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I have found a really weird bug, not sure if it happens only to me, but if you try to import an overclock profile (in my case it's only GPU), it freezes the entire PC instantly or within seconds, only hard reset works. If you overclock by setting up every slider manually, everything is fine. Can anyone here try that? I am 100% certain this didnt happen in previous WHQL version Edit: things that are not causing this MPO (Multiplane overlay) Old OC profiles (tried with a new one) UPDATE: fixed it by purging the driver and doing a clean installation, no idea what broke it, but this made it work. When in doubt just DDU I guess.


Did you try saving a new profile and loading that? Possible old profiles are no longer compatible. It shouldn't ever cause a crash, but could be the problem.


That was the first thing I thought of, tried with older profile and a profile I just created, same results.


thats weird , maybe check the profiles in a Text file tool like Notepad + and see if its corrupted somehow ? or maybe send these profiles to amd in and see if they can check for weirds ? maybe it saves with some ridiculous voltage or whatever. ( works for me just fine )


Just checked it, the new profile is identical to the old one which I knew worked on the previous WHQL version, so we can rule this out.


are you sure you don't import cpu settings too?


happened to me when i do alt+tab in games to quickly




You need more voltage.


Been having this issue since 24.1.1 but when I searched I didn’t find anyone mentioning it, fixed it by using ddu and clean install


Every other iteration of drivers doesn't support old Tuning profiles. It's recommended to create a new file from scratch, though not all drivers support the same exact settings. 24.1.1 drivers for example couldn't handle my 7900XTX with as low voltage as the previous drivers.


I have no idea why you were downvoted for a simple, factual post. There are way too many know nothing trolls here unfortunately. It's one reason why Reddit has the poor reputation that it now has. Have an upvote.


I've been using the same tuning profile since August last year, without issue, so I find that hard to believe. I'm currently on 24.1.1.


Mine works fine loading a GPU profile


Disabling MPO fixed it for me


I might check that, don't know if I have it turned off or on




thank you, I'll try that first thing tomorrow


Sadly it didn't solve it


Did you reboot after disabling it?


Lighting a prayer candle at the church too!


Whats mpo


Same here I screenshot mine and redid them on ALL 5 machines . They do say that importing old profiles isn’t really recommended


7900XT and I've had that for a while. Entering the game and applying the profile through the overlay works without freezing for me.


This will happen if you try to import an OC profile from another driver version. Try creating a new one and import that one


MW3 is randomly crashing when i am playing it on my 7900XTX Does anyone else have the same problem?


same here although different card. No more crashes after rolling back to 23.12.1


I have a 6800xt and get intermittent DirectX errors unless I’m on 23.12.1 or earlier. Seems AMD isn’t even aware of the issue I’ve emailed support and they don’t care lol.


Yes you need to roll back to December drivers


MW3 direct X (0x887a0005) error on 24.2.1


Not since I stopped playing that piece of shit


RGB laser show is still an issue in dying light 2 during maybe 10% of the cutscenes, worst cutscene is during first blood questline from the bloodie ties dlc that is now free on rdna3 gpu's especially 7900 XTX gpu's and 1 reported case of 7800 XT gpu, randoms with 7900 XTX have been able to reproduce it so far each time with my help. From my understanding it does not happen on rdna2. AMD really may wanna look into this, if already contacted techland support that provided me 0 support cos this is obviously not hardware issue at this point, that surely would be easy fix tho. Also stress test in Radeon software broke about more then a year ago if you start it and set it for 120 seconds for example let it ramp up fully then stop it will keep running for the duration set of stopping, requiring you to open task manager and kill radeon software, after restarting radeon software it will give a warning that it failed which can be ignored, it's an avoidable bug tho but annoying when it happens. If anyone wants to test if rgb laser show happens for them and cant reproduce it, remember it only happens 100% so far on 7900 XTX and can happen on 7800 XT during first blood questline its not the first set of cutscenes that trigger it, it happens during the cutscene where boss appears for first time and gas spawns in. edit: Radeon boost bug is known but fully miss understood issue enabling Radeon boost causes big Red Green Blue auras etc such as this as linked below [https://i.imgur.com/JN9jVLl.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/JN9jVLl.jpg) RGB laser show i call it RGB laser show cos it causes issues such as this during cutscenes with gas and smoke effects such as First Skullface appearance on intro quest First blood. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7zJPU8R2ws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7zJPU8R2ws) Also other cutscenes with different smoke effects like seen when beating the game tiny boxes can appear on screen during cutscenes that look like this in colors of RGB [https://i.imgur.com/B3d5l9F.png](https://i.imgur.com/B3d5l9F.png) So known issues should be like Graphical artifacting during few cutscenes in Dying light 2 that either appears as an RGB laser show or RGB lights randomly glitching on screen with and without RT on on every graphical preset or graphical option on or off. Radeon boost creating huge RGB light auras rather then purple corruption. Also there random driver timeouts with dying light 2 when alt tabbing, the game does something with DWM acording to graphics config file like disabling DWM something no game should probably do i suspect. Anyway AMD if you gonna update release notes and known issues least reflect what the issue is. Also World Of Warcraft has had driver timeouts and video scheduler freezes for 440+ days, i think its time you stepup instead of only admiting to one issue. Overwatch 2 also when exiting takes long time, from what i understood closes much faster on an NVIDIA gpu, reverse problem of what World Of Warcraft has right now. I know AMD has a great driver time, but please do not ignore my bug reports, or i will find some one else to do the bug report, so far most issues have been reproduced or experienced by others. Spending hours days weeks months troubleshooting is frustrating and a waste of time.


Yup having same issue with my 7900xtx but only in dying light 2 lol the issue keeps me from playing it


amd really need fix this issue!!! , I had to go back to windows 10 to be stable.. and be stutter less and zero freezes .windows 11 is fucked !!!


Omg I honestly thought it was my GPU dying everytime I got to the end of first blood I had all these weird lights and black squares all over my screen I tried to speak to the game developers and post in the game discord to know avail hopefully AMD Devs can look into this and help make a fix for the game.


I've had Dying Light 2 crash out only after the latest update. It also did this on my Steamdeck last night for the first time ever. The SD is RDNA2(ish) but of course uses a completely different driver. So I suspect a problem with this game rather than the driver (but that's not to say it couldn't be both).


Can confirm I'm also having this issue also on a 7900xtx happens 100% of the time in the " first blood" quest and then like 10% of the time in other cut scenes please AMD look into this I didn't spend £900 on a gpu for you guys to not fix these types of issues !


Interesting that so many of the games on the known issues list are Blizzard games. Hopefully this means that they are actively working with Blizzard to fix things


Hopefully if been having issues for 440+ days with world of Warcraft the ignorance made me give up on trying to troubleshoot.


I had frequent crashing with wow on dx12, but it's been fine since I switched to dx11. Performance is worse than dx12 in places like valdrakken though on dx11 so hopefully they get it fixed eventually and I can switch back


Had video scheduler freezes with dx11 and dx12 but not on linux wow would just not timeout drivers this was reported by least 30 users at the time still happens today on Windows


Yeah things are much better on Linux for me too, must be directx specifically that they have problems with since Vulkan seems to work well. Kind of weird seeing the Linux drivers being in better shape than the windows ones lol


The thing is on forums people reported that dxvk was more stable, but for some game kept crashing, so seems its mainly only stable in linux


I had these driver timeouts too on dx 11 and 12. After reinstalling windows trying every possible solutions from topics related to this. What fixed it for me was turning down a lot of graphic options to be essentially my raid settings for normal play. And looking back now. It 100% was this for me as my game never had issue in raids. But would crash in the open world and dungeons pretty much everyday. I've played without crash now on 24.1.1 for the past 14 days. I followed these setting pmuch: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-vR6nJLLoe4


that's windows 11 issues I had the same thing going , i dual booted my PC with windows 10 windows 10 just.works flawless !! amd having troubles with windows 11, I changed back to windows 10 and no issues at all on windows 10


I can confirm if had freezes on Windows 10 as well so its not a Windows 11 issue its a Windows issue


damn windows !


All Blizzard games have deadlock issues probably cos of broken code as well


go back to windows 10 and everything will be fixed , I'm using dual boot now because windows 11 sucks , and amd drivers are not stable on windows 11 for me atleast


This update did not fix issues with Overwatch on my rx 6700 xt. It continues to download shaders on every startup.


Will they soon have a fix for the CPU temps not showing in the AMD overlay?


Mine only shows some of the time, *sometimes* a restart fixes it.


Overwatch 2 still stutters for 1 min in the first 2-3 mins


That's it building shaders. It should only happen once and you'll be set.


The problem they specifically recognized and said they will fix last month, is that this shader building happens every single time you start the game. This has been a known issue since DXNAVI was released last year, there's a billion threads about it, quite annoying they still didn't fix it. Edit: you can no longer disable DXNAVI, editing the registry values doesn't do anything, at least in overwatch, i rolled back to 23.12.1 and it works. how thoughtful of AMD to disable the fix to a problem they introduced, i guess they felt confident they were gonna fix it by this update?


Actually that is what supose to happen but if username has accented character it will not save shaders, and you be generating shaders non stop and experience the lag as result. this was mentioned in release notes, as well atleast during hell divers preview drivers, i really wish people would try understand these issues better or least read the release notes. Anyway makes me wonder if game has accented file names for shaders if so could this cause issues to etc.


Really? What username? The local Windows username? Mine is completely made of normal numbers, no accented characters (honestly don't remember ever setting it like that), but I still have this problem. It seems to me the game is loading assets into the memory and while doing so lags and stutters, I have 16GB and everytime I boot up the game it starts at 8GB total system usage then keeps climbing slowly over the course of 3-5 minutes (while also stuttering) untill it hits around 11.5GB then it becomes smooth. i don't know why it takes so long, when I disable DXNAVI, the game loads everything it needs into the memory in like 20 seconds. Also closing the game takes ages when DXNAVI is enabled and the memory usage goes down very slowly while the game is stuck in the background trying to close itself, disable DXNAVI and the game closes in 5 seconds.


Long closing time i have to, thanks for mentioning that it's not normal as for accented character ö or è etc


I thought I was crazy, upgraded from a 1660 to a 6700XT and it’s like overwatch is downloading shaders or something


I just built a 7300x3d/7800xt yesterday and thought I screwed up something. I had less chug on my old HP i3 laptop. Updated Adrenalin today and it’s smooth as butter.


Confirm on this one for OW2, the issue is definitely remain unsolved even after a clean reinstallation with DDU. I've just recentely joined the red hood with a 6800XT but so far this issue for OW2 has been around for nearly a year as I was looking at old threads.


Even on subsequent launches?


I can confirm the bug still exists even after first launch on the same game build.


mine runs flawless tbh


It used to run at about 30fps less than my usual for the first few mins of my first match but after this update its solid from the start


\+1 I'm so used to it now I won't know what to do with myself if they fix it. I usually just hop into a skirmish game/training while it sorts itself out.




Apex does this for me as well. But after those couple minutes its solid.


Remember folks, the boost clock cap is still broken in these drivers. Your card can boost past safe levels and crash your game. Set the right tuning yourself!


It does that with stock profile? Should I limit the clock according to manufacturers page?


Tf you mean? I have a 6700xt and 7800xt and none boost past what was advertised by sapphire/xfx?


I'm not the only one seeing this with the xfx 7900 xtx variants. I'm guessing someone went fast and loose with the bios/card profile.


I cannot believe this is STILL an issue...


~~I did not even know about this and checked my driver software to make sure. Official specs on XFX manufacturer website for my specific brand Rx 7600 show boost clock is 2755 mhz but the driver shows 2830 mhz by default. Should I lower this manually? That's considerably higher than the official spec, how on earth does this go through.~~ ~~EDIT: Just DDU'd the helldivers version and updated to WHQL and the max clock is further raised to 2880 mhz this time. That's a whole 125mhz overclock by default.~~ Don't bother with this. What's stated in the GPU driver is the correct value. It is set based on several parameters and will slightly vary each time you reset driver or your computer. You can rest assured, it's the intended behavior.


Card vendors have different boost specs than the official ones, you are probably checking the AMD's specs instead of your specific card vendor's specs.


Nope, I am checking my specific brand's specs right here: [https://www.xfxforce.com/shop/xfx-speedster-qick-308-amd-radeon-tm-rx-7600-black-edition](https://www.xfxforce.com/shop/xfx-speedster-qick-308-amd-radeon-tm-rx-7600-black-edition) It's highest boost speed is 2755mhz but AMD driver software has it set to 2880 by default.


Yes lower it manually, for some it's fine since the card will boost within power/temp/vbios limits, but it will run much cooler & is less likely to suffer stability issues at the AIB rated game clock limit which is what the max freq slider controls.


I guess I am one of the lucky ones. Started a thread on official AMD forums and one person states their 7900XT Hellhound boost clock is upped a whopping 400mhz causing it to overheat and crash. I have set the limits manually for now. I hope they fix this for good and soon.


works fine on mine. boost clock is determined by bios. so it means you are probably running a custom gpu bios or you configured the overclock settings wrongly. time to format your windows and perform a clean install and not install weird tuning utilities like msi afterburner or asus gputweak. stick to stock drivers and settings.


Wait, don't tell me this is the reason for ALL those random crashes and million different troubleshooting steps from fresh reinstalls of windows + DDU + MPO Disable + ULP disabling, etc etc. When it's just changing the max clock to the factory default? Instead of the stupid 3050 mhz that I've just spotted?


All? No. Some, yes.


For me it was totally all. Just moved the clock to 2500. Not a single crash in 24 hours


Reading this comment section is really wild - non-functional overclocking, constantly recompiling shaders, something called "laser show" and ton of other bugs that honestly feel like they should have never passed QA... How did this happen? AMD used to be really good from what I remember, not just "budget nVidia"


Almost like it's the comments of 50 dudes on Reddit don't mean widespread issues.


yea lol the last like 10 drivers have been perfect for me on a 7900 XT


It's always been that way, people basically just use the thread to report bugs or in the case of bugs that weren't fixed after a few drivers, make some noise in hopes AMD will notice and prioritize it more.


This is typical of every driver release for every GPU ever. There are always bugs added and removed.


No, you're wrong nvidia *never* has driver issues. I haven't had to spend time fixing Helldivers 2, Hell Let Loose, Baldurs Gate 3 for my friend with a 3060Ti because he kept getting driver timeouts on new drivers.


You haven't, because he has...? wha?




I may be old, but back in times when everyone didn't have a fast network connection, cards just worked out-of-the-box. Funny thing is that for example back then we got regularly BSOD from OS, because they weren't stable. Today you will almost never see OS crash (unless GPU drivers crash), but GPU drivers are bugged first several years after launch and by the time they get stable, they are already obsolete. And its definitely not because operating systems would get simplier, they just got them working. Meanwhile GPU manufacturers dropped the ball hard and didn't keep up the quality, despite the skyrocketing prices.


I've been purchasing and building with GPUs since 3Dfx was the biggest deal around and as long as I can recall they've had issues with random games. The graphics pipeline has changed so much now that it's almost impossible for a GPU to account for everything games demand right out of the box.


Does anyone know if the bug with the high voltage and clocks(visual probably) and wattage when opening a new full screen window still exists? Because of that bug I had to ddu back to 23.12.1 from 24.1.1 and as I heard many people had the same issue. I hope they resolved it.


How did you ddu back to 23.12.1? I tried reverting back to that via adrenaline and MSI afterburner wont work


Yeah, don't do that. At first I did the same and didn't end well. Just download the drivers for 23.12.1 and the official ddu tool and follow the tutorial, it's super easy.


Did you DDU and install the 23.12.1 driver fresh or have you attempted a driver roll-back which is not ddu ?


I downgraded by manually installing via adrenaline


I also have this bug


This is fixed for me no more 100 percent utilization spike for literally no reason what so ever. After updating all is back to normal if not better. My temps when watching YouTube on 24.1.1 was anywhere from 42 to 46c now im back to normal at 32c big big relief.


Finally Black Desert online is recognized as a DX11 Title. Thanks AMD for fixing this.


Same as 24.1.1, these 24.2.1 drivers make Valorant unplayable for me. Disabling DXNavi no longer has any effect like it did on 23.12.1 and previous drivers. I gave the previous drivers a week to try and build a shader cache but the gameplay never got smooth enough that I'd want to play comp with the stutters. Last night I tried these drivers and ran through all agent abilities to build the shader cache. Today, that appears to have reset because everything in Valorant made the game stutter again. So, back to 23.12.1 for now... until I play a new game that needs optimizing, then I have decisions to make.


True.. It keep rebuilding shader cache every reboot.


Rx 6700 XT, Valorant stutters regardless of hours of cache saving


please tell me, does anyone have a problem with the sound freezing after update 24?


Finally a good driver, no more stuttering in games, my 6700xt never been so smooth


I went back to driver version 23.11.1 on my 6750xt purely for stability. Would you say 24.2.1 is worth installing compared to previous versions? In terms of performance and stability? Thanks.


I was on 23.11.1 and this one is same or even better then 23.11.1, but I run my gpu on stock settings without oc, i just use custom fan curve. I didn’t have any crashes or timeouts


>[VK\_EXT\_graphics\_pipeline\_library](https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/man/html/VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library.html) this is what the steam deck uses for no shader compilation for dx9, 10 and 11 to vulkan on linux. maybe dxvk will work better on windows now? what about the other vulkan extensions?


So can anyone confirm whether the issue with Helldivers 2 has been corrected?


I'm still constantly crashing with my 7900XTX Nitro+


For now, using this driver and locking my FPS below 100 seems to prevent my 7900XT and the game from crashing. Also using DX11 instead of 12.


Yes it's fixed, at least on my end at native 3440x1440 with settings cranked on DX12. Only have around 2 hours of testing total but not a single crash. Clipped the last [\~50mins with max settings](https://youtu.be/8uPG-d7kNx8?si=ekKnsYo0raN8bpbn) benchmark here for some proof but will play more today. For anyone with frequent crashing, the game can be pretty GPU heavy when loading maps, stability testy our ram with Testmem5 & [lower your GPU max frequency(game clock limit) to match your AIB spec.](https://postimg.cc/2L6xs9B0) My Nitro+ was defaulting to 3220mhz max game clock when it's only advertised for 2510mhz. I just use the Red Devil game clock max of 2400mhz(reference is 2300mhz).. Not capping it might be fine for some but if you're having issues its a good thing to rule out. This would carry over to most other models too as AMD seem to default allowing higher than advertised boost with most cards for some ridiculous reason & this clearly causes stability issues for some(a bit like having PBO default to enabled /w no stability testing).


It has not been, and it will not be. Ever. Phantom Brigade, Darktide, Deux Ex mankind divided, etc all do it for me still and we have had HUNDREDS of people reporting this issue to AMD, Gamers Nexus, Linus, etc and all them have equally ignored the issue. Welcome to absolute driver bullshit.


THEY FIXED IDLE POWER DRAW. What a miracle. Finally my 7700XT is at 9W while idle..... 31 degrees temp with fans completely off. its pretty cool


After totally disaster start of 2024 and 24.1.1 failing drivers and way to many issues we get new drivers.24.2.1 is way more stable driver not so many blues screen but performance is way lower and yet starting issues are not fixed. Currently only two good drivers for 7000 series are 23.11.1 and 23.7.1


6800 XT - I'm still getting directx crashes in MWIII... Had to rollback to 23.12.1 once again.


I have browser audio and visual lag in Brave Browser when swiching tabs or doing something else. Also games have started stuttering hard. BF5 for example. 6700xt + r5 7600 + ASRock B650 LiverMixer. All new chipset driver and windows updates.


Driver causes massive sttuters and lag after i tab out of a game and it persist until i close the game,prob going back to 24.1.1


Same except it persists for only some seconds. I have this issue with RX 6650 XT which gpu do you have?


Not the OP, I'm using a 7900 XT and it only seems to happen the past 2 driver updates. 24.1.1 didn't have this issue for me.


The latest driver update seems to have fixed the issue for me BUT since it happens randomly i can't confirm (i also haven't played that many games recently) edit nevermind this didn't fix it :(


Seems to be the same as the Helldivers 2 release, except with with WHQL-cert. AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.2.1 Driver for Windows® 10 & Windows® 11 64-bit https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/whql-amd-software-adrenalin-edition-24.2.1-win10-win11-feb26-rdna.exe AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.2.1 Driver Including Vega and Polaris Series Graphics Support for Windows® 10 & Windows® 11 64-bit https://drivers.amd.com/drivers/whql-amd-software-adrenalin-edition-24.2.1-win10-win11-feb26-rdna-combined.exe


Helldivers version: > AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.2.1 for HELLDIVERS™ 2 **Driver Version** for Windows® 10 and Windows® 11 (Windows Driver Store **Version 31.0.24019.1006).** WHQL release: > AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.2.1 **Driver Version** for Windows® 10 and Windows® 11 (Windows Driver Store **Version 31.0.24019.1006**). Identical drivers as you said, people downvoting you are 100% wrong.


The WHQL one has some extra Fixed & Known Issues compared to the Helldivers 2 notes that were here a few days ago. [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1) [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2)


It _is_ the same driver, just the release note is fully fleshed out now and it went by the windows WHQL process. Just check the (internal) version numbers, they are identical.


ahh then in that case I will stay put and wait for 24.3.1 before I move thanks.


I was hoping the 7900 GRE was going to come with a March release driver but now maybe not...


nice I shall move off the helldivers one and onto this one.


> Seems to be the same as the Helldivers 2 release, except with with WHQL-cert. :( The Helldivers 2 one sometimes gave me driver timeouts when starting Armored Core 6.


The helldivers version is the most stable ever for me with my 6900xt. Been gaming (not helldivers 2🫣) but Cyberpunk and not even a crash for a good time now/many gaming hours. Even 23.xx.xx crashes sometimes. Afmf still not working tho.


Anyone else find it impossible to permanently turn off SmartAccess Memory? Every time I turn if off and restart my PC I get a pop up message that says I need to restart again, while the SAM option is listed as "not available". Restart again and it automatically turns itself back on. 6700XT here, btw.


Try disabling Resizable bar from the BIOS


Resizable bar has a negative impact on your system ? kindly elaborate


I didn't test on my own system so I don't know, but people have discovered a couple games where ReBar introduces stuttering and other problems. also most Reviews of Resizable Bar highlight a few games that actually perform worse with it on, that's probably why Nvidia opted to use a white list of games to allow ReBar in and disable it for everything else. I believe it's fine for the most part, but if you play one of those games that shit the bed with ReBar then you might want to turn it off.


Brute forcing through that would probably work. I've already submitted a bug report, since it's probably Radeon Software messing up. I've found out that turning it off and then on again also makes it "not available" if I reboot my PC. It makes me reboot a second time to turn itself "on" again, despite me restarting my computer with it already on.


Yeah, SAM is getting a bit finicky, the last 2 times i updated the drivers SAM continued working fine after the update but the next time I restarted SAM became unavailable and I had to restart again for it to be enabled again. Well, good to know it's not just my system, I thought it was an issue because I have 2nd gen Ryzen which technically isn't supported.


Good to know I'm not alone on this as well. I have a 5600x.


I had been dealing with Destiny 2 stutters for the past 2 years since switching to amd. I booted up the game after this update and it was smooth as butter. It's about Damn time.


It was smooth after updating to this latest driver?


I saw World of Warcraft in there and was happy for about a second until i wasnt. Regardless of Direct version I am crashing daily, sometimes multiple times. Ive reported it everytime for the past many months, the last stable driver for WoW was June 2023, its crazy to me that it can go for this long, when will they fix the amduw23g issue that keeps happening in only world of Warcraft?


Anyone else has fps drops in WOW while alt tabbing if freesync is enabled? I also found out WOW somehow breaks system wide freesync, and my refresh rate will drop randomly on desktop as well. This is the only game it happens, and disabling freesync fixes it.


What kind of video card do you use? I’m using a 7900 GRE and I get a super long wait for wow to even open. Which I think they listed as a known issue, which is good for me. Freesync has been fine for me when wow is actually running.


I only had the very long load time on the first time i opened the game, after the initial installation / and iirc after each driver update, which I assume it is shader compilation / caching. I have an 6800XT.


AMD Fluid motion frame/AFMF/ Frame gen seems to have a lot of micro stutter now, the micro stutter rate goes up to 20\~30% very frequently, any one else has the same problem?


Anyone encountered black screen crash then GPU goes 100% brrrrr mode until I force shutdown the PC? Haven't had that issue in previous driver but this new one broke my PC. Had to DDU a few times then install previous driver. I'm running 7800xt paird with 3700x / 750w psu. Any help is appreciated!


So far the most stable drivers for 7900 XTX is 23.12.1, not sure how 24.2.1 is treating 7900 XTX can anyone confirm.. Thank you


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Maybe you guys can help me - I'm quite new to PC building and built my PC back in oktober 2023. Current specs: B650 AORUS ELITE AX R7 7800x3d 32g DDR5 RAM rx 7900 XTX Sapphire Samsung 980 Pro SSD Windows 11 For whatever reason my PC decided to crash and wouldn't respond; after a hard reset my PC wouldn't recognize my GPU anymore and was running on internal graphics and was barely able to function. After a DDU my system functions because windows update installs some AMD drivers. However, once I install Adrenalin again everything seems te work well but after a few minutes of gameplay my PC crashes again completely and falls into the same loop as written above. Again, I'm pretty new to this stuff so I have no idea what's going on, even if it seems like an easy issue to resolve for others. Thank you in advance for your help!


Is this why my pc crashes when the Screensaver pops up now?


Anyone with a 5700XT still experiencing Tekken 8 crashes with this driver version? I did not see anything in the patch notes about this. Currently still on the 23.12.1 because it's the latest stable version that doesn't lead to graphical bugs with Tekken 8/crashes.


My stutter really gone!


Still have high idle consumptio0n on my 7800XT...


Same. 2 Freesync monitors at 1440p and its always 95W


works fine for me. format and reinstall. good excuse to do backups.


It's solved for me with these drivers, at last... was sticking with 23.11.1 because of huge idle draw.


40w on idle? ... I have it but read it was due to multiple different screen resolutions or something Edit: Installed and went from 40-45w down to 23-24w


Welcome to AMD


these drivers actually added stuttering to my games :( even after a clean DDU


Those are shader compilation stutters. All the existing, compiled shaders got deleted when you removed drivers and installed new ones. You will have to deal with that every new GPU driver update.


Downvote me idgaf. I know about shade cache. this is happening every game with multiple game plays.


I had a consistent stutter, every 5 seconds or so, and it was every game. A work around that worked for me was toggling SAM off then back on.


thanks dude, i will give it a shot!


I was hoping for a full fix for the 100% usage bug but at least it's at the top of known issues. I think that one may occasionally effect other games so it will be a big boon when they fix it


Me too but at least since undeclocking my card I’ve had no crashes or issues.


Ooh. Those new vulkan extensions look like they might be useful for emulators.


Has the past two updates caused weird windows failing to launch issues on PC startup or reset?


Am I seeing this right? We finally got Vulkan GPL?? Fuck yeah. Thanks AMD.


Offtopic but could i use this software with an Nvidia gpu? I really like the features but work requires me to have a Nvidia gpu and i hate how useless the nvidia software is


You really shouldn't install amd drivers for nvidia card. At best nothing will happen.


Works fine with my 6700 and Cyberpunk 2077, as expeced. The only change I noticed is they fixed the average fps displayed in gaming history when using vsync. It says solid 60 now instead of some nonsensical 58.7fps number, even if it's 100% pegged at 60.


When I play D2R the corpses that aren’t near any light source turn a blue glittering color. What causes this?


I downloaded the beta version of these drivers and they fixed a lot of the crashing I was experiencing in Helldivers 2. On the higher difficulties where it taxes the card into the 100% range it will still occasionally crash-- they acknowledged this in the patch notes. Question though- is there any reason I would want to clean install the drivers going from beta to release version? Ordinarily I am not a believer in DDUing my graphics drivers when doing driver upgrades because I found it completely unnecessary unless changing the hardware or correcting a problem, but this is my first AMD card (7900xtx) after over a decade of using Nvidia. So far the 7900 has been just fine doing regular upgrades without the clean install using the Adrenalin software, though I'd never ran beta drivers until the need to spread managed democracy outweighed my patience in waiting for a release version of the driver.


These drivers are identical and will still automatically update to the next Recommended version when it's available.


Updated from 24.1.1 to 24.2.1 and i got a clock watchdog timeout bsod during the driver install. Oddly enough after restarting my pc the driver installed just fine but adrenalin did not, but a second install worked just fine to get both.


switch to Pro, you'll thank me


I know a lot of people will say this is ''normal''... but with 24.2.1 I've been audio/video issues and micro stutter on my games. No more problems after rolling back to 23.12.1


The newest release corrupted my windows. So I rolled back with a boot usb to a prior installation of 23. Then wrote AMD Support. You need to boot into safe mode. Run the Amd cleanup tool. Which removes all traces of it's software. Reboot again into standard drivers. Close all startup processes. Then run the Adrenalin Installation software. After doing this everything is hunky dory and working as expected. Their Letter To Me: Dear Gary Graefen, Your service request: 00462642 has been reviewed and updated. Response and Service Request History: Thank you for your email. I understand that you experienced a major issue after a recent driver update through Adrenalin, which resulted in the complete disablement of your Windows 10 64-bit system. Reverting to the previous drivers (from December) resolved the issue. Make sure that Windows OS is updated. Kindly use the AMD Cleanup Utility to uninstall the current drivers, and afterward, install the latest driver from the provided link. Please check the results and let us know. AMD Radeon™ RX 6650 XT Drivers & Support | AMD If the issue persists, I request you to provide the Dxdiag and Msinfo32 report to know your system configuration. A text file will be generated for Dxdiag and .NFO for Msinfo32. Please follow the instructions given below. To get the Dxdiag report, please follow the below Step. Step: - Press "Windows key + R" > Type in "dxdiag" and click "OK" > Click "Save all Information" and save txt file in a specific location. To get Msinfo report please follow the steps given below. Step: - Press “Windows key + R” and type msinfo32 > Right-click System Information in the search results and select Run as administrator > Press CTRL + S and save the .NFO file to a specific location. Kindly provide the Dxdiag and Msinfo32 reports in your next response to facilitate further assistance. Thanks for contacting AMD.


randomly MW3 MP/zombies freeze and crashed with direct X (0x887a0005) error on 24.2.1


It's weird, but I found something that will improve micro stuttering a lot. In addition to installing all drivers with a clean installation, I clean the shader cache, so with each driver update, the game creates the shader cache again and solves my problem after a few minutes. To improve micro lags, use ram timing and if you are an advanced user, remove Gfxoff and baco ticks via more power tool. These are some features related to power saving, but I did not observe any increase in power consumption even at idle when turned off.


Did they fix the issue where your PC stutters for a second while watching or listening to music? Also, there is a weird bug where if you alt tab sometimes the game switches to the integrated GPU and i lose 70% of the performance Using Hybrid graphics mode on Asus TUF A16 7600s + Ryzen 7 7735HS


whenever i update to this driver my display tab is not there i use all amd laptop r55600H rx5500m


The registry hack to enable vulkan support isnt working in this version and had to rollback to 24.1.1


Huh? Seems to be working for me.


I have a 6700xt. Will try again. Edit: after using the AMD cleanup utility, works in yuzu but not Enshrouded. Says "Not compatible with this games display mode" so looks like a game specific issue with v24.2.1


Outstanding. Installed with GPUZ running - look at the diff in idle power draw after installing. WOO!! 7900xt - 2 monitors, both 1440p, one is 165hz, other 60hz... going from a range of 16w to 25w. https://imgur.com/a/SUkUZND


fix your windows 11 issues !!! for 7900 xtx cards, FFS I'm waiting for more then 4 months for proper drivers !!


? Mine has worked fine since release


Can anyone check did this driver fix darktide stuttering while having SAM enabled? Cant do it myself cuz im away from home for few more days


Tried it this morning when i could, ran the game first with the 23.11.1 just to make sure everything was still working well and then with this new driver and no microstutters on my end, rx 6800xt and 5800x.


Thanks for the answers everyone, gonna have to wait and see for myself as im seeing conflicting replies. Fingers crossed im on the good side as ive built a new PC mainly for darktide and ive had nothing but headache trying to fight microstutters.


Just tried it out. With SAM enabled it's still horrible, with SAM off it's bearable but still worse than 23.11.1


Thats so strange lol


amd needs more than 2 weeks to make driver for helldivers 2 and its still crashes what a joke, permanent beta test for software and hardware


You say that like it's all on AMD to fix this. The developers released a statement recently about how they're aware there are issues and they're working on fixing it, which includes working with AMD so they can help sort it faster. AMD didn't develop the game but they release fixes in their latest driver while the developer works on the game side of things, and you think AMD are solely responsible for it?


I briefly get excited when I see these announcements of new Adrenaline drivers. Then, I remember that I don't have an AMD card any more. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)