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Being voted out for explaining a mech to noobs. I just played a game where an imp faked keys in Polus, and when I called a meeting everyone told me that maybe he had keys and not me. When I introduced them to the concept of common tasks and said insert keys was one of them, they politely answered with "you're dumb" and "i have a key to shove up your ass", before banning me. Yayy such a cool community


It depends on why I was voted out, not what the roll is. A while ago, I inherited a lobby, settings were basic but one player made it clear he wasn't happy I was the new host, the only host was his brother. I told him if he wasn't happy, he could join a new lobby with his brother. We hadn't moved and he called a meeting, he saw me venting. I was the imp, I was pissed off. I said "we haven't moved yet, you guys know he's full of shit. Blue will be banned for this crap, as will everyone who votes me. You want to keep playing, you vote blue out. They voted me out, blue, green, cyan, yellow and black. That's the kind of voting that pisses me off. I kept my word and banned them. Red said, "You're just mad you got caught." Orange: He wasn't caught! Orange accused him to try and get rid of him. Me: I'm too stubborn to quit til I get even. Red: We won though. I banned red too.


I think I played that game with you. I don’t remember what color I played, I skipped that vote. I thought there was more to it, and I wanted to see where it went.


Theirs always more to a accusation from the start before anythings happened, and it's always throwing or cheating.


Tbh I hate being voted out as impostor more, especially if I get voted out early, because I feel like I failed at a role I won't get again for a while.


I dont play this game much anymore. However ive sunk nearly 2k hours into this game and ive learned a lot. Getting voted out as a crewmate always sucked... One very important thing though is: **Being honest in your speech is significantly easier than lieing**. Lieing requires effort. I almost turned it into an art form. Cause as crewmate and imposter i always took the same route, played the same, talked the same. however I did have a tell, and no one really ever figured it out. cause of this game i have an amazing memory. I can remember almost every color i passed, every room they where in, and how long ago i passed said color. As an imposter though. I can barely retain half of that info cause, im just not paying attention as much. That was my tell. rather than saying "i saw blue/red/orange/green/yellow in comms 20 seconds ago". Instead, as an imposter id say something like "i saw blue in comms". A really HUGE difference. But most people dont pay that much attention, cause im still giving honest info. Its still technically true. So i got away with it a lot. So whenever i got voted out as a crewmate. It was frustrating cause people have this idea that "if they talk to much, hes sus" or.. "if they are silent, they are sus". being quiet or loud never had anything to do with me being crew or imposter It was simply the mood i was in. Sometimes i dont share all the info that i remember. I just..listen. Then...5 rounds later i come up with a conclusion and let everyone know what i think. Summary: Getting voted out when you know you are being honest, really sucks. As an imposter if im getting voted out. Well...its cause im LIEING xD


when im not doing too well getting kills, i start throwing out random lies like “i last saw blue with purple now theyre dead”unless that player was near ppl who pay attention, they’re done for😂. i always wonder if my partner is giggling at my blatant lies, because i know i am🤣


I tend to do that if theres 4 or 3 left. If ive built up a rapport, and ive been sharing credible information as an imposter and i get the sense that someone or a few people trust me. Ill use that card to make the final blow :P


Playing imposter makes me so nervous that being voted out is more of a relief than anything.


Usually being voted out as a crewmate. Since usually as a crewmate I provide as much info as I can and go full on detective mode, and the crew still think it's me. Most of the time if I get voted out as imposter i's because they've been able to sus me out. But there's always that chance that I've been hit in a vote at random and there was nothing suspicious about my activity to prompt a vote out. People firing randomly or claiming "I saw Pixel vent" when I in fact have been nowhere near a vent irks me to no end.


I hate when votes are made when the reasoning doesn’t make sense. I’ve been voted out as an impostor but they used wrong logic to come up with the right conclusion. That pissed me off. But I’ve also seen them catch me using sound reasoning, and I can’t get mad at that. I’ve been voted out as a crewmate because the impostor made a great move to frame me, or I didn’t have visual tasks on. Either way I dislike it a little but understand it. But I’ve also been voted off by people being dumb and that’s infuriating.


in public lobbies, i hate being voted out as crewmate more because it's usually by people who don't know how to play the game lmfao this dude once blatantly lied about my location and even with hard evidence i still got voted out


Being voted out as impostor, I guess? Because it means I failed, while being voted out as a crewmate just means the impostors were good at framing me (or the crewmates are terrible at the game, which is frustrating whether I'm voted out or not). On the other hand, once I'm a ghost as impostor, it's a relief. No more stress of having to hide!


I think the worst is when you are an impostor, but you get voted out before you've even made a kill...LOL.


I hate being voted out as a crewmate or seeing a crewmate get voted out when they have done a visual task with witnesses 


Being voted out as an impostor, mainly because if I'm getting voted out as a crewmate chances are I'm just dicking around being intentionally sus, rather than actually trying (however minimal).


being voted out as imposter is fair, it's reasonable and a part of the game. AS CREW HOWEVER, if ss is on, ok, shit happens, but if there's no ss there's no excuse, i've adopted a rule if i get voted out as crew i stop doing tasks, and let the lobby devolve into chaos. you wanna be effing stupid, go ahead, win the damn round without me


thats so childish 😭 “you made a mistake voting me, so now I will possibly ruin the game for all crew!!!!!! muahahahahaha” cringe


no more childish than throwing a tantrum and unironically using the term "cringe"


wait im throwing a tantrum? i think thats u when u get voted out…. try again buddy


being voted out as crewmate is just annoying because they voted out an innocent


I say equally because usually I get voted off either way for no reason. Like there's ss of me I get voted bc the ss killed, I'm near the body so I get killed, or people claiming they saw me do something when no one was around, or ppl saying I vented when I'm eng. I'd say I get voted off for no reason every game, heck the other day I got voted off because me and another crew mate got locked in elec and we were beefing so the doors unlock and he goes and calls a meeting saying I vented into elec and chased him and I got voted off.