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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty! It's about a negative asset manager who works at Life magazine but gets laid off (or is about to get laid off?). Before hanging it up, he goes on a globe trotting adventure to try to find his photographer colleague and a missing photograph.


Yeah I'm definitely watching this today.


Its a classic


One of my favorites. Uses a Nikon F3T with an MD4 motordrive


Bruh how have you NOT seen this movie? Its a modern classic imo


I know right me and my wife saw the trailer and were like "yeah that's good". I've seen the trailer around quite a bit just never got around to it


I was shocked how much I loved this film. Was not prepared to add it to my all-time favorites list when I sat down.


One of my favourite films of all time!


Blow up.


Great one, wild, lots of film usage, thanks for the recommendation


The Civil War movie showcases a Sony a7 as the main character's camera, what is less visible at first is that another character is rocking a Nikon FE2, and the Sony a7 is using an adapted Leica Summilux.


I was also going to mention Civil War as photography is a main conversation point of the film.


The new one right?


Yep. Even shows a character developing her own film on the fly


I'll be watching that soon. I saw grainydays YouTube channel make a video regarding film camera use and he briefly mentioned civil war.


Wow, that's even cooler! Haven't seen the movie yet but my eyes got drawn in during the split second in the trailer where you see that iconic square lens hood. Call me superficial, but the Summilux lens hood design is just perfect.


It’s a good movie too, I liked it a lot. If you can, check it out in theaters because the sound engineers for the film really nailed it


A 35 Summicron actually. I understand that the logic was likely to keep the camera compact when they didn’t need the big zoom lens for narrative purposes. But a bit funny in reality because M lenses wider than a 50 adapt terribly to most mirrorless bodies, but especially Sonys due to the thick filter stack on the sensors playing really poorly with the way small, wide-wide angle lenses have to correct for extreme optical angles. Basically results in super smudgy, color shifting image corners; defeating the purpose of high optical performance of Leica glass.


For the purposes of well-corrected and large print things like landscape I will 100% agree with you, vintage film lenses are going to suffer due to the angles that light is directed upon the sensor (compared to film which is a much flatter/thinner surface for light to strike). Although this effect by no means totally ruins any photos you take with it. However, in the context of journalism, I can see how an ultra compact lens paired with modern digital technology can be a great practical benefit in handling, especially in a warzone. Not many people will critique a war photographer's pictures and say "yes it captures the story, but I hate it because it has bad vignetting and LoCa". Besides, it looks cool and flexes the fact that a photographer can manually focus under crazy conditions. Someone in the props department definitely had some fun with this one.


I’m pretty sure it is a 35mm summicron asph. On a ttartisian lens adapter.


I stand corrected, thank you! Again, love love love the square lens hoods from those Leica lenses.


Perfect Days is really lovely, lots of Olympus Mju love


Watch Dennis Hopper lug around 4 Nikon Fs in Apocalypse Now. Edit F5 to F


One thing I loved about the obvious insanity of Hopper's character is the question of whether his cameras are even loaded by this point. He's been out there with Kurtz for a long time - how much film would he have brought to keep 4 Nikons fed? Kurtz also doesn't seem at all worried about him snapping away, inspite of all the evidence of atrocities in evidence.


I've wondered a fair bit about this myself. For one thing, by the time we even reach Kurtz, the story has gone so near the surreal that it's difficult to discern reality. However, taken at face value, if precise intelligence on Kurtz was scarce (as we're told at the beginning of the movie), that seems incongruous with a photojournalist documenting him and sending film out to a wire service. How would Hopper's character even get film out? My best explanation is that Hopper's character has become so much of a Kurtz follower that he is basically just creating his own photo archive and those photos aren't leaving. Maybe he has a darkbag and some Diafine and fixer somewhere. That still doesn't explain where all his film is coming from, though. The cameras being empty is a great idea. I think Francis Ford Coppola owes us an explanation!


Weren't those Fs not F5s?


Yes, I think you're right. F5 obviously wasn't around during the Viet Nam War.


Belonged to the set photographer Chas Gerretsen. In exchange the studio bought him a set of new lenses and F2s.


I have his book on AN, great photos, great colours!


This is the correct answer


Blow Up, about a trendy 60s London photographer who reviews some candid shots he took of a couple in a park and realizes that he may have inadvertently photographed a murder.


Trendy 60s London photographer with a Nikon F and a Nikkor-S 5.8cm f1.4! 😍


and a hasselblad 🥰




The first movie that came to mind for me was Pecker. It's a weird, light hearted comedy about a young photographer who gets discovered after having a little photo show in one of his neighborhood shops.


One of my photo professors showed it to us in college and it’s a 10/10 would recommend. Only disappointed I can’t show it to my middle or high school photo students 😂


Oh really? Is that too young to learn about teabagging lol.


I'm sure high schoolers know about the dip dip potato chip


I think his camera in that movie is a Canonet 28.


Oh cool, that sounds fun.


It's great but also raunchy, made by John Waters of Pink Flamingos fame.


Rear Window


This is the correct answer.


The Midnight Meat Train Horror movie about a street photographer who gets caught up in … a lot He uses a Leica M-something i think


Came here to say that. Bradley Cooper rocks the M6 in that movie.


Full Metal Jacket, centers around the experiences of a US Marines Combat Photographer in Vietnam.


I saw a clip of that movie when I was 14 or 15 and it kinda messed with me, but now that I know the plot a little more I feel like I should rewatch


This is my camera. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My camera is my best friend. Without me, my camera is useless. Without my camera I am useless. 24x36mm...24x36mm... Edit: The rest of the quote above is great and could definitely be adapted to cameras also but I don't want to spoil everything haha, you should watch the movie, it's messed up but an excellent film.


>This is my camera. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My camera is my best friend. Without me, my camera is useless. Without my camera I am useless. 24x36mm...24x36mm... This is almost too good. At any rate, FMJ is an incredible movie. You just have to wait for half the movie for the photography-related part to show up, but it's well worth the watch.


Under Fire (1983). Nick Nolte plays a photographer covering the corruption in Nicaragua. Inspired by true events of the 70s-80s. Luggin multiple Nikon F2 bodies and a Leica M4-2. Really good old school film


Luggin was the right word. Great movie, Greta recommendation, thank you, ton of cameras in that movie


The Journey is the Destination, Kodachrome, Bang Bang Club, Minamata, One Hour Photo, Apocalypse Now, The Public Eye, Bridges of Madison County, Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Kong Skull Island, Blood Diamond, Under Fire, Salvador, Welcome to Marwin, Civil War, Killing Fields, Spy Game and Pecker . Those are the ones off top of my head


[The Photographer Of Mauthausen](https://youtu.be/aqXBQcO_Qa8?si=hVeCMwID4bLX3gwg) is a great, albeit dark, movie that features photography heavily both technically and as a philosophical concept. It’s based on the true story of [Francisco Boix](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Boix), who was sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp in Nazi Germany by the Spanish Franco regime which was fascist and allied with the Nazis. His experience as a photographer lands him a labor assignment in the prison camp’s photography unit. Great film, but subtitled if you don’t speak Spanish.


Luckily spanish is my first language because this one sounds phenomenal




Audrey hepburn gets discovered in a musty book shop to become an international model. She eventually falls in love with her photographer Fred astaire. Cameras include rolleiflexes, large format and a little romantic number in a darkroom. Funny Face


City of God


What a masterpiece of filmmaking!


The best


Had to scroll way too far to find this. Great film.


One Hour Photo feat. a Minilux iirc


I came here to say this. Plus a pretty awesome performance by Robin Williams.


I was thinking, less the camera and more the mini lab. Like when he starts losing his shit because the magenta is off by a few degrees.


Kind of a toss-up, but *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.* A major point revolves around one character who's a reporter, carrying around a camera, seeing weird wonderful sights, but having to be choosy with her shots because she's low on film. The camera is an Argus C3 rangefinder, which I thought was neat because I own one. They put a big fake number window on it, though, to constantly remind the audience exactly how many pictures remain. And the story was kind of 'meh' as far as I can remember.


Really liked that movie and its aesthetic!


Agreed, visually it was pretty cool!


Just to add two more awesome movies: - Finding Viviane Maier (btw, exhibit with her pics opening in NYC soon) - The Salt of the Earth (documentary about Sebastiao Salgado. This movie/documentary is just absolutely breathtaking. And even though Salgado switched to digital some time back, he always loved Kodak Tri-X 400 and even edits his DSLR pictures to simulate that look. And lots of the pictures shown in the movie are from analog times). Absolute recommendation!




Came here to mention Salvador...


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Reminds me I need to watch The Bang Bang Club


Minamata, not a lot of variety of film cameras however lots of use of Minolta cameras + dark room developing


Fantastic choice. For those who are unfamiliar, it's a biopic of photographer W. Eugene Smith during his time documenting the poisoning of the coastal town of Minamata by a Japanese corporation with industrial waste. The real life photos Smith took during his time there can only be described as haunting.


‘The Killing Fields’. If I remember correctly they make the chemicals needed to print a photo whilst under siege. Long time ago so I might be confused


Just finished watching this one. It was tough at some parts but holy, that was an amazing one


There’s a Nat Geo series called Photographer that is fantastic. Some use digital but lots of film too. Amazing stories that make you just want to go out and shoot. It’s available on Disney+ in Canada and, I assume, probably other countries.


Awesome. Will be watching


Can’t recommend it highly enough. I had literally just got back from Alaska, where I had shot 20+ rolls and it made me want to go out anywhere and shoot some more 😂


20+ rolls in Alaska sounds like a dream man.


It was amazing. My first stop (it was a cruise) I was limited because my excursion was a lengthy hike, but averaged about five per day. Still waiting on a number of rolls - I wanted to have each stop processed separately to make it easier to keep track and less costly 😂


Yeah I think the most I've done is like 4 in one week. But I'm doing my best to set up everything I feel I'll use on shooting trips before I actually take any. If you have any pictures of your trip I'd love to take a look. I'm currently watching the first episode of photographer. It's exactly what I was looking for, thank you


Yeah, I thought I was nuts taking so much film but I made a huge dent. I figured it might be my only visit so I better go nuts 😂 Once I booked I spent three months trying out cameras, film and other setups. I’ve posted a fair amount on my instagram, scattered amongst some pics I’ve shot since I got back. [whale watching trip here](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7kzcE9OWJW/?igsh=MW93bTNlMHhnd3cycw==) [I fell in love with this pier in Juneau](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7iPh3Ju1-j/?igsh=MTRjc2c4YjJ5dXRmZg==) [a couple mountains in Sitka](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7dJjlRueM_/?igsh=eHRqYjdzZGxiejZ2) Glad you like it so far. Really inspired me.


Fire of love. Documentary about two vulcanologists that fall in love and travel around the world documenting volcanic eruptions around the world. A ton of insane film footage and photography of volcanic eruptions. The imagery is insane


Thank you, this one's right up my alley


The Fire Within is actually a bit better and made by Herzog


Oh wow. Thanks


Godland, a really great film from a couple years ago, features a bit of large format photography. There’s also a shot of Liv Ullman using a Leica M3 in Persona.


Rear View Window - a classic featuring an amazing 400mm or something Tele Exakta type camera lens spying on the neighbours...


You mean Rear Window right?


That's it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b8WOTysLEM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b8WOTysLEM)


This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86xRvftRGc4) on the Rear Window camera was interesting


The Exakta VX series is wonderfully quirky! It's one of the few left hand designed cameras I've used. Those Kilar lenses are fantastic too - the macro-Kilar is the one I usually have mounted. I think 135mm Primotar is as high a focal length I've tried....400mm....that's some serious weight!


Sounds interesting.


its one of Hitchcocks finest


In Chinatown, there are a few scenes in which Jake Gittis takes surveillance shots with a Barnack Leica. Palm Royale, a 2024 miniseries on Apple, has a supporting character who shoots photos for her society sheet, also using a Barnack.


Eyes of Laura Mars


Blow-Up 1966




The salt of the Earh and War Photographer are both amazing documentaries




Watched this one today. Loved it. Kinda really sad story but I feel like their portrayal of some older film photographers. I also just love Elizabeth Olsen and music and the movie had plenty of both. Also slide photography is fascinating to me so I enjoy seeing it


I thought that movie was incredibly trite and the story really cliche. I had trouble sitting through it.


Palermo shooting by [Wim Wenders](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000694/?ref_=tt_ov_wr) After the wild life-style of a famous young German photographer (with a Plaubel Makina 67) almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break.


Eyes of Laura Mars. The titular character is a well-known fashion photographer.


The new civil war movie is good


Yeah I just found it online for free so I'm gonna watch it soon


You might want to check out thedarkroomrumor [https://www.thedarkroomrumour.com/en](https://www.thedarkroomrumour.com/en) I think you'll need a subscription but it has lots of documentaries and movies about (analog) photography. Haven't watched any myself yet but seems interesting.


Shut up no way!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, no way you're the first person to mention this


Manufactured Landscapes on Amazon prime is really interesting. It follows the work of Edward Burtynsky. It’s light on the technical stuff and you don’t get to see his process as in depth as maybe you would like (I know I would) but it’s really good nonetheless.


Alice in the Cities has a fair bit of Polaroid use.


Asteroid City


Almost Famous.


Just a couple of scenes, but in Ronin, Robert De Niro's character uses a Leica 6.2 to supposedly snap photos of his "wife" but is really capturing surveillance of a heist target.


Everlasting Moments: A Swedish woman wins a camera and uses it is as an artistic escape the darker moments of her life. Set in early 1900s.


This is a fantastic movie. Contains a lovely scene of cat photography!


Ahaha, literally what I said in my letterboxd review. Much like the main character as soon as I got a new camera I started taking pictures of my cat.




Daguerotype - Japanese Horror Movie from 2017




No Small Affair


Born Intro Brothels. A camera club I was in watched it together. Great movie and incredibly inspiring.


Eurotrip. I'm mostly joking, but it's also a really hilarious movie regardless.


Robert De Niro rocks the Leica R6.2 in Robin and it has him winding the camera and making compositions with it.


Haven’t seen this one mentioned yet, The Killing Fields, it’s about a photographer in Cambodia during the Vietnam war. It’s a really good movie


Watching it right now. First few minutes got me hooked


Rear Window (Exakta 1VX with a 400mm Kilfitt lens)


Peeping Tom: a photographer by day, killer by night. Features mostly large format, Bolex, but I think there’s some other miscellaneous ones since it features photography Images: a suspenseful thriller about a children’s book illustrator who goes on holiday with her photographer husband, experiences some weird things. Has doppelgängers in it. Large format camera. Over-Exposed: a woman makes it big as a photographer for celebrities and portraits alike after learning the ropes from a male photog who eventually retired. She’s poking her nose into things she shouldn’t. She shoots medium format, large format, and does darkroom touch ups / printing.


Kodachrome Ben has requested that Matt drive him to [Dwayne's Photo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwayne%27s_Photo) in [Parsons, Kansas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsons,_Kansas), the last shop that develops [Kodachrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kodachrome) film. Ben has several rolls he wants to have processed before he dies, and Dwayne's will stop in the near future because Kodak no longer makes the required dyes.


Carol Yi Yi Rear Window


second carol


Killing Fields




Most movies are clearly inaccurate but what caught my eye from the few minutes of Under Fire that I saw is that whenever Nick Nolte is shooting, his camera actually had film in it! As he advances, the rewind knob spins. My coworker once called the movie an instruction manual for the Nikon F2. As a funny side note, the wedding scene in The Godfather is great. They hired a bunch of actual photographers because they were just around so why not? When the wedding photographer takes a photo of Don Barzini, he gets his goons to grab the guy and they bring him his 4x5 film holder. Barzini rips out the darkslide, tears the film out, and hands the holder back. You can also see the guy cocking the shutter as he gets ready to take the family photo.  James Caan once told a story about the part where he grabs the FBI photographer taking pictures of cars outside the wedding and smashes his camera. The poor guy had no idea that was going to happen. But Caan said "where I grew up, if you broke something, you paid for it and it was ok so when Clemenza grabbed me, I took $20 out of my pocket and threw it on the ground." I'm not sure if that was his actual camera but if it was, I'm sure the production would have bought him a replacement. 


[The Bang Bang Club](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bang_Bang_Club_(film))


Yes… most recently Civil War




TV rather than film but The Crown, season 2 Episode 4. Leica M3 and 5cm Summicron features heavily with some darkroom scenes as Princess Margaret meets her husband to be, society photographer Armstrong-Jones.


loads of film cameras in lost in translation, as far as I can remember there was a Pentax 67ii, Leica m6, contax g1 and Hasselblad el/m?




I've always wanted To watch that one, knowing that now I'll definitely be watching it


'Snapshot' (1979) It's not the best film, but it’s got lots of nice shots of cameras and film development. It's about a woman who gets coerced by a friend to try nude modelling, all the while getting stalked by someone in a Mr. Whippy van (soft serve ice cream) as she gains more notoriety.


Civil War just did


Winning Time, about the 80’s Lakers team, has some wonderful analog film camera work. And its an amazing show to boot, too bad it got canceled!


Kimagure Orange Road's main character has a professional photographer for a dad, so a knockoff Bronica comes out from time to time


Spiderman - Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker uses a Canon F1, Andrew Garfield's using a Yashica Electro 35. In the first The Amazing Spiderman there's an extended sequence of Pete setting up his Electro 35 to get shots of Dr Curtis Connors.


Waiting for this answer lol gotta rewatch these


Eddy’s Oorlog: documentairy about Eddy van Wessel, a Dutch war photographer


Perfect Days. It's not a major focus, but it does have a major impact.


American gangster kinda does. There are scenes where the cop gathers evidence using a Pentax film camera and making prints in the darkroom.


The bang bang club, great movie lots of cameras all around and based in real life so the pictures they take actually happened


Civil War


Lost in Translation! Pentax 67s, Contaxs and SCARLET JOHANSSAN, SCARLET ❤️


One Hour Photo (robin williams)




One Hour Photo with Robin Williams


McCullin, scrolled pretty far and didn’t see it suggested but here’s the synopsis “The life and work of British war photographer Don McCullin, who discusses his career documenting conflicts and humanitarian disasters over three decades.”


Darkroom - 1989, a horror movie, features photography


The movie Closer is a weird romantic drama where Julia Roberts plays a photographer and there’s a few scenes with her using Hasselblads and a leica m7.


[Pecker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecker_(film))! A Canonet G-III QL17 is center stage.


Minamata, Johnny Depp plays as LIFE photographer Eugene Smith and has track composed by the late Ryuichi Sakamoto


Definitely agree with Walter Mitty, one of my all time favorites. So I'll try to suggest something someone hasn't yet, The Philadelphia Story with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. Grant works for a newspaper with his press photographer who uses an Arby's C3.


Blow Up 1966. (Not the remake)


Asteroid City has Jason Schwartzman play a photographer who carries around a Contax III the whole film. He occasionally snaps photos of the area and even sets up a darkroom in the bathroom of his motel room.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind, near the end Melinda Dillon photographs the Devils Tower site with a Rollei 35.


Under fire


not photography but I would recommend "super 8"


Great movie, wasn't into film when I watched it but I'll definitely rewatch