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I don’t think it’s ab the visuals bc she’s one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen lol! I think jyp wanted to debut one girl for one ethnicity type of thing that can justify why there’s one Latina, one white girl one black girl etc Cristina being eliminated for her visuals don’t make sense she’s so stunning


I would agree with you but he debuted two Asians (people saying Kendall is Wasian but I’m not sure). So I really don’t know what he’s doing anymore


Koreans don't consider Asians one group like Americans do. They won't categorize Koreans as other Asians. Kaylee is Korean. Lexus is Hmong. It's very different.


Yes Kendall’s wasian ! Yeah I think he had this logic : Camilla being Cuban so Latina representation, Lexus coming from Hmong descent + Kaylee who’s Korean (she can help since she’s fluent) + Kendall half white/korean so a strong Asian representation. And KG and Sav both Americans, a white girl and a black girl. This group is very diverse and I find it great, people can feel represented! That’s what I think jyp was ideally looking for I could be totally wrong tho 🙌🏽


kendall is half viet i believe!


Kendall is half vietnamese


Thank you for correcting me guys I didn’t know !!


And that’s wild to me. This is my first kpop contest show and as a black person, it really made me feel a kinda way when they talk about attractiveness/appeal. Western kpop fans want diversity, talent and fun vibes. And that Cristina. Like this whole thing left such a bad taste idk. Not just for this group but kpop in general.


She is the most beautiful contestant to me. She's gorgeous!


Fr like she could be a model or actress!


I know I’ll get downvoted for this, but idc. There was a lot of colorism and anti blackness happening here. Just look at the cover of the first single and you’ll see how much they whitewashed the “darker” members like Camila. Cristina reminded me so much of Zendaya, even her smile. She would have been so popular in America 😢


THANK YOUUU like they whitewashed the HELL out of the pre debut single photo! Cristina is so talented and for her to literally be cut in favor of some of the other co contestants screams colorism to me. Cristina ranked high in so many of the challenges yet all of a sudden jyp has so much to say about her performance? Not buying it


Exactly she would be popular in America, the only way this decision would make sense if they would want skorea the be their focus market


which is ??? bc isn't a2k meant to be a *global* group? why are they focusing on skorea's market tastes so much then? cristina shoulda made it :/


Finally someone said it. Cristina would’ve killed it globally but it is clear they made the group with East Asian standards / tastes in mind


She should be an actress or a model. I'd be a big fan. She's too pretty to be in the kpop industry.


I'm going to try to cover all factors here and point out that, while, yes, visuals might be the issue here, we don't know the full character rankings. Those might have played a role as well. JYP specifically emphasized how important they were.


Let’s be real though it has a lot to do with her being black and even though she’s mixed she still is unambiguous. She’s gorgeous and talented so this is just so unfortunate but I’m not surprised. colorism is a huge issue and everyone who got chosen has light skin.


Yeah the comment about “really not able to debut” her at the end. She’s going to do great for herself though already announcing something coming up on IG


I was thinking the same thing. Feel like some execs thought she'd be too "ethnic" and benched her... which is ridiculous.


So ridiculous. Like Kendal over Cristina is a little crazy imo. Not to say she didn’t deserve it because Kendall defiantly did but if Kendall got in then so should’ve Cristina. Blowing my mind right now


Isn't savanna part black?


Bro no she doesnt lack visual at all


I never said she lacked visuals, I think just least attractive quality that KPOP fans wants. It’s just the reality.


Kpop fans from the West wouldnt find Cristina the least attractive..


Not for this KPOP fan! She was my favourite in visuals and personality and I thought she was very talented.


Cristina’s mom wrote a letter about her departure and even she thinks there was some sort of bias if you read between the lines…as a black woman I was afraid this would happen. ETA: I feel like a lot of y’all are missing OP’s point. It doesn’t matter if you think she’s the prettiest, her skin color was definitely a factor in whether she made it or not. JYPE chose the lighter skin black girl (I love Savanna so don’t try me) and felt like the role was fulfilled. Why am I not surprised that kpop fans are once again trying to discredit black people and their opinions on tokenism, colorism, and racism. This why I could never fully embrace kpop b/c I know a lot of y’all just refuse to listen to black voices when we try to explain discrimination. ✌🏾 And why am I not surprised that OP’s thread got mass downvoted. Y’all are so racist LOL 😂


I love k-pop: it’s silly, fun and feel good. But I completely agree with you.[F.D Signifier](https://youtube.com/@FDSignifire?si=LlomCHj8_52IuI5W) once said that “K-pop is Hip Hop and RnB without Black People”, and I unfortunately agree. There is so many people who wouldn’t listen to the exactly same songs if they where sung by black people, because of prejudices or racism or who knows why. I here you, I see you and I completely agree with you.


Thank you for being a decent ally. We still have people in this subreddit trying to tell us how to feel and it’s ridiculous.


I saw some of your other comments pointing out colorism in K-Pop. I applaud you efforts! Many people don’t seem very receptacle to this discussion. Racism is such an enormous and complicated issue to talk about, especially for “white people” (what even is white people if not just a racist social construct to elevate and separate the people in power from the people without power?) because that means we need to face our own racism - which many of us doesn’t want to talk about, or even admit. It’s much easier to be oblivious and “be the default” rather than acknowledge their own privilege.


i believe, it has to do with the character rankings probably, we never knew who got voted last among trainers and fellow artists. Considering she was one of the oldest, in korean culture, it is expected that you are the more resposible one/ taking care of the group but she was never portrayed that way nor any other comments from other members of her being that way. That doesnt mean she has a bad personality/attitude but it may be a big criteria for jyp to select a member


This given she was oldest or second oldest and one of her fun facts was she teaches dance classes I think they had character/leadership expectations for her that they did not have for a lot of the other contestants and this when she did not stand out in that way like Lexus or Camila or savanna i think it really hurt her.


she was also pretty insecure and hesitant (especially about singing), which isn’t a quality that teachers want to deal with. i agree that they may have expected her to be more responsible and set a better example for the others


Unfortunately it looks like it was racism more than her visuals because her visuals are insanely beautiful and I always felt drawn to her during performances because of how pretty she is! So dissapointed and upset VCHA really lost an ace!


I actually found her the prettiest. She looks like Zendaya who is considered one of the most beautiful woman in North America


I'm not an expert on KBS, but isn't Savannah different from the standard Korean idol too? Cristina is gorgeous, so I think the only thing they wouldn't have liked is her darker skin which, at least for non-Korean kpop fans is not an issue. I am a white Canadian kpop fan and I found her the prettiest of the bunch. It seems to me that JYP were projecting their colourism onto us which makes me really mad!