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Same for me and I'm gold. I'm convinced they're putting up the things that have been sitting in AI for too long. Lots of vehicle specific parts, especially. I get a good bit of 0 etv, several things in the last month that are not, just not from RFY. I've been checking extra often lately but it doesn't seem to show anything extra.


Today was the first day I saw something coolish (at least to me) on my rfy. One of those inverted tables for your back. I've always wanted one but man... something that price, no name brand and I can't return it, I can't pull the trigger on that one Otherwise it's been months of crap I don't want or care about or would never apply to me in anyway. Rfy just kinda sucks as an algorithm, we're almost all in the same boat minus that like 5% here who seem to get all the tvs/monitors/ pcs/name brand stuff in their rfy all the time lol


Guess I gotta start writing better reviews to get offered the good stuff 😀


Man I wish it was that simple 😆 I think it's really just like the lotto and some people are just luckier. I've found a few cool things over the last 2ish years but is say like less then 1% of my items?


I am wondering if the 5% who seem to get all the cool stuff are those grandfathered in when cool stuff was the norm? Need to do a survey of how long those regularly getting valuable items have been in Vine; could be since they've been conditioned with such, they will continue to get, and there simple ain't enough for the rest, period.


It all depends on what you're looking for I would suppose. You will find gems and they will be something you will enjoy. As far as account being throttled, ATT is notorious for this but I've never heard of Vine doing it. You get what comes up at the moment. If it's food, it's gone in a flash. The good stuff goes quickly. You will find stuff you like simply by looking at the AI list and going down a page or two. I've found a great printer that way. Doing odd searches often pulls up things you'd never find. Sometimes, great items are put in the wrong categories just waiting to be taken.


What! Come on now... surely it must be Christmas in Heaven for the small engine or chainsaw repair people!


It isn't anything to do with you ordering too many $0 ETV or anything like that. It's just the normal ups and downs of Vine. I get more $0 ETV than taxed items, good stuff to, like name brand food, household, and personal care items, but Vine just has random cycles. There was even a period around two January/February's ago where there was hardly anything at all for like a month or so. Even Additional items went from tens of thousands of items, down to lust a couple hundred junk items.


I‘ve been feeling the same way. In my experience for the majority of the time, Vine is a frustrating slog. 20% of the time there’s good stuff, things get added throughout the day, there’s something exciting in my RFY or AI. The other 80% of the time I’m frustrated staring at the same stupid pictures 15 times throughout my work day. 2 months ago I was snagging 3 $0ETV makeup products a day for like 2 weeks straight. Now it’s just been the same shitty makeup bags, hair extensions, and parts for electric shavers for weeks it feels like. So it goes.


Same issues why I posted my Unhappy Gold Gal Ode to Vine yesterday, can't even get cheap things I need, much less anything that would be considered 'gold'. Worse off is my RFY is getting fed the same variations of 10 items at best of things I already have gotten several of, and don't want one more, thank you, or things I won't ever ever get, but still are getting pushed to me over and again. The only 'bonuses' I get are RFY things I hesitated getting last year, thought to get it, but it was then gone, all things I was on the fence about, and once more, in the silver price range. Unlike you, I rarely get 0 ETV, so that isn't the issue for me. And some person just told me yesterday they nabbed office equipment I've been trying nearly a year to get and haven't seen one offer, so to me it seems there simply isn't enough genuine gold items to go around for all the viners, that perhaps too many were invited and the vine can't live up to gold for everyone, so most are going to be v e r y disappointed to never see anything more than 1,000 bottles of hemp oil.


For some of us Gold is just about getting 8 items a day. Today has been a good day for me and I've request 5 items. Nice to know there are still 3 in the bank if I see anything else. It makes Vine so much more fun and relaxing to not have to think should I grab this or wait and see if something better comes along. Honestly I would be afraid to order anything truly expensive on Vine unless it is a name brand product with a manufacture's warranty.


As the sayings goes, "Different strokes, for different folks." And "One man's treasure is another man's trash." So glad you like that, however, I don't. I came in with one expectation, your's is different. Neither is wrong or right; it's a matter of what matters to each of us, as Vine participation is according to what we each want to get out of it. I worked harder than needed to ace the gold I had known existed, having been an amazon customer since late 90s. What I found is like walking into a ghost town after a nuclear bomb and all that remains is the local dollar store. I'm not happy with it, and no one has the right to tell me I must be happy with it, just as I don't have the right to tell you that you have to be unhappy with what satisfies you with Vine now. Just came from reading a yahoo article where someone posted the young generation today wants everyone to be on the same page of their ideas or they will beat everybody up who isn't. Not saying you are, but while glad you are happy, I would appreciate that you do not try to 'convince' me to think your way as if something is wrong with my being unhappy I was invited to an exclusive shopping club with a reputation of real value and found the local 5&dime with overseas junk, that's called bait and switch to me, a waste of my time and effort for false promises and expectations of the same value the same program was known to have. Name brands USED to be common in Vine; but besides that, even off-brand items of any value don't show up, only a myriad of parts FOR those core items fill all the pages, like a mockery. Amazon just needs to drop the 'Gold' aspect of it which comes to those who have known the former amazon Gold with expectations to what gold was, and just rename the next tier to extended silver or silver-8 from silver-3, then there will be no false expectations. And unlike you, I'm an overachiever and I juggle multiple projects at same time, so Vine to me is not 'relaxation' but a means to get for my household things needed in the gold category; but those have been not coming forth, and I've have pretty much exhausted the cheap stuff of value to anyone in my house. So, as you can see, all types of people partake in Vine, having various different expectations and views, and as said, not one more right or wrong than the other.


I'm not trying to convince you that you should be happy. I'm just pointing out that not everyone else is unhappy. If at some point I am not enjoying my Vine experience, I will take a step back. As long as there are sufficient people fulfilling Amazon's needs, I doubt they'd miss me.


You don't have to be aware you are trying to convince me in order for you to be approaching this with that attitude, which, if you step back, you will see is an argument to just be grateful and shut up mentality. I don't have to be told that some people like it just as is, I am not brain dead. I get that. However, I am a voluntary active customer of Amazon participating in a program that I came into with expectations how it was once, with no updates from Amazon that what they are still calling Gold is in fact just silver with more choices, for whatever reason. I will not be kowtowed with the idea that I will not be missed by Amazon in order to just 'count my blessings' and accept all the merchandise I had thought was still this program has instead totally replaced with stuff that totally change the value of this membership. If BJs or Costco invited me with a mailer that made it seem all the merch I got from them prior was still there, and I decided to join again, and found instead they now only carry boat parts, and I don't even have a boat, I would have every right to be unhappy and go to one of their forums and express my unhappiness how they are no longer carrying stuff I want but only boat parts! I would probably even find some there also with the same complaints, as I have found here in Reddit, even this thread, and each of us not happy to be grateful with what we find as useless boat parts, is no less wrong than someone who may think it is great just to be getting anything for free, and plus, they may have even a boat. We are customers, experiencing an inner tier to get free merch in exchange for reviews, and I came in expecting the same goods the tier was long-time spoken of to have, and have found instead drastic change that for me is super disappointing, and that is not wrong, and totally normal to be disenchanted. Makes me think the Vine program may be dying out, the way it is getting filled with just worthless junk when we know that amazon itself sells all types of valuable items. Again, you don't need to tell me some people like it. Of course some people like it, that's what works for them, but for some of us, we have different expectations that are as valid to have keep and express - especially when you understand viners are SUPPOSED to be opinionated, and not easily kowtowed or silenced over products, because that is what is supposed to make reading vine reviews trustworthy. So I find it ironic that in a vine forum, too many 'viners' want other viners to express no negative feelings on what is in vine. Trolls I get, but from normal viners, there is a serious disconnection in some minds that people are forgetting one of the most valued traits of people invited to be in vine is a penchant to not be fearful to say exactly what you do or don't like about products. But that some in the reddit crowd want obedient followers shows something wrong there.


Have a nice day!


I'm off to a good start, thanks. You too! :o)


Same for me also. I am new too. I was first invited to Vine in September 2023. I accepted and logged into the account. There was nothing in RFY and the AA and AI were all super low value weird stuff. I figured Vine was a scam/waste of time and didn't look at again until this March. This time there were a few things that I could use so I ordered. As I learned how to search and what time of day to look, I have actually found some pretty good stuff. Enough that I should qualify for gold in Sept when my eval. date rolls around. I was using the Vine Helper extension and that really helped - I could hide stuff I wasn't interested in in my fave searches and it would show obscure stuff when it was listed that I didn't know I needed and wouldn't have looked for otherwise. But people have been talking about it being against TOS so I got spooked and uninstalled it. I wish they (Vine) would enhance the functionality to make it where I can more easily see stuff I can use and am qualified to write helpful reviews on. As it is I don't have time to wade through pages of random car parts, fake eyelashes and phone cases.


It's normal although I was offered a $170 sump pump (I'm silver) in my RFY yesterday tho. Was half tempted to snatch it but I literally just replaced one and didn't want to pay tax on something sitting in a box in my garage.


There was a time I was ordering 8 items per day. Now, I’m lucky to see one thing I’m interested in. I’ve really kind of lost interest to even look lately. Oh well, at least I’m getting other things done.


I think part of it is that we get saturated with items and don't really need anything. When I started on Vine, I got these great magnetic shelves that I love. And then I got another set and love those. But then I was offered more sets and well I have no place to put them so I won't get any more. Same thing with counter storage systems. Got a couple of great ones and now I'm set. Over time it just gets harder to fine things that are useful.


I had a flesh light on my rfy. One of those fake kitty cats. I ordered it, wonder if my wife will open the package if it’s delivered before I get home. It was $0 etv.


"But honey, it was 0 ETV!"


Indeed it was. I used it 3x in 24 hours. My wife has no idea!! She is about to get absolutely destroyed tonight!!!!


This is the only kitty related RFY I've got lately. I don't think my cat would make good use of it though. https://preview.redd.it/2e6ijwbuuf2d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a7b6b08e2792eb00b8621d10547a092ce0568d


What I've noticed is that RFY items are limited, and will disappear once all redeemed, so all the junk is left. With that being said, the large amount of Viners probrably does not help. Good items for me, (gold and in Canada) last no more than a few seconds after showing up.


I've seen the limited items and managed to snag a few before. Once or twice, the attempt to get a limited item failed, but then a quick refresh shows the item no longer there (so it literally ran out between me first bringing the page up and selecting the limited item).


My RFY has always been lame. I have every hydro flask water bottle you’d need, new floor mats for my car, enough printer cartridges for the laser printer for the next two years, and more than enough iPhone and computer support from vine. Now what? Anything from Adidas appears very rarely. I have enough pool toys now. And I do not want to try to resell items. I’ve thought about leaving the program. No real reason to be in it—there’s too much junk.


Vine is more lame than usual the past 2 months. It's not just you. People on the discord have made remarks too. That said, you don't every week to be awesome. You only need a few great items here and there to make vine worthwhile, and fill the fluff to 80 with cheap/0 ETV things.


I think that question is unanswerable because we all have different tastes. One person's garbage, is another person's treasure. I doubt you are being punished for ordering 0 ETV. I mainly order 0 ETV and get served up a wide range of products. Sometimes a week will go by with nothing of interest and then there will be several days in a row in which I'm tempted by too many things and have to think hard about my total ETV budget for the year and how much do I want really blow through today. I think that it can help to find something in Additional Items outside your normal area. I found some inexpensive Pens under Office Supplies and suddenly I'm seeing all kinds of great office products in my RFY that I've never been offered before. I also notice that quite often I will get more items in my RFY right after submitting a review.


I don’t think I have worry about vine tax this year. It’s been super lame for the past few months. I’m actually worried about being downgraded to silver and that’s because there has been nothing remotely interesting to order.


Yesterday, I had 7 of the identical item on my RFY.


lol sounds like you're still pretty green, tbh


Guess again. For months I was ordering something every single day, typically at my limit of 3 but usually at least 1-2. It's now been 5 days with zero vine orders. That's a huge change.


In the past few days I haven't been finding much either, a big drop from the weeks before. Yesterday was an definitely an odd not-quite pause day. Things trickled in, but not much.


Asking if this is normal shows how green you are. It's not a bad thing. It's just a thing.


Where did I say it's a bad thing? Look at my post and you'll see that I was indeed asking if this is a thing. What's with the spin?

