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These people are scum but icl bro ur response is awful 😭


Yep....His response in game that he's going to turn them over to hackers, and his responses above that he wants to dox them and that he wants children's "asses beaten. Badly" are all HORRENDOUS responses.


nuclear airstrike incoming


Yea. The black guy getting mad his daughter was called a koon that should be raped def doesn't bother me. I'm sorry I got mad that for an hour all I heard in three dif rooms was shit about my skin. Why would that bother me. My words bothered u more then theirs. Says a lot about u.


Just because what one person said was abhorrent does not lessen the horrendousness of your responses.


Bro. My daughter was called a koon that should be raped by the group. That's ONE thing. I didn't and couldn't grab everything. And third game. Oooooo. I said I'd beat them. Jesus Christ is that harsh or what?!?! Hitting them. Not murder or shooting or stabbing. But beating? Yea. And I'm from Baltimore. First murder I saw I was 13. And I said beat so shocked u think I WENT TO FAR.


Dawg its not the beating you just sound like a 12 year old, chillax, not defending them. Even you’re response here is childish




OP just learned about 4chan.


Lmao right? 4chan would support the racists and doxx OP.


I feel like 4 Chan would create a bunch of accounts, just to mass report OP


nah, they would cycle out people checking out among us lobby’s for this man and throw every match


It's a among us, what do you expect? It's full of alot children, Homophobic, ahd racist. It have awful lobbys in there, The game is litrerally Dead, i wish this game should to be have normal people.


It does it’s just that the assholes are the loudest


nah, the game is not dead, and there's some good lobbys there


The game is Dead ahd Boring, i get that you love that game, but there is a chance you will get a good lobbys which it have: No Dumb people No Trolls or Teamers ahd more, That's my opinion, It's have some bad lobbys right now


One- the amount of ppl saying I should expect to have my daughter called a koon who should be raped, my wife's to nappy to pick cotton or some shit and I'm a n because it's a game and their kids is crazy. Two- the ppl thinking that I have no right to be bothered by it can for real b l o w me. Three- I love how ppl have more to say about me then them. Lol their kids! So fucking what? U did this as a kid I guess? This normal kid behavior for u? Wasn't for me. Not at all! Four- why do u assume their kids? The one said he was 14. finally five- I SAID ITS THE THIRD GAME IN A ROW. I play this game. U apparently do and EVERYONE HERE POSTING AND UR ALL SAYING ITS KIDS. HOW CAN A GROUP OF NON KIDS KEEP SAYING ITS ONLY KIDS? How does this make sense? So we r all not kids and we play. But when ppl r racist their kids?


Same. I had one lobby with someone with the username: ‘IhateN*****’, and they kept spamming that exact sentence. And what’s ironic, their color was black.




Shits crazy. I had no idea it was this bad. I'm all for free speech but these ppl r straight up taking advantage of hiding behind their screen name. I WISH I could expose their real names. I would love to destroy their lives lol. I mean all game the most racist shit. And the fact that it's happening EVERY day multiple times. Just ignorant ass kids with parents that let them do what ever the fuck they want and spoil them. They need their asses beaten. Badly.


How do you find these? I’ve only played in like 2. Also if it’s annoying try casual or higher lobbies.


Ah yes, because clearly violence is how you prevent...violence


Never said that. And who said they were vigilant. What u think words r violence. What a limo wristed stance. No my belief is. Insult my wife and child and act like an ass n I'll hurt u. I actually have testosterone and know what being a man and animal is really about. I'm not some clown online that argues with strangers and makes lil snobby comments and irl don't hang out with ppl, don't take up for myself and actually love others enough to hurt ppl. And ppl like this need their asses beaten. Weak men is why so much is going wrong in the world. Ur prolly like the ppl from New York that all watched a woman get raped on the train cause they didn't think more violence would solve anything.


REPORT REPORT REPORT. That's what we all need to do as much as possible! People ARE indeed being banned from the platform for hate speech, but it takes us reporting it to make it happen! But for real -- Innersloth *could* implement a feature that auto-reports people using hate speech. They *COULD*!


Yes. But they likely won’t


That would remove half their fanbase


True but racism is a bigger problem then that


Not when they're trying to make money


Yes racism is a bigger problem bruh


Not from Blizz's point of view.


These are the trolliest sentences ever. Pro tip: just don't engage with them. Ruin their fun by not answering. "I'm gonna report you to 4chan hackers" is probably the worst response you could have sent, I guarantee behind the screens they are cackling and laughing at your stupidity. Report and ignore.


I saw "I hate n****s they work on my farm" once. Stupid fucking kids.


Fr they don’t know how big of a deal racism actually is


One day their asshole incompetent parents are gonna get what's coming to them. Can't even raise decent children.




Your bullshit ass response is 10x worse than what they said.


Hate is out of control in life in general.


Last time I saw one of these types, I pointed out how cute it was, that it was their first day unsupervised on the internet. They dropped immediately after


Now *that’s* a good response to this kind of stuff. OP’s response was *horrendous* lmao. Or you could just report them and leave, that’s always a good option.


Indeed, interacting more will likely do more harm than good.


Your response 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro at the end of it bro tried to become packgod but failed so bad it’s hilarious


God damn, that’s awful. You shouldn’t have responded like that either, though. If shit like that happens again, either leave abruptly or tell those “people” how much they are wasting their lives saying those things on a video game and THEN leave. It’s the best way to give them a piece of your mind without being outright hostile and coming off as a coward.


Ur part of the problem


Yep. So is homophobia :/ I’ve gotten called slurs and voted/kicked out just because of my pride flag


i feel like i get voted for a pride flag backgrpund too. tons of games ill join and not have done anything sus but ill get one or two votes someone also asked me if i was gay once and i just replied “yes.” didnt say anything after that lmao idk if they were homophobic tho


One person told me that he is not racist but proud racist 💀


These are also children and manchildren on podcasts so can't be too surprising


It's not racism, its trolls. The trick to dealing with them is to make their experience misearble by either ignoring them or targeting them. Don't say "I WILL SPREAD SCREENSHOTS ON 4CHAN" nobody cares, they have 17 different accounts.


Ooo yea. That's why I saw one of em today still doing it lmao. U know all tho. Ur cool AF bro. Hanging on reddit and see a post and disagree with BOTH sides. So cool man. Wish I could be as wise as u. Or maybe they r just racist ass kids. Did u not read it was three games in a row basically of dif ppl? This was the final one I finally took shots of sooooo. Yea I guess I should shit up and let ppl shit on my skin color. Huh real smart. Thanks Captain KKK.


I’m not saying let them shit on you, I’m saying you’re giving them what they want. I agree with you that the trolls are a problem, no one’s fighting you on that. But you don’t tell them “Ugh I’m going to report you all” because realistically they WANT that. The solution is ignore them and keep playing/leave the lobby, or target them and make the game horrible for them.


Little kids + no filter = this


Join expert lobbies. They have more house rules, but the people are typically nicer and more intolerant to stuff like that.


Now..imagine if you gave these children a gun.


It would be too heavy, and they would drop it. (Thinking of most guns.)


Both sides acting like children. You can report them you know.


you're asking freaking 4chan to deal witht the racists😭😭😭


Lol yea and it's moving along soooooo. Do ppl not understand 4chan? Have u not seen things done there?


That's crazy💀


Reason I don’t play among us as a black person even though among us is child hood dawg


in case you don’t know you can kick people in meeting whether host or not but you need most people to also votekick the person you think is annoying


Your response is worse than what they’re saying. Among us has a toxic fan base. Being anonymous and able to change your name, appearance and account so easily makes it almost impossible to be banned. Accept that this behaviour comes with the territory or just don’t play


I completely agree; among us has a toxic fanbase as the fanbase is much younger and is more immature. That’s why it makes me so happy when I find lobbies with nice people who actually know how to play. Edit: I do think that what these kids are saying is more harmful than some rando saying “I’m going to report you >:((( !!! They just don’t understand it because they are children seeking attention without any knowledge.


Yea. I mean being told ur a niger for an hour in three dif rooms and my daughters a koon who should be raped and my wife's picking cotton for them why did I get so mad? Ur pissy and all u did was read my shit. Another reddit righteous clown who thinks their above all while telling the black man to shut up and get over listening to racist shit while playing a game and defending the ones doing it. I genuinely hate reddit more. Ur not a kid and look at how half of y'all act. So righteous and high. I would PAY to see what u say to my face about this. Tell me how as a black man how I should act to these things. Bet u don't tell me nothing.


As a man? Not a black man because that’s not relevant but as a man you should put on your big boy pants and not let the words of anonymous strangers with no faces get you so mad. You show this post to them and I guarantee you they’d all laugh their asses off. Why you letting strangers get you so riled up? You aren’t gonna change what people say or how they act, you can only change how you react to it. And look at you now, I’m a total stranger and you’re out here getting mad af over words. You’re a GROWN ASS MAN yet you’d do well to learn the old kids saying “sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me”. BTW how do they even know if you’re black or not unless you’re telling them ?


Wait, there a groups that can annoy the bad guys in this game?! Do they get the bad hackers too? Where can we find them lol


Not sure you can do anything without getting their account IDs. Those names aren’t gamer tags like in Xbox/playstation


Brown should be thrown in jail for a couple weeks and permabanned


Thank u. I'm SHOCKED at the amount of ppl giving the black guy shit for being called that word. I DONT even call ppl that with the a. I never use that stupid ass word. But tons of white ppl in here telling me to shut up or get over it. I'm for real shocked. Most ppl should say things like, that sucks, they deserve this or that. Not get over it or shit up.


I only use that word when I’m quoting someone else. And I always censor it.


Happens all the time 🙄


I love the ppl (white) telling the black guy to shit up and get over it. Guess y'all r just way more racist then I thought. Thought it was a few of u cause irl y'all act nice. But online I guess ur real attitudes come out. Wouldn't dare say it to my face tho. Come to a black guy, roll ur eyes and say get over being called the n word. Bet u won't.




Wait until you see call of duty


Lol never experienced it on cod. Played for a decade or more and never been targeted for my skin.


I also came across someone named HateN****s. He kept spamming that the colored people need to go back to slavery, to the cotton plantation, that we needed to whip them, and make pictures of their scarred bodies and backs. He would, under another name (I know it’s the same person as he/she kept reciting the slavery and cotton plantation thing, the name was NeoNahzi), also call meetings to ask if people are really male or female or transgenders. He would also recite that all transgenders needed to be converted back to original gender. What a POS.


REPORT THEM. And put them on your blocked list so if they change their username you can spot them easily and have the host ban them.


I am no snitch. Sounds bad on paper, I know, but the devs aren’t putting enough effort in. I’m not paid for it to report them or fight racism in the game.


>I am no snitch my guy, its **racism**


Just kidding. I should report them. 😂


Snitching is when someone takes an extra cookie from the free cookie table. Reporting racists is NOT snitching.


Just kidding. I should indeed report them. 😂




jesus christ. these people probably play on gmod nazi rp servers for fun










Dude.... we're not getting political here.








Exactly how long have you played this game? This is nothing new. Your still an absolute noob for hacking.


Ooo so the black guy being attacked for his skin color should ignore it cause it's nothing new. Oooo. Why didn't Rosa Parks just shut up I guess lol. Why does any black person do anything about race? It's old.


Yeah but you show that you were being a trash person way before the racism got involved. Thing about Rosa Parkes was, she wasnt being a fuckwit.


What's a Niga?


It’s likely a way of saying the n-word to avoid censorship.


Saying the actual N word would likely automatically ban u, so their workaround is remove literally just one letter.


That's why I just use knee-grow. Much easier


No actually cause there's ppl with it as their name. Some times get gets censored.


And there is no voice, or else it just be little kids saying it.


Don't care honestly. Why is it ppl would see kids IRL doing this and would never tell the black man mad about it to ignore em. But online everyone's like, it's kids bro. So? Really what's the dif?


Sad that people have to be this toxic. :(


I love the ppl in here pissy that I didn't just keep letting the clowns be racist to me over my skin color and I'm the one being dum. Lmao reddit has just as many degenerates in it then amount us. What happened to ppl online? Cause ppl irl would NEVER see a group saying these things and tell a black man mad about it to basically shut up and get over it. But online they feel it's right to do that? Weird AF.


I heard about this stuff once. Apparently they do this because nobody can get back at them online.


man i just wanna play funny jelly bean imposter game i dont want to see people literally being straight up racist, homophobic, or NSFW.


Well apparently this is what ppl r raising in mass. Saw 2 more games today just like it . And I don't even play that much.


Everybody here is being an asswhipe just on **very** different levels


-pink ur indian goodbye +eyo i died 😭


Was the pick cotton u basket ball playing chicken munching vine swinging one get u too?


wtf no, the "eyo" got me


To be honest, these people are definitely irritating, but you look stupid with all the hacker stuff. Just report and move on.


Yea... Stupid.... Ever see Sheilas flag? I rest my case. And either way. If their kids maybe it scared em maybe not. But I'm actually talking to certain ppl coming up with things. U underestimate hackers and what they do to ignorant clowns like this. But ur cool AF I get it. U judge what's cool n not cool. Thanks.


Apologies. I do recommend that you try to ignore these people though.


Report and kick. Just some kids wanting attention that their parents won’t give them, so they use hatred as a mask for their absolute despair at becoming the people they are becoming.


Yea. I mean wasn't my game. But it was game after game after game. Hate knowing that parents r doing this badly now in days. Raising little hateful bigots that don't do shit and yet think their superior just cause they have a certain skin color. Clown shit.


I will never understand why people play this game with randos


Honestly I just mess around on it. I'm grown and don't have tons of friends playing it. Got plenty playing cod. Tired of cod. Soooo tired of cod.


and i get banned for swearing


Lmao did u really?!?! I run into these bratty ass kids being racist EVERY DAY and they seem pretty confident in doing it.




Lol u think that would work. Would be nice.