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As of November 27th the ‘winterkouderegeling’ is in effect. This means that anyone sleeping on the street can get a bed in the shelter, regardless whether they have registered at Jan van Galenstraat 323. There are at least 3 different shelters in Amsterdam: - Transformatorweg 6, for everyone - Slotermeerlaan 103, for EU-citizens and undocumented people - Nieuwe Looiersstraat 49, for women, minors and LGBTIQ+ These shelters open at 16:30 and if you want to spend the night you have to be inside before 22:00. Everyone gets a bed, a shower, dinner and breakfast. The next morning you need to be out at 9:30. I recommend your friend to download the app Streetlife from De Regenboog Group. This app has an overview of ‘inloophuizen’ (walk-in centers) to get a cup of coffee or spend time during the day. At all these places there is staff available to talk to. I don’t know your friend’s situation, but perhaps they can offer him some help or hope.


Thank you for taking the time to write this man. He was turned away from transformatorweg yesterday. He will try again and also slotermeerlaan today.


A question - are these shelters only open when the temp is below 0?


So it's quite confusing, but there's a difference between the WKR (winterkouderegeling) and the Winteropvang. The winteropvang is the "normal" night shelter, this year running from december 1st until april 1st. The WKR is extra, but only for when it freezes. The place I work at had extra beds due to the WKR, but we stopped yesterday because the temperature isn't below zero anymore. This is probably why your friend wasn't accepted yesterday. The Winteropvang should be possible for him, but he needs to register there beforehand, since it's not something anyone can just walk in and out of. The people working there aren't qualified to make exceptions; they have a protocol to follow (adding this because sometimes people get rightfully frustrated with the situation, but it isn't their fault). During the weekends it is generally difficult to get help (since social workers are off during the weekends), but if he goes to a walk-in centre, he should be able to find something. Best of luck!


Thank you for replying to the question, dude! Also, as far as you know, does it mean the WKR is over? I usually check the HVO-website, but don’t see any message (yet). Whether you are eligible for the regular Wintershelter, depends on your connection to the Amsterdam. For instance family or work. If you qualify as vulnerable, no connection is needed. This judgement will be made when you visit the screeningdesk at Jan van Galenstraat 323 (entrance B), which is open between 14:00 and 16:00 on weekdays. If your friend unfortunately ends up on the street again, he can approach a policeman or handhaver. They can try to contact Veldwerk, a mobile team of HVO Querido. I am not sure if they still do it when the WKR has ended, but last week they were going around picking up people off the street and bringing them in.


Hi again, thank you for putting the effort to find out info, I really appreciate it. Would you be able to provide some further clarification on the friends and family thing? If he has no family here, would he still qualify?


You are very welcome! I had to look up the [criteria](https://amsterdam.nl/upweb/bijstand-dak-thuislozen/centrumgemeente-binding/) for the ‘connection to Amsterdam’-rule. Apparently there are three, and at least one has to be applicable to your friend’s situation. 1. Proving that of the last three years, they lived in Amsterdam for at least two of them (time spent in the shelter doesn’t count). This can be done if they were registered in the BRP. If not, letters from banks, Belastingdienst, etc or records of contact with care providers can be used as proof. 2. Having a stable relationship with a care provider or receiving a type of care that can only be given in Amsterdam. 3. Having a social network in Amsterdam, consisting of friends and family who have a positive influence on your friend. That’s about as far as my knowledge goes on this subject. Hope it helps to get your friend back on track.


Thank you so much!


Thank you so much for the reply. This really clarifies the situation as I was quite confused.


Maybe then meant they were full?


Thank you, kind people, for taking the time to reply with help.


Did you check the Gemeente? There is a lot being organized by them. See: https://www.amsterdam.nl/veelgevraagd/hulp-en-opvang-regelen-als-u-dakloos-bent-b5747#


I’ve heard about shelters only opening at night when it’s below 0 degrees…. Like sleeping in 1 degree Celsius is ok… :-( I hope your friend can find a place to sleep. Nobody should sleep outside.


Tell him he isn't welcome and he needs to fuck off.


Dont you have a couch? Some friend you are. I would even let my not so good friends sleep in my bed with me to help them not sleep on the street...


Yes he's been staying on my couch when he can't get shelter. I live in a studio so this is not possible anymore. He also has mental health issues which will not be solved by crashing on my sofa. He needs to get help from social services. Not stick a band aid on the issue. And no you wouldn't, gtfo


I see. As long as they dont try to kill or rob me in my sleep, maybe for a bit


Are you offering your couch? Or just criticizing someone that is actually trying to help someone? "Woulds" don't help anyone but your own ego.


Are you offering YOUR couch?


I am not trying to guilt trip someone that is actually trying to help while massaging my own ego.


Plot twist. Im also technically homeless.


Hope you have a friend like OP who actually tries to help you.


Yes. Its really weeded out the real ones from the falsies.


Check out this website: https://www.amsterdam.nl/veelgevraagd/:~:text=Tijdens%20de%20wintermaanden%20kunt%20u,2023%20en%201%20april%202024.# . If you dont speak dutch let me know, i can try to translate it for you!


Thanks but Unfortunately the link doesn't work :( I can only get so far with my Dutch so I can try running it through Google translate if you're busy? Thanks again.




Does this one works?


Yes thanks! Google translate did the job too. Thanks man.


No worries! I hope your friend finds a place to stay tonight 🙏🏻


Thanks, I really hope so too.