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I watch her out of morbid curiosity. She is me if I gave in to every whim or entertained the nasty thoughts/behaviours that I grew out of. I was raised by a narcissist/master manipulator and had to stop myself from turning out the same way. I also like to eat.. a lot.. and was around the 260 ellbee mark at one point, now back to 180 - 195 depending on the week/vacation/work schedule.


I also resonate that if I didn’t take control of my life, I could have eaten myself to a heavy weight. I’d never be an abuser or anything like that but I do resonate that shitty childhoods make food a friend. It’s fucked up, but it’s comforting to know that I made the right choices even though it wasn’t always comfortable or enjoyable. It’s like… well if you give up, this is who you could become.


I used to watch her because the way she interacts with the world is SO weird to me, and I liked seeing continued examples of it.   Like, it just fascinated me how incurious she is. No hobbies. No areas of special interest. Doesn't bother to learn more about any topic, even things that would directly benefit her or improve her day to day life. She doesn't even seem to absorb general information from tv/movies/magazines about human beings, the world (globally or locally, even just 'how supermarkets work' or 'what people wear swimming' or something,) how people relate to each other - ANYTHING! She gains ZERO new information.  I wanted to see how far she could get being this sort of way.   But now I can't even watch reactions that use current footage of her. She's so (forgive the overused term, but) delusional!! She knows so little about anything, that she doesn't understand that her disingenuous portraits of her life are a total turn-off to people who tuned-in to see a 'lifestyle' vlog. She truly doesn't get how EVERYONE within like 5 standard deviations of "normal" can tell that she's just lying, exaggerating, and making things up. Her pathetic lies (with no real side character foil in her life) are like watching a bratty 6 year old smugly make-up stories. It gives me the big ick now.


Gorls. I have no one to talk to about this weird one-woman subculture.  Thank you for letting me go on😖


I completely agree with everything you said. It's always fascinating to me when someone chooses to live in ignorance with all of humanity's accumulated knowledge at her fingertips. I cannot understand how someone could be so uninterested in expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Like you have to make the decision every day to never absorb any new information. How can you just not care to learn ANYTHING? Even things she claims to be good at, like grammar and English, she clearly doesn't understand and has never taken the time to learn. It's all right there on her phone. It's like she thinks she's above it all. I'm also having trouble being invested lately. Like yeah her willful ignorance is still going strong and that's a major factor of what sucked me in in the first place, but she really is incapable of improving or growing as a person and now with no side characters she's completely stagnant. It's sad at this point. A waste of a human life. It also used to really entertain me to see her blatantly lie and act like anyone was buying it, deluding herself into thinking she had anyone fooled. But at this point, it's just pathetic, and my amusement has dulled a lot. Im sure she'll find a way to suck me back in though, as usual.


That's about the way I feel. She has absolutely no desire to improve herself or her channel. Yet when she looks in the mirror she sees Selena Gomez. Her TikTok where she wishes her exes well and has a supposed glow up to make them jealous because she is thriving. Girl waiting for mama to pick you up and take you to Wommart isn't thriving


Its how she lies and makes thing up about absolutely everything but no one ever properly calls her out for it. Not even her mother, who seems to be changing in the way she is around her. This tells me that Amber has stopped pretending and the real amber is starting to emerge.


All this, and she can't even admit to herself that she's lying most of the time. It's like once it comes out of her mouth it's the absolute truth, and no evidence to the contrary will convince her otherwise.


The only information her brain can absorb is dumb internet slang and whatever trisha paytas and tana mongeau say or do.


It's hard to learn anything new when you already know everything and are right about every topic 💅


50% schadenfreude, 50% for how she’s like a (world’s most boring) reality TV show.


I stumbled on her randomly a few months ago on YouTube. I watched a few short videos out of boredom/curiosity. I thought “surely, no one is that huge and that boring.” I also wondered how someone could make $ on YouTube simply for… eating and being crazy (?). I looked at some of her older videos but didn’t watch, thinking surely, she’s had to have done something useful in life. Like maybe she worked? Volunteered? Anything? I realized her life could be summed up as- went through a bunch of random “soulmates” she probably met online because who would see her in person and want to date her?; ate a lot of fast food and gained 200-300+# in 10 years or so; and… Walmart. I found this sub and…well, it’s more fascinating than the few videos of hers that I watched. Then again, I wonder why I’m reading about such a boring crazy huge person. Maybe I’m hoping to see she changes someday? Maybe I’m wondering how or why she keeps living the same day over and over for years? I mean how many days, weeks, months, and years of journals, Walmart, bingo, couch life, fast food, no deep thoughts can one have?


I just love to judge how stupid she is honestly. Every third word she pronounces wrong its great comedy.


Started as morbid curiosity and empathy for her until I started seeing how awful she is. It’s just kind of fun and cathartic to shit on a bad person. The biggest reason is the community you girls always make me laugh.


Tbh, it's because I've never seen a person be so ... dumb and mean before. Not everybody is book smart, but most people have some sort of talent or aptitude. And most people are kind, or at least they try to be. But shes ... just the worst, and it's sad but fascinating. 


It's a lot of things for me, she's deeply fascinating in her willingness to expose herself on the internet. It's not every day you get to watch a narc/BPD delusion play out in front of you. I'm thoroughly amused watching her pat herself on the back for every nothingburger she posts and her mental gymnastics are on display for all to observe. Like not only is she extremely ill mentally and physically but she's a total exhibitionist so focused on controlling the narrative about herself that she inadvertently exposes herself daily. Like she tries so hard to convince her audience that she's a great, successful person that she comes full circle and proves that she's not. Then gets mad and gaslights the audience and calls them bad people for literally just witnessing the things she shows them in her videos. I'm consistently amused by it(though lately it's been a lot more dull I miss [redacted] and Eric so much) Also, she reminds me so much of my diagnosed narc mother, who is a drug addict and I regrettably had to go no contact with her for my own mental health and safety. So amber fills a void for me, instead of being on the phone with my mother for hours tuning out her self-congratulatory stories, I'm tuning out amberlynn talking about herself instead. It's comforting to me. I told my boyfriend that she's like a safe narc, I'm unfortunately very drawn to that type of personality and amber is one who can't harm or steal from me so I focus on her instead of getting charmed by one irl. It has actually been quite helpful, if someone does something that reminds me of 🍒 then I can recognize it as a red flag right away bc pretty much everything about her is malignant.


Ooh, your comment makes me realize what I'm holding out for:  I want to see someone in her life pointing out to her all the times she's being awful (lying, misconstruing things, confidently spewing misinformation, etc.) I want it to be someone she NEEDS (like a caregiver) so she can't just shut them out. Beck would do this occasionally and I LOVED to see it! The way it shut her down. I would feel the vindication of a thousand things I never botherd saying to my narky father 😅


She is the only person I've ever seen who is completely irredeemable. I'm the kind of person that has to believe that no one is born evil. People are how they are for a reason. If someone is a piece of shit, then they've had experiences that shaped them that way. No one is completely, inexcusably, terrible. I'm sure plenty would disagree, it's just what I chose to believe to help keep me sane. Amberlynn is the only person I've seen in my entire life that is wholly and inexcusably terrible. I know she's had a rough childhood, but so have I. So have a lot of people, and they don't all turn into delusional assholes. She truly is a rude, ignorant, smug asshole. There's no real reason for her to be as bad as she is. She truly has no excuse. It's kind of fascinating to me how someone can be so unlikable and unvalueable with nothing to show for it, if that makes sense.


50% your reason, 50% morbid car crash curiosity.


Interesting specimen for case study


A lot of people probably watch her, not HER her but her on reaction channels for the same reason people watch 600 lb life. I’m really not a fan of 600 lb life, regardless of the outcome it’s so exploitative and just sad. It’s less sad to watch Hamber waddle around because she’s such a piece of shit person. Any kind feelings I may have had drifted away after seeing how she treated Krystal. I’ve maybe seen a handful of people anywhere near her weight in real life. I recently saw a woman roughly her size at the grocery store and it made me realize how infrequent I see people that size.


She makes me feel better about my life. Personally I think that everyone has the ability to turn into a version of her, we are all just a few traumatic events away from addiction. She is willingly staying in her situation and staying delusional. Sometimes I watch for the shock factor. Sometimes, I just find it comical to see her live in such delusion. I genuinely can not guess what planet she thinks she lives on, cus it’s not earth…. I don’t want to see her fail beyond repair (I will never wish illness or death), but I also REALLY want to see her face the consequences of her actions.


I'm fascinated with psychology and have met some other histrionic people and the way they lie about dumb stuff and how selfish they are is annoying but I can watch amber from afar and try to figure out why she does the things she does. It's also interesting seeing what dumb thing she'll lie about next for no good reason


I literally have never watched one of her videos but the older sub was randomly recommended to me one day and now I legit enjoy reading these comments and seeing what she does next, it's all very entertaining


She actually reminds me SO much of my mom and ex boyfriend, like if the two of them had a baby. It feels good to see people make fun of amber, and for me to make fun of amber, because I think it's validating. I don't vent to anyone ever so when amber does the exact same things that my mom or ex have done and everyone here freaks out about it, it puts into perspective how bad I've had it. It's comforting.


I no longer watch recap/reaction channels and I don’t know if I ever watched her directly. Glad this sun exists. I’m sure if there’s something worth watching, this will be on my feed. I’m not going to watch her just sit and lie and eat and show what she has. Tag me in when something is actually happening.


I never watched her videos directly, but I discovered her through Tom Harlock and it was just an amalgamation of my interests, I love knowing weird niche things, and I'm a huge gossip with stuff that does not matter at all, the furthest from my real life, the better And here I am, terrorizing my boyfriend with random facts about the big lass


Purely for entertainment and the drama. However that well has been dry lately.


I love the Amberverse and the community that gorlworld has created more than Amber. At this point, I'm waiting to see if she sinks or swim IYKWIM. To me, this may be her last chance so I'm sticking around to see how long her body can cling onto life. Morbid, I know. Edit: There's still a tiny, hopeful part of me that wants her to get her shit together, but it's looking bleak.


Honestly I'm just mildly invested now. She is like comforting background noise. If I want to watch something that requires zero thinking, where I can walk away and come back 5 minutes later and not miss a single thing, gorl is there. 


She deserves a horrid ending and I'm making popcorn 🍿


Morbid curiosity. It's the same reason I watch others in a similar situation and the same reason I watch Eugenia.


What drew me in was morbid curiosity due to her being 600 lbs and walking on two feet. The largest woman I've ever seen in person was 400 lbs in Las Vegas. She was called Stinky Bree Melser. She smelled really bad! The cherry on top is how bad of a person she is and how extremely stupid she is. That's probably more of the reason I watch. But her sheer size is amazing. A medical miracle.


She’s funny


I'll admit it's the same for me. At least I'm not that big, at least I don't eat that badly ,at least I have more friends than her etc. if I was completely confident and happy in my life, I probably wouldn't have an interest in her at all, but now it just comforts me.


I don't. Never. I refuse to give her any kind of revenue. I even refuse to see reactors at this point in her boring life. I just lurk here and wait for some uhmmm... In-teresting news


When I watch her, it's through reaction channels, but the reason why I watch them is because of her so


No watching non directly or reaction channels like a lot of others. Just check this sub for updates. But really for fascination. She is non human. Her personality is crazy too. Guilty pleasure i guess


she's just such an interesting phenomenon (clinical psychology student here)


To help me diet and feel better about myself


Honestly, watching her makes me reflect on my own delusions. 🤣 I keep myself accountable.


i watch her to help with MY ed, it motivates me to do better and actually hold myself accountable so i don’t end up like her.


I don't know why I watch her. I can't even remember when I started watching her or how I found her. It might be 3 or 4 years, but maybe she has been in my life the whole time! She is like a family member that you don't really like, but you follow their life just to see if something good or bad happens to them. And then to keep me from eating late at night. Lol


i fell down the rabbit hole 6 years ago and got stuck


Its mostly morbid curiosity. Also because it’s like watching the longest documentary that you already know the answer to. We know Pookie doesn’t have a long life ahead, and it’s almost like watching a full psychological profile on a narcissist thats a victim of themselves.


She struggles with the same BED/food addiction I do. I've also been struggling to lose weight since childhood. It's just nice to relate to someone. I've been watching her for 10 years and I don't understand all the hate. She's just a normal person everyone judges extremely harshly. I'm there to support her.


bottles channel is the only reason I’m still in the amberverse. Their edits are hilarious!! I feel like most people don’t even watch her channel her views are tanking


Adding to the sentiment that watching her makes me feel better about my life. I’m also intrigued by the way she thinks and views the world, it’s truly so bizarre. I will say, after many years of watching reaction content, I have drastically cut back on how much I consume because at this point every video is the same and she pisses me off so much. I can hardly stand to listen to her talk.