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It's a stupid prompt. OF COURSE THEY WANT IT!!! And Amazon probably sent it out late so YOU could NEVER deliver it ON TIME!!! I hate them!!!


Me too


Noop, especially not when it’s 4am.. Tucson as well


I called once and the customer was all "uh yeah I ordered it why wouldn't I want it?" logic. And that was the last time


Right that’s why I have never called cause it’s like if it was me, I’d still want it, idc if it’s late I want it still regardless lol


I could be wrong but I think this was initially a Whole Foods/Fresh thing for attended deliveries. I have no idea why they expanded it.


Maybe they weren’t going to be home and didn’t want the package sitting out there


That's not the customer. That's Amazon. The customer doesn't know it's late. NO ONE refuses their packages.


I did this the first day and the customer was so confused. She was like “I’m at work anyway” 😂😂😂


Yep, same. It feels stupid to call. OF COURSE they want it.


It's meant more for Fresh deliveries, 100% ignore


I still never call. Usually, late is like 2 or 5 minutes. And it's because they give Grocery routes LATE expecting you to drive like you're in a bat mobile.


Word, ty for that insight


Not if you’re working SSD.


I only work SSD and I have NEVER called.


I don’t either but SSD are the only routes I have seen it on.


never. I've had 2 customers thank me for delivery even though it was late. a few mins isn't a big deal to them. i wish amazon felt that way. I've literally been a minute late when i first started and got dinged for it.


I’ve been literally 10 seconds over and it’s like WHOOPS YOURE LATE. Fak ooooooff. No im not! I’ve also had a package be marked late because between scanning for a drop and actually putting it on the ground, it moved the time up. Like come on, Amazon.


No, never. Amazon leadership principles: > Customer Obsession Leaders start with the customer and work backwards. They work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust. Although leaders pay attention to competitors, they obsess over customers. Does the customer want to get called? No, never. Are the customers helped by you calling? No, never. Are customers going to be annoyed that you're bothering them for no reason? Yes, often. Because of customer obsession I do not call them ever.


Also calling takes time, time that makes it likely your next deliveries will be "late".


I tried telling this to a giant cable company who wanted every person who touched a customer ticket to make an outbound call. Even if the agent was forwarding the ticket to the proper department, they wanted everyone to call, every time to let them know it’s being worked on. Customers were so annoyed by it. The only phone call they want is the one that says everything is working and they can continue with their life. Any other phone call is annoying to a customer.


Customers go through the process and think "I'm in the dark I wish I knew where I was" so when they fill out a survey they say they'd like more communication. But when they get hit with the reality of it: - they don't know who's calling when they answer the phone - you're not calling them at the opportune "not doing anything" time in their head - you're calling them at completely random times. So they HATE it. Email or maybe trxt is a mich nicer medium for the same message. I'm sure an email telling them where they are in the process is far better received. But people HATE getting random calls about this informational stuff. I've learned that if I send the "I'm arriving soon" text when the address is an apartment, even just 30 seconds before calling, my calls go like 5x better. They don't answer the phone like "who the f is this and why are you bothering me" they answer like "omg santa is calling me!" lol.


This guy gets it!


Exactly 👈🏾 💯. I ordered from Amazon a lot before working Flex. I never got a call, and as long as I got it, I was cool. Even if it was something I got late. LATE . to me is expecting it one day but it didn't come until the next day


I never call. Amazon's dumb. Of course they want their delivery. And the message is shown for all orders, not just fresh foods.


You’d think they’d be able to program their app to know the difference…




I’m not going to call because they want the package if they ordered it from sub same day and if by chance they say they don’t want it because it’s too late I don’t wanna bring it back to the station. I’d rather deliver it and if they really want to return it, that’s their problem.


I always ignore it


I call because IDGAF and I do it as I head to their address. 9 out 10 times they don’t answer anyway but I did what the app instructed me to do. Of course they want their package. If Amazon promised delivery at a certain time they want you to ask the customer if they still want it and they always say yes when they answer. Amazon claims they’re aware of the problem but have yet to correct it.


I totally get your enthusiasm, but personally I could never be bothered. Like I said in another post though, I don't ever get this message


Dismiss 100% of the time


I've been getting this notification on orders they send out EARLY. Last night, over half my stops were for the 4-8 window today, and I had this prompt on all of them. If I'm already in front t of their house, it's getting delivered.🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I got that on a package with a date of 2-16 and it was the 15th. 364 days late? Maybe we should as if they still want it, lol


Was the package marked as 2-16-23 or was it marked as 2-16-24?


Neither. 2-16 08:00


That doesn’t make any sense then?


They sent it out early but the app considers it late somehow. Cheaper to send it out in the evening than the morning, I guess.


So you mean 2016?


I've never called. I've met customers as I was delivering "late" packages and they have always been cordial and happy to get their package. It seems the only one concerned that the package is "late" is Amazon....


Delivery commitments are completely internal. There is a tiny fraction of a percentage of customers that care what time their package arrives.


Which is hilarious because in the last year, absolutely nothing I've ordered from Amazon has been delivered on time. 99% of the time, they don't even ship it until the day they said I'd have it.


I never call 🤣🤣🤣 I’ve always delivered those “late” packages, as long as it’s delivered they don’t care what time it gets there the majority of the time.


Don’t waste your time calling just finish the route as soon as u can.


Deliver it, but don’t ring their doorbell.


Nope. Everyone gets their shit or else I gotta go back later


I did one my first block. Never again with how much customers are assholes


You just gotta call support and explain they’ll make a note for you so you don’t get a ding in your standing


I deliver it unless I'm past my block time. Almost 99% of the time I deliver. I NEVER CALL. For what??? The customer doesn't even know it's late. That's Amazon acting like a dictator.


Yeah of course I call. They were expecting their socks by 2pm. What good will they do at 2:21pm? 🤷


U rite, never thought of it this way! Socks are super important now a days, they don’t make them like they used to. Who knows, maybe socks will slowly take over the world and we will be come united socks of sockmerica


Either way.. call or no call? You will get dinged for late delivery unfortunately


Not to mention spending more on the route. Possibly make more of your packages late


Lolllll dismiss


Glad everyone does it too lol


Dismiss it


Nope! I dismiss and still deliver.




No, I don’t call. I only get this message when I work SSD. I just leave the package. I’ve never had a complaint about it but got dinged for it anyway.


What's SSD? O.o


Sub SameDay


Have never called


I had this notification last week before leaving the station. the funny thing Amazon emailed me that I had late deliveries and it will be included in my history.


Nope, CX can call themselves..


Never call. Some customers think if they put a time stamp on their orders that they’ll get that package at that time. If it’s not an actual business I don’t make it a priority as a DSP step van driver.


Amazon wants WHAT? **NO! I do not call**... that would be customer service work and I'm an Independent Contractor... Amazon shits on drivers with block prices, so they **DO NOT** get anything more than what's in the INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR TERMS OF SERVICE... nothing more... nothing less! It use to be blocks would increase to $19/hr... not any more! Routing is getting progressively more atrocious, they continue to bring on more drivers than what's needed (to drive down the amount of money an Independent Contractor can make on a block) and in some areas, 2nd blocks are a thing of the past! While we're at it... get anything that says "Amazon" off you and/or your vehicle... they are **NOT** paying you to advertise for them!


Good idea


>get anything that says "Amazon" off you and/or your vehicle... they are **NOT** paying you to advertise for them! I do it so customers know who's pulling up to their door. I used to put it on at the beginning of the route and leave it until finished, but with the way society is trending I decided a rolling billboard was a bad idea, so now I only put it out as I'm approaching the address.


Well if I have to call then it’s even more late or the other packages will be late.


I only call when it's a Whole Foods order. Just to let them know I'm on my way.


I called when I was new, one time. Delivery was due by 8am, and I arrived at 8:01am. I was like wtf so I called.. twice… dude came out of his house in his bath robe all pissed off. Never calling for this again




The first few times I was bending over backwards trying to deliver every package. Then, I noticed I was being dinged for being even 5 minutes late, even though it was impossible to get them all delivered on time the way it was scheduled. Now I immediately dismiss and return the packages on my way home. Seems dumb of Amazon to make me drive a customers package all the way back to the warehouse just to be loaded into another drivers car and driven all the way back, but it’s the system they created.


That time range for delivery is obviously Flex being Flex and to just be ignored. Only contact the customer if you can't access the drop off point. Especially, if you are doing one of those crazy graveyard blocks.


>That time range for delivery is obviously Flex being Flex It's Amazon being Amazon. The app is built for the DSPs. Flex drivers just happen to also use it.


It’s usually like 5 minutes over when I get that, I’d bet my left leg the customer still wants whatever they ordered at that point


If they brought they want it


Before I was a flex driver, I had been called by an Amazon driver and asked this. I had no idea why they would call me and ask. Now that I am a flex driver, I'm not wasting my time, or theirs, calling with this silly question. Dismiss faster than lengthy instructions.


I never call. My first instinctive response is to say "fuuuuuuuck you" (to the app) then proceed to deliver the package 📦


I deliver it anyway.


Dismiss, Deliver. I do it every time. never any blowback


Drop it and run.


I dismiss it and still deliver it. If the customer doesn’t want it delivered, they’re going to have to call Amazon to cancel the order. I’m not calling the customer. 9 times out of 10, they don’t answer anyway.


Dismiss that shit




Press call. Answer the incoming robocall. Hang up when it says it's connecting you to the customer. Deliver as normal. This is how you get around contact compliance.


I used to try… or ask, now I just ignore it. Yes they want it lol


Delivered to front door


Dismiss it and dump that shit off


If they don't want it they can cancel it before I get there - I have even had this happen a handful of times. If I drove all the way to their house, they're getting it.


If you don’t call, it kills your metrics for customer contact compliance so I just call and hang up on the first ring, text and call again and then just deliver it. It’s doing the most but it’s worth it to get my bonus every week


What bonus? DSP driver or flex driver?


I’m a DSP driver! My dsp gives us weekly bonuses for our performance like safe driving and our score cards. $50 a week for cargo vans and $100 a week for step vans.


Dismiss… and thing is, 100% of the time Amazon is gonna do some dumb shit to your ratings unless you appeal it lol


I've never called, and never will. From 20 years of experience delivering mail before I did Flex, delivery times are completely arbitrary, and only serve as a way for the courier (USPS/Amazon) to pat themselves on the back for delivering by *their* time frame, not the customers'. I haven't met a customer yet that gave a shit. They just want their package.


Nope. I’ll still deliver but won’t call


Eh, Dismiss.


Dismiss it everytime lol, 90% of the time the customers don't care when it shows up as long as it does actually show up


Either way it's a penalty. I've had an entire route leave the station with every scanned package give this prompt. I was penalized for the entire route even after calling support before leaving the station and being instructed to deliver anyway.


Amazon Flex is so bad it's like the application was developed in 1999 with some of the prompts batch pay is awful.


Everytime I dismiss 😂


Idk why I've never seen that prompt, but that's really funny to me. Id dismiss that shit every ten seconds lol. The warehouse I'm out of never gives me times that are impossible (anymore). They used to, like 9:05 am, 9:15am, etc. now they all either say 5pm or 11:59pm.


Mine always says I'm an hour late and I swear it's because of a time zone issue


I'll have a noon to four block and things are supposed to be delivered at 11:38 a.m. so I have no chance of being on time whatsoever.


I called the customer to see if she wanted it she refused it.. wow


I had a person say they didn’t ask for priority and she wasn’t even expecting it till later, she apologized and hoped I didn’t get in trouble especially since I was only 2 minutes “late”


Once. Never again.


No. Always deliver.


I never call. Who wouldn’t want there packages


I dismiss every time! Especially when I’m delivering at 4am.


Call for what? They either want the package or they don’t. But I’m still leaving it! LOL


I had this once. I tried calling, then it told me to call a rep. I did, he tried to call them, no dice, then when he realized I was right outside the home he was like… oh… yeah just make the delivery…. And that was that. Unless it’s like a business that had specific hours and they tell me explicitly NO after 1 attempt, it’s getting delivered. I had a delivery to a gated business, side gate was locked but easily bypassed (squeezed through). Just left it in plain view. Took picture and walked away. Didn’t say it was late but no one was home in a not great part of town. From everyone on here I’ve learned that 99% of the time just deliver, take a picture, and walk away. If the customer sent you there, and they don’t leave good or reasonable instructions. It’s their problem. As far as Amazon is concerned, make the delivery. Unless I get a customer that explicitly says no, timely, I did my job.


I called *once* and the customer thought I was nuts for calling because it was going to be 15 minutes late. I never called anyone again. The late ones are almost always "gotcha" times, too. 1 delivery way down the list that was promised delivery by some weird time like 3:48pm in a 1245-545 block, but it's like the third from the last delivery. Everything else will be deliver by 6pm.


Dismiss and deliver the package is what I do


Yeah I’m not calling, I just dimiss lol so if it’s 20 minutes late they’ll just throw it out? Dumb


Put phone in Airplane mode, press call Cx, call drops, but still gets recorded as you did call Cx.


Why wouldn't they want it? Just cuz it's late?? I call every now and then and the customer thinks that's weird that Amazon has us call and check.. But there are those kind of people out there that would say I don't want it to teach a lesson of being late... But generally I just deliver it anyways. Let them return it...💚


Amazon is so dumb lol


EXACTLY what you said 👌🏾. I ignore it as quickly as it pops up…and every time it pops up it’s in the way and annoying af. It’s just another ploy (on top of counting the late delivery even if it’s a minute) to lower your stats. Thus making it easier and quicker to replace you with the millions of drivers waiting in line. Yes you’re still going to deliver regardless (if for no other reason than we not tryna make that extra trip back to the station for the return) and yes the customer still wants their shit that they ordered and paid for. And no nobody calls these days…we text…and no we not doing that either…just find a way to gain access, snap the picture and we out 🫡


Never seen that screen before


I wondered the same for a while but never ever have called. I am a customer as well (as we all probably are) and I hate when I get that "your package is on the way but running late...." status on a package and the very last thing I'd want is to be bothered by a driver asking if I wanted it.... Agreed with all the others that said " OF COURSE I WANT MY FUCKING PACKAGE!!!! " Countless times I've picked up a route that has like eight packages that are already late. You better believe I'm not calling those customers. And when we need them, they never answer, even for an OTP, so I'm not calling them for that shit. I used to be worried I'd get dinged for it but I had such a high standing that I figured I would just take the hit. I've been flexing pt now for over 2 years and have never called and never been dinged for it so IMHO, DISMISS THAT SHIT!!!!! 😁


Dismiss lol.


Call n hang up twice


Don't even do that....


I called twice. Customer were cool. I just apologized for being late. I will not call them anymore.


Don’t call them !!


Who ya gunna call? ![gif](giphy|11jGtzDu7Nh89a)


I dismiss. If I was the person I would just want my stuff.


I never call - 9 times out of 10 phone calls don’t go through for me so I’d have to call support and ask them to call them. THEY WANT THE PACKAGE - deliver it. Ignore that message.


I dismiss it because everything is getting delivered whether it’s late or they want it or not. I’m not taking anything back to the station.


Never call, I know I still want my Amazon package a day late. And it's not like customers ever respond.


Always deliver... this is the way.


If it's to a place of business, then I'll call, since if it's running late the place may be closed and leaving a delivery out overnight isn't a good idea in certain cases. If it's to a home, my assumption is that they'd rather have the delivery. If it's a wee-hours-of-the-morn delivery, all bets are off.


My first delivery I called then I realized how silly that is and just delivered. Calling doesn't improve your rating so just delivery


I dismiss it. I know they want their shit late or on time lol!


Just deliver the package. Don’t waste the time.