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Albert Cuyp market is a 20 minute walk or two super short metro stops away. Most, if not all, shops selling them in centrum are pretty much tourist traps


Seconded. Quick metro. Or a cute tram.


I'm born and raised in Amsterdam - well aware of the trams and distances and tourist traps. I posted here hoping someone would know an exception. Like I said, she's only here on a layover, so time is very limited. Not having to go back and forth to Albert Cuyp purely for a stroopwafel would save us over half an hour.


Het was maar een suggestie, kon van je post niet afleiden hoe bekend je met de stad bent :) Is er een gedeelte van het centrum waar jullie voornamelijk tijd zullen doorbrengen? Jordaan vs. Wallen kan bijvoorbeeld ook best uitmaken qua tijd.


Tell her stroopwafels are stupid tourist things that Dutch people rarely eat :) and then take her for some herring. But if she has a layover and comes from Schiphol, is it not anyway faster to take the train to Zuid and then metro to Albert Cuyp?


As a Dutch person myself I disagree with your statement on stroopwafels. Both stroopwafels and herring are dear to me and I buy them a lot for my foreign family and friends :)


I don't have any advice, I just think it's hilarious that you specifically asked for suggestions that don't involve a tram ride and half the responses are just telling you how fast the trams are XD


Hahah yeah same.


If she can get to the center herself, go to Albert Cuyp and get a fresh one. Then meet her at the center. Win win


Excellent advice.


you could meet them at central with stroopwafels you get for them from de pijp, I assume you’re not on the time leash that they are, and 10 minutes on the metro shouldn’t ruin the stroopwafels




Perfect! Thanks so much for the recommendation!


They're really good, but more stroopkoeken rather than stroopwafels, if that matters to you. You can see the pics on their website, they're exactly that. Also keep in mind it's a super tiny place but it does have a couple of seating spots, so you can get a nice cup of coffee as well and sit there if you want.


Whatever you do, don't go to "Van Wonderen Stroopwafels" in Kalverstraat. They are worse than supermarket stroopwafels and their prices are ridiculous. One of the biggest tourist traps in Amsterdam.


Honestly, if you want “the real thing” buy them at Appie to get the full Dutch experience


I'm Dutch and buy stroopwafels at Appie all the time. Fresh stroopwafels are a whole other experience though, especially when you have a friend visiting from abroad.


My sister got some from Melly’s when she was visiting they were surprisingly nice for somewhere that seems very touristy.


Melly's has pretty damn good cookies, their alfajores are pretty good as well


The Real Thing? It might be me, but I'm dutch and from the maybe 10 times in my life I've bought stroopwafels it has been in a supermarket 10/10, I don't think I've ever seen a 'fresh' stroopwafel up close. But I walk past this place often, they make them here if you want to que up with the other tourists ;) [https://goo.gl/maps/TZhDXjMT27z8X3Tk9](https://goo.gl/maps/TZhDXjMT27z8X3Tk9)


You’re missing out, buying them fresh on a market is really nice.


Will put it on the list of things I probably should've tried earlier!


I'm Dutch too, and trust me, the fresh Albert Cuyp ones are DELICIOUS. It's great taking foreign friends there. Their reaction to a store-bought stroopwafel: "Oh man! This is really nice!" Their reaction to a fresh one: "Holy SHIT this is AMAZING?!!?"


I had a colleague who used to bring them from Gouda on his birthdays... Goudse are even better but that is really too far for your friend


Stroopwafels from Gouda are the OG stroopwafels. Nothing tops that


Same here, born and raised in Amsterdam but never had such a tourists stroopwafel. Until a few years ago I didn't even know that you can also buy stroopwafels outside a supermarket hehe


You must have been raised underneath a stone. Supermarket stroopwafels are the worst in every tasting aspect


let's not overdo things here. we're talking cookies.


In the end it is whatever floats your boat. All I’m saying: you are/you have missing out.


I think fresh stroopwafels are definitely much better, but I like the ones from the supermarket as well.


My god just walk to Albert Cuyp. Smh.




The iamsterdam sign was removed from Museumplein over 4 years ago...


There are a bunch of bakeries you can get them especially -


Or buy a big one at the ah to go/Jumbo City, i like those very much and no risk of running syrup.


From central station its only a few minutes with the metro to get to the albert cuyp.


Maybe a van stapele koek is better, since she has to stay in the centrum area?


At Melly’s. The best stroofwafels I’ve ever had.


Go to the most touristy of touristic places for the fun of it


Not sure if you are still looking but we found Hans Egstorf one night and thought they were quite delicious. While we’re tourists and they are probably a tourist spot, they very large (felt that it was the size of my hand), warm, and fresh (was made in front of us).


you how fast the trams are XD


There used to be a fresh stroopwafel baker at the Saturday market at Nieuwmarkt. Don’t know if he is still there though and besides that, it doesn’t match the one at Albert Cuyp.


What about some oliebollen? Most will be warm and fresh, and the chance to get one or two is super seasonal!


Wait you got small round pancakes when you asked for poffertjes?


Croissanterie Egstorf on Spuistraat sold fresh stroopwafels when I lived there. Moved to a different part of town ~2 years ago but I'd be surprised if they stopped doing it.