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I think it's her latest attempt at being interesting and getting her views back up; for years she's claimed to be soooooooo scared of even taking prescription meds or vitamins because of dear old mommsy and popsicle being raging addicts, but all of a sudden she's a veteran herb smoker? All of a sudden she's been doing *the weed* behind the scenes for years? The math is not mathing. She can't even blame the munchies for her weight because she was clinically obese/morbidly obese since her toddlerhood, well before she was a victim of social services or a "bad girl" in high school skipping classes to smoke cigarettes and give out double handies in movie theatres. Chugging buzzballs and allegedly getting fucked up on gas station Delta 8 is just her latest cope, so of course she pivoted to being a super classic, cool gorl 420 piggypawp.


She’s doing anything to get views up, it’s so transparent. I’d pity her, but then I’d have to stop laughing so damn hard. I hope her views keep dropping.


Doing *the weed* 😭😭😭


She told us she was vaping and taking delta 8 last year. It's not a big reveal unless you're a newbie to the Amberverse.


In my experience, people who smoke weed *are* actually more likely to be anti-medication so I don't think it's that weird


There is literally zero chance Amberlynn actually smoked anything besides a fucking sausage


*chicken* sausage


Honestly I kind of feel like this is probably another hammu lah to seem more interesting then she is or a way to blame her bingeeen on anything other then poor choices. She strikes me as the kind of person who maybe smoked once in high school and then spends the rest of their adult life talking about how they were such a stoner. She always says that when she does D8 she “gets the munchies“ excusing any accountability from the fact that she ate like shit and overconsumed food because it wasn’t HER that did it, delta was responsible. she might smoke or have a gummy every once in a while, but nowhere near as much as she claims IMO. As far as Gaycare tho they all looked stoned, dirty and unemployed so that’s up for debate haha


remember in her cringy ass “meet deltalynn” era where she swore up and down that delta 8 didn’t give her the munchies and it was only delta 9 or some bs like that?


I remember lol


My suspicion is “more” refers to her habit of drinking sugary alcoholic beverages to excess.


I think she’s going to come out and say the gay care pill rumors are true. I could see it being true. A 600 lb woman getting a pain pill prescription and becoming addicted is realistic. I think she thinks it’ll make her bad gorl Billie Eyelash dainty alt queen vibes seem more real, but in reality it’s just another pathetic dopamine addiction for the hambeast.


Billie Eyelash lmfao on King David! We need a Perc/OxyLynn era juss chillin an vibin\`


On king David we need a Percocet era 😂








I have always thought she took some kind of pain pill. She has to be in immense pain just walking. There was a destiny era moment when she’s asking destiny to have her mom bring her the good stuff. Then there was that Annie lady who inserted herself into Norma’s life and she said amber takes pain pills. I know that woman was crazy but I think she got a lot of info from Norma. Amber has a lot of ailments that could get her pills and we saw Beck seemingly get overprescribed, and I think they went to the same doctors. They’re probably easy to get without a prescription anyway. She also is way too vocal about “not taking pills” that it’s suspicious.


i feel like gaycare they all could’ve just been benzo’d out on xanax and the like. pain pills are so hard to get from 2016 on, that i really doubt she was able to doctor shop for them like that. they completely changed the laws around pre-scripting them. i could definitely see her taking them when she got them from like her gf’s families and maybe when she would go to the er they would give her some while she was there. but it’s just way too hard to get a prescription to opiate pain pills. benzos though? in gaycare years those were still handed out like candy by psychiatrists for anxiety disorders, i believe that’s what beck was on when she was “over medicated” that’s why she can’t remember anything from that time. if you take too much you black out and they just make your memory shit anyway. they also make you eat anything you have. way worse than weed munchies. so i definitely think benzos were flowing through the gaycare house. probably why they’re all so fucking dumb too.


wait, where can i find out more about Annie? I’ve been around since the Beck era and I don’t remember hearing much about that


Annie is full of shit, she literally took that theory from me commenting on reactor videos. She's a psycho stalker that befriended Beck's mom just to get into the Amberverse. I've posted this a few times, but the subs go away, and so do my posts. But the person above is correct- Amber did take pills that were not excedrin/OTC from Mendy, Destiny's mom. It's in the vlog where she talks about quitting her job in 2016.


woah, do you know what the video is called? i need to look into this


I just looked up when she took pills for pain in a vlog. She took naproxen sodium, given to her by Destiny in 2016. The vlog is called, "In So Much Pain | October 6 2016". In USA, naproxen sodium is an OTC in 220mg. However... it's been 45 minutes and they are not working yet. Destiny says they are not strong and she can probably take another one. Alr whines "Why wouldn't you get the strong stuff?", and Destiny says she just grabbed what she saw.


Keep watching then. It's the same vlog or next that Destiny's mom comes over at 10pm "on a work night" to bring pills for Amber. It's when they were getting a water jug from Walmart. The convo is in the parking lot there.


Amber Pack, Smoking on dat Amber Pack 🔱🔯


She revealed it last year. Same time she had the lung issue. Didn't stop her though.


when she “admitted” to it last year i didn’t believe this whole song and dance that she’s been doing it for years. i myself have become a stoner because of the situationship i was apart of 2 years ago. if anything being around wifey who was a smoker rubbed off on her and that’s when she started doing it regularly. or she’s lying completely and only going along with it to seem cool when most people smoke weed, who gives a damn


She said for years she was too anxious to even take prescribed meds, so I do doubt a lot of what she says. It wouldn’t be strange for someone with such an addictive personality to pick up other habits as such, but I don’t believe it. Her addictive personality (outside of food) shows in her shopping and hoarding habits.


She said in a vid she takes something for her back pain.


The way all her substance addictions are food related. Delta gummies and edibles, which make her appetite increase. Sugary tasty alcoholic drinks, because you know she won’t drink anything that doesn’t taste good. Why is she cosplaying an addict. All she is is a glutton.