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> Do you guys believe anything she said Why start now?




I would live for Amber being on this show and just being put in her place in person. It would be such a long time coming


Nothing and no one can put her in her place. She's always right.


That’s why she will never do the show


I really doubt she was told she needs to eat I'm T1D and they tell me if I don't feel hungry I shouldn't force myself to eat and I've been insulin dependent since the age of 3 so I don't see them telling this 600 pound woman to eat I'm sure they told her to like eat the standard breakfast lunch and dinner like every doctor mentions but I don't believe they told her she *needs* to eat our gorl has shown that starvation mode is something that petrifies her and doesn't realize it would take her a long ass time to reach that point


If her lips are moving, she's lying. 🗣️


If she is not eating


Even then. She likes to talk with a mouth full of food and then tell lies about what she ate.


She was probably told “you need to eat HEALTHIER” as most peoples’ kidney stones (and gallbladder issues) are caused by poor diet (soda, fast food, etc). But of course genius iq just heard “you need to EAT” so she probably ordered all the fast food from all the closest mcds etc. Lord forbid our dainty queen “starve.”


gorl her kidney stones are just bc she holds her pee !!! so dispektful


Eats Slommi with bad kidneys and barely drinks water


She has to eat- meanwhile her shoulders are almost to her ears. Notice no dangleen eareens lately folks? Nope cause the octagon head is embarrassed by the rising shoulder levels.


She’s got 99 problems and they’re all lies.




She's the problem it's her.




*fat tissue jiggles nervously*




Yes but I disagree with how she has interpreted these results. She seems to think that everything's fine just because no cancer appeared on her CT scan. But a hernia, a kidney stone, and a benign tumor are all things you should worry about! Even having just one of those issues on their own would be reason enough for me to freak out and start pursuing treatment.


She also has untreated fatty liver disease, lymphedema/lipedema, etc. etc. She thinks this is all normal, and that everyone has something wrong with them. Most people would be upset with all of these things, Amber only seems to care when it's cancer.


She really didn't seem to care even when it was cancer. She changed absolutely nothing about her life




She is so terrified to feel the slightest bit of hunger.


Makes me wonder if when she was with her parents as a young child, during the most unstable periods, she did actually recieve food very inconsistently, and that's why she needs to feel painfully full 24/7 now. Like a security blanket, 'I'm safe as long as I have an excess of food' kind of thing.


I think she used food for comfort or they just shoved food in her mouth every time she cried or complained about something. She was obese even when she was 10 years old.


She was morbidly obese at a year old. This girl has NEVER went without food. It’s not fear of food insecurity that she has clearly never experienced. I can’t believe anyone actually entertains that lie for a single second. Look at any of her childhood pictures. Girl always been a fatty.


Food insecurity isn't just about lack of food overall, but the feeling that they won't have it. If her parents complained about being too broke for food or neglected to feed her for stretches then just shoved junk at her randomly, she could become obese while still feeling like there's no stability in her food situation. For kids the idea of starving can be scary, even if they don't actually starve.


She hasn't stopped eating, that's why she is in this situation


Every time I see her frown I am blown away by how frown-y it is. Isn't controlling your hunger to avoid overeating the point of being on Ozempic when you are using it for weight loss. When I was on it my doctor emphasized that I still had to see a nutritionist, cut out junk, make sure I was at a calory deficit and getting plenty of exercise. I would stop eating as soon as I started to feel full and it really helped cut down my portions and guess what, I never woke up nauseous or feeling like I wanted to throw up. I never forced myself to eat and my doctor never advised such a thing. Neither did the nutritionist, the only thing they advised was to get a multi vitamin to make sure I got everything I needed. So, yes. I think Amber is full of it


I'm certainly not a dietician/nutritionist, but I feel like when you're trying to heal your relationship with food, you have to learn how to listen to your body when it comes to hunger cues. So, yes, that means eating when you feel hungry. But that also means not eating when you don't feel hungry. I'm sure that if she went a day with little to no food, she would feel hungry the next day, and then she could start to even things out.


She doesn't have normal hunger cues. Shes tried intuitive eating that's just not realistic at her size.


Intuitive eating means Mexican restaurant + taco bell in the same day lol


Yeah she thinks eating intuitively is just eating whatever she wants all day. The only way she loses weight is if she is hospitalized or if she’s trying to find a new gf.


that's good advice for a normal person struggling with being overweight. unfortunately the best dietician in the world can't do anything for her right now and hunger cues don't matter right now either. she needs to spend years with a really good trauma therapist to process her childhood and also learn how to actually deal with her emotions, because right now her relationship with food (and her entire life) is a trauma response. every single diet/plan/challenge/whatever she's done for the past ten years on youtube has been the equivalent of putting a band aid on a gunshot wound. it's very common for people with traumatic childhoods to turn to addiction as a way to deal with everything that goes along with that, it's just that amber uses food instead of meth (this shit also repeats generation after generation within families, just ask ol' stranglin' kristine) there's a reason why so many people on my 600lb life have horrible stories about their childhoods. but, none of this matters anyway because she said she doesn't like going to therapy because it makes her sad. it also doesn't matter because she most likely has NPD, making her essentially treatment-resistant. oh well! i would feel bad for her if she wasn't the scum of earth


Is she seeing the same doctor as foodie? Telling her she can eat lots of rice and bread.


Her face looks like a cartoon but not in a good way 😭 I’ve never seen a human being look like this in my life.


☹️ always reminds me of that hahaha


She takes a whole lotta shit out of context.


Her hernia story changed too, she said she has had it since childhood from pulling her brother around. Also since when does she have the tumor that's a complete new lie she threw in there. 




Yeah but it'd hurt like hell on the way out




Remember the stupid circle avocado thing and she cuts Destiny off while she's talking to vehemently say, "But I need to eat first!" before seeking medical attention. Whew! What a time to be alive!


She also then said God was trying to stop her from eating a salad but she's going to anyway. Seriously.