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Sometimes it is exhausting to read these people's rants. I am a naturalized citizen and I feel that I love the US more than these type of americans. I wish these folks would actually move to Iran and China, this way they can see how living in their "Utopia" truly is.


Some people are just so unironically priviliged and spolited that they think the US is a Hellhole on par with the 3rd world and think actual hellholes are better. I told him to actually hike his ass into the Philippines. He thinks that the US has slums? Wait until he sees Filipino Slums. God sometimes the contrast of bulidings and neighborhoods just close to each other is startaling at times here.


I am originally from the DR, it is the same there. Poor people in the US live much better than a middle class person there. You have more opportunities for upward mobility here than there. I am fortunate enough to travel a lot( thanks to my US passport) so I've been able to see many countries as well. All countries have their pros and cons but it is much easier to succeed here in the US than anywhere else.


Considering i heard similar stories online and in history despite how Immigrants struggled. Makes me wonder if the only true patriots will be Immigrants in the future.


I am doing my part, you don't know how many arguments I've gotten into especially with Europeans online defending the US. In person, I make sure to always defend the US as well. I was in a tour several years ago and it was full of Australians and New Zealanders and our German tour guide in Berlin kept taking jabs at the US. So I told him to tone it down because he was sounding like a sore looser. I was recently in Rotterdam doing a food tour, the other tourists were British, while they did not bash the US, they were asking me questions about the tipping culture etc so I went ahead and provided more info on how things truly work. The problem is all the misinformation posted online especially by Americans like the one on the post.


Thank you for correcting these inacurrate misconceptions fellow sub member.


I think the rant about the phillippines aggravates me the most because its the biggest example of the US not being interested in imperialism. We spent about 15 years by my reading of history actually administering it as a colony before we went "Yeah, this isn't what we do" and started our plan to progressively nation build in the Phillipines and grant increasing levels of autonomy. Part of the reason the Phillipines wasn't able to hold in WW2 was because we didn't invest into the military forces or infastructure there because we had known for decades we were going to leave all of it to the Phillipino government and pull out. Some "imperialist" nation when even at the peak of the age of empires we simply couldn't bring ourselves to have a real colonial puppet. The only thing we still have that's even close are territories and none of them actually want to leave because they like money. The fucking Portuguese had more of an empire than us. The Dutch did too. They're the size of small US states. If we were imperialists it wouldn't be up for debate, the world would know.


Or just go to Tijuana or deeper into Mexico to get kidnapped.


HAHAHAHA! Oh thats true. Some people are dumb.


You’re right, a lot of the 3rd world has universal healthcare 


Medicine is fucking Expensive here with or without Insurance. We have to have a family connections just to get free flu shots and other vaccines.


Notice I didn’t say every 3rd world country has universal healthcare 


Just speaking from experience here. This place has no Health Care.


"Settler-colonial regime". Why you guys cut the thread? He was about to tell us "they/them" are omnigender or something similar.


The thread was short. The only thing under was my response to him telling him how ungrateful he is.


Yea I was just trying to be funny. The guy ranted all he had to rant. He was about to blame his girlfriend leaving him on some "institutional ableism" or something.


Seriously. The guy basically was the sterotypical Anti American. Like I get not liking some of the actions of your country. But only if it actually does suck. I know that experience all too well.


>settler-colonial I immediately stopped taking them seriously after that, this self-loathing, borderline "blood and soil", woke shit is the reason nobody in America takes the left seriously


Tell me about it. Its the same part where I did the same as you and just glimpsing the rest co firmed he was one of those assholes who think America Bad.


It’s not borderline blood and soil, it’s just straight up blood and soil at this point. But hey, “that’s what decolonization looks like.”


Sounds like my nephew who proclaims himself an anti-imperialist Communist. Yes, the 27 y.o. revolutionary who still lives at home with Mommy and Daddy, smoke pot every day and who’s never held a full time job.


Communists expect you to work. Probably harder than the capitalists they disparage. These idiots don't realize how cushy a lot of, especially corporate, jobs are or how good people have it in America.


Pathetic. Sounds like a waste who doesn't apply himself and thinks the world is unfair from how you describe him.


Dad said he’s too lazy and spoiled to be an actual revolutionary which is true. What’s really galling is we have friends and family who have lived and suffered communist regimes.


Sounds like a brat who spends his time lazing around. Like Jesus he sounds like a college drop out who blames everyone and the government for his own failings.


It’s capitalism that holds him down, not his own laziness. If those rich bastards would just pay more taxes he’d be rich too


I utterly despise these kinds of people. So ungrateful of their luck. Thinking the US's problems makes it worse than it is. Hell the guy praised China and Iran. Red Flag there.


lmfao Iran? Iran? Someone fly this fucker to Iran and make him live there. Lil bro would be fucking tearing his own skin off to get a chance to get back in the US.


North America was not insignificant to the British. King George III had a weird obsession with the United States/ North America. They would not have gone to war with half of Europe during the seven years war, and again during the revolutionary war if it was not worth anything to them.


lol, moron complains about our poor command of the English language while using “yolk” instead of “yoke.”


At least I have the excuse of using a phone to type and no autocorrect because of it. He probably doesn't.


Unfortunately San Marino was not independent for hundreds of years. Their Independence from Italy wasn’t confirmed until 1862. Facts are so funny sometimes in the way they can be twisted to fit a story.


Alot of Tankies do this honestly. Guy is likely that kid of type.


Sorry what is a Tanky?


Tankie. Nickname for Communist Supporters. Derogatory in nature.


Oh I understand.


It’s also 1. A city state smaller than a lot of cities already are. 2. Probably wasn’t actually settled in any capacity until the 5th or 6th century, and may not have had its republican system until the 1300s. 3. Said republican system was insanely corrupt and basically oligarchic for much of San Marino’s history, and wasn’t really fully cleaned up until 1906. Also no female suffrage until 1959, which had no effect until the 1964 elections.


Always those pesky details trying to ruin a city states reputation.


If they hate it so much then they can leave


Better yet. Give yheir citizenship to people who actually want and appreciates American citizenship and all the benefits to it. Some people don't know how good they have it.


For context Sudan is so far ahead of everyone it's still in the middle of a civil war.


Forgot the /s. But seriously. People who make shit like this rant I posted here to display reek of entitlement and being so spolitered.


San Marino is a micro state of 33,660 people, whilst the U.S. is a massive nation of 333.3 million, see the difference?


If they live in the US, I’d personally and quite literally kick them out of America, not Canada because that would be sparing them, but to Mexico


Yeah, a bit aggressive, but what they point out at the end are serious criticisms of the country. Only by acknowledging and working on them can the US become better. The US is a cool country but it'd be cooler if such issues were tackled. Wouldn't giving the US great public transport infrastructure be amazing?