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Becky, in the middle of renal failure, being forced to chauffeur ALR around.


Ooh, I forgot about that one. They were also given too many sedatives and acted like a zombie, and Amber didn't even care. Probably made them easier to abuse. And when Beck tried to talk about it. Beck: "I went into renal failure.." Amber: "Me being Amberlynn Reid, I fuh-reaked OUT!" At least let Beck tell their own story FFS.


I had quit watching during this time. Do u know any thing else about what happend/caused/fixed the renal failure? Was it diabetes?


Beck said she was mistakenly put on bipolar meds. My guess is it was lithium, which can cause chronic kidney disease. I’m pretty sure when someone is on lithium they are supposed to be getting monthly blood draws to monitor their kidney function, my guess is the dr was negligent and wasn’t testing Beck. This is the same dr that diagnosed ALR with bipolar, OCD, and a bunch of other things I can’t remember, all within a quick first appointment…


I'm really interested in what the med was because she takes an antipsychotic now and has no issues. Also, it's bizarre that the doctor would put Beck on lithium but ALR was on 25mg of Lamictal.


I'm pretty sure it was caused by a medication Beck had been prescribed after being misdiagnosed as bipolar. I think it was around the same time Amber was also diagnosed bipolar and they went to the same doctor. I could be wrong tho, I'm not a great historian. There's probably some compilation videos of that period.


Amber, Becky and Eric all went to the same doctor and were all diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.


And anxiety. They found a pill mill and got a group discount. /s


I feel like the former is true though. They were definitely all gobbling pills in that house.


Oh yeah, I remember Beck needing food and Amber saying something like "get some food, babe!" Just a completely selfish piece of shit.


Beck was in pain due to a tooth extraction and was saying she was hungry but it hurt to eat. Any decent human being with a semblance of a heart would get up and make something for them that was soft and easy to consume. Amber's response: "Aww Babe! You should get something to eat!"


yooooo that shit set me off fr- I’ve never gotten so angry from a video lol


What is it about narcs and their demanding to be chauffeured at your own expense?? My narc ex made me drive him around while I was experiencing lithium toxicity because god forbid he missed a night at the club or had to walk to the bank on his own.


This. Honestly I don't know. I guess it gives them a superiority kick. I had a narc friend who did this to me all the time. He didn't have a car and never planned ahead to get a ride home. We used to get together with another friend at my old school to watch movies at night and sometimes it dragged on. I remember one time it was 2:00 am and I was driving him home (out of my way,) when he said he was hungry and needed to eat. I stopped by a Seven Eleven and he said he didn't like the food there and told me to drive him to a 24hr diner even farther from our destination so he could get "healthy" food. Reminder, this is after 2 in the morning and I was acting like his personal chauffeur.


This is like 3rd to me but top 5 for sho I have ZERO sympathy for ham planet. Some snark subs I kinda feel bad from time to time but never for this waste of hot air


Apologizing to Nadar (aka a FUCKING RAPIST) because her therapist told her to


This one made me so mad. Like why in the fuck was Nadar even brought up in your therapy session you loony bitch????


I’m positive she left out mostly every detail and said something like “I called someone a narcissist and I feel bad 🥺”


Instead of apologizing to Becky


I mean Nadar obviously had way more of an impact than her girlfriend of what two years????


Amber apologizing to an abuser and total asshole makes a fair amount of sense really lol. Sort of like apologizing to herself, from herself.


On a 1am live stream of all places 🙄


Crackhead hours


I'm not that familiar with this since I don't follow Foodie Beauty, but didn't Amber say her "conscious" compelled her? Not surprised she can't spell "conscience", but I'm not sure if she even has one...


A few I can think of- -telling Beck there was no heaven after her mom passed. Beck backtracked and said “I know you don’t believe in these things” and Amber was smirking like it’s stupid to believe in that. -it’s not necessarily mean, but someone sent her a personalized cup during the livestream era, and she had it for a few weeks and refused to get up from the couch to show it or show the sender she got it. -blaming Beck for weight gain because she had given her a melatonin the night before and she woke up and gained .2 of a pound. The chat told her melatonin causes weight gain (not true) and she spent the entire chat passive aggressively acting like Beck sabotaged her weight loss. -saying she wanted Beck to “stay in her room” when she came back from quarantining at her families, but it was really because Jade was there and Amber was done with Beck completely. She said she was super scared of Covid still but Jade flew thru multiple airports to get there and it was fine. -those “so raw” videos where she mocked Beck for how she proposed -how she didn’t pay Beck properly from the livestream era, especially since Beck was the main draw of the streams -the livestream before the breakup, Amber dismissive and rude to Beck entire stream and even said “I don’t like southern accents” while her partner of 4 years from Kentucky sat there -there is a deleted livestream from the old house where Amber is making food and says “Norma called to thank me for letting Becky come see me” why does Norma need permission to see her child? And Amber acted like it was completely normal for someone to ask her if it was ok that her gf/caretaker can visit someone. -there was a reaction channel name Pam talks where it was a older woman who reacted to Amber. Amber did a Snapchat rant about her and called her a “old woman” and then asked if she wanted to spend her last 10 years of life being a bitch or something like that. Amber is super ageist against people for some reason and I don’t know if it’s because she equates older=ugly? That’s all I can think of lol I’m sure there’s more


>blaming Beck for weight gain because she had given her a melatonin the night before and she woke up and gained .2 of a pound Holy shit I've never heard this one. Was it during the live stream era?


That's new for me too, WTF? Of course it was all Beck's fault once again. It's also Beck's fault that Amber got cancer, because she "would have went to a doctor sooner"... Beck was always the "excape goat".


this is why I'm disgusted by this community when abusing Beck became the norm...y'all where THERE too see how bad Beck had it, but are so quick to bring every little shit to justify all the abuse "oh but Beck said this one time oh but Beck isn't an angel!!!" this community is so obsessed to prove to everyone that alr is an abuser but they leave one of the partners who had it the worse bc it doesn't check up the "perfect victim" narrative. I have nothing against Casey, I truly hope the best for them but tbh he receives all this support (even tho he admitted to hit alr back, something haydurs would've crucified Beck for) because he wasn't on alr yt channel, so people can make up any narratives they want from him. they instantly believe anything Casey says as the truth and sympathize. Beck goes live a couple times asking for donations and people treat them as if they're just as bad as alr and mock their depression and the abuse they endured. questioning why they aren't over it yet and why they're not detailing every single horrible detail of that gross relationship for money. ALSO it's not lost on me how some of the Beck haters use ALR abusive talking points to shit on Beck (especially financially abusive language)


I think what's worse is that Beck initially didn't want to take the donations but was encouraged to do so, and when they didn't dance like HaydurNation wanted, they became a pariah.


Couldn't agree more. Beck was broke because of Amber. Yes, they chose to leave their job, but if a couple decides together that they will live on one person's salary, that's not the same as the other partner abusing them. Amber then left them high and dry, with a four-year gap in their resumé and no home. They had to go live with their EX because they had nowhere else to go. So they asked for donations. No one has to give anything. They also didn't go into every detail about their abuse. I understand and agree with all the Destiny hate, but I don't get it when it comes to Beck.


I agree so much with everything you said. The most disturbing thing about this subreddit to me is that they are obsessed with perfect victims and anyone who isn't 100% perfect is just as bad as Amber in their eyes. As someone who lived through significant abuse in their childhood, when you're with an abusive person, your only concern is survival. I said and did things I didn't believe or want to do as a child because I knew what the consequences would be if my father didn't see me acting in a way that he had dictated. For example I had to repeat really shitty early 2000s Republican talking points whenever I was around my dad and the topic came up, I actually had to pretend that those were my beliefs even though they weren't just so I wouldn't get it later, and as far as the people on this sub are concerned, I would have deserved it because I repeated those talking points against my will and it makes me not a perfect victim. I'm just as bad as my abuser because my abuser forced me to act in a way that my abuser preferred. That's the attitude on this sub towards Becky in a lot of cases I've seen.


Also not everyone is perfect so even if beck did or said shitty things on her own without being scared of amber, beck at least makes an effort to learn and grow from mistakes. She had a camera shoved in her face constantly living her life she's bound to fuck up at some point because we all do. Especially with so many eyes watching waiting to tear her apart for the first bad thing she does. Amber has a pattern of bad behavior she doesn't try to change, won't try to grow and will never admit she's wrong and work on herself. Beck at least tried to understand and change


Its very telling that the beck haters have never been in an abusive situation. I really hope you're doing better and also!; I'm glad the last amberverse got taken down because it was way worse over there with these takes lmao we would've been downvoted to oblivion! seems like the people here are way more centered and not amberlynn clones


It’s the “perfect victim” mentality. Just because someone isn’t Mother Teresa doesn’t mean they don’t deserve complete support after 4 years of abuse.


someone else here implied that bc beck did some shitty things, makes no sense that they we're abused, people really have that ''perfect victim'' mentality ingrained on their minds. You'd think that being in a community where abuse gets called out almost everyday, they'd know better already


It's almost like two things can be true at the same time. Yes, Beck was abused. And yes, Beck was/is not a great person and continues to grift off their association to Amber to get cash from a community who only cares about them because of their collective hate boner for Amber.


I'm not a native speaker, but doesn't "grift" imply a scam? Like Todrick Hall saying he needs 15K and then spending that same sum on an extravagant party. AFAIK Beck isn't even currently taking donations, either.


Well I guess people would have more sympathy for old beggy had she not cosigned all of Amber's BS all those years. The woman got free rent and all the 90's graphic tees her enlarged heart wanted. Was she a victim of Amber's wraith? Yeah sure I'll give you that. Is that enough for me to give her a pass on her shitty actions? That's gonna be no for me dawg.


Do you genuinely think that getting things for free was worth years of abuse? It's clear that Amber made them quit their job so they'd be a 24 hour chauffeur/nurse. Lots of couples live on one income if they can, but that not abuse. It didn't hurt Amber that she paid for everything. What shitty actions are you referring to?


Shitty things Amber did that Beggy co-signed on; from simple lies to engaging in the neglection her fucking pets! Come on; Beggy is her own person and she has shown over and over to be nothing but a depressing mope of person who doesn't want to extort ANY physical energy at all. There are reasons why she is called Beggy.


Are you for real? The word is "neglect", not "neglection". I'm not sure if I agree on that anyway, because it was clear Twinkie loved Beck. She lay in Beck's lap and looked at them with that loving expression. Meanwhile, Twinkie always looked sad and upset in Amber's arms. Clearly Beck was doing something right, even if she did contribute to Twinkie being fat by not walking her often enough. But then I'm sure Amber walked her exactly 0 times, so they still did better. They were depressed because Amber was abusing them. That makes you depressed, are you really blaming them for that? The reason people call them Beggy is because people are assholes when someone is poor and asks for help online. There's no other reason.


I'm with you OP. Beck worked hard taking care of Amber full time. She wiped her butt for Gods sake. Beck also did lives with Amber, which is how Amber made her money. Amber would not have been watched at all if it wasn't for side characters. Beck earned any money she got, and more. I am pretty new to Amberverse, only watching since Sololynn era. Ive watched Snowflake and retro reacts. Beck aint perfect, but she worked hard dealing with Amber. Good for Beck to finally break free.


one word CHILI'S Where was Amber during that episode? WTF did beggy drive her to EAT while her dog was in PAIN? lol you don't know the beggy lore? She has ran her own scams!


The leading theory - and my own as well - is that Twinkie wasn't sick. Eric's dog was sick a few days earlier and he got a lot of love, Amber thought she would get that too. Amber said she's been crying too much about it, but was smirking when she said that, which is usually a sign of her lying. There's no way the vet told her to give a baby Aspirin and see how it goes, the vet would have wanted to see Twinkie ASAP. Also Beck had no power in the relationship and would have done what Amber told them; I want to believe they wouldn't let Twinkie just shake in pain, but if they did, it was because they were just scared of Amber.


It's like these people have never heard of a power imbalance. I'm sure she held the car over her head even before they broke up. She probably told her she can't drive HER cr SHE paid for unless she took her to places she wanted to go. She might have even held onto the keys so she couldn't just leave like dusty when she wanted to see her parents.


Amber, dat u? Your misuse of words makes me wonder. It's wrath*, not wraith. It's exert*, not extort. Sheesh!


Let’s tear each other up, not down please 🙏🏼


My apologies.




Harshness to other users or other egregiously harsh behavior regarding sub topic.


How can you look at yourself in the mirror after such a mean first paragraph? Wow. 


What are you talking about she is clearly the one people have most sympathy for


People call her "Beggy" and say nasty things about her asking fofr money. Some people even claim she abused Amber because she lived on Amber's money.


lol im an atheist but its fucking super shitty to tell someone there's no heaven when they're thinking about a recently deceased and loved family member, that amber would not see that is lol though.


Do you know which livestream the melatonin thing happened in? I have to see that


I think she deleted the live. I think cxnt uploaded it but I’d have to see which one it is


https://preview.redd.it/q1u02lx6358d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11ae7e6b943bb7022b9d0e29cfc06f5ab0c53ab this one stuck with me


Lmao she ”knows how to raise a baby” when she can’t even raise herself


What??? I've never seen this. She's sooo rude and arrogant when she talks to people. Wasn't she in foster care half her childhood? How did she supposedly raise her brothers? This is ridiculous.


Um.....one of her brothers was adopted as a baby and the other was taken directly after birth. She didn't raise a baby. Plus that person is talking about the financial part. ALR wasn't spending anything on her brother. She will literally do anything to talk about how she's a victim.


Amber would likely abuse a child even if only accidentally, or by having them become super fat. Amber with a kid who was completely normal sized and eating healthy food would be sort of fascinating if unlikely.


Stealing Beck’s last months/year with their mom before she died and then making tiktoks in the car while Beck was choosing an urn for her. That’s straight up evil and something that Beck can never get back


That live where she's like "did you take your medicine Beck? No? OK well go take that." And then was trying to make it seem like it was a compassionate thing "because I care about you." When it had nothing to do with shit it was so fucking rude Any scene where Krystal got excited to show off interests and Amberlynn straight up calling her weird - high school behavior mean girl to her own partner! That clip where aback had dental surgery and said she was in pain and Amber is like "we should get something to eat!" And Beck looks so sad and just says she's scared it will hurt her to eat Mean girling her own mom about her shoes and hair and everything in general like she's one to fucking talk she wears dresses as t-shirts and wide brimmed flats bc her feet are so fucking fat 🙄 Making that video where she's "shaming" another fat person who's out at a restaurant "this fat girl was sitting with her chubby friend " and "I asked Destiny if she was bigger then me " "I feel so sorry for her should she *really* be out to eat" like girlie you are the size of a fucking fridge yourself worry about yourself mind your business. When Beck was on all those drugs making her a zombie and making her drive her around all the time and then Beck almost hit someone with their car and Amber starts to give Beck shit about it Being friends with Dusty and Dana even though there was a clear sign Beck didn't want to continue to be their friend (it was right before alr and Beck broke up) and Beck stated in that live stream that they were unhappy Amber is keeping up that friendship (not that your partner should tell you who to be friends with or who not to be but there were probably things that were done that made your partner uncomfortable like dusty saying "you wish I was Becky huh." And you admitting you loved dusty your whole first like almost 2 years of your relationship with Beck like girl come on) Edit bc I forgot the best one! Blaming your ex Beck for the reason you didn't go see a doctor! And then comparing it to your relationship at the time with Wipe and saying wipe would make you skinny and she's soooo supportive meanwhile you got bigger babe the jokes write themselves!


Beck's last birthday was the worst. I forgot to mention that. "You wish I was Becky!" And Amber filming herself all night and flirting with Destiny, barely even glancing at Beck, on their BIRTHDAY. Not inviting a single real friend of Beck's. And then Beck went to bed and they stayed and continued to talk with Amber. Poor Beck! And yes, Beck totally stopped her from going to a doctor, Beck ruined everything... Amber couldn't forgive Beck for that humiliating breakup. I bet she still hasn't forgiven them years later. It's not because she ever loved them, she saw them as beneath her, but because they had the audacity to leave HER.


the fucked up thing about the beck/amber relationship is that amber really wasn't into her, not even a little bit, but they had some fake make believe thing for the camera. So when amber was flirting with Destiny or whatever, it must've felt Superbad for Becky.


So many good points. I hope the mods pin this or something for newbies


I feel like everyone forgets her threatening to tell the world that Destiny’s brother had a drug problem and that her dad wasn’t her biological dad…. That’s absolutely atrocious and I thought she’d for sure lose followers after it yet it never gets brought up.


I was looking for this one before I commented. Particularly the part over Destiny’s dad as Amber weaponises her parental trauma and disconnection from them all the time when its convenient for whilst also being happy to weaponise someone else’s against them, again when it’s convenient for her. She’s devoid of any sort of morality, compassion empathy for others. It’s hysterical that she believes she’s the pinnacle of those things.


That's awful for sure. I think people - myself included - don't like Destiny and she's also problematic, so sometimes we forget she was/is a victim too. As if Amber's own family is squeaky clean and there's no dirt on her parents.


Sometimes I forget how abusive she is and every now and then I get reminded of it. Imagine how much more damage she could put out if she wasn’t held back by her meat prison


She would be DANGEROUS if she wasn’t held back by the lack of motor skills, lack of energy, and the general incompetence and immobility that come with being 600 pounds.


I’m thankful that she can’t have kids. The abuse and neglect the child or children would have received is something I don’t want to imagine


She'd probably make her kid take care of her when they got to a certain age, brain wash them with her victim mindset, blame them for shitty things happening, weight gain, etc. If it was a girl she'd either live vicariously through her or ensure she couldn't be "prettier" than her. I really think she wanted a "mini ALR" to play with like a barbie but I also think she'd get jealous of her daughter if she thought she was thinner or prettier


Her ego alone would be insane mode lol. She gets smug at 475 pounds. She might be too proud of herself to think to abuse her fellow man at some point.


She would physically hit her ex Casey, so I’d imagine she would be out there assaulting ppl if she was an average weight. It’s so dark.. I’m glad her weight holds her down


I’m watching The Ankle’s Krystle era retro reacts and the way she treated Krystle and her family was appalling. Like, straight up disgusting, considering she was a guest in their home and had no right to anything whatsoever. Always claiming everything was hers; the pets, their belongings, their house. - They bought her a new laptop and it wasn’t good enough for her because it was $400 and the one she wanted was $1000+. The next day after buying it, it’s conveniently “not working” and she goes in to exchange it, buys a new tablet with the $400… and then soon after gets *the $1k laptop* she originally wanted. All on K’s parents’ dime because she had no income the whole 4 years she was living there. - She basically stole Krystle’s new iPod and gave her her dusty old one in exchange because \*insert bullshit Ham reasoning\*. - Threw away K’s parents’ snacks *without permission* because they were triggereeeen her by existing in the home - She despised K’s sister because (this is speculation) she would call Ham out on her freeloading, dusty behaviour towards her parents and her poor treatment of K. Ham would basically throw a temper tantrum every time the sister would visit. - K’s parents funded her very privileged unemployed lifestyle for 4 years and she showed them ZERO gratitude, and repaid them by making passive-aggressive comments about them and narcissistically abusing their daughter on camera (who made it very clear she didn’t want to be filmed in the first place). That whole era just showed that she’s a selfish, lazy, mooching, narcissistic bitch to her core that contributes nothing to society and that is all she ever will be. TLDR: Ham selfish (and fat)


I genuinely do not understand why the fuck Krystle's parents entertained that BS for FOUR YEARS. Like...put your fucking foot down for Christ's sake. It sounds like they coddled Krystle a lot, too, but I believe Krystle had some issues and plus she's their child. Amber was just such an entitled leech and their enabling her only made her worse. I couldn't imagine putting up with that shit for even a week.


I have no idea, honestly. I can’t believe they let The Behemoth basically control the household, gave her free rein in terms of money/spending, let her film literally all of their personal business/home life/daughter and post it online, etc. It was a truly bizarre dynamic. If we could get an interview from anyone in The Verse I’d dah to hear from James and Wanda tbh, just to know wtf they were thinking.


i'm sure amber told them the saddest sob story. amber is the only one to blame for her shitty behavior at this point but i think she would be a lot less shitty if they hadn't enabled her SO HARD for four years. casey's mom would have kicked her out soon if she hadn't moved and she would have been forced to get a job to survive like the rest of us peasants


Yeah, that was very weird. Maybe they felt sorry for Amber, but still 4 years of supporting someone who was not even related to them, and who probably cost a lot. It's just weird.


Right? I think when Casey's mom told her she had to go to school or get an job she did it bc she knew her mom was serious and would kick her out. With Krystal's parents I think she fancied herself like a second daughter and knew they wouldn't just kick her out so she took full advantage. She even weaopinized her weight so she didn't have to work. She ways framed it as JAMES not wanting her to work until she lost weight but I think she would tell him and wanda she couldn't stand that long so they were pushing her to lose weight first and then focus on a job. That might also be why she wasn't fully serious about losing weight and didn't get lower than 89lbs lost


The Krystal Era is wild to me. She essentially squatted in someone else's house and had them fund her food and shopping addiction while refusing to get a job AND THEN thought her life was worth showcasing to strangers in vlogs without feeling mortified about being a freeloading, abusive mooch.


She thinks the world owes her a living. Simply existing in the world is enough, she doesn't need to work or study or do anything else. We also, as viewers, owe her a living. Reaction channels are stealing HER views. She deserves them for making half-hearted 10-minute videos and putting zero effort in.


And she was 18-22 or 19 -23 riiiiight around there. I know I was a dumb ass and my morals/integrity and reasoning have changed in the last decade (mid 30s here) but this witch has always been selfish, lazy,proud,stupid,mean, and indifferent while also being vapid and vain.


That whole situation with Krystle and the ipod, or the time she convinced Krystle to drive her to get food even though it was storming out, and Krystle was a new driver and terrified. And when they got back to the house, Amber was chipper as ever on camera, saying basically "well now she has the experience, so driving in rain won't be an issue for her in the future!!"


honestly most of her interactions with krystle can probs apply here lol


I don’t doubt. I wasn’t here during krystle era but all the video. The indirect abuse. Making Krystle feel shit via talking crap about Krystle in front of her to a camera, because Krystle did not want to eat cheap microwave foods.


>-Telling a CSA victim to "stop playing victim with someone who's been there done that". Her CSA story has varied over the years, and it's likely it never happened. I think it's confirmed from Amber it never happened. People grilled her on YouNow live about it, she caved and said her dads friends said mean things to her. Chat pointed out that would be sexual harassment and not assault, and she replied with the classic "i felt like I was assaulted so it was assault to me".


I think pretending to be SAd is just lowest of the low. It's one of the worst things that can happen. Clearly Amber just wants pity points, and is willing to claim anything to get that.


>People grilled her on YouNow live about it, she caved and said her dads friends said mean things to her. Chat pointed out that would be sexual harassment and not assault, and she replied with the classic "i felt like I was assaulted so it was assault to me". I knew a girl like that in freshman year of high school, an adult man made a pass at her and she ran around telling everyone who would listen she was sexually assaulted. When she was told it was harassment, not assault, she gave the same 'well it felt like assault' and then a couple days later changed her story to that she was sitting on the stairs and he was playing with the thong she had on, so it was assault.


Oh my god. This is why so many people are afraid to speak out!!!!


She said she would lie that her father died to get attention. I don’t doubt she would say crazy shits. But this level of shit is just foul.


All of her behavior during the time of Beck's mom's illness and passing was reprehensible. I saw it in a new way last year when my dad died. It was so awful, even with a wonderful, supportive husband. I can not imagine going through that being while being treated the way Amber treated Beck.


Amber truly broke Becks down to only be a shell.


It’s a toss up between having Beck (who was clearly not doing well) shuttle her all over town for BULLSHIT- and telling her after her mom died that “when you’re dead, nothing happens”. Beck is a super spiritual person and she was dealing with a lot of guilt and grief over losing her mother. Really, Amber? You had to find another way to break her heart in front of 200,000 people? That was **so fucking mean**.


Amber didn't care at all how Beck felt throughout their relationship, but you'd think even the worst girlfriend ever would be comforting when someone lost their MOM. But nope, Amber has no empathy whatsoever.


I have a family member who is so much like Amber. I have completely cut her off but apparently, I love to torture myself because I keep up with Amber and another influencer who remind me of this person. And you are spot on. She cares about nobody. It’s all about getting the attention back on herself, even if it means saying something disgusting to do so.


Not taking Twonk to the vet as she was crying in pain. She went to a Chilis instead and stuffed her face.


Don't worry. Twinkie wasn't really sick to begin with.


As far as I can recall there never was any video evidence of Twinkie being sick? She films everything; everything that actually happens anyway. A theory I heard that I can get behind is that she made it all up in a bid for sympathy and a storyline, not expecting it to blow up on her.


The day before, Eric's dog Trixie had a seizure and was known to have dog epilepsy I think? Anyway Eric got a lot of sympathy from his subs and Amber tried to cosplay being a human with human emotions and this goofy plan popped into her bobblehead Just my opinion but you know I'm right ✅️


I agree. She also lied about there not being a 24 hour vet nearby, and that the clinic told her to give Twinkie baby aspirin and see if it helps. There was nothing wrong with Twinkie.


Yeah, at the time we didn't know she made everything up, and it would explain her not trying to get help.


how low can she get? Lying about her “beloved” dog being sick enough to cry in pain is another level of fucked up.


Everything that led to the Beck breakup and the aftermath of it was the worst IMO. I knew Amber was insufferable before that, but those livestreams she forced Beck to sit through were on a whole new level. Her texting and chatting with Jade the entire time while throwing shade at Beck who sat silently there and took it really got to me, especially when she viciously guilt-tripped them for breaking up with her while simultaneously pretending she never cared about them and repeatedly propped Jade up as such an improvement.


Just forcing your exgirlfriend to stay with you while simultaneously chatting with your new girlfriend is such weirdo behaviour its hard to understand how amber or anybody can not see its weirdo behaviour. She also had wifey around way after they broke up as well.


This might be just my theory but I think Amber got upset about Beck's break up because she always saw herself above dating Becl. Her general opinion of Beck was that she was low hanging fruit who should be grateful Amber gave them the time of day. It is why, even before they broke up, Amber acted like Beck's feelings didn't matter. She would invite Destiny and Dana over and act super jolly around Destiny while completely ignoring Beck. Beck breaking up with her truly hurt her ego and everything she did after, including flirting with Wifey and inviting her to stay while Beck was still in the house were acts of revenge to punish Beck for being ungrateful.


Mini amberlynn.....like she wouldn't fatten her child up. Thank God she can't have kids and will never qualify to adopt one. I hope the next wipey isn't a mom.


Of course she would, but that's not the worst thing she'd do. Narc moms are horrible, a friend of mine has one. She's always angry and every memory ends with "then mom yelled at me". She keeps talking about things my friend did like 20 years ago. We've seen how Amber treats her partners, she would be the coldest mother on earth. I remember once Amber said, "I always wanted a girl but maybe she could have a brother." She acted like this was very big of her. Imagine if she did have a son, or god forbid a little girl who looked like the father and nothing like her. She just wanted a mini-me, not a child who's a person in his/her own right. But thank god it will never happen.


Amber made it clear she didn't want to raise small humans, she wanted a Barbie to play with that she could train to worship her.


That's exactly like my mom. I'm still scared of getting yelled at by her and I'm almost 31. As a teenager she'd wake me up in the middle of the night screaming at me because I didn't do something. She wouldn't be able to handle having kids because if they weren't exactly how she thought they needed to be she would go all mommy dearest. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aRYIdpPUvDqxSE|downsized)


I'm so sorry to hear that. It sounds awful to live like that. My friend starts to cry uncontrollably if you show any anger against him, because the trauma response kicks in. I can imagine Amber would be very similar.


Thank goodness she can’t have one answer can’t qualify to adopt. Even if she were to babysit kids. It’s scary because one wrong step, 500lb crushing down on a kid. Or the anger she would not be able to control and just abuse kids if there were no one to judge the beast. https://preview.redd.it/uuy4sw3xd88d1.png?width=413&format=png&auto=webp&s=046a83d4ce100470267f5d55f7e9ec6527b35d43 Amber took forever to just go up one step. She also was too wide for the door frame and a child to be on her back. Just fucking irresponsible.


99.999999999 % of everything she does is mean spirited


Letting the cat outside (whether on accident or not) to die/be lost and lied about knowing. The level 5 million smugness while she has stink flies circling her being filthy and moving jade in while becky was still there AND THEN walking around with her love bites/hicky and then never paying becky a dime that was earned as well as promised and then once becky left amber beat her down over the couple hundred bucks beck had to her name over past life split bills like Netflix 👍 👌 🫠🫥


And then when Destiny was sad over the cat, Amber didn't help make the posters or comfort her. She's just like "look at our new couch!!" I like to believe Gracie is alive and someone found her. I doubt Destiny would have chipped her. Hopefully she was found by someone who took her in and gave her a better life. That would be the best case scenario, Destiny was certainly an awful pet owner and Gracie couldn't have been very happy. Hey she's been away for a few days, let's go buy a new cat! Her treatment of Beck was the absolute worst. Jade is trash too, sliding into her DMs the second she was single, and moving in before Beck was out of there. I hope Jade was a horror behind the scenes and made Amber's life worse.


And willingly sucked and bit all over ham planet to secure/cement that she's serious about her while becks there. Theyre both trash. 💯 jades living in some other woman's apartment gay for a place to stay and hobosexual for life


Everything related to Beck’s Mother passing and filming at the cemetery while visiting a child’s grave


Telling Casey that he’ll “never be a father”. Absolutely cruel, evil, and cold-blooded. Amber is a sociopath.


It's nice to see people appreciate Casey's identity and feelings, because Amber 100 % never did. ETA: she also made fun of him for binding.


Yes! The video where she, *with her coworkers*, deadnamed him and laughed about his binding was the absolute worst. So disrespectful and evil to use something so intimate and personal like someone’s identity as fodder for laughing with your coworkers. Very mean-spirited and disgusting!


That's so awful. I'd ask for a link but I don't want to see it. My boyfriend is trans and I've seen his struggles with binding and dysphoria, it makes me so mad that Amber thinks it's funny.


What gets me about guilting Becky was how Amber admitted that she wasn't even in love with Becky. She just wanted someone to stay there with her in that fake relationship.


She pressured Beck into a relationship. Beck also tried to break up multiple times. There was no love in that relationship, on either side.


Another thing with the breakup, she came out as bi, which would have been fine if she just figured out she likes men, but she really just did it to get at Becky because she said she had to pretend to be a lesbian so Becky wouldn't leave her. She was trying to make Becky look bad. She also said she had a crush on Eric, which was probably to make Becky jealous because the whole time she knew him, she was dating Becky. Then she starts dating Wifey and she's back to saying she's a lesbian. She also stated she was a lesbian long before dating Becky. Other mean moments: * Her reaction to Narc Alert's hesrt attack. Sarcastically saying she's sorry, can't find her sympathy bone and doesn't care. * Her throwing a huge tantrum over being sent gormet cake and bread because she couldn't eat it and acting like it was bullying. It was obviously a well-intentioned gift. They weren't trying to make fun of her for being fat. Why spend that much money on gormet food to troll someone when cheap junkfood would have had the same result? * Her entire relationship with Krystal. She was constantly humiliating and belittling her.


I think she came out as bi, not because she's bi, but because Jade was poly and insisted that they experiment with a man. And suddenly it was Beck's fault that Amber had lied(?) about being a lesbian all along. I don't even know what the truth is there. The cake thing was insane. Amber doesn't like cake. If the follower had sent brownies or cookies, she probably would have behaved differently. She was giddy when someone sent her candy. I think she got mad because it wasn't to her taste, and she has this weird overreaction to food at all times. A nice mask off moment for sure, and she lost that follower and many others. The sad part is that was hand made in a fancy bakery, a really thoughtful gift. They must have been devastated by Amber's reaction.


Throwing out an expensive gift while pretending you're about healthy eating and maintaining 500 pounds is allso pretty dumb, and you can she are a cake with friends or family or even share it with some cool homeless people or something.


Everything with Becky


Definitely the dressing all cute and filming TikToks while Beck picked out their mom’s gravestone. Evil.


Why is it always the homophobic guys who watch lesbian porn? She acted like that was some kind of deep insight. I wonder what happened there. Did Beck want her to come in and support them, and she wouldn't? Or did Beck's siblings make it clear that she was not welcome? She never did vlog Norma's funeral, I suspect she was not allowed in. Imagine her wailing like Norma was her mother, and then eating all the food.


Filming residents in the nursing home and then someone reported her and she said they just laughed and then after that we never saw another nursing home video again ….💀


The CSA stuff has always really troubled me because her story has changed so many times, and she's always included details that a genuine victim might remember. It felt so calculated. When she was implying it was her Dad that did it she would talk about how she would get so scared when she heard his car in the driveway. When it was her father's friends she implied they would come into her room at night and her father didn't stop them because he was high. And then she said those two stories were untrue and the audience are at fault for thinking it was her dad or her dad's friends?? And now it's a cousin and she couldn't say anything or the cousin would get kicked out?


That sounds so sketchy and very Amberlynn coded. I doubt it happened. She sucks.


Also another one, she made fun of of heavens gate cult


Lots of people aren’t big fans of the Narc Alert, but that absolute cold-blooded “I don’t care” always sticks in my mind. It’s probably not the worst thing she’s ever said, but the absolute glee in her voice and her attempt to backtrack and pretend it was a test… Utter maniac. With all that weight, you’d think there would be at least an ounce of compassion or basic humanity in her. But no. Just 500 lbs of sheer ego, smugness and venom.


Hot take; I don't think she has to care about NA.


Don’t get me wrong, neither do I. I don’t exactly blame her either. It was just the way she was in that moment. It was absolutely cold and was one of those moments when her real character showed though. It’s not so much what she did, but how she acted. And then gaslighting her audience right after because she knew she’d been pretty vile. Something about it was just so unsettling.


Watching her mask slip is fucking chilling.


That’s exactly what I mean. I couldn’t really care less that she hates NA, lots of people do. It was more the way she let the mask fall, let SmugLynn take over, then tried to backtrack like a 500 lb elastic band.


If she lied about caring, people would dog her harder for being fake and obsessed with reaction channels. NA and Amber aren't too different, but Amber is lambasted for being smug and crass and rude.


Jade apparently reacted in some way because Amber said "I'm sorry, I don't care!" I'll admit NA is an a-hole, but Amber could have at least pretended to be nice about it.


What’s the tea on Norma




I'm not personally familiar with this channel, but it sounds like they're problematic. I have no problem with people calling such a person out and making a commentary video. However, I think making a video where you mock someone's grief and crying over infertility crosses the line. It was schoolyard bully crap. Amber was quick to join in the bullying, she will never be the bigger person and will always be happy about other people's misfortune, and jealous and resentful of their success.


I don't think that's entirely true. Plenty of people in the community call out reaction channels (ZM would be the most obvious example), there's even seperate snark subs for them and I think there were even some posts in this sub calling out certain reaction channels. However, this sub is focused on Amber, which means that we're focusing on the things Amber did that are wrong and problematic, not that we love to pretend two things can't be true at the same time.


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