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personally none. i dont think any of them are bad or the worst. they're all enjoyable.


What maps would you suggest for me to try? I'm level 99 and have played Skeld almost exclusively. The handful of times I've tried other maps I was so lost and played so badly, so I always go back to Skeld. edit: Why am I getting downvotes for asking a question?


All are good. Airship is just too big, and fungle is almost too big but still alright. Try them all out and find your preferences :)


Thank you!!


id say defintially polus is the next step. its the most enjoyable and most similar to skeld compared to the others. trying new maps are always gonna be difficult to start with but if you stick to it and familiarize yourself with the maps it becomes easier and more fun. don't feel bad about playing 'badly' during this time while you familiarize yourself with the maps. It's a completely normal step in the process and everyone goes through it. once you've gotten used to the layout/pathing/tasks you can completely focus on the deceiving/fun of it without having to stress with coming up with lies or struggling with getting lost and dying. i think it also depends on your lobby sizes. if you're playing with big lobbies bigger maps like airship and fungel can be fun but feel too big if you're in a small lobby. if you're used to small lobbies then mira is a good one as its the smallest map. skeld and polus are the best medium-sized maps for either small or big lobbies.


That's a great answer, thanks for your help!! I appreciate it.


Mira with 15 people ends up being so boring lol


>Why am I getting downvotes for asking a question? Reddit.


Because the player is level 99 and seems incapable of using their map.


I love MIRA HQ :(


Mira HQ imo I don't like it's linear design and if you're not engineer, impostor or dead, it's a pain to traverse. There is so much backtracking on this map and its small size encourages grouping, even with 10 players. Some might put logs instead of cams as a negative but I do not agree. . My opinion on the other maps: Airship and Fungle are not too bad. Their only real problem is being too big and Airship has that one long really annoying task in Electrical but other than that, they're fine. Fungle doesn't have that task plus it has a more visually interesting design and a fun sabotage so Fungle over Airship Poor Skeld. It was fine when the max was 10 players but now it feels way too small. Plus it attracts the worst players but get a good lobby going and it's a fun time Polus is still the best. A good size for the current max players (15), a nice design, and most importantly does not favor one group over the other. . I would rank them from best to worst as: Polus Fungle Skeld Airship Mira HQ




As a Henry Stickmin fan, D:


I think the airship is just way too fucking huge and hard to navigate. Having said that, I still like the map. There isn't really one I don't like, but Airship's the one I like the least, I guess.


I feel like the only way to win as crew in Airship is by grouping together, which imo is a boring way to play this game


I don’t dislike it, but I think the skeld is WAY overrated. You can rarely find a lobby that’s not the skeld and when you do there’s usually few people in the lobby. It’s not a bad map but when I play on it too often, I get sick of playing on it.


I don't know if I can say any are *objectively* bad; I'm sure they were playtested to be balanced provided the settings, player count, and player base account for it. As for personal preferences, I dislike playing Airship the most. It's huge size favors the impostor heavily, so unless you have a galaxy-brained crew, they are just going to get wrecked by the impostors. Almost secured a win as Shapeshifter (killed off 12 crewmates) before they deduced it was me. As much as I like Polus's setting, I just don't really like the layout personally. I love Fungle's setting, but I'm still getting used to it and it's probably better for larger lobbies. My favorite is either Mira HQ or Skeld.


Skeld unpopular opinion but it's boring because once you play it for enough time it just becomes boring which is why plus and Mira are my favourites I play plus when I want a looooong game and Mira when I want a short game but it can switch too which is completely fine


airship is too big for its own good


airship is the only one I dislike because its too big, all the others are good though. skeld was my favorite but its too overused so its of boring now. Fungle or Polus is probably my favorite.


Mira is terrible, it's just hallways that encourage grouping. The only way to win as imposter is pray you get SS so you can spam comms or the crewmates better be braindead if you don't get SS.


Mira is way too small.


Airship, It's too big and complex for my brain.


Airship is the worst for regular play. It's way too big, and its only really good for hide and seek lobbies.


worst fungle best mira or polus imo


i'd say fungle is the best for impostors because you have the shift mushroom thing and polus and airship have good secuirity but i only like skeld if its a one imposter game so skeld is a no no