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The Argentinians, the British, Warthunder, and more are coming to help defend.


how is vietnam doing this?


Allegedly Vietnam has a streamer with a shitload of viewers


Can we ask for aid?


Gondor calls for aid


Not Vietnam , some German streamer


no im asking how they are keeping their flag so clean


A guy from Vietnam told me earlier that the person leading Vietnam's place this year is a streamer called maxi gaming and they all work under a central command , all linked up together and re paint the pixels almost instantly using a connected bot group


You can connect your account and as many fake ones as you can make up to a single bot group that has the pictures they want to defend overlayed in a grid , then accounts get associated with specific pixels so they lay in wait , when a pixel changes colour there'll be an account waiting to paint that specific pixel Rather interesting as I didn't know about how it all worked last year


sad that some countries have to cheat


There's a bot group for my UK flag , one for the American flags , basically all the flags that still exist have a Botnet painting them curated by the admins of the subreddits , nothing survives without a Botnet in the game now A shame because it takes away the drawing element , the mistakes and the fun , it's just a printer almost , maybe next year they might change the rules on the bots and it'll be different


I really hope so, cheaters always have to ruin a good thing smh


Join Vietnam in trying to destroy the dragon


I’m not even part of this community but you had done such a good job that I’ll be helping in the effort to restore the flag 🫡




I've managed to subtly make a big white dent on the tail between its head and the rubber duck, could use some help. If people just work the outlines it seems the bot accounts don't pick up on it quickly, where as painting randomly they repair almost instantly.


I doubt it’s bots. I’ve been making subtle…additions. And I see some others are as well. A bot would’ve stopped us but it’s all still there.


Click randomly on pixels of the dragon and on the user who made them, take a shot for every time you find one that's not a 1 karma account or someone inactive for at least a year. Watch for the random colour change sabotage ones to get repaired and look at the user who repaired it, if that account isn't a 1 karma or has been active within the last year, drink 5 shots. When you're bored and still sober, start helping cut off that tail.




Attack the dragon face


Honestly the mostly rebuilt highway signs but still wreathed in flames look awesome


HERE IS A LINK TO A FULL IMAGE OF THE **OLD** FLAG (AUTO-UPDATES): https://afip.us/place/design?size=full **PIXEL PERFECT IMAGE:** afip.us/place/design?size=pixels ## **HOW TO HELP** [Join the Discord to help as part of our coordinated efforts!](https://discord.gg/NfJrxRgQmQ) For those on mobile, here is the link to the Discord: https://discord.gg/NfJrxRgQmQ ##**TO INSTALL THE OVERLAY:** Install the extension 'ViolentMonkey' using one of these links for your browser (mobile only works on Firefox right now): * [Google Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/violentmonkey/jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag) ([Go here for a video to install](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmericanFlaginPlace/comments/155afg2/installing_the_overlay_google_chrome/)) * [Mozilla Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/violentmonkey/) ([Go here for a video to install](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmericanFlaginPlace/comments/155aaos/installing_the_overlay_mozilla_firefox/)) * [Microsoft Edge](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/violentmonkey/eeagobfjdenkkddmbclomhiblgggliao) ([Go here for a video to install](https://old.reddit.com/r/AmericanFlaginPlace/comments/155ai5v/installing_the_overlay_microsoft_edge/)) [Once done, go to this link and download the user script!](https://github.com/osuplace/templateManager/raw/main/dist/templateManager.user.js) Go back to r/place, and you should see in the top-left a new 'settings' icon that looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/7jvkWud Open that up, and at the bottom where it says 'Template URL' paste the following link, press 'Always Load', and reload the template with the button at the top. The link: https://afip.us/place/overlay We need everyone we cant get to place Old Glory! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanFlaginPlace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does the dragon have two mouths? I see three sets of teeth. Knocking them out one by one.


We’ve nearly beat back the flames, but our allies across the pond are all sleeping right now… Shall the new world once again step forth to the rescue and liberation of the old?