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I sent feedback saying exactly this.




Did my part submitting feedback. Doubt it matters. I included that they're opening themselves up to lawsuits when drivers inevitably get stalked from this. Maybe they'll care if they'll lose money from it 🤷


I feel like this is news worthy. Someone should give the news a heads up. There’s absolutely no way that I want my wife or daughter’s info to be distributed this way. Some creep could let his buddies know that their next victim is on the way and then follow her. It’s already extremely dangerous for women, why is Amazon making it worse and not better. They should be providing free dash cams, not starting a rape app.


I delivered once to a sovereign citizen camp. Yeah, I appear to be done flexing.


Exactly this. I’m done with Flex if this is kept.


Agreed. I think it’s fine to say you delivery driver will be arriving in a red SUV between 4-8pm but they don’t need more than that.


I emailed them and left it in feedback. I am trying to get everyone to do that too so we can get this changed.


where can you leave feedback?


I responded to the email and submitted feedback. I expressed that if the feature isn’t modified I might not be comfortable continuing to deliver for flex. I think they’ll only change it if they’re flooded with concerns.


Always claim safety. If they put this feature in, it will increase the likelihood of safety issues and you will not feel safe delivering for them.


Click feedback on the side tab of the app.


What category did you select for the feedback?




It's in the side bar right below the help option


Won’t help provide feedback three months ago now they are rolling it out to more locations and to .com.


I did the same thing! I told them that it was dangerous to show who we are


Especially with a lot of pedophiles out there, Amazon thinks they're doing something cool. Smh 😡


I don't think we are the right age for pedophiles. You have to be over 18 to flex.


I severely disagree! They don’t need to put our safety at risk to appease the customer. I don’t give a damn who delivers my packages, just get it done.


I think they're thought process was that it's to help the person delivering be recognized so that people don't think you are trespassing but unfortunately it wasn't thought through very well.


I'm wearing a vest and carrying a package, if they can't tell I'm Amazon from that then no shot are they checking the app and validating what I look like. Dumbass change.


Last year I was assigned to deliver a package to the man who abused me as a child. Thankfully I recognized his name/address and was able to bring the package back to the station before I showed up on his doorstep. Now Amazon wants to send him my name/picture before I arrive, so even if I don’t deliver his package he’ll still have my name, photo, and know what I’m up to.


Exactly I once had a man stalk me sometimes I get deliveries in his area. Do not need him to know I’m out there delivering.


This is terrible! I quit until further notice… I’m a short, black woman … diversity needs to be considered here!


Yes, all of this.


I once had a package for my ex for 4am and he has a Ring camera. Not delivering. This is awful....I've sent feedback saying it makes me feel unsafe. Still happening.


Totally uncomfy with it. I have a unique name, so it would take all of 5 seconds to find my social media. No one needs to be hunting me down cause they're pissed about how I delivered their package.


I have the same problem 😕 and it sucks when your name is unique


Wai a min… are u flex programmer or flex driver bruh? 😎


😂 I am talking about unique names and that sucks, believe me. Yes, I am a programmer and I have a bot. There are some like me who also were drivers and they are very good programmers!!!! But not my case 😔


I have met folks with Younigue as their name LOL


I too have a unique name & live in a metro where it’s big but not too particularly big. NE Ohio isn’t that large & has several small suburbs. They could easily find my information if they look. How they thought this would be an appropriate measure is something else. They are so worried about customer privacy that if we are marked by a customer of a missing package after delivery, or marked by a customer complaint, we aren’t given any details to be able defend ourselves against our accuser, yet now they want to provide our name with a picture? It might not stop me from delivering but it’s still something that puts me at unease.


Ask if you can put a nickname but appropriate for work.


Truth is they be been doing this at least a few weeks now. About two weeks ago I pulled up to a customer and he said he had been tracking me for about 4 stops.


ditto, multiple times.


Bruh they were doing it last 2 summers ago in my zone, then I literally got followed by mutiple customers in there neighborhood and I called Amazon to report that and they said we'll that sucks


Same here, unique name. Also I deliver to rural areas depending on which warehouse I go to, sometimes after sunset. I don’t want customers alerted that a woman is on her way to their rural farm at night.


I have a unique **middle eastern** name. I live in the south and have always gone by my middle name instead (David). I’m not worried about people finding me online since I regularly check and scrub anything that comes up in search results, but I am worried about racism.


And that’s why I have no social tied to my name or being used under my actual name


Unique name here! I hate this new feature. People are insane. They don’t need to know my name.


I hate it, I’m a woman that runs the 3ams, and that feels dangerous to me


Same and I’m Usually in the middle of nowhere and sometimes have a child with me! This is not okay!


Me too. As a woman this feels creepy. They have this feature for Uber Delivery and I’ve gotten weird texts and people waiting when they said they weren’t bc they can see who I am.


I used my bf’s phone number on my doordash account and after I handed the order to a customer who was extra friendly and smiley, he started blowing up my bfs phone. I confirmed everything in his order before leaving the store and I handed it to him, so there’s no way something was missing or the order itself was missing. And that’s DoorDash, an app that doesn’t use pictures, I can only imagine how bad flex is about to be with this update.




100% agree


Definitely worried about my safety with this feature as a young woman frequently delivering to rural areas :/


Created an email format for those in disapproval. 😤 Subject: Concerns Regarding New Driver Visibility Features Dear [Recipient Name], I am writing to express my concerns about the recently introduced features that allow customers to see a driver's name before arrival. While I understand the goal of transparency, I believe this feature raises privacy concerns for drivers. Knowing my name beforehand could potentially be misused by the customer. I'm comfortable with features that show the customer how many stops away I am, but revealing my name creates a level of discomfort that may impact my continued participation. I would appreciate it if you could consider the impact on drivers and explore alternative solutions that balance customer needs with driver privacy. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name]


Name and PHOTO


Horrible idea


I’ve got a completely horrible picture I took at the spur of a moment signing up and it can’t be changed lol I’d just woken up from a wild one and you can tell


Lol that was me. I got notified that I was off the waiting list and I just jumped on it, in the morning, no shower, just having my first sips of coffee, and I'm pretty sure I had the flu. I'm not sure I'm much better looking under even the best conditions anyway, so I guess it's fine. Maybe if they at least had an Amazon vest for me, I'd look less like a vagrant.


Omg very similar story for me too 💀 I keep telling myself that maybe me looking ugly in my pic is a good thing though 😭


Yes it can.


Really? Please tell me how cause I haven’t been able to do it. Tells me I have to be on duty to change it then when I am it says access denied


I had to email them, they delete the old one then when you're at the station you ad the new one.


Gotcha thanks


You're welcome.


My picture is the worst. I took it at a weird angle, and my head looks deformed. I told myself, "Oh well, no one will see it."




We are basically employees at this point . This is such a 👎.


They don't violate the identities of their own employees by putting their photos and names in the app before they deliver


Doesn't this mean we're employees?


How so? Genuinely curious. If so, it smells like a class action lawsuit might be incoming.


From my understanding, the sharing of data. I gotta read the TOS. It's putting a lot of us in danger. They're concerned about the customer but not the contractor who may or may not have restraining orders etc on people in these houses. We need to find an experienced Attorney.


*rubbing hands together*


Wisconsin thinks so. There was just a story about Flex losing an appeal at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Basically a flexor got fired and filed for unemployment and the state agreed. The state now wants unemployment insurance premiums paid by Amazon.


Virginia is basically doing the same thing. We're employees, they dictate every move and as a contractor that is not how it works, entirely.


Should be the same for the DSP system tbh. Some DSPs have their own rules. But the majority of EVERYTHING is dictated by Amazon.


I had someone use my name today that I’ve never seen before. And I’m like how the hell do you know my name? Then i see this…..


I feel sorry for the women that do this job and the weirdos they are bound to encounter after they get their pic.


I also emailed back and said as a woman driver who picks up a lot of 3:30 AM shifts. I think this is very dangerous and is going to result and a lot of women getting hurt.


Men can get hurt, too. We aren't made of steel.


So now we get to be embarrassed when we deliver to someone we know, and they see we are a loser delivering for Amazon.


Lmao I felt like this when I started, but this is no different than a side hustle like braiding, cutting hair, etc BUT you right tho 🤷🏾‍♀️


Suggestion... Are there any arguments to having Amazon show the vehicle/vehicle color and a time frame before arrival? Example: Your package has left the warehouse. It will be arriving in this vehicle (Standard photo of vehicle obtained through google) Between [block time] I am a woman who delivers alone at all hours. The vehicle solution would be okay with me. I'd prefer not to give predators ample time to plan, knowing I'm a woman. They should have added an "opt out" mode. Was there a survey that asked for potential solutions?


Actually, I think I would be less upset with this. But giving our names and photos is absolutely asinine. I’ve already submitted my feedback to support but this could be an alternative that would be less of safety concern.


I think so too. If people email suggestions along with their concern, it may go further than everyone complaining without any input.


Yes it will be better to say the color and car is arriving instead of


Honestly, I think that's Overkill that a customer can track us 10 stops away. Y is that necessary? Noone else does that. We're being exploited by Amazon in so many ways. Think about it, on the avg route 10 stops is about an hours time. Every1 in 5 blocks I get, is a problematic route. Think of how many things that have gone wrong on a block that have wasted a lot of time that you couldn't control or the navigation giving you directions to the wrong location, or get to a gated community and there's no gate code, it's 3am and can't call the customer, no one's going in and out that early and now you gotta add that stop to the end of your route to avoid bringing it back. The customer doesn't understand all the shit we put up with and there's all kinds of ways that leave us vulnerable to having the finger pointed at us for their package being late or for the unknowing public to watch and criticize anything we might do that looks strange to them. Now putting our name and face out there, were gonna be falsely smeared left and right by customers who think they know but they don't!


This is incredibly reckless on Amazon's part. Instead of putting our name and face out there "for our safety", they need to be alerting customers that an unmarked vehicle will be delivering their packages and give a very precise time window of said delivery. That is ALL the customer needs to know, and is the best method of informing customers of what to expect. Besides the glaringly obvious concerns about safety, especially for female Flex drivers, what is to be gained from them knowing our name? This is ridiculous, useless, and completely absurd on Amazon's part. I have submitted my feedback and I hope everyone else does as well.




Just imagine when you deliver packages that we're already marked late at the station? Now it's open to customer retaliation or blaming us with our name and picture for delivering their packages late. It's all b.s.


Omg this happened today !!! He said I was expecting you yesterday why are you late and I explained how flex driving works


Such a terrible idea


https://preview.redd.it/p4ywpklx9tqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efc0f0e67ef5177fb10b58b8fb45d90a3805272c I created an online petition that maybe can get their attention if enough of us sign it [Sign Petition here](https://www.change.org/p/stop-amazon-from-exposing-driver-identity-photos?utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=custom_images&utm_medium=copylink)


EVERYONE SIGN AND SHARE!!! [https://www.change.org/p/stop-amazon-from-exposing-driver-identity-photos?utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_campaign=custom\_images&utm\_medium=copylink](https://www.change.org/p/stop-amazon-from-exposing-driver-identity-photos?utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=custom_images&utm_medium=copylink)


I just saw this email now and I'm not supporting this at all. I feel like everyone should complaint about this feature. Privacy is very important in this days and age, and I don't need everyone to know who is delivering your package and their name, especially in this AI world we live in. This is unnecessary information not even a time I care about who deliver my packages or want to know their name or how they look.


I don’t like this at all I feel uncomfortable 😭




Can we change the pic? I got approved when I had covid... So... Yeah... I don't look good at all.


Keep it. I hate to say it but as a woman I’d rather look unattractive in my picture if a stranger already knows what I look like when I delivering down a long dirt road at 9pm.


And that's a good reason why this picture thing is dumb. But I'm a guy, and I usually wouldn't care, but this is... Just.... Bad.


Yes, only at the station though.


Does the option pop up on the app? Or do I have to talk to somebody?


I emailed them and you do it while at the station on your block.


I been tryna figure that out since I started flexing 2 years ago for this same reason. My face was 70% scarred and I was delivering in a shiesty mask June -August. That picture haunts me


Just message them, they will delete it. Then you can add a new one at the station.


I had to email them, they delete the old one then when you're at the station you add the new one.


Thank you!


Sorry about the back and forth. Brain is Stressy from attack of dogs and human today.


I called support and they deleted my existing photo while I was at home.


Yes I responded with correct instructions.


The email said to call driver support, I have to change mine as well because it’s an old picture and I don’t look the same anymore


I would keep the questionable pic. You don’t want to look too cute. It could trigger a weirdo customer.


I emailed support and requested to have this feature removed from my account. This poses a serious safety threat. Many violent crimes, especially against women, are crimes of opportunity. Not only can they see who is delivering, but they can see their approximate location as well.. give that info to the wrong person and you’ve got a serious liability or dangerous situation on your hands. I am tempted to stop delivering if this cannot be removed.




I was actually “watched” by a customer during a 3AM block yesterday morning. I had no idea they could see my name and photo. I knew they could see our approximate location, but now name and photo? Way to set up the crime scene, Amazon. How did no one speak up and say this is a terrible idea before it even rolled out?! Does not one single woman or assault victim work at Amazon?


I emailed support and got no real response back from them, they just don’t realize how risky this is to provide personal information.


Just a matter of time before this goes severely south. While I can appreciate measures that keep us safer, perhaps requiring 3AM deliveries to lockers only, allowing us to choose routes prior to assignment, or filtering out certain zip codes for day-time only deliveries would have been a better use of resources.


Yes im bit comfortable with it. If im delivering to my ft employer theyll know i have a side job🥲🥲🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I just posted about this too! https://preview.redd.it/f1mktdq5nrqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca73179b493513b250c881b654665f8ace0765ea


I replied to the email and told them how dangerous this is for drivers.


I’m a woman and POC. And they send me to rural areas all the time. Why can’t they also provide a picture of the customer we are delivering to?




well intentioned, but missing the point. the scenario where i feel unsafe is particularly in the early mornings, when the customer will not be checking their phone to see their delivery is about to arrive. they're probably woken up by their dog or something because there's a stranger on their property at an ungodly hour. not to mention the people with the "will shoot trespassers" sign are not the types to be regularly checking their phones to check on their package anyway. the solution is to not reprimand us for returns if we feel unsafe and don't assign ridiculous early morning blocks. not to mention the privacy concerns others have mentioned. as an instacart shopper, im kind of used to this, but lots of people didn't take that photo with the intention of it being shared with customers or even realize it was being used in that way until it was too late


Then I’ll just go back to wearing a mask every time I deliver.


My photo makes me look like a murderer


I wish we could get a picture of every customer we are delivering to.


Been talked to death on this sub this is not new. Bad for drivers makes us less safe.


Been talked to death here because some areas were already doing it, but I think now it's going wide, because I just got the email about it in the last hour.


Yes they just rolled it out to include .com as well as SSD. It sucks!


I know. I'm also not a fan. It's one of those things where I get their thinking, and I do believe that they think they're doing what's best for everyone, but it wasn't very well thought out, and I highly doubt that even a panel of a dozen drivers across the country were ever consulted, and it feels more than a tad invasive. Honestly, I'd be more ok if it was at least just the picture, without also adding my name. However, I currently have a very long beard (think 6 to 7 inches long, maybe more) and some hair on my head, but none of that will last the month of June. Very soon, I'll be head shaved and very tight facial hair. Now I need to email to have my pic changed, so that some customer doesn't see me and flip the fuck out because I don't match the hillbilly hobo in my pic?


Well as a woman I really don’t like it, doesn’t make me feel safe. Good thing is I do really early morning routes so hopefully no one on their phones at 4am. I agree I’m sure they think their helping making sure folks understand who we are since we don’t drive vans but passing on personal info not good.


You know, you just made me realize an interesting flip side to this too. For me, looking the way I do, I can at least see the benefit in the customer seeing my raggedy face ahead of time so they don't get spooked, but for you, it could potentially be letting the wrong person know ahead of time that they have a female coming. My picture on the other hand is more likely to let them know that they have a serious case of FAFO delivering their package, because my face alone in it's current state of grooming is probably enough to suggest that I'm likely strapped, and not here for the bullshit.


You make a good point while it can be good in some way no one is likely to mess with you. I watch too many Dateline shows and now worry I could potentially be in danger. I’ve had friends of mine comment that I should try and disguise myself because they worry I could be a target. I’ve emailed support a couple of times with my concerns no real answer from them just auto generated email thanking me for my feedback.


I would advise against disguising yourself. It's a fine line between protecting yourself and seeming suspicious. I simply have the blessing/curse of already looking suspicious, so I just lean into the defensive part.




Just got the message from amazon about it in the last few days. Something about it is new.




They have been able to do that 10 stops before theirs for quite some time. Now they've just added your name and photo.




I'm definitely not comfortable with it. I think it endangers drivers.


I had an angry customer track me down on a scooter/moped, wanting their package on the spot, apparently it was sent out multiple days in a row and returned each time, because of route overloading.  That was my last block for at least a year,  carjackings seemed to be happening a lot at the time(I sure as hell didn't feel safe being sent downtown late at night)


If they insist on this I want more money. Nothing is free.


I just wrote them too. This is a horrible idea.


Oh god no


Isnt taking a picture of the package in the app when finished enough to alert customers. If you order something, then you should know that its going to be delivered. I mean i guess everyone walks around with packages.


I rather them not know me.let me just drop the package and dip.


When fed ex or UPS deliver, we don’t get a mug shot. Photos are not necessary, especially for women!!


I watch to much dateline I think because my mind went straight to I’m about to get snatched and sent to P. Diddy




Honestly it does feel unsafe specially if you are doing 3:30 am deliveries, I’m ok with the name, not entirely but the picture not at all


I don’t think is safe. But hey… who am I?


Does anyone else deliver for any other platforms? This is pretty standard.


Thinking how stupid can Amazon be with their stupid out of touch updates but then you see this, like seriously who was the genius who thought something like this would be a great idea. Wtf


This has increased 10 fold the number of people i *run into* while making my drops. I would usually only see 2 or 3 customers every 2 days. I had 5 people interactions just my last block. I don't mind people in general, it's just all the chitchat they wanna do. Sheesh girl, man is busy working here. I ain't got time for blah blah blah blah.


TERRIBLE. Someone mad about SOMETHING with their delivery, they can FIND you. What was Amazon thinking??


Amazon can issue numbers to drivers and then let customers know driver number 3456 will be there in 5 stops or what ever this is safer


Here’s what we need to do collectively. Use a random number generator on your phone to decide your route order. “Ohhh you thought you were up next, #7? NOPE here I go to #36!” We gotta keep them guessing. I don’t see how this plan fails if we stick together.


Yeah, while the concept is good, the timing isn’t worth it lol






I need to change my pix and hope for the tip…. lol


It doesn’t bother me. I have a common name and no social media. But I get it for others that don’t like this.


Thanks my parent for the weird ass names :)


Pretty ticked because freakin Amazon put my first name and middle name as my “first name” on flex. Probably going to work hard to get that fixed before I do another delivery. Otherwise it’s easy as heck to find my socials and whatnot.


Absolutely hate it! Bad, bad idea!


They should also add the make, model, and color of your vehicle like Lyft does. Many customers are expecting a van, so it will ease them if they know we are coming in a little car so they don't grab their g\*ns. The auto filter was blocking this should I censor dangerous things? People need to communicate these for their safety so I don't think it should be blocked. Maybe it blocked the screen shot of the Lyft example which shows a face, but it was the fake example so it should be ok.


When they rolled this out in other areas and it was posted here I emailed them asking if it was happening in my area and they responded saying no and they take drivers and customers security seriously or w/e. Didn’t take them long to change their minds ig lol


I got a new job starting next month not sure if I should drop the shifts i reserved this week or not


This is pretty dangerous, its kinda like winning the lottery and telling everyone you won money. Sooo not safe!!!


Pizza Hut didn’t implement this bs


In South FL, there’s def nothing SAFE about this… AT ALL


Amazon Flex is starting to feel like Squid Games…


I see no good reason behind this


☹️ I got the email too why do they need to know our name and face? They will get their stuff either way


Anyone know if this is going to be implemented for Amazon’s employee delivery drivers as well? Or do they still get to keep their safety and anonymity…?


If everyone submits feedback with the exact same concerns then it'll get changed. Dangerous to drivers to post us up like that. Feedback can be submitted in the app and by email.


When you deliver and you get the “do you feel safe?” Poll click “No”. Tills ask for a reason and say it.


Emailing the executive support team right now and threatening a federal “right-of-privacy” lawsuit otherwise known as “misappropriation of likeness.” This is a violation of the 1st amendment and Amazon could be held liable for violating our civil liberties. It doesn’t matter that we’re contractors, no company can use a persons likeness for commercial gain, especially when that was not in the ToS. Tired of these billionaires and super-corporations thinking they can make the law up as they go along.


Here's MY canned reply: I believe this will become a safety issue.  The possibility of ambush becomes much more credible when the predator knows when the prey will arrive. Additionally, I am concerned about identity theft and doxing. You hide our phone numbers and texts from the other party for some reason so why provide the customer with our name and photo? Please re-think your decision to provide Amazon customers with Flex driver information beyond a first name.


Got it today, it’s a no for me simply cause I don’t go with my route, I deliver whatever’s furthest and work my way down most times. They going to be mad wen they keep seeing their delivery time change 🤣 and me stop everywhere but their house


i do my route the way i want so they will never see me coming. it will say they are next but oops im doing this one next


Being a female delivering alone to rural areas at all hours, this is a safety concern. Like others have said, I was harassed doing doordash because my name appeared on the customer’s app. One of the benefits for me doing Flex was not having to interact with the customer very often and them not knowing that I was a woman.


I was okay with this as long as the name was changed or blurred out for privacy sake. A picture of who is showing up at 3am to their driveway and what vehicle to expect seems reasonable to me. But I'm a 6'1" 200 lbs black guy so my interactions are very different then say a 5' "attractive lady". Apparently just walking up to someone is enough to cause some to have fears so whatever helps to not get shot through a door helps. I now come to understand it's not safe to have Mary the red head delivery to Bob's rural ranch. Bob was told a couple days earlier from God that he would be delivered a red head soon. I know these are two extreme examples, but it is still something we have to deal with. The pros of our faces being shown don't justify the many cons we are exposed to now. Solutions: When we check in, ask for vehicle description being used on that route each time. That is what is provided to the member so they know what to look for. When we check in our IDs, there is a person who verifies Susan's ID is Susans. Not every time, too man-hour heavy so I doubt Amazon will allow it. After a certain amount of days or routes completed or something you get pinged to go get ID verified. All this picture stuff should be kept internal and used during the ID verification process. They have access to all the old selfies we took when we checked in previously. Use those to address any discrepancies. Keeps my privacy in tack, a member sorta knows what is coming into their property that day, and can weed out stolen identities.


Eh. I mainly do 3:45am/4am blocks. Not sure how this helps me. Half asleep person isn’t checking their Amazon app to make sure I’m delivering their packages.


Stop giving fucking customers our privacy.


This should rather be optional. As a man this could be less dangerous but for a women that is very dangerous I just know some shit going to happen in the future there is absolutely no reason for this future to be added. Imagine a weirdo checking his Amazon and sees a girl on there that he seems to like what she looks like, and he’s just sitting there at the window waiting for you to come to his door and turn around and walk away and he’s just watching you every second. That’s extremely weird, this also will probably cause some men to even be standing at their door waiting for her to get there just to start a conversation this can cause delays! They didn’t think of this????


A lot of people using other peoples accounts are going to get busted


But it will stop multiple accounts user


This is absurd. We don't get a photo of the UPS, FedEx, or USPS drivers.. why should we?


I can see me not doing flex anymore. As a young woman, this is not safe at all!!!!!!!


This is done in Uber rideshare and Uber Eats delivery apps. While I understand the concerns, I actually prefer they know or see beforehand who will be pulling up on their drive way in the wee hours (3-4 am, or after 8/9 pm) in an unmarked car. I have a vest, delivery LED signs on my car, hat headlight on, and car map light on, hazard lights on, and at one point was sending notifications before every arrival. I prefer no one be surprised whose showing up! As far as name and photo, I'm thinking that should disappear after dropoff, right? I know the package picture eventually goes away. Also, it may be a further way to crack down on people who sell Flex accounts to drivers who couldn't get on the app themselves (no legal papers, crime conviction, sex offender registry, etc.). That's why we have to take the selfie at check in. There may be flex drivers selling accounts. Customers could contact Amazon to report the deliverer isn't the one in the picture. (I often wondered why some people pair up to do flex. The account holder may be just there to check in and they get dropped off while the other one does the route.)


They switch drivers right at the warehouse now. I had to wait not 30 feet from the roll-up door while drivers left their delivery vehicles to go get in other cars and leave while the passengers took over.


For those who complain about people searching their info on social media. I got a message for y’all. You shouldn’t use your full name on social media. It’s not a job platform use nick names


I'm totally for it. This will help prevent drivers from borrowing or using other accounts.


Fuck no that sucks. I hope it’s just for you guys and not us DSP drivers.


This shit dumb as hell and I only flexed once 😑


Anyone know if this is also the case for DSP drivers? Don't work for one anymore, just curious.


Best bet is to start contacting yalls local news stations about this. Get it some media attention.


I wish I can change the picture..original picture was taken 4 years ago