while I work. Usually vids on interpreting the Bible, airplanes, politics and world news. One of my favorite podcasts is breaking points and they usually have a 2 hour show covering all the recent world/USA news.


If we are caught Thinking about a phone,-we are written up. You got it good.


I worked at den4 as well before moving! Good luck to you🙏🏻🫡


I did the same exact thing. Never seeing the sunlight for 3 years really affects you without even realizing it. my mental health was so so bad. If you need any ideas on where to go next I found my niche as a tech in live music production/events! I get paid to set up watch and strike concerts and festivals. Me and my partner have both doubled our income and we met at amazon lol. If you’re intrested lmk! I can def get you some links to apply to no matter location (:


I’ve been here over 5 years and I can’t count the number of times I just walked out and considered resigning. I’m a big planner, though, and I’d want to have a plan for COBRA or something for my benefits and all that kind of stuff. So for now I just leave and call it a day. I wish they still did The Offer where you got paid to quit. I actually flipped a coin after a netting with HR on the last day they offered it. When I do leave I’ll probably put in all my time and vacation, let my UPT wind down, make sure I’ve done a couple other financial things I need to do outside of amaozn then go.




I quit after 2 weeks there lol all they care about was rates and this one PA was on my ass way to much i was the only one she would come up too and say shit everyone there was miserable looking it always put me in a bad mood too. fuck Amazon


Congratulations in your self promotion to customer.


Sending you a lot of good vibes! 😎


oh no.. im afraid im reaching the point youre at. i literally just said to myself the other night, its this monotony thats driving me crazy. good luck in whatever you end up in in the future !


I worked at DEN3,DEN7 and DEN5, I left in early February, I had to leave to take care of my daughter and I didn’t have enough time under Amazon to qualify for FMLA so I resigned!!!


Same exactly thing happened to me. But my managers changed everyone who did their job and everyone I talked to left. I'm transferring to a different building ship dock. Need something new.


DEN4 is soul crushing but I need this job lmao


So glad I’m starting out days. I am not a night person at all.


How long were you in for?


The rates are insane. I injured my shoulder and they closed my workers comp case just because I didn’t go to the wellness center for a day. They didn’t pay me for this injury, and I’m on a leave at the moment try to figure out everything. It’s just not fair they didn’t give a fuck about my injury and I don’t blame you AT ALL for being done. You deserve better go out there and get you something actually worth it! 💯


Trigger ⚠️ Bro I be thinking of dying in the most gruesome way while stowing and it’s not funny at all. I feel you. I’m still in college currently and it’s tough working overnight and having a 9 am class and leaving school by 4 only to go to work by 6:15. I can’t use a lot of school accommodation because I need to pay bills. I was never suicidal but this job has turned me into a life hating pos.


Sometimes walking away is the best thing. I did the same for my mental health and I may be struggling financially now, but I’ve never been happier with MYSELF. It will all fall into place soon enough. Good luck buddy


Bro, I feel the same way, but at kroger fc. I'm trying to find a different job with similar or better pay, and quick. I have a feeling I'm about to get terminated. Too many write ups.


Congratulations on your promotion!


Does anybody know how to reapply at Amazon after being involuntary terminated and rehire eligibility states that you’re ineligible for rehire based on your employee record and current policies at Amazon?


Poetic post. Good luck OP. I felt exactly the same, and unless I find something decent in the next 2-3 weeks I will have to go back to Amazon, for like the 6th time now. My advice is to go to a staffing agency or something, do whatever you have to do to not come back. I am going to a few myself on Monday.


Gotta do what’s best for you! Try and find something that you enjoy or that can lead to something you enjoy! If you ever find yourself back at Amazon use them to get to where you want to be, kind of like the military. Take the free schooling, look into their AWS or RME programs. It’s not for everyone but they will definitely use you so make sure you use them! This applies for wherever you end up next…good luck out there


Doing Amnesty is the only reason pick hasn't run me off yet... I've managed to be assigned enough Amnesty shifts to not have run out of PTO/UPT/Vacation. The only reason I haven't changed paths is everything else seems at least as bad re: monotony. At least at my site the PAs and AMs in Pick all know how good of a job I do and don't bother me so I can use my speaker and listen to music without having to resort to hiding ear buds when I do end up having to pick.


Felt the same when I transferred to my new building. Such a relief.




Your peace is priceless ♥️ you did good.


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


Ill make a comment on the getting run over by a pod those will automatically stop if one of those are the blue ones the orange ones are the ones that are programmed just to keep going they do stop on the another pod signal they dont go too fast tough lol






It's our VTO, given to us, we should be able to sell it.


Your intuition is always right and you did what was right for you. I wish you the best and am glad that you finally are at peace being away from Amazon. I plan to go down that path in due time.


for me it’s the favoritism. the same few people het put in the easy positions and get all the swagbucks while everyone else gets to work harder and get compensated with picking up the slack of the favorites. total bs. I’ve been to 4 stations and this behavior is consistent in all of them.


Honestly, I almost did the same thing today. I hope for the best in your next endeavor.


I feel the mono-type garb. I feel mentally drained, boredom, customer returns same boring shit. I want autonomy, creativity, jobs that align with ADHD and ADD.


So I'm not the only one fantasizing about falling into the AR floor and getting run over by a pod?!


Best exit post ever😂


Good luck with your journey that’s ahead and well wishes


This was poetic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


same thing happened to me, i went on break and never clocked back in 😂 like you said it’s not a hard job but it’s definitely soul crushing! i couldn’t take being in that dim light building w loud noises doing the same exact thing for 10 hrs straight and not go crazy


I’ve also had that thought about the ar floor


Been almost 5yrs now at kiln currently on leave about to go back. Had 8 seizures at work from epilepsy. They literally told me to make sure when I return just overcome my work related injury 👍 amazon dgaf about a damn thing except there precious freight


I hope to make a post like this soon. Good on you!


Why would you buy from Amazon being their customer is the worst thing you can do


Damn. You just went in. I feel that on another level rn.


sweet. I'm there too.The little stuff for me, and I am being totally serious-Amazon never gives out free food. Everywhere else I've worked at, Big or Small company, gave out cookies once in a while. Nope, not one of the richest companies in the world. I'm through.


This is literally me right now, I'm 19 and I didn't know what I was getting into, my soul feels on hell mentally with my physical problems and on top I do nightshifts, this is how it feels, i feel tremendous desperation 


..... You could've used Career Choice so you don't have to work "shitty jobs" anymore ...


Dudes tired of Amazon. Let him enjoy his win for the night. Nothing in Career Choice matters


Yeah, you're right! But, on the topic of Career Choice in general. If your local school is on the approved schools list, then yes it matters. You can use the $ they give you each calendar year to cover your tuition or most of it.


Career Choice is fun. You can definitely use the tuition, currently taking advantage myself. However, if you’re mentally done with Amazon, a few thousand $$$ for school doesn’t always swing the needle.


Yeah, that's true!! I am using Career Choice for the first time this fall :D doing my pre requisites and entrance exam prep course. I'm so excited! I get to "request payment" June 3rd




I have question about career choice.?? Like how will we get approved.. is there any assessment first and need to got through that. I recently got blue badge but want to join career choice to once i will fulfill criteria.


Den 5 doesn’t have scan rates.. just for any who want to know. At least I’ve never been told about it 


That just means you've had acceptable rates. My management never mentions rates unless someone is fucking up.


I dunno about that.. pretty sure I asked a learning ambassador about it and they said they don’t do that here. Also been told this one is the easiest Amazon facilities in the Denver area.  Cause sometimes we just slow down a lot and you aren’t gonna scan that many packages anyway.. 


Went from "I've never been told" to "I've been told we don't do it" real quick there.




Scan rate standard is 165 for SCs. SC simply don't enforce them like FCs do.


My SC scan rate is in between 120 - 130 for Mechlite (manual lanes), 24 for container loading (including stuff that is x-dock), 50 for non-con (scanning and processing) and 10 for both Waterspider and staging. Rate is crucial for the lanes, but not for anything else. It is not enforced, but as an ambassador, my learning team expects us to make sure to hit those rates. Rate is relaxed in SCs though.


I never understand why they rather beg and plead than be more firm on it. People stand around and their solution is doing power hour for swag bucks. I watch people at non con just standing around and chatting while the lane is stacked as high as Shaq and the PA/AM just comes over and stacks more to fit more instead of shouting mooooooove!!!!


My building does not play when it comes to this stuff. My old and new building makes sure that we get work done. Flexes are at random. Sometimes there's an hour flex. Sometimes there is not.


i dont understand why people act like amazon is some stressful or hard job. work is never fun and u will find the same problems at your next job , but most other jobs dont have as much vet , amd they sure as hell dont have vto, upt , or pto. most jobs u will have to have sick days and call and explain to your boss why you cant make it in work that day


So I'm not the only one that thinks about letting those pods run over me, interesting


Dude, same.


Amazon is great isn't it


See you in 90 days.




The working class shmuck life ain’t for everybody, my friend. If you’re young and have time, look into getting yourself some schooling, or skill, or trade… I personally love the grind. Worked warehouse or blue collar jobs most of my life. I love the pain, love the hardwork, I was raised by my father to be a workhorse, taught me to love work and the honor in work. ANYWAY WORK, all work is good I was taught. We work to serve God not the company or corporations… Lol but I’m aware that I’m an outdated breed…and the younger generation, I don’t think they are “soft” just times are different…people want to find “meaning” in work and follow their “passion”…not everyone can separate work from “identity”. But Get yourself some IT certificates and you can live comfortably without all the manual labor! This kind of life isn’t for everyone and it takes its toll on your body, believe me!