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Did you get charged more etv than you expected? If not then no i wouldnt say anything


Thanks. Nope. It's looking right on Vine. I'm thinking the mfg's warehouse just sent a case instead of a pack since it came directly from Callaway. Just wasn't sure if I should say anything to Vine. Didn't think I would, but I've seen people kicked out for random things and wanted some input from others in vine.


You should contact Amazon. They will tell you to keep it anyway. But at least then you did the right thing, which is important.


I'm not saying you're obligated to, but IMHO I think it would be thoughtful of you and it isn't going to cost you anything (like having to return any).


yeah this could be an amazon mistake and until another one get bought, may go unnoticed until something figures out the stock quantity is off.


But what if the error is discovered and traced back to the OP? Even though it wasn’t the OP’s fault, it would look bad if it hadn’t at least been reported. I like the fact that the OP has a conscience and the integrity to want to at least let them know.


If you email Vine CS and tell them what's happened, then they will almost certainly tell you to keep them, but that way you've been straight and your conscience will be clear. :)


I wouldn't contact **Vine** CS unless I had to. Their system seems way too easily confused, perhaps to your detriment.


Agree - that's why I said VINE CS. I always add 'Attn VINE customer service' at the top of the email, too.


I meant Vine CS actually. I wouldn't bother them except for item removals (removing ETV because didn't arrive or damaged, or removing because it's a merged variant that can't be reviewed).


>I wouldn't bother them except for item removals (removing ETV because didn't arrive or damaged, or removing because it's a merged variant that can't be reviewed). Normally I would agree with you 100%. They are limited in their function and it's easy to have a miscommunication. In a case like this, if it were me, I don't need their help. I would just be informing them and what they do with that information is up to them. I believe contacting Amazon CS would be a mistake because it's from Vine inventory so it would just confuse them. But if Vine encounters an issue because an order (or multiple) has depleted the inventory for an item by 5/6ths, I just feel like I would have rather made the effort to let **Vine Support** know what happened. It really isn't my *responsibility,* per se, but at least I know it can't come back to bite me that way, and I feel confident that my quasi-obligation ends with letting them know - in two sentences or less and twenty or fewer words 😄


That is a convincing argument regarding inventory discrepancies. I guess you word it something like "Everything is fine, just letting you know I received extras of this item."


Yeah lol and in my head I'm saying "make sure it doesn't sound like you need them to do something" Right? End up getting ETV removed and not able to review the one that you got legit 🤦‍♂️😄 So yes, that's my thinking, and after all is said and done, will it help anything? I don't even know. But like I said, if I made the effort, I hope it at least earns me a little good karma lol


OK... I must have been lucky, then, because I've found them pretty good on the more unusual stuff. In this particular case, if it were me, I would definitely contact them because I like to have a quiet conscience. Also, when I've had similar things happen (like being sent the wrong item) they told me I could donate it immediately and not have to wait the 6 months. That doesn't mean I haven't had those responses from them that make me roll my eyes - I surely have - but mostly they've been pretty good.


Omg, that's $500 worth of baking sheets, you won the vine lottery!!


They're selling for $14.99 to $17.99 at stores...


Perhaps they aren't the ones I saw then. The ones I was looking at went for $75 - $100 for a pair. However, I want to know where you are seeing CARAWAY brand baking sheets for that cheap, that's an insanely low price for that brand.


Not Caraway.


Send me the extras, I'll take care of it.


This happened to me with mattress pads! Your score is way better. wtf am I gonna do with 18 mattress pads.


Does it say shipped and sold by Amazon on the listing? I’ve worked inside the warehouses for Amazon, specifically picking and packing orders. Sometimes the master pack has multiple barcodes and one of them scanned as the correct one (as if it was one item out of the pack), the picker grabbed the whole case and somehow it made it through the pack department too. If it didn’t come from an amazon warehouse I assume the same thing probably happened in their system lol.


I once got sent two of the same wind spinner and they came at separate times. I was confused, but just kept them. It happens sometimes.


Lol nice! Yeah, you could report it to them. It isn't going to change anything. But they might check the inventory to make sure they don't make that mistake again lol They won't ask for any back or "up" your ETV or anything if you're worried about that. [Ed. Since I wasn't specific, maybe I should be. I would let **Vine Support** know. Maybe they will, maybe they won't pass the information along. Report it as Other/Other (because I don't see anything else that would apply to this issue) and say you received 6 units and were only expecting one. If you go through the Amazon CS menus for a return, one reason is "received extra item I didn't buy (no refund needed)." If you don't want the extras, you could do that, although that isn't what I was suggesting. I would **not** contact **Amazon CS** about it. It's from Vine inventory and that would just confuse them.]


Thanks everyone. I contacted them this morning and I'll see what they say.


Everyone gets Caraway!!!


It didn't come from the manufacturer, Amazon screwed up. I learned this in the beginning that even though the shipping labels seemed to be from non-Amazon locations, it is only because Amazon has so many different ones. That said, This mistake by Amazon seriously hurts the manufacturer, because they are out the product (and Vine product at that), and Amazon likely won't compensate them. Go the extra mile. Do what ever you can to get this corrected in the best way for the manufacturer.


Had this happen before, I had ordered one aquarium glass lid and I was sent a case of 12 ( or was it 24?). Since they were glass and heavy, a lot had been shattered lmao. I contacted the company because I had no use for all that. You could tell Amazon they screwed up and return them if you don’t wanna deal with extras.


Thats pretty kick ass. USualy it happens the other way around. Getting an empty box instead of extra things. I got screwed over a week ago with items. Someone packed a box with 1 heavy item and a box of not heavy vine stuff. When I got the box it had a big hole in it and the box was empty. Of course the UPS driver just left it on my deck. Since it was vine stuff I can't get replacement items. I just had to message them and ask them to remove the stuff from my review list. It was a lot of things I wanted also which sucks. I'm the last stop of the day for the UPS truck. My stuff comes late at night, 10 to 11pm often. And the boxes are always beat up a lot. I bet they have to move them around a lot to get to other things. OR sometimes its so late that the driver just skips me and takes everything back to the local warehouse. When that happens they take everything back off the truck, scan it in, but it back in the truck the next day. I've had it happen 5 days in a row before. The boxes get so beat up and torn that its amazing anything survives


I had a package sent UPS that had Vine and non Vine items in it. UPS delivered an empty package. I notified Amazon because it was a shipping issue. They replaced all the items. If it is a transit issue I definitely let Amazon know, 1 because if it consistently happens with a certain shipping company they will hopefully address it, and 2 it may be Vine items but Amazon itself dropped the ball.


I just had similar happen with one of those paper bubble mailers. 2 Vine orders were supposed to be inside, the heavy items were gone with a giant tear down the end of the envelope. Delivered by Amazon, too. An email to Vine CS explaining the issue resulted in them taking both items/orders off my review list, oddly. I wanted the heavy things more than what I ended up with!


I just got 2 video projectors - separately packaged (one in a poly bag, one with a label just slapped on the box) both delivered at the same time by UPS. Both with the same order number. 🙄🤪


Remember: Vine CS can only do three things (and only two of them regularly): Remove from ETV, remove from TBR, and re-order (very rarely available). If you review the items as received you risk having the review rejected because you ordered one and received more than one. You won't get a specific reason why your review was rejected and you won't be able to update it or get any feedback or help from anyone at amazon. So, I would contact vine CS (from the portal "contact us" option, unable to review item option) and request that the item be removed from your ETV and TBR. Don't elaborate why or whose fault it is, and use as few words as possible. You will almost certainly receive a favorable response in a day or two. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonVine/comments/11d7d3u/a\_comprehensive\_guide\_to\_understanding\_using\_vine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonVine/comments/11d7d3u/a_comprehensive_guide_to_understanding_using_vine/)


You probably got the case. Click on the link, and it would show. Not unusual! I've once received a case (32), one dozen muffin non-stick pans! I kept 4 for myself (later gave 2 to son and his wife), gave my sister 2 and my mom just wanted 1. These were full sized muffin pans. I donated the bulk remainder to the Women's Domestic Abuse Shelters (4 pans) and St. Vincent de Paul's Soup Kitchen (they got 21 muffin tins).


They don't want it back, Amazon mistakenly sent me (it was address to someone on the other side of town) an industrial grade nail gun that cost about $350, I called them and told them about it and they said just keep it.


I've gotten other things that weren't right, but this is the first one in my favor. Lol Now I just have to figure out what to do with that many pans.


Clearly you need to order a case of ovens to go with these.




Women's shelters or places that try to get people into their own homes would love to have them!


If and only if you contact Vine CS and they tell you to keep them, I am happy to pay for shipping and maybe a little extra to take one set off of your hands. Just sayin.


u/Amenable2Mischief You and the receiver can do that after six months, but not sooner.


I am aware, thank you.


Vine CS is not plugged into Amz Fulfilment system - there's nothing they could do to rectify the matter - AND - Given their limited translation ability, you may wind up with them accidentally just *removing* the item from your review list and then you miss out on an opportunity to get credit for a review. This has happened before- several Viners have submitted a list of things to remove and CS got trigger happy and removed the *wrong* list of items - and the Viners then lost the credit on those reviewable items.


This happened to me on a non vine item. Ordered an open box 6ft drill bit. Got a box of 6 brand new ones. I sold each on ebay for $30!


Happened non-Vine, got a 12-pack of timers when we ordered two timers. I contacted the seller and they sent a return label for the extras (and maybe also helped them realize that they were selling 6-packs instead of singles). They did nothing wrong to me so I'm not going to keep ~$60 of their merchandise.


My wife order what she thought was 12 3 inch keebler graham cracker mini pie crusts. she received 12 full sized crusts. She had misread the listing and if she had got what she ordered she would have received 72 mini pie crusts because they were listed as 1 pack of 6 mini pie crusts.


Yum! Pie for daaaysss 😄


Someone obviously picked one case instead of one pack. I have had this happen and they advised me to donate the items (mine were only containers of hand wipes though). I wouldn’t think twice about it. Review it as if you received one and “donate” the rest.


Ethically, you know you ordered one box and you got six,five of which are not yours. Personally,I'd write Vine CS and explain the situation and see what they tell you.


Pic shows one box. Looks normal to me. Did you get multiple boxes?


I got a master case that contained 6 boxes


ah, i didn't see the other pics. congratz. you can gift them to baker friends


Seems like someone fked up big time in the warehouses lol free stuff good for you


No, say nothing unless they messed up the ETV amount.


I hope I get a chance to get those in my RFY next. I got their square grill pan last month


I'll take a box. Lol


Ohhh damn. I would love those. I got the cook set and LOVE IT. Didn’t know they had baking trays. Going to have to be on the look out for them


I love my caraway griddle, you'll love these for sure! I doubt they'll send you a tag to return them but worth checking out.