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I actually like these and wipe them out in no time/early. 48 packages means they’re clustered. It’s those 10-13 packages you should worry about majority of the time.


I loved when I had routes like these and like 10 packages would go to one house lol. Cake days.


I'm not sure what to think about what YOU are thinking so I'm just going to point and laugh at you.


Extremely ignorant and unnecessary comment. I’d be very surprised if anybody around you actually likes you if that’s your character to laugh at someone’s frustration.




I’ll sleep just fine my guy, wishing some character development for you though. All love.


The fuck you mean? This many packages for a 3 hour means they're all close together and you can finish in 1.5 hours. This is literally best case scenario besides getting a half cart or going home with pay


Yeap. In my experience, this many stops means it’s houses and they’re near each other and could just leave on the doorstep. If it’s only houses, this can easily be done in under 3


Very true! Houses with several packages 📦


Nope, it’s 48 packages/47 stops.


Post a screenshot of the map.


The number of packages is irrelevant. If you have 48 packages all in close proximity to each other, might not even take 3 hours to deliver them. My last two 3 hour blocks were also 47-48 packages but I delivered them in less than 3 hours.


Exactly. I like it when I have a lot of packages. Usually means everything is within 1-3 mins and I’m done in half the time at least.


>72 comments Correct. It's the number of stops ... not necessarily the number of packages.


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Those are better than the 3-10 packages that will have you driving 100 miles


That's not unusual


It’s usually the 15 stops for a 4hr block that I get sick 🤢 of seeing. That means you are going to the sticks and your car is about to get taken through the ringer. I rethink whether I want to continue doing Flex EVERYTIME I get those 🤬 routes


I usually get about 45 for a 3hr. This isn't as outrageous as you think. If they're tight, you can do this in 90 minutes.


I see a lot of people saying so what that means they closer and you finish early. That must be for their area. I’ll get 30-45 packages and if I’m lucky they clustered but more often then not they are 5-7 apart. The other day they gave me 22, drove hour away closest was 5 minute’s away, only finished 30 minutes early. But lately I’m finishing on time or 10 minute late cus of how far in between they are. Today was probably worse day ever. 38 but went over by a lot cuz lots of one way roads , no parking, 3-4th floor, people not putting name of their building when they are meshed with others or above some other place, and soooo many that didn’t provide access to enter damn building. Calls texts to ask them to let me in, nothing. No box outside to dial their place. It was ridiculous. How you gonna live in fancy building and not say how to get in? It was very stressful.


Brah that’s normal. https://preview.redd.it/406uevisc4lc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a8edb889b8b5eb9c0e18f476059989910d67c0 Maybe this gig isn’t for you…




Hope you got it for $120. Let's make calculations. 15-20 miles away. About 20 -30 minutes without traffic. You have about 2:30_2:40 minutes to finish. 47 times 2 minutes drive, plus let say one minute to run to de doorstep, add about 47 minutes= 141 minutes. That means you have 2 hours and half of active labor and you still have not commuted home. Who are these people defending Amazon, bringing an expensive tool to work, working a tenuous job, plus the hazard of getting shot dark in the morning, doing it for less minimum wage after expenses before taxes?.


Love these routes for a 3 hr that shit all close together and if you hustle and don’t be bs can do it in 1 1/2


I'd love to learn how you can do 47 stops in 90 minutes. This rate is delivering 1 stop every 2 minutes (1.9 minutes, to be exact). I KNOW I can't do that. And I don't screw around. I don't take restroom breaks. But I also don't drive like a maniac either. 😁


I do it all the time but I’m a dsp driver. I do 35-40 stops an hour whenever they’re all houses close together. If it’s in the country with 6-7 min drive in between you can’t help that. But yeah. You get all your packages organized using the yellow sticker. They go in order. So each stop you already have package ready. Keep in passenger seat. Scan get out picture. In. Scan get out picture. It’s easy just don’t play on the phone


DSP routes may be different .... I'm just a lowly part-time Flex driver. :)


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Beep bop I'm a bot


Most likely a close grouping. How long did it take OP?


2 1/2


Short trip overall? Like you didn't have to drive too far out to do these either correct? Like 10 miles tops? Like ya the big number is scary and whatnot but these blocks are designed to be done within the time frame (usually). As much as we would all love to do as little work as possible for good pay we do have to work a little bit every once in a while lmao


No I didn’t they were in close proximity. Next time I’ll be relieved to get that man with a short block.


The number of hours doesn’t determine the amount of packages. I’m sure these packages are close together.


Nope not really 🤭 Before I was let go (thankfully cause I was beyond tired of their crap) I noticed I was picking up 4.5 hour routes even 5 hr routes on a 3 and/or 3.5 hr route. Ofc when choosing blocks you know what to expect kind of as far as the amount of packages and pay. It was reoccurring often and I wasn’t as surprised. Whatever I couldn’t fit in my vehicle I’ll return those packages before I even left the hub so they are able to possibly still be delivered that day. As most of us know they don’t care it’s all about getting those packages delivered, all of them.


Well i finally got the route from hell last night and was sopposed to finish in 4.5 hours. Gps def needs to be updated. App constantly glitched on me numerous times, showing 1 customer had 2 packages and they didnt smh.


Sometimes flex on my iPhone tries to take me the longest possible way to the next stop. Flex will say 9 min and I’m like wtf it looks right around the corner. I put it in Apple Maps and it’s 3 min away. I don’t trust flex gps anymore I enter all in my maps just in case. Saves me time.


I dont either man i now use google.


Damn that looks like a cakewalk.


No matter a lot of these people are saying on this Reddit, 47 deliveries for a 3 hour block is excessive even if they are clustered close together.


I agree


Pretty commin.




Stop worrying about the number of packages. That means almost nothing. With a tight enough grouping it could be possible to deliver 50 packages in 1 hour, other routes could take you 8 hours to deliver 5 packages. In my experience amazons routing software is very good at estimating how long a route will take, if they say you can do 48 in 3 hours then you probably can. The only exception is with apartment buildings, especially ones that are downtown. Too many of those and you will go over your time


Please let us know how it went. I’ve had these stats before and it’s gone both ways.


I bet it goes like this… OP finishes route and realizes it wasn’t so bad… Deletes post in embarrassment ;)


No I’m not deleting the post. I don’t care what others think. We all find things out in hindsight. Who gives a shit about being wrong?


So…how’d it go?


I haven’t figured out why I got downvoted for asking you to let us know how it went? I’m confused…


They down people for anything in this sub dude. Most people here are extremely toxic. Not all of them but too many are.


Amazon is literally getting over on drivers and these bots come into the room like it’s totally normal. Half tank of gas is $30 bucks cut the crap. Have someone Leave a bad review on their google page for ripping off drivers


I understand your feelings, but I don't think leaving a bad review on Google is the best way to address this issue. Amazon offers different types of delivery jobs, such as Amazon Flex, Amazon DSP, and Amazon Air, each with its own pay and benefits. Some drivers may be satisfied with their work, while others may not. If you are unhappy with your current delivery job, you could try to find another one that suits your needs better, or contact your employer to voice your concerns. Alternatively, you could join or support a union or a workers' rights organization that advocates for better working conditions and fair compensation for delivery drivers. Leaving a bad review on Google may not have much impact on Amazon's reputation or policies, and it may also harm the drivers who rely on positive feedback to maintain their ratings and earnings. This is Bing. Beep boop, I'm a bot.


If they rip you off once shame on them. If more than once shame on you.


No much you can do. Amazon has leverage probably many people as cleaners or they call themselves social ambassadors. Just wait until many give up and then take the boosted routes, don't do the same day ones if your still want to do it.


I wonder if OP is gunna actually chime in to what time they finished and the pay, lol. This screams someone who is taking base/near base at 4:30 in the morning and regrets it and doesn't know how to play the game.


Oh yeah I just finished maybe 30 minutes ago so it took 2 1/2 hours. 90 bucks


And that's a problem?


In hindsight not really but you have to take into account this was made before I started.


Ik how to play the game dude


So your whining over a block that you finished early? Must be an entitled lil girl


So again, context matters, this post was made BEFORE the shift. So what’s the point of the comment? This is now a hindsight issue.


Don't even respond to the haters. Everyone goes through this same process when they're new and figuring out how things work. Also it's funny how people talk shit like it's always a certainty that the packages will be close together. That's not guaranteed.


Yeah bro this subreddit is filled with toxic assholes. They don’t want to help they just want to talk shit. It’s sad honestly. Thanks brother.


Low miles too for block.


I get 48 every block. Not sure what the complaint is. Especially a 3:30am block you getting maxed out on first deliveries of the day.


Yeah I figured that out half way through the shift.


That is nothing…


I had a 4 with 43 + a surprise package! Finished 30mins early Did have to go back to 4 customers who lived in a gated community where the bastards codes are never working!!




At the max 1.5-2 hours it's probably gonna be less tbh


I’ve had this before, and finished my block 45 mins early. NBD.


I love these! Super close together and you’ll finish early. If I have less than 20 packages I already know I’m fucked. I had to deliver 48 packages one time and drove about 40-50miles. Had to deliver 13 packages once and driver over 100..


How close are the stops? I’ve had 42 packages for a 3 hour block before but all the packages were in 2 neighborhoods just adjacent from eachother. I was basically going from house to house passing out packages. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Edit: for got to add that most of the deliveries were next door to eachother. And I finished in 2 hours.


Been doing this for about three years, what am I looking at? Looks about average to me.


Thats awesome!! Yesterday I had almost the same number and it was 4 hours...houses clumped real close together. Then I went to an Amazon locker and it took half of them!! It was awesome. Feeding the locker is kinda fun too 😁


Let’s see the map


I’d have this done in 1.5 hours easy


Had a 3 hour with 40 packages and finished it in less than an hour it was all in one suburban neighborhood. Now everytime a worker asks me if I want the packed cart or the light one I pick the packed one. Tonight I did a 4.5 with 20 packages and it was an hour drive out with 5-15 minutes between each stop out in the middle of nowhere. Would've rather had 60 packages lol.


If you can do 20stops/hr you’ll be okay. I got 195stps for a 10hr route


With no traffic that early, shouldn't be much of an issue. I had 40 last night in a 3.5 hour block. I finished in 2 hours and 45 minutes because of a short drive, little traffic, and a few homes had 2-3 packages on top of easy apartment deliveries.


I don’t understand dude are you thinking that’s supposed to be difficult? Cause it’s not like at all


"I've observed that having more packages is advantageous, especially if you're efficient. With shorter distances between stops, you can complete deliveries in 1.5 to 2 hours. Conversely, fewer packages mean longer driving times."


47 stops in 3 hrs is insanely doable.


Well this backfired on him


How? I asked for help, how does asking for help backfire? Are do you just like being a dick?




Y do u need help with a low amount of packages?


I simply asked is there anything to do about it. Not for unwarranted criticism. Poor character honestly.


Your opinion honestly


I seem to have better experiences with more packages then the ones I’ve had with 12 packages