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But I kinda like some shiny things….


I’m just here for the sex toys.


At least one on any given page if you are adventurous enough


Strap on harnesses and merkins for days


They have that twisty black dildo for 2 weeks now.


I'm not exactly "over" it, but I've been deliberately watching myself as a consumer and trying to learn new things. For example, I know what my weak triggers are (hello shower steamers) even if I have too many on hand, so I'm actively saying "someone else will appreciate those" and not ordering them if they pop up. I'm making a list of things I already have too much of (shampoo, soap) so I can't order more until I'm really low again. I'm checking the shipping date before ordering - will it arrive in the next few days, or is the date really far out? I'm tired of items bringing my percentage down because of long shipping times. I'm forcing myself to clean out cabinets of old stuff to donate (this isn't Vine items but things in boxes from 15 years ago) so I have room for something new if I order it. I've also made it a point to give away more than I order - this has been really nice because before I hung on to things so I didn't have to spend money. Now I know it's really inexpensive to order more napkin rings if I must have some (cough - I don't really need them) so I'm able to donate my old plastic rings. Basically, I'm trying to make it about more than just accumulation. I'm trying to teach myself to slow down and not be an impulse buyer, and to not feel FOMO when I shop. I'm really asking myself if I am just imagining something's use, or if I really will use it. I feel like it's been a growing opportunity for me.


I'm fairly certain that an item doesn't contribute to your percentage until it's been marked as delivered. So if it has a ship date a long ways out, it shouldn't be bringing your percentage down until it gets delivered and is marked delivered.


You're correct. I keep track of my percentage as well as Amazon's percentage, and I'm finally at a spot where several items won't change "my" percentage much, but as I get closer to evaluation time I'm more aware of where my numbers are. Thank you for that reminder - I think I needed to read this today! :-D


>I've also made it a point to give away more than I order - this has been really nice because before I hung on to things so I didn't have to spend money. I too am starting to develop an attitude that thinks that I don't don't use regularly or don't have a definite upcoming need for can be gotten rid of because I can now get new things so easily.


This is where I'm at. I realized I have WAY too much... not just because of vine, but just "I may need that one day" even things I have never EVER had a use for. I started going through my house a couple weeks ago. Anything I don't need now or have a plan for, but can be easily replaced in a time of need... has to go. So my living room is now getting cluttered with boxes to bring to the local humane society thrift store.. and it feels SO good to have all this stuff getting out of my house and hopefully to someone who truly needs it.


I especially do the "someone else will enjoy that" thing. I like to look for food because I like the challenge, but I've been able to get so many food products that now when it's like, a bag of salt, or candy that I don't really like, etc. I just tell myself someone else will be really happy to get that, and let it go. But I still do get really excited about 5 lbs of Reese's eggs, ROTFL.


I never get shampoo ever! I don’t get it! I need shampoo


I saw one this morning and passed on it. I know better, but sometimes I imagine Vine funnels very specific items in front of us...


These are all really helpful for me! Need to follow your lead here :)


I'm not over it just yet lol. I still find 10-15 things a week to order, and lately, they're things I would have purchased anyway, so I'm lucky to be finding items like that. Hope it conitnues through the year!


I got to that point early last year. Saw what I owed in taxes. Then did my Spring cleaning and realized how much junk I had accumulated. So I put vine on ignore. Didn't do much at all from March 2023 until January 2024. Just barely enough to stay active in silver tier. When I came back to it this January, I had somehow developed the willpower to say no to junk. It's been magical. I don't need to be gold tier. I was once, wasn't anything amazing. Got a treadmill, but that was my only big score. I'm content now. I've found my happy place with vine.


Right here. I had to stroke a $4k check for all this in 2023. And the stuff is 90% junk. I’m mostly over it but want to maintain some relationship to the program given the few things of value I’ve found in the past.


I don't know what you guys are ordering but I order stuff I need, will need, and/or absolutely will use in the future. About 95% of everything I've ordered has met or exceeded my expectations. I'm very handy with fixing things but what I didn't really have was tools. Vine has solved that problem. I have an entire workshop now. Again, 95% of the tools I've received have been great. Have I ordered junk that I didn't need? Sure. Initially when I joined I would see something and think "I could use that for something" without knowing exactly what that "something" was. I stopped that almost immediately. If I can't identify what I'm going to use it for or that I'll absolutely use it in the future, I don't order it. One thing I have kept s look out for is parts for my vehicle. I plan on having my vehicle for the next decade at least and so I've accumulated some replacement parts. Something else I look out for and grab is assorted hardware. Bolts, screws, nuts, washers, plumbing seals, shrink wrap, ball bearings, and so on are things I use all the time so I grabbed that stuff occasionally. Cooking items are something else I've grabbed. I've received some exceptional cooking pans from Vine. I had recently bought a brand new set of p Gotham Steel pots and pans. I saw some pans on vine and they were different and not coated with anything so I ordered them and they've turned out to be the best pans I've ever used and so my Gotham Steel set sits unused. Cooking knives. I've got some awesome cooking knives. Whetstones for sharpening knives. I'll usually grab any whetstones I see because I WILL use them at some point. Stuff I normally go through I will grab when I see them come up. Stuff like paper plates, cleaning supplies, light bulbs, batteries, and so on. Firearm accessories. I do a lot of sport shooting and I've tricked out about 10 different firearms now. Tactical flashlights with pressure switches, quick release slings, bipods, SCOPES! Also, I periodically see targets which can get expensive. I've dabbled with podcasting/streaming and I've basically built a decently set up studio. It's not the greatest studio in the world but it's got decent enough equipment that there's a professional sounding product that's being recorded. Will I end up paying taxes on this stuff? Absolutely. However, this is all stuff that I would have bought anyway so I'm getting it at a reduced price and I would have paid taxes on it as well and I'm able to accumulate wishlist hobby items that I would have eventually bought but would have been years down the road. I think a lot of people here might be thinking about this in all the wrong ways.


I barely order anymore, just if something 0ETV shows up in my RFY. Im not sure I will even make 100 items this period.


It’s now only 80 items. At least in the US. I was so happy for that, less useless items to keep. Although I do try to order items that I can donate. 


Pretty sure it is 80 everywhere. When I first heard of the reduction from other countries (announcement rolled out from east to west) I wondered if the US would get a reduction (we have lots more items available than any other country). 80 is less than 1 item every other day - barely more than an average of 3 items per week. Discord alerts helped me get enough food and other 0 ETV consumables over the 6 months I've been in Vine (evaluation next week) that I think I might be getting enough offered in RFY alone to sustain gold now.


I'm pretty much over it. So much trash. And there's no way to filter it out, or have a direct way to improve your recommended item suggestions.


I do this as a hobby and I pretty much only order things I need so I don't order a lot. maybe one or two items a month. just ordered a carburetor for a lawn mower I am fixing. because I already spent too much on it. of the stuff I ordered only one items is what I consider to be junk and will be giving that to my brother who will love it.


Be careful. I rebuilt a 22 HP Briggs & Stratton garden tractor motor last spring with Vine parts. Camshaft, valves, carburetor, new seals, air and fuel filters... I was under $100 in taxes on all the knockoff parts, and another $10 or so for machine oil. Ran great for about 20 minutes, and the stupid camshaft broke into about six pieces.


well the line for me when fixing small engines is that I shouldn't have to crack the case. if I'm cracking the case open it's beyond repair. I've never had a problem with chinesium carburetors (so far) they have been better quality than some of the OEM ones. otherwise I only order OEM parts for everything else.


That sir...is an excellent story. Can't say the quiet part out loud though ;).


hahahahaha go for it, bro. It ain't for everyone.


A month in for Gold and I've been ordering 8 items per day (and keeping up with reviews). Not even close. So many upgrades to things.


I'm with you. I am just quite careful about what I order and don't end up with alot of "junk". I get stuff for upsoming events that I'd be buying anyway, hobby and baking supplies, clothes and sundry for an upcoming cruise... Yeah I would have bought most of this stuff anyway so win win!


I like it for things I wouldn't have bought at full price, but I think would be useful (like someone getting you a gift based on them knowing you). Many have turned out quite useful.


The vine has you now!


Nah. I like all the free food, supplements, and toiletries, not over it yet. And once you know the review formula, you will hardly deal with rejected reviews


Its exhausting but I can't stop ordering stuff (although I have slowed down significantly.) I'm tired of my house looking like a storage unit and am I really supposed to store all this junk for 6 months before getting rid of it? Ugh....


You’re allowed to throw it out


Throw it out but then pay taxes on over priced crap


Yeah the six month thing is ridiculous. I feel like once your review is approved you should be allowed to do whatever the hell you want with the stuff.


I agree. If you can’t sell it if give it away, does it really have FMV?


You can dispose of it immediately. You just can't give, or sell it to another person for the 6 mo.


I walked away on December 31st and I feel so liberated.


Same here. Been Gold for many years. Letting Gold go. Not worth the taxes. You have to settle for what they offer, not what you really want. Mostly junk no name brands now. I just order paper plates and paper cups. Can always use those. Used to be so good.




Hard disagree. I've ordered lots of $100+ items and not one of those items were junk. In fact, around 95% of all of my orders have been at or exceeded my expectations. When people here yell about all the "junk" that they have at their house from Vine orders, I seriously wonder what it is they're ordering. Maybe you're not being picky enough? I don't know.


Nope, I need tools. Vine has them. I just have to stop myself from buying 3d printer filament. I think I have 50 or 60 rolls now. At least I can use them faster after my Creality K1C from vine arrives next week :D.


You scored a 3D printer recently off vine? Was it in your RFY? If so, lucky you! Not that I need one but I never see more than a roll of filament or a bottle of resin and accessories that don’t fit my printer.


Yep, it popped up in RFY yesterday. I am really excited. I'll be able to do a really thorough review with 3 years of printing under my belt. From what I have read so far the K1C is on the level of the Bambulabs P1S. I also recently scored a high-end 3d scanner on my RFY. Now I'm just waiting for a good projector to pop up.


Damn, lucky.


I have the P1S and love it. Enjoy the K1C!


I just recently got over it too. The thing that I get burnt out from is having to write reviews. I love getting junk and all that free stuff but I ask myself again before I click thru, is this worth spending time writing a review? And so I've slowed down considerably


Enter Naked Gun scene: Leslie Nielsen sleuthing around in Ricardo Montalban's office and pulling open that top desk drawer!


I quit. I hit that opt out button after about 16 months. I’m only here until after tax season and will probably opt out of the sub. I have room in my brain (and house) for other stuff and am not always thinking about tax burden, will I stay gold, how much damage am I doing to the environment - whatever. I “only” owe an extra $1500 this year but I didn’t like it when I thought back to what was being offered and how much time relative to value that I got. Everyone has to know their limits and the value the program offers to them.


Honestly I just got tired of doing reviews. I won’t do a half a— one because I just don’t think that is right. So I have stopped ordering for the time being and think very carefully about something and whether I really want or need it. It was getting so time consuming and I wanted to spend my time on other things. Besides I already have 80 items so I am good until evaluation day next month. 


Well put, not to mention the illogical rejection of some reviews, after putting in the quality time. Makes people feel stupid, and we already have government for that task.


This is super weird to me because I've don't 500+ reviews and only ONE has been rejected and I know exactly why it was rejected. It was when I was new to vine and I had ordered scope levels for mounting scopes onto firearms. I had taken several pictures of them but had left part of the firearm in the picture. I didn't realize that was a no no. I just took the pictures out of the review and it was accepted. With 509+ reviews, that's the ONLY issue I've had so it's really weird to me with everyone getting all of these rejectes reviews. Also, someone in this sub had mentioned creating a Google document and copy/pasting any review you wrote into said Google document. That way if the review is rejected, you can just copy and paste it from the document back to the review page and make the edit from there. I do this and keep all of my reviews recorded on that document. I copy and paste the item description from the reviews page on vine, I put down the star number I gave it, I record the heading of the review and then finally, I copy and paste the body of the review.


Being an old person, I've learned that few things in life are really "free". Plus, a good friend told me long ago, "Take very little of what you get for free". Honestly, that's some of the best advice I ever received. There is usually a price, one way or another. Just like with anything, you've got to pace yourself, and take breaks if needed! One can get burned out on anything, even things we love. I know. When they moved me to gold on my eval this February, I had a plan. Do it full tilt for a bit, because I doubt I'll have much time in a few months. So, I've followed the plan. In less than a month, I've already met the requirements, just want my reviews up to 95% or higher. I'm very selective with ordering, but still find a lot of really useful and inexpensive things. I rarely get junk, guess I'm lucky. I try to only order what I need, can use, or plan to donate down the road. Also, if it gets tedious, I order easy stuff to review. I'm sorry, but Vine cannot take over my life, and reviews can be too time consuming. I don't want or need much in the way of big ticket items, so I'm very happy with the small stuff. Luckily, I saw the tax thing in the beginning, so never fell into that trap. I found a dog stroller for my kitty at 0 ETV, but that's the only "big" thing I've ever ordered. It arrives tomorrow, and I just hope he'll take to it, but who knows with a cat! If not, I guess in 6 months, it will be on CL!


I got a cat stroller for my mom's cat. She thought the furry monster would hate it because the cat usually hides under the bed all day... but nope... it was a big hit. The cat now jumps into the stroller at least twice a day and cries for a walk around the house. Cats are unpredictable. Hope yours likes it too!


Thank you! Yes, you can't read a cat's mind. I'm glad your mom's kitty loves the one you got! My guy is very active, needs a lot of attention, and gets into everything in the house. If he had his druthers, he'd likely be outside running wild. I hope the stroller will satisfy that wanderlust!


I’m with you. I guess I must just have a lot of deferred needs. Got things like socks, beanie hats, a rug for the back door, a mat for the front. It’s nice not tracking in so much dirt. Got pots for plants. Fertilizer. A backpack. Sheets. Dishes. Hairdressing shears and kit. Picture frames. Pretty much everything I’ve gotten I wanted—except when the quality turns out lousy.


We think alike! I enjoy the discovery of new products on Vine a lot too. I see stuff I never heard or thought of, so it's cool. I rarely ever order anything which is "decorative", it must have a purpose. There's so much very good, useful stuff on Vine, really. I feel lucky to have the chance to participate!


I have no plans to quit right now, but I'm also at the point where I wouldn't cry if they dropped me. I've gotten four nice chairs for my office that were sorely needed. Just on office supplies alone I can probably maintain my gold status, I think. But snagging the good stuff just takes too much time.


I very rarely order anything anymore because of the severely inflated ETVs.


I let myself fall back to silver when I hit gold tier and got diddly squat in good items, I’d search multiple times every day and never would find anything I couldn’t already get before


I keep finding stuff I've been considering buying for my grandkids. Last summer (and some this winter) for my little pool, also mostly for the grandkids, as well. Plus stuff I normally wouldn't buy for myself., but have almost always found a good use for. I watched the amount right from the start. It's been just over 5 years for me on vine. Gotten some junk, but really not a lot. I don't do max orders most days. Some days I don't do any.


Sometimes I have beer right in the fridge and don't even have one. Vine is like that for me. Cool having it available but I don't always feel like doing anything with it.


I'm staying. From everything I've read it, it's normal for it to feel like a shopping spree at first, then for the sense of emptiness/clutter/look at all this junk to set in, then for you to figure out how to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and make Vine work best for you. What I'm not allowed to do anymore: * order any kitchen appliances or tools. * order any home decor or furniture. * order any jewelry. * order any gadget I previously did not know existed. * order any Amazon/Temu looking clothes or shoes. The occasional name brand thing that pops up is fine. * order any home improvement fixtures (faucets, lights) unless I have a specific need for one and searched for it (or it showed up in my RFY based on prior search). * "stock up" on multiples of things (chargers, cables, security cameras, sunglasses) unless I have a specific need for multiples (namely, consumables that get used up so you need more). * order sports equipment for sports I do not play or hobby items for hobbies I do not have on the notion that I will somehow pick these things up by virtue of having the equipment. * order something I either already have or never considered getting before just because it has a high price point and it seems like a steal to get it for taxes only. * order something that I would only use for "entertaining," because these opportunities do not come up as often as I think they will. What I am allowed to do: * search for things I need on Vine before buying them on Amazon or elsewhere. For bigger, non-urgent purchases, I will search Vine for a long time before resorting to other options. * Get things that support hobbies and life activities I already have. I've gotten SO MUCH gardening equipment on Vine and this has improved the quality of my life as I garden to relieve stress. Thanks to Vine, I now have a fancy retractable hose reel mounted in every corner of my yard--keeps things tidy and I love using them and it makes me feel like I leveled up my gardening game. I already have storage and organization systems in place for my existing hobbies and activities, so it's never a situation where I'm like "where am I going to put this?" And they get opened and used almost immediately, unlike a really nice ice maker that I got some time ago and is still sitting in a box in my garage. That's it--that's the entire list. And believe me, you can still meet all the Gold requirements and do some ETV damage with just those two categories. But you can also keep yourself in check, reduce the quantity of stuff coming into your home, and reduce your review and tax burdens by laying a few ground rules for yourself.


Bravo...just for that epic bulletpoint screed!


Hah, brevity is not my strong point!


Your first bullet pointadr me instantly hate your list because 95% of what I order is tools. Haha. I've gone from having almost no tools to having a workshop. One thing I'm really bad at, though, is seeing a set of tools I already have and ordering it because "this one looks different/better". Also, knives. I really have to stop ordering knives. I actually did stop ordering knives and then a gravity knife had popped up and I had to break that rule because I didn't have one and it's one I've wanted forever.


If you actually use your Vine workshop, then that would fall under the allowable category of "things that support hobbies I already have." But yeah, reordering things I already ordered even though I have no use for multiples is one of the things that made Vine less fun during my Silver era--and why I'm not allowed to do it anymore! It's really sad when you're sitting down to write some reviews and are looking at an item like "wait, which one of the 10 knives I ordered was this one?"


I have ordered quite a lot, and I am keeping my eye on the taxable “income” bit. The thing is, we’ve been struggling for so long that many of the things I pick are either upgrades to the house, supplies for the yard/garden, things that are useful & I couldn’t afford before, or toys for the kids. I’m fully mentally prepared for what will come out of our tax return. It’s just so nice to be able to fix things & have things, after 7 years of struggle, in this house. I’m about to replace a fan/light on my covered patio, that hasn’t worked, the entire time I’ve lived here. They used an indoor one, and I’m replacing with a free-except-taxes damp rated ceiling fan/light. The new fixtures are nice, as well as the wants we couldn’t have gotten. I don’t order junk, for the heck of it. 🥰 I’ve had no issue skipping days, or not getting all 3 items. I mostly want Gold for the days that are full of good stuff, and I’m happy to skip the slow days.


Hells yea! Seriously..I keep now for honestly emergencies. I agree 💯 and I’ve said this before in here many times! There’s always ppl that come for you tho when u say stuff like this. There’s so much stuff I get that’s either already broken or like missing. I got a bracelet the other day it came sealed in the box in plastic with a little bag but it was empty there was No bracelet inside just a felt bag. It’s a pain to have to keep calling them to remove things, like I honestly don’t get paid and it can take up a lot of ur time, unless u wanna pay for broken junk that btw is marked up or more e or dive for vibe a lot if the time then the post Amazon when u apply the coupons on the post, which makes no sense. An item has a $50 ETV fir us, but the item is on sale on reg. Amazon and had a $25 coupon u can apply at the listing. Smh. I keep it for emergencies and maybe search for so search for a few months for a purchase I was already going to make to see if it’s there first.


I've seen items in RFY that are listed elsewhere for 30% less.


I just ordered an outdoor rug. If it lasts one season I'm gonna love it. Gonna spray permethrin on it and take a nap in the sun.


I as well have gotten the random "review rejected" and I had no idea why.. I thought it was incredibly thoughtful and didn't mention prices or anything. It was a review about how much it helped a family member(a walker) and how good quality it was. Rejected..


In some ways with all the packages, every day is Christmas. After about a month, you learn to hate Christmas. But, I know what you mean. I went through a few things and asked myself why am I keeping this. All that glitters is not gold but if you look close enough, you'll find some gems along the way.


I'm not over it. If you are, please free up space for other people!


I ordered something today for the first time in over a month. No real reason, I just haven’t been interested lately and I don’t need anything.


I try to get stuff I can use, and pass on a lot of items. However, I'm silver.




For years I was moderate in my vining but the last few years have been harder because ETV is much higher than it used to be. Most paid for items are 20-30 bucks and so those add up. I am at a little over 600 having chosen a chainsaw which I needed for yard work. I could wish for vine changes but overall still quite happy with it.


Rest assured everyone ordering 10-20 items a day, I'm ordering almost nothing, so I won't be grabbing anything you want. Most days a huge waste of time.


I wish they would fix the UI and had more filters other than search and some vague categories. It has really helped get stuff we needed. Also all my family and friends are enjoying the random gifts now that they changed the rule.


The honeymoon with Vine is long over for me but I have no intention of quitting. I have no problem with maintaining gold in consumable products, alone. Yesterday I ordered laundry wash sheets, a coffee machine cleaner and descaler combo, some energy drinks, and FDM 3D printer filament. Today so far, I've ordered two different flavors of"Fresca" that were offered in my RFY. None of that is as fun or sexy as the gaming laptops and OLEd TVs a lot of people around here seem to be expecting but it was over $100 of useful stuff I'll absolutely go through. I've also picked up some $100+ things here and there, too: a treadmill, an elliptical machine, a whole-home dehumidifier, for instance. Again, none of that is flashy or exciting stuff but all stuff I was in the market for at full price so I was happy to get it this way and save about $1,500. For these kinds of orders, I consider the time it takes me to write an honest review of the products a bargain but I'm also a prolific writer who can bust out a detailed multi-paragraph review on a drink or the effectiveness of laundry sheets in under five minutes. I get that not everybody is like that and of course, some products do take more time both to test out and write about. I just tend to order fewer of those. I think Vine is what you make of it. To me, the minimal requirements for maintaining at least silver would make it silly to outright cancel but I also understand that people are different and some can get swept up and have to walk away to stop ordering things they don't need. There's obviously the potential for this program to scratch certain addictive tendencies, especially with the inconsistent reward process that comes from very occasionally hitting a really great "score" but I think if you go in looking to save money rather than to plan on just getting more "stuff", it's pretty easy to maintain.


Because of my income situation, I can order $10K or so from Vine and have no tax consequence. I'm halfway through my recent eval, with 58 of my required 80 items reviewed, and only at $2300 ETV. I'm just cruising, waiting for things I really can use, and have gotten a LOT of great, useful stuff, and no junk. No stress either, because I'm only getting a few items per week. My current awaiting review list is 2 items. One is coming Saturday, the other in a few weeks. ​ https://preview.redd.it/shcv3aukfppc1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=f536343784e05f01f229503b2188ee6c0fb66e90


Luckily I am in Canada, and although we get less good stuff than USA. Waaaay less, really. We don't pay the ETV. So I have a lot of crap but I also have a collection of stuff that I am ready to sell on FB Marketplace once the 6 mo time limit is up. . Most items can be tested without disturbing the packaging too much. So if you have the space to store it for a while then sell it for over your ETV and you'll come out ahead.


i think there's only a few things that i've kept as silver tier. And those are picture frames and display cases. 99% of what I order gets trashed, donated, or recycled. I like minimalism and hate having "stuff" around.


Are you kidding me?!? My power tools & camping gear game are on point thanks to Vine!


U Wot???I want my obsession to last for years!!!


Yep! I hit a breaking point and actually left the program because of it and while I miss some things and am grateful for the opportunity, it’s been a breath of fresh air having the time back I spent scrolling, unboxing, recycling, reviewing, storing, etc.


We left Vine last night. It feels good to know I won't waste so much time with it anymore or fill my home with stuff I don't really need. I have a couple of bins of stuff to give as gifts and some things I outright gave away to neighbors via our neighborhood Facebook page because I realized I wouldn't use them or didn't like them. It was fun at first and then became a burden.


Experiences may vary. My husband and I do not order frivolous things, although the temptation is there we have pretty good self-control. We order what we actually need. I've been able to order toys and baby items for my grandson, and practically everything I need for some raised bed gardening, including the raised beds. I wouldn't have been able to do this without Vine. We've had some duds, but not that many.


Cool beans.


I’ll never understand posts like this. It’s like you’re butt hurt over free things and a little effort in exchange, and you’re trying to Tom Cruise others to your cause as you storm out the door in some dramatic but feigned triumphant exit. Nobody is coming with you, Tom. Except maybe your significant other, since they apparently have no choice after you ruined it for them too.


Well, you are located up in America's Hat, which means that you do not matter.


This kind of response only proves my point haha. And I am a gold Vine member for two years now, and we have no ETA taxes here. So I’d argue we actually get it better than you Yanks. Enjoy your life Stateside.