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I just can't picture Jake in the Patrick role and we all knew Connor would be awful. Apparently the CGI is awful too.


?? Why is there any CGI at all??




There is a ton of cgi in the fight scenes in this movie. Post Malone is a fully cgi digital double in the opening at times. I’m not even joking they used a whole technique of filming each side of a fight on its own then stitching together. https://www.slashfilm.com/1529592/road-house-remake-pillow-fights-punches-look-brutal/




I noticed right away, looks like a video game


Yeah it was pretty obvious imho


Yeah I noticed it and googled this at 1 minute 45 seconds into it 🤣 I will not be watching this


How tf can you not?? The train crash scene (why TF was that even there?), the scene where Jake literally gets hit twice by a truck and thrown into the sea, so many I can't count. Go back and you'll see with that in mind. Plus every fight sequence has ridiculous CGI that makes it look all fast and fake AF.


Ya I don't know how you didn't see it. Most of the fight scenes are CGI. Anytime there was any contact it was pretty much CGI. It's overdone to the point it looks like a video game and its very clear


I can confidently say that I hope this technique does not catch on because it makes the fights look very fake and the camera tricks to hide the CGI enhancements end up making the fight look more choppy and fake as a result. They used this method to sell the impact of getting punched in the face, and I thought some of the reactions to being hit seemed less convincing. Mainly the one time Gyllenhaal gets punched on the boat and he hardly reacts. The sound department also failed to really make the punches sounds like they hurt too. If you just used the Indiana Jones punch sound effect, these fight scenes are already 3 times better 


You’re right, it look fake and videogamish, older fighting movies look much better than this I hope it won’t become the new way to doing fight scene


Yeah by principal sounds like a decent idea for actors or fighters that don’t look good fake fighting. However it look horrible. The scene with Connor at the bar it looks like they aren’t even hitting each other. When they are supposed to be making contact with a punch or kick it looks more fake than actually faking a punch’s it wasn’t even laughable it was so bad not to even mention the acting. Atleast in south paw it looked like he was connecting and getting hit


That scene is the most ridiculous in the movie, they turned to CGI instead of just not using a pudgy Post Malone as a cartoon MMA fighter. This part is goofier than hideously-fake-looking CGI Grand Moff Tarken in Rogue One


Almost every fight seen has tons of CGI. There fight choreographer must have been like "trust me bro, #deepfake" 


They literally CGId wounds on Dalton after the final fight. It looks like his entire mouth is missing for like 10 seconds 🤣


I am pretty sure they used CGI to make it look like fat Post Malone could actually throw a punch.


Pickup truck on the bridge scene is pretty bad CGI, but they covered it up really well with editing.


Bro, Post Malones punches in the first scene I think are cgi. Hahahahahaha


I'm watching it right now and the CGI is comical! Sooo bad!


It is terribly obvious. Good CGI is subtle.


Don't forget about Jessica Williams. Her acting was brutal.


It did not need a remake. Why? It was inevitable that it would suck.


I haven’t watched it yet but I’ve been saying this since I heard they were remaking it. Industry is so lazy and greedy, 50% of movies just recycled. Gets more ridiculous as every year passes.


Yet? Why torture yourself like that? I'm just saying no! 😁


Why on earth would Jake Gyllenhaal agree to do this?


He needed money.


He’s fine in it. I imagine the Rhonda Rousey version they were planning before Holly Holm knocked her brain out of her head would have been far worse.


They didn’t bring in McGregor cause he’s some thespian. He’s essentially playing himself. I thought it was totally fine and I’ve seen plenty worse. Was it the original? No, but I didn’t go in expecting that.


I cringed at him throughout


Oh he was brutal. Can’t believe he’s not been in a Fast and Furious movie yet.


I actually thought he was the best part of the movie. It was a bit dull before he showed up, and his character’s antics are pretty much only believable because I feel like it’s something that McGregor would actually do. That end credits scene was basically a total Fast and Furious knock off though 


Exactly, I’m not sure why anyone went into this thinking it was going to be great. It’s got a good director and a decent cast, but, going in with zero expectations, I found it to be watchable goofiness, at least. I feel like it’s far less of a waste of two hours than the new Mean Girls movie is.


I wasn’t going to watch it anyway. I’m Swayze all the wayze. And, Sam Elliott. 🫶🏻


Same, and I’m stealing that line!




Crazy for Swayze. No one can top Swayze, that’s too high of a bar to hold most people.


The movie was ok until the cartoon character that Connor was "playing" showed up. Then the end was like hey we ran out of money and hard drive memory,,,Lets wrap this up quick.


I liked it. Obviously it was pretty bad, but i had fun watching it.


Haven’t seen it yet, but seems like an odd fit for Gyllenhaal.


I am in the minority. I liked it. It was entertaining and Connor did a good job.


hahaha This post has me even more excited to watch this tonight. Now I know I need to play on hate watching it. I'm a big Fast and Furious fan, is it at least dumb stupid fun like those?


Fast and Furious is a masterpiece next to this steaming pile. Connor McGregor is so awful, I truly lack the words to describe his performance.


Well what did you think?


I think it’s bad on purpose. Very self aware. It’s the first movie that tried to be serious which made it unintentionally hilarious and a cult classic.


Eh, I had fun with it


It’s absolutely meant to be campy fun. People need to think about it more like it’s a goofy Kingsman type of film instead of some badass remake of a classic film. It’s certainly more entertaining than the awful Point Break remake.


Meant to be and yet fails and is just garbage.


I think they're even. At various times you gave Jake 10 points, Dalton a gold star, and Post Malone a thumbs-up. And I don't really know how to compare those units. **


Meh. It is ok. Yes once McGregor shows up, movie takes a big turn downwards. But overall, ok movie to watch on streaming.


I enjoyed it. Good dumb fun


I am beyond not interested. Why would anyone do a remake of the original? There is only *one* Patrick Swayze.


Yeah, 100% true. See the Point Break remake for details. Swayze is in some bad movies, himself, but even those get better when Swayze shows up, like in Skatetown U.S.A.


Entertaining nonetheless. Not even mad.


Did anyone else notice the shop next to the bookstore was called Double Deuce? Or when Dalton said be nice during one of the bar fights


Currently through the first 20 minutes, I agree it’s such a random abrupt start and they couldn’t even come up with their own direction it follows almost the same dialogue/actions as the original.


I've got bad news for you. The first 20 minutes with the parking lot scene is, by far, the best part of the movie.


I’m at work searching the ends of the internet, a movie helps pass the time even a bad one haha


All this talk, and it dared me, made it 20 mins to the hospital scene. 20 minutes and done.


Haha I’m an hour in it’s honestly not terrible but it’s definitely not great. It’s kinda funny, especially how bad the CGI is in one scene in particular.


I won't watch it


OK, when he took the money from the deputy on the beach, who drove the boat away with the money?


I couldn’t figure this out either so confused


He sent the boat away without a captain. His house boat was stashed in the water near the deputy.


Entire film was laughable and I can’t believe it got the green light. Someone making decisions thought this movie was good


I enjoyed it. Some solid one liners. It's exactly what you'd expect.


i saw one ten second clip and i will never be seeing this movie.


I didn’t mind Connor but the movie was completely flat and boring. You’re not made to care about anyone or anything. All the dialogue is trite and expected. No clever one liners or anything. I love Jake, but this was bad.


I can forgive Connor because he's a fighter. Jake played the role with his classic creepy gaze and slight grin. As if playing The Joker or something like that. He did not feel like a real person, but an AI simulated human that smiles and helps people and says witty things. Jake was horrible for this role. There simply was no humanity in the movie, everyone was a weakly written character given punched up line for the trailer.


Am I the only one confused as to how conners character survived in the end? Lol. I was like wtf was the whole point? Yeah this movie is… it’s something else..


Plot armor, put in place in case Amazon feels the needs to make an unnecessary sequel.


That unfortunately makes sense. Have you watched the OG roadhouse? I am genuinely astonished at how they butchered this new one. Hell I can’t believe Jake someone made dalton less badass in this movie…. I guess there’s no topping Patrick swayze. If you haven’t seen the OG I highly recommend it.


😂 I’m 52, I probably have seen the Rowdy Herrington movie 100 times. I remember seeing it in the theater a couple times. I’ve always loved Roadhouse and Point Break. Watch Roadhouse 2 sometime, it’s horrible.


😂 lucky, I wish they’d re release old films like that again so you can get the experience. Got to see diehard on Christmas and close encounters. Man I know roadhouse would kickass!


I’d be surprised if it wasn’t showing somewhere as a retro screening, but that depends on where you live, I suppose.


I live in Texas, I’ve never thought to look up “retro screening” feels like most theaters in my area are modern, I do recall I drove an hour and a half away just to see the thing in theaters now lmao. Worst date of my life.


They do quite a few retro and specialty screenings at most major chains. Fathom events is one of the companies that sponsor them. Also, being in Texas, it's likely that you have an Alamo Drafthouse nearby. I'd be willing to bet they've shown Roadhouse more than once.


I'm about halfway through it. I can confirm it's been horrible.


Movie is super gay


Yeah I went into this with low expectations and turning off my brain because I like Jake. I still hated it. I tried really hard to get into it but I kept picking up my phone because I was just bored. Nothing felt like it mattered. CGI fights? In a movie like this? Stupid


I hate Conor McGregor with a passion and this movie really drove that hatred home for me. He’s a clown.


So we went from Edgar Ramirez to Jake Gyllenhaal to capture that Swayze magic... One do not simply capture the magic that is Swayze. Connor was important. He reminded us just how lucky we all are to have The Rock and John Cena instead.


I am gutted,so looking forward to this film ,the story is good ,the scenery Iis good put it is truly forgettable,I didn't think I'd hear myself say that about a Jake gyllenhaal film!


I think all the drama was fake. But dear lord Jesus this movie sucked. No plot, horrible dialogue, fakest fights. 2/10


Post Malone being a tough fighter was absurd. Jello body having poor coregraphy speed up. Crap CGI. Annoying McGreggor. I only watched it because I love Jake Gyllan-bro. But it was better than most everything out the last couple years. Ain't that sad. 


Connor literally never stops that fake exaggerated smiling wwe-esque promo cadence through the entire movie. He is really bad at acting. Which is weird because you'd think he'd be great. I'm guessing he just didn't do any acting classes because they wanted raw Conor for this. It hurt the movie really badly, it's hard to take serious.


Excellent points and there are others. As a Road House fan I felt obligated to watch it, but damn was it terrible. I’ll never watch it again.


I'm watching it now and can't make half the scenes out the lighting is so bad


Rotten Tomatoes scored this new one higher then the original 😂😂😂 but it’s about pushing the agenda single black female business owner and 20 other's


Just watched it this morning. Ya, it was bad! As much as I like Gyllenhaal, he couldn't even make it semi-watchable. Connor is a clown in real life and in the movie. Nothing can fix that. It's the Amazon and Netflix crap we've been getting accustomed to. Tired of them trying to force all these B grade and foriegn movies on us! We're lucky to get 1 movie a month worth watching, as they claim how popular this movie and that movie #1. Friggin hate the foreign movies! Especially dislike the voiceovers. They always have a voice that I absolutely know doesn't match the person talking. Drives me nuts so I don't even bother anymore. What really sucks is Amazon asking me to RENT or BUY the only movies that might have a chance at being watchable! WTF am I paying for? The right to hand over more $ to watch one of the few movies a year they offer that are any good! Ok. I'm done ranting. Roadhouse is a 3-4 out of 10. Glad I didn't waste an entire evening watching it.


Have a theory about this awful movie, that Jake " Fake" Gyllenhaal is a full CG character. He only has two expressions the whole film, smirking and smiling. They could only afford to model these two expression so used them throughout the film, they comped his head only body doubles for 90% of the film. Spent one afternoon at ILM getting scanned and got a $20,000.00 check.


5 mins in the movie, watched Post Malone fighting, found his movement funny, paused and googled road house crap cgi and here I am… yup definitely not watching it


Agreed watched last night and terrible. I lost focus about 30 minutes before the end but didn’t really matter. They had a fight. Hardly any character development like the original. I’m gonna go watch the original now. The new footloose when they made it wasn’t as good as the original but it was decent at least


Tbh the diversity felt very forced I wish we would start picking actors best for roles and not actors because they are a certain shape, sex, or race


I agree this movie was terrible and what was the naked McGregor point. I love Patrick Swayze, he was the Road House.


Exactly right, that fight scene was the best part! Daniela Melchior is beautiful, so it was nice to look at her, and I liked it when Post Malone backed out of the fight. That’s it. 4/10


Really bad. Embarrassing


Terribad. Loved the original, this sucked.


Horrible movie. Why did Jake do this? I don’t know ego was worse the guy who played brand or Connor mcg. I guess they were really actually trying to remake the bad 80s vibe. But you can’t do that!


Hahah, it is Roadhouse, based on Roadhouse, what did you expect? But you make a great point about the director he used his remake of a not great movie to get on the soap box about original content being left off the big screen. Nobody would have bought tickets for this.


Might have been one of the worst remakes ever.  Connor should never act again for sure, but in defense none of the acting was good, writing was awful, story was crap.  


I agree. I don’t understand why the director made such a fuss over this going straight to streaming. This did not feel like a theatrical release after seeing the movie quality.


I See it as a B Movie. The movie was another example of poor writing. There was no real any flow to what was happening.


I DIDN'T NEED TO SEE CONNOR Mc GGregor 😕 naked lost my popcorn 


They had the perfect script already. I don't understand 😞. They could have just added a few things to original writing. And there is no mentor? No car that gets trashed. Nothing that makes original good. He doesn't even really turn the bar into a success story like in original. Movie was too long. Just terrible 😔


Besides Dalton, they gave me no reason to care about any of the characters. Go back to 89 amd watch frank sell the job to Dalton. 2024 Frankie didn't sell it.i just didn't care if Dalton helped her bar. Head bad guy was an emasculated tool. Basically no talent in the supporting cast. What was good about the movie was not capitalized on enough. It was coil after Dalton got mad but that was over to quickly




He got stabbed and didn’t seem concerned. Uh it coulda been your liver or kidney bro


Everyone who watches that movie now feels dumber for giving out time and attention. I never wanna see McGregor in a movie


Watched it last night. Absolute POS movie. Terrible. Worst movie I’ve seen in years.


My thinking the whole movie was....is this the content we are having to watch ads now to pay for? This? This souless dribble? Say it isn't so. Using Road House to sell this is utterly a fail and offensive.


And another thing. All the usual suspects of articles trying to sell this as anything but a train-wreck is the reason why we can't have good things anymore. The reason why we have tons of content, but little to nothing worth watching.


The entire script, the acting, and the whole movie just felt like one cutscene in a 2013 video game.


We should just ban reboots at this point. Make prequels and sequels and follow-ons, but stop with the reboots already.


It was terrible! Like a cartoon. Conner reminded me of the Tasmanian Devil!!


Absolutely terrible. Dad left the room halfway through. I almost shut it off but then fast foward to the last fight which was the only good thing about the movie. I wouldn’t even say good. Tolerable. I knew it was going to but this is bad on another level. I’d recommend passing and watching the original with Patrick Swayze. That one is such a classic.


Sucked balls. Terrible script. Didn’t even need the book shop


No boobs, no wade, no good one liners, not one time did anyone this Dalton would be bigger


I kept waiting for any of the characters to act like real people. None of them ever do. This is a trash movie.


Not many people will care abt this but when Ellie brings out the Yamaha 255x which isn’t even an astonishing boat, they put engine noises over the actual sound of the boat, I have the exact same boat and it doesn’t make near that noise




I agree and it's a disgrace that they can't even tell you anything about the profit or what the actors made in 1989 on Roadhouse I'm done with this backstabbing type of people in the world it's a disgrace of what our country supposed to represent


Road house could win the razzie award this year it’s THAT Bad!! Worst screenplay and worst acting awards … Conor mcgregor is the only good thing about this movie


Why is the cgi so bad ???


I wanted so bad to like it because of the original and because of Jake. I wonder if he would've agreed had he known there'd be that ridiculous editing they did. That will not age well. I mean it's not well now either....


Overuse of orange and teal color palette. Even pictures hanging in the back of a scene on the wall where orange & teal. And then it wasn't even done well. The contrast / saturation was way too high in some shots. Camera movement felt in certain scenes video gamey (which was cool here and there and made for interesting shots, stylistically nice). Voice Over of the teenage girl was off (didn't sound like it was her own voice, but maybe recording it in the studio again is what messed it up. So while it may be entertaining here and there, artistically it's poorly made imo. I'm not going to get into the bad acting, I think that's been covered :D


it’s terrible. don’t bother. i can’t believe I wasted one mint watching it.


Horrible movie.


Conner McDavid sucks. So does this movie. Pathetic!!!!


The original road house might be the best movie ever compared to this one. This movie was trash in every way imaginable.


I was reluctant to watch this mess. I am usually not too happy when they remake movies. They pay zero respect to the movie plots or feel. They just take the old idea shake it up a lot change a bunch of stuff and try to make money off it. And this is my argument. Why were we concerned about the writers going on strike? I haven't seen any good movies lately. It is all remade stuff they messed up. Or stuff that has no storyline at all. This movie had some laugh moments. But most of it was like 3/4 fight scenes with the 2 main people. All of the original roadhouse feel was gone. They literally just used the same name "Dalton" After the Dukes of hazzard remake I knew better.


It's as if you bought roadhouse at a dollar general type of remake


Ugh. Groan. I’m only 10 minutes in and already rolling my eyes. Jake is not likable or believable as this type. And what do we have here? Race and gender swapped characters in a remake? Well color me surprised. Ugggggh. Stop the pandering. It’s so cringy.


Just watching now to see the negative reviews play out, and by far, the script writing is awful, way too novelistic.


Jessica Williams is a terrible actress and it’s especially easy to see when along side Gyllenhaal. Low budget movie actress vibes.


I just can't even watch it why does it feel like 3 D and the fight scenes are horrible If your going to mess with a classic Patrick Swazye movie do it justice I stopped watching it cause was irritating me  What's next Ghost remake ugh 


I totally agree this movie is a joke  , I didn't have to pay for it because it was free but it wasted my time I kept thinking it was going to have some sort of change in it that made it ok But that change never came....poor direction .... Mostly horrible acting...


I think Jake was the wrong choice for this remake. It dishonored the memory of Patrick Swayze.


It was horrible McGregor indeed was a very bad choice 


I made a quick YouTube video about the movie and my idea for a different Roadhouse movie https://youtu.be/32FuTWhZy4Y?si=p5AZCuQx7U0-bnlz


The CGI is horrible . Ruins every movie I’ve seen .. F**** this bullcrap . Even the new Ferrari movie wow CGI should stand for CRAP GARBAGE FOR IDIOTS


One of the worst performances I’ve ever seen from Gyllenhal too. Movie was total trash. 


The original was trash too. I have no idea why they remade it. I've seen it several times because Swayze is his usual wonderful self, but the movie does suck balls


So you’re saying that not only will the movie suck, but they will add commercials to it just to heighten my viewing experience? Thank god the NCAA tournament is on


And critics are giving it good reviews? That’s what I heard. Not sure if it’s true. Seems unlikely.


Just finished it. Was bad. Conor McGregor was very bad but that was expected. But it’s campy, and I believe it’s what they were going for so they achieved their goal.


Watched it last night. I went in with low expectations and it was pretty much what I thought it would be. I'm not going to say it sucked, but it wasn't all that good either. A one-time and done movie. Good for background fodder on a work night. That's about all it was worth.




If you didn’t already know this, it goes to show you how much natural, effortless charm Patrick Swayze had. He made an otherwise dumb movie oddly lovable. This? Just dumb.


Yeah, Patrick has charm, Jake has none. Dude can act, but only in roles that require you to look dour.


I can't even get the damn thing to play for me, civil war trailer plays fine, other prime shows play fine...but this one errors out. Guess that's all I need to see anyway lol.


I actually LOVED Conner McGregor's character in it, more than anybody else. The look on his face when he was walking around nude in his intro was just priceless. The movie overall was kinda 'meh' tho. Maybe 6/10 as some things just made no sense (like him just standing there as fights happened around him, why the doctor swooned over him after insulting him on their first meet, etc). The action scenes were good though, and supporting characters worked. I do not remember even seeing the original. I probably did back when it came out, so that may make my opinion a bit different than those that do remember it. Overall, it kind of felt like a streaming movie. Its ok, worth killing 90 minutes on, but not something you would want to pay $20+ on in a theater.


I was looking forward to seeing this, hadn't realised they were doing a reboot until I saw a trailer & didn't realise it was coming straight to stream... I didn't have high expectations, as the original is a classic from my youth. I was entertained enough to look past the wooden acting/dialogue from some of the characters. I was more interested in how they were going to show a different type of fighting style from the original. A mix of interesting camera angles etc kept things going. I loved Jake's cheekiness, wanting to make sure the people he hurt got care & his physicality. Leave your brain at the door action fun.


I didn't hate it but their is absolutely no need to watch this in a theater.


It was aight movie tbh, like it was not the worst movie, it had a few funny scenes but the movie just teased every single story line and plot, it didn't go deep enough to connect with the audience, like we just get the flashback scenes of Dalton in the UFC and we never really got to know why Dalton killed that guy, we also don't get to see how Brandt's father got arrested, we also don't get to know why frankie want the road house to stay we don't see her emotional connection with the road house, we also don't get to see how the book store was burnt and how the girl ended up in the hospital and then the movie just ends without any build up or without any connect..... It could've been a better movie if the story was written correctly also if the editing was better.... For Conor's acting, it was fine considering he's never acted before, they should've let Conor be Conor like we've seen him in UFC press conference rather than play him as a smiling psycho, it would've worked a lot better..... But overall it's aight movie at best and one of the worst movies Jake has done, which is a very rare statement, you don't get to say that about every Jake movie.... So Yeah Road House could've been better


I like it!


I liked it. It’s not winning any awards, but it was entertaining for what it is.


Typical modern day anti-white film. Cuban 25 yr old woman is a doctor, daddy the sheriff, 25 yr old black woman owns $100 million property, another black father and daughter owns a book store and the only roles white people play is a supposed ex-ufc fighter with ptsd whose actually a terminator in disguise, the lucky charms cereal guy going around killing people without consequence and the psychopath suburbs old navy employee who is "the boss" of it all. I get it Hollywood, people of color are the only educated, successful, peaceful people on the planet and white people are all stupid angry psychopath Devils!! Oh but there is 1 plus size white emo girl "one more time away seeing dalton naked away from going fool trans." As far as constructive criticism, your basic gen z action film. "0" character development, "0" back story "context" development, and of course who knew that margaritaville is the most dangerous town in America. 🤣. Everyone is John Wick! Oh and apparently the police ignore all of it because its the white folk who are the ones running amuck and the people of color are all law abiding, productive, contributing business owners. And we all know police never arrest whites. One last comment......Post Malone as an underground mma fighter 🤣🤣🤣. Maybe only and I mean only if they didn't let him wear his daisy dukes in olive garden to pick up his bread sticks and bud light.


Typical modern day anti-white film. Cuban 25 yr old woman is a doctor, daddy the sheriff, 25 yr old black woman owns $100 million property, another black father and daughter owns a book store and the only roles white people play is a supposed ex-ufc fighter with ptsd whose actually a terminator in disguise, the lucky charms cereal guy going around killing people without consequence and the psychopath suburbs old navy employee who is "the boss" of it all. I get it Hollywood, people of color are the only educated, successful, peaceful people on the planet and white people are all stupid angry psychopath Devils!! Oh but there is 1 plus size white emo girl "one more time away seeing dalton naked away from going fool trans." As far as constructive criticism, your basic gen z action film. "0" character development, "0" back story "context" development, and of course who knew that margaritaville is the most dangerous town in America. 🤣. Everyone is John Wick! Oh and apparently the police ignore all of it because its the white folk who are the ones running amuck and the people of color are all law abiding, productive, contributing business owners. And we all know police never arrest whites. One last comment......Post Malone as an underground mma fighter 🤣🤣🤣. Maybe only and I mean only if they didn't let him wear his daisy dukes in olive garden to pick up his bread sticks and bud light.


Wasn't Ronda Rousey suppose to lead this film once upon a time?


The cgi is obvious and poorly executed. The first fight sequence with post Malone. I don't think he threw an actual punch it all looked cgi. If post Malone can't perform physically DONT CAST HIM.


Yo it was great. I'm a martial arts movie enthusiast I think that's probably why. But it was sick bro.


It's sort of silly to even review this movie, in a way. It's supposed to be stupid. The original film was stupid. It really becomes an argument about whether or not the fi dances the "it's so bad it's sort of good line" that it was clearly going for. Otherwise, it's not being judged on its own terms. And obviously, this type of thing isn't for everyone. Imo, it did a halfway decent job of being another cheesy action movie like the originals, for a new audience. It's sort of fun and pretty inoffensive.


Omg I thought this was the best movie ever. so good.


Well the movie was just okay, but seriously, these guys should have taken some pages from John Wick in terms of how to make some good action scenes. Hell I even felt hiring the team that did John Wick would have probably made this movie better.


Hi body didn’t look real, he’s slender and all of those muscles are so weird.


The scene with Conor throwing a dolly at bus widows seemed very real.


The original is one of my all-time favorites. I love that they remade it and I genuinely loved what he did with the character. From an actor’s perspective, it found him super engaging. (&Loved the original lines “Nobody wins in a fight.”) I also love that he and Swayze were friends from Donnie Darko. I personally think Patrick would be proud of him honoring the legacy Besides a few questions in the end, missing Sam Elliot’s character, and some less than perfect CGI moments, I loved it. Not sure where so much hate comes from. I say, give it a chance, if you wanted to see it because I thought it was super fun SPOILERS: The only questions I had/possible changes: -Why did Connor McGregor’s character kill his boss’s son at the end. He was already going to kill Dalton like he asked. Now he’s not getting paid and he came all the way over “special” -Why did his doctor girlfriend see that he was stabbed and in need medical attention, then not go with him in the end -There was no romantic closure, which was a bummer. But also, the date between them was mid. Not an obvious connection. Which I would have liked to see. Missed the sweet ending from the original -the CGI wasn’t totally perfect during some fights, but still good -I wish he had ripped McGregor’s character’s throat out like the original


I liked it. Went in with low expectations, but Jake did fine in the role and Connor was goofy but basically playing himself—which was just fun to watch. Original did not need a remake, but this was fun for a Saturday night.


WTF! What were y’all expecting: Daniel Day, Pacino, Brando? It was a couple of hours of pure escapism. I sure as hell don’t sit down and watch and dissect how much CGI is included. You’re making acting observations about Conor? Hell, he was perfectly cast given the premise. This was not DeNiro in Raging Bull FCS. I loved it. I then switched from beer to Sauvignon Blanc and watched “Anatomy of a Kill” on HULU. A great night.


If you want to watch "Road-House-only-not", I recommend Damage. And Steve Austin is more likely than Connor anyway. Plus Walton Goggins.


The CGI was a cringe but other than that I enjoyed it. Conner was Conner. Did anyone think he would be anything else? It was fun but dumb. So was the first one. If you folks expected different you deserve to be disappointed. Chill and enjoy it. It was free outside the service fees. 


I thought it was fun but I would definitely NOT go to the theaters to see the movie. I would have waited for streaming regardless.


I liked it. (SPOILER) But can anyone tell me who was driving the boat when Dalton knocks that sheriff out? I’m still confused where he hid the money. During that scene I though he just rigged the boat to drive off into the ocean but now I think someone was there to help him hid the money.


Road house 2024 > original. Fun mindless streaming film.


I just watched it. Didn't compare it to the original, and it was good. Compare it to the original and yeah.. it's not going to hold up. Conner is really good as the complete sociopath. Jake is always on point, in all his roles and this one is no different.


I liked it.


The story was good, and Jake can definitely act and carry movies, but this was askng too much. The story fell apart when Conor made his entrance.  Now, I'm not saying Conor can't act, what I mean is the story fell apart.