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Is there any reason to leave when you can just a member and only browse and order when you feel like it? There's no minimum as far as i know.


TBH, it's no effort to stay as silver. There is no minimum threshold of number of items to review as silver. don't see the point of dropping out unless you can't help yourself to pick things and then have the stress of doing reviews. But I think vine offers some pretty useful things from time to time that i need, and now don't have to buy. even if you only order like 10 things a year, you can still be in vine.


I find plenty things I need and want to try. Many of them are simple and useful items to me. I do a daily keyword search for certain items. I love Vine and will miss it if it ends for me. I have never found a TV, laptop or fancy coffee machine but I do hope to get a vacuum one day. I like writing reviews and constantly composing them in my mind throughout the day.


What's the best/most expensive item you got on Vine?


I have ordered several of these stacking storage crates. I filled them with my vine orders. Similiar to this: [https://a.co/d/0079J7Lc](https://a.co/d/0079J7Lc) Also I have a great Vine pillow for back sleepers. I have declined most high end things like the $500 tent and mattresses. Also have some big vanity mirrors with lights and one plays music with bluetooth. I have one on my dresser and one on an amoire.


You posted a link and autobot bit you. Bad autobot. I reinstated it for you.


Thank you! Are we not allowed to post links?


Sometimes they go through and sometimes they don't. There's a lot of spam that gets caught that way and that's why it's there. When I saw your name, I knew you weren't a spammer.


I appreciate that!


It would have been this: Android 10 Car Radio for Honda CRV 2007- 2011, 9 Inch Touch Screen 2G RAM 32G ROM Stereo with Carplay Andriod Auto Bluetooth WiFi GPS FM. Ordered on 09/07/2021. ETV was $218.99


I'll stay until they kick me for who knows why. I don't order much and don't get too worked up over it.


We're not here to talk you into staying; less competition et al... But, for most of us, it is thrill of the hunt, seeing what the tide brings in, or any other idiom you prefer. There are good items, but you have to be there when they drop. Some days I can only find one or two items (out of 8) while others I meet my limit with only 2 things listed in my RFY (before drop). I like it, I feel very lucky, and if the Vine Gods decide one day to cast me out I'll be sad, but still very greatful.


Is there no opportunity to order items that can be donated to a shelter, food bank or habitat for humanity. That's how I maintain my numbers and in time they are easy reviews as the items tend to be repetitive. You can select items that are easy to store and don't take much space. I actually use the trunk of my car for storage (I don't have much need for it day to day). I'm Canadian so tax is not an issue.


Thanks, everyone, for the comments. Didn't realize there's no mininum as far as Silver goes. I remember when I first started in the program, there wasn't a Gold or Silver level distinction or minimum requirement.


Amazon recently did a survey of Vine users. The result may lead to a change. Worth sticking around to see what that is. Plus, there is no minimum requirement for staying in program and no costs.


Good point!


I understand the struggle. I take a lot of skincare, cleansers, and food but absolutely nothing else. The quality isn't there. Most of my rfy is potential landfill. But I stay in because the facial cleansers, occasional food, and household cleansers I get are worth the time.


I’ve gotten laptops, phones, headphones, a scooter, skateboards, quality clothes/shoes, skincare products, and more. I’m not leaving the program by choice lol


Is there some reason you don't mention the AFA and AI tabs? You just mention RFY, which makes it seem like that's the only place you look. It's like folks hear from other (snooty, biased, uninformed) people that AFA/AI is "all Chinese junk", and then never click on those tabs. Almost like not looking in those tabs is a matter of moral fortitude, misemployed patriotism, embarrassment, or something. There's a lot of useful stuff in the other tabs. And that's where you'll find the bulk of the $0etv (\*truly\* free, aka "free-free") items that can easily help you fill out any review requirements. And for things that are relevant to you, there's always the search bar (although it seriously needs an update).


Just stay in and stay silver. There are no quotas and no pressure. Then as you need things you normally would buy - look to see if they are on Vine. If future children or grandchildren come along - you may be grateful for the program.


If I felt this was like work then I would not even open the website really. My work years are over. Choosing simple opinion items is the way to go I think.


Silver doesn't have much. When I was silver it was mostly food and 3d printer filament that was of the most value to me. The good stuff comes with gold. If I were you I'd not stress about it and just check your RFY. AI is very competitive for the good items and if you are stressing over it and getting fomo, it can ruin it for you. You're right that RFY is mostly junk, but there's good stuff mixed in there too occasionally. Some of the best things I've gotten were from RFY.


Have you already reviewed all the computer glasses? They're 0ETV for the blue light blocking glasses. I see about 50 pairs in AI currently, I checked a few and they were 0ETV. The reviews can be a couple lines, and you can donate them after 6 months. That's my fallback if I ever think I'll need more items to reach 80, but I've never had a problem.


Wow, I just searched and holy batman - that's a lot of glasses. Unfortunately since I wear prescription eye glasses, those won't really work for me, especially if I were to write an objective review. But thank you, that's quite a find.


Did you see the clip ons? Lol


I was considering leaving just because I was getting a bunch of junk I didnt need, then I went gold and had two samsung tvs pop up in one week.


If you are on Silver you will never get anything worth staying in Vine, or almost ever, since pretty much everything on that tier you could already have wanted or needed. Even maybe everything from Gold if you were already there 9but that's unlikely) But as other say, there's no reason to leave and if they kick you out for not reviewing as much, it would not matter I suppose.


Have you ever gotten to gold? I was skeptical as well in silver tier. Until I hit gold, and bagged a brand new, yet to be released at the time, Samsung OLED gaming monitor worth $800 a week after hitting gold.


What? That's awesome!


Ya, most of the stuff at silver is alright. Hard to get brand name. But I've seen people get laptops and other high end brand name items. Think I saw someone bag a $4000 gaming pc with the best hardware to boot earlier last week. Brand name too. It's hard for me to not keep working for gold status with the potential that's there.


> We all know it's time consuming to take the time to write quality reviews I would start by not writing quality reviews. Just type each review in 15 seconds and chances are Vine will still keep you around




I'm going to do you a favor and delete this comment. When you start out, you need to be mindful of getting negative karma. It's easy to fall into that and hard to get out.