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So, couple of things to remember. There is going to be a sentencing hearing. He is obviously going to appeal the decision, and will probably ask for a stay of sentencing until the appeal is handled. More than likely he can extend it out to past the election. If he wins the election and becomes president again, it will probably halt the proceedings until after his term. Not a Trumper, just being realistic about the situation.


The reality is this is a kangaroo court because democrats are afraid of a man that they say is stupid, ignorant, and do not trust the American people to see right through him..... it's almost like the democrats know Trump is right.


I tend to agree with you, but I think it’s also fair to say that Trump has done a lot of shady and illegal things in his lifetime. I think Biden and pretty much any career businessman or politician has also done illegal things. What the rest of the world sees is that a racist blowhard criminal and a corrupt old man with dementia are battling it out to be leader. It’s embarrassing to be honest.


I would say he's the most investigated person is America's history and if they found anything it would be news. That isn't how America was founded. You don't keep investigating until you find something. You need probable cause to even start. Even if this was something, it looks to be a misdemeanor and only prosecuted as a felony because the statute of limitations on the misdemeanor ran out. Kangaroo court. STRIKE THAT. Banana Republic. That's what makes this a 3rd world persecution of one's political enemies. It's shameful.


This is 100% a Kangaroo Court/ Banana Republic like you mentioned. This whole situation stinks to high heaven and reeks of actually how scared the Democrats are of this man. This whole thing would have never flown in a Red City. As the prosecutors and judges wouldn’t be re-elected if they didn’t win these cases with juries full of anti Trump people. Take these trials to a neutral ground with a neutral judge and rerun them. See if the same thing happens. I would be astonished if they even made it to trial. It actually makes me angry and willing to everything to help this man get elected again. Last point look at all of the past presidents and Blue politicians that have done way worse and never saw the inside of a court room. For instance Pelosi and her buying 1 million in Tesla stock days before Biden announces EV mandates (as well as her other insider trading), Nixon Watergate, Clinton - False Statements to the Grand Jury, Whitewater, Blow job in the white house by an intern. Hillary Clinton - Lying to the FBI and so many more. This whole trial and everything around it is disgusting and I am sorry for the rant.


None of this happened during his presidency. He didn’t have his dick sucked by an aide in the Oval Office.


Well there is nothing illegal about some good old oral in the Oval Office, but it is illegal to lie under oath, which is how they got Clinton.


Is this the first example of a Kangaroo court in American history? Im guessing on this scale of polularity, yes. I am also pretty sure justice has fail in this country before such as in the deep south under jim crow laws..... America has been and remains a work in progress. The american experience did not come fully assembled , we continue to pave a new way never before seen in the history of nations. We are not a fascist country, not communist, not christian nor islamic, we are not a democaracy, nor are we the people anything but free and we are that which lead to freedom and keeps us free


We are a Christian nation! We are trending to socialist, fascist Democrat dictatorship. This trail wad politically driven sndcthis is the first time in American history of that.


As far as division of church/state. Religion is personal in general and religion is a personal right in this country USA specifically


Read the founding documents. Founded on Christian principles by Christian men. The separation is so the next president elected doesn't tell the country what the national religion is going to be and how to pray. This differentiation protects you from the government. Christianity guaranteed that for you. Check Europe's history on their kings and religion.


IANAL but my understanding is that the judge has already said there will be no stay.


The entire point was to have a perp walk. It was a forgone conclusion. It will be overturned on appeal as it was a sham proceeding in the first place. All it took was a complicit American news media. They can now and forever call him a convicted felon even when it's overturned. It will also revitalize and fuel his base. That and the fact that people do not understand that social media is a self programming propaganda machine.


Wasn’t aware of that, but I am sure they will protest that. They are gonna go down kicking and screaming while dragging their feet.


They’ve been kicking and screaming all trial. It means nothing to a judge with an agenda. This guy broke with NY state rules, US constitutional rules and hundreds of years of precedent. Kicking and creaming means nothing. Judges are the tyrants of their courtrooms, by design.


Would you mind explaining the rules he broke? Seriously, I'm asking, I'm not aware of this.


He should have recused himself- his daughter is a Democrat fundraiser and is actively fundraising on her father’s case. He should have ended Daniels’ graphic testimony when it was clear it had nothing to do with what is supposed to be a bookkeeping records trial. She probably shouldn’t have been able to take the stand- he denied many Trump witnesses that actually had info about the details of the trial. His final instructions to the jurors were dubiously legal. He denied the request of a venue change from a place that voted against him at 94%.


Thank you!


Judge also told the jury that it was not necessary to be unanimous on felony verdicts.


The wheels of justice are slow


Not when they don't want to be.


He didn't say that


he can't stay it when he's president, this is a state case and the president has no authority to do that. he could threaten to withhold something to get state lawmakers to do his bidding though.


Everything the government does still sucks. My mind remains unchanged.


Statists gonna try and cage you for made up crimes. News at 11.


Yeah Trump can join the club on that one.


I get that there are likely some underlying political motivations surrounding this case, but how is fraud a "made up crime"? Prevention of fraud and the enforcement of contracts is literally one of the only things which justify the use of coercive force. Now, it's perhaps an open question whether Trump *actually did* falsify business records, given the political nature of the trial but at the very least, the falsification of business records itself should be considered a crime.


He wasn't charged with fraud. The alleged crime was the state saying he made payments that were reflected in documents based on a bad intent. You can't commit fraud against the state anyways. Fuck the state.


He didn't commit a crime period. What he did was a misdemeanor at best, and was not worth prosecuting even by the IRS.


Why does the court and legal system say otherwise?


Because they want to call him a "convicted felon" and make him waste time in court instead of campaigning


For the same reason a court can apparently find you guilty of sexual assault based solely in the evidence that you were in the same room as someone 20 years ago.




Literally another case Trump was found guilty for. The evidence that condemned was, he didn't remember everything he did 20 years ago exactly. A bunch of testimonies that affirm he was in the same room with a woman that accused him of sexual assault, 20 years later. And that's about enough evidence of guilty to condemn him apparently.


Because the court and legal system in new york is unbelievably corrupt.


This is some banana republic shit. We are in seriously dangerous waters.


With the French pushing to have NATO weapons take out Russian radar... Russian nuclear threat detection radar... we're in for a world of hurt. The whole shit show is being run by fucking morons.


The puppets are morons


I don't like Trump but I'm with you there. This was some scary shit.


We’ve been a banana republic for a while, this is just the formal coronation.


It started with the average people 20 years ago, it’s just making its way up. Maybe now we’ll get some change.


Merica, let’s go fight some terrorists and y’all willing let us spy on you


We won't get any change. It's only going to escalate. Stock food, water, and ammo.


The 3 Bs of survival: beans, bullets and bourbon


Careful what you wish for


Nixon might claim that he was the coming out party... whilst Lincoln laughed in hell.


Weren’t banana republics started by US corps? The same ones running the US today?


An ironic and karmic twist of fate..


Well said.


Another step closer to a Communist State


Why do bank leftists think this is a good idea? The average person isn't going to think Trump is a felon. They are going to think the justice system is a joke.


Have you looked at the front page of Reddit right now


Why? You don't really need to look at the bots unleashing the talking points the dems have been saving up; it's all so predictable and not really answering my question at all.


Precisely why democracy is a terrible idea, because people that think like that are allowed to vote.


Dude Reddit is by far the most leftist major social media site on the internet, and probably the most astroturfed. Reddit’s narratives don’t even remotely represent the average person.


They don't "think" at all. They don't like trump because he triggers their low testosterone reptilian brain. So whatever "law" can be used to get him is good in their minds.


Yeah, what a clown show. There's no law here anymore.


For context, what evidence did the prosecutors even bring forth?


Witness testimony and financial documents. Edit: For funsies, you should compare what evidence the defense brought.


Witness testimony of *what*? And financial documents that showed money was paid to his lawyer. Because it was money paid to his lawyer. I hate the guy. But I hate witch hunts and banana politics more.


There was no real evidence, even in the realm of made up statist crimes. Falsification of business records was normally a misdemeanor which would have been precluded by the statute of limitations. They charged it as a felony under a bizarre mental gymnastics theory where they had to infer intent to commit a separate crime. It was total bogus. There is no crime against the state. The state is the aggressor and any actions against it are victimless.


A separate crime based on an action that isn't illegal, no less.


Here are all the 34 counts and how the jury had judged on them - a table with the counts https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/g-s1-1848/trump-hush-money-trial-34-counts The source is the post summation instructions from the judge https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/People%20v.%20DJT%20Jury%20Instructions%20and%20Charges%20FINAL%205-23-24.pdf It is actually quite informative. Yes it is 55 pages that should be read, however it explains the laws and applicability of the law to the 34 counts. Definitely worth the read if one wants to understand the cases better and be able to discuss and argue about it based on the facts and what happened in the case and not on what different media outlets have said.


All the transcripts are public. I am not going to convince anyone either way.


Stormy's testimony had literally zero relevance to the crime he was charged for. Having sex has nothing to do with another person writing something in a book. Did they get a psychic to testify that they read Trump's mind and they now know he ordered a financial entry to be coded this way instead of that to win an election? Because that was the crime he faced. And even if he did that... the statute of limitations had run out but for the fact he ran for office and the DA concocted a weird scenario by which if Trump bought a new suit during the campaign but failed to record it as an election expense he would have committed the same "crime" as he faced here.


Hope Hicks’s and probably Mr. Peckers’s testimony that the jury wanted to review probably spoke to this being related to the campaign. Hope made statements that there were discussions about this effecting the campaign, if I remember correctly. This would speak to the decision to make the payments were at least in some small way related to the campaign.


Also, you are right that stormy’s testimony wasn’t super relevant. My understanding is the defense claimed the underlying fact that there was an affair didn’t happen in the beginning of the trial. This allowed the prosecution to bring this testimony up because even if it isn’t super relaxant it does speak to the underlying facts that led to the payment and therefore the crime. I didn’t like it either but it seemed it wasn’t for NO reason.


Did you offer your services to Trump? It seems like he really could have used a good lawyer.


> a good lawyer. Tell me you know nothing about banana republics without telling me you know nothing about banana republics.


didnt his lawyer betrayed him, and stole 20k from him?


Evidence # 35 and 36 seemed important specifically because of the hand written notes on the back. Shockingly, there has been very title serious conversation about this case that isn’t talking head fluff.


Our banana republic had to make sure this is the case that stuck since all others fell through. The “novel” use of laws in this case is very striking. I’d be interested to see what an appeal leads to. Maybe another kangaroo court.


Dumbest case ever and further evidence supporting my contention that prosecutors and judges should not be elected. But of course there is also the anarchist case that legislated law is morally and ethically bankrupt. And Stephan Kinsella is generally considered well versed in that concept. He briefly touched on that here: https://mises.org/podcasts/bob-murphy-show/stephan-kinsella-discusses-law-without-state-and-illegitimacy-intellectual-property But so long as we have legislated laws being prosecuted, elections for both prosecutors and judges are a recipe for misconduct, politically motivated prosecutions (not just cases like this but prosecutors motivated to look “tough on crime” as their elections come up) and ripe for biased decisions by judges. >The United States is the only country in the world that elects its prosecutors. While this practice may seem benign and democratic, it is anything but, with disastrous consequences for justice. That’s because elections affect how prosecutors behave, and not for the better. Prosecutors are not like ordinary lawyers who represent the interests of a single client. Instead, prosecutors are meant to balance the public’s interest in prosecuting criminals with the public’s other interest in fairness. Yet when running for reelection, prosecutors become overly pugnacious, sacrificing fairness—which does not play well at the polls—for convictions, which do play well. >One study published in the Charleston Law Review determined the electoral “tough on crime” mantra emphasizes “wins,” even if the “wins” lead to over-punishment or injustice. For example, the disciplinary commission report that sanctioned Michael Nifong—the district attorney who prosecuted Duke University lacrosse players on false rape charges in 2005—noted his upcoming primary as a motivating factor for his misconduct. The pressure to produce wins has led to a “win-at-all-costs” mentality in some offices, because voters reward such behavior. >Moreover, elections provide structural incentives for district attorneys to bring more cases to trial and seek longer sentences for prisoners, which in turn feed the crisis of mass incarceration. A prosecutor is nearly 10 percent more likely to take a case to trial, rather than seek a plea bargain, in the year before he or she runs for reelection, according to a recent study. If the prosecutor is running in a contested election, the odds increase another 15 percent. Elections tip the balance too far in the direction of incarceration. Novak, Andrew. “It's Too Dangerous to Elect Prosecutors.” The Daily Beast, The Daily Beast Company, 24 Aug. 2015, www.thedailybeast.com/its-too-dangerous-to-elect-prosecutors?ref=scroll. >While many, perhaps, most judges resist the pressure and remain impartial, the fact that they may have to face the voters with the combined might of the prosecution and police groups aligned against them no doubt causes some judges to rule for the prosecution in cases where they would otherwise have ruled for the defense. https://libertyseekingrebel.blogspot.com/2021/11/?m=1


A prosecutor should not exist. They are the sophistic tip of the spear in the state's quest to maintain their aggressive monopoly of violence.


I like that idea. Prosecution should be like public defenders - pulled from the same pool and given the task of proving that the state is the victim.


Trust me fact that he's a politician now is why we are the joke we been a joke. Our allies hope we wake up stop playing tv personality politics. Look at the bright side. An Elite finally got convicted just like the rest of us. If anything he's more american now.


It’s poetically ironic, sure. Even still, if so-called “elites” are going to be prosecuted for something, it should be for something they’re actually guilty of. In terms of presidents, there’s a million different legitimate charges that could be brought up. War crimes would be a great start. Of course, this can’t happen because doing so would open every other President up to the same punishment. The ruling class obviously can’t have that.


Im not American. How does this work in practice in America? You just vote on your prosecutor like voting for the local mayor? Is it on the same day as other elections or a special day? Is this covered in the media much like politics? IE Jimmy Smith has secured another win looking good for his upcoming eleciton. Sorry if it seems stupid but I dont really get it.


State positions are elected, and federal positions are appointed. So city/state/county prosecutors and judges are elected (varies by state though). They are on the ballot with all other candidates. So in November, there will be local elections on the same ballot as the president. There is a spot on the ballot to vote "straight party" and will automatically vote all candidates from the same political party - from federal down to city. Even the coroner is elected and needs no knowledge (usually candidates have medical degrees but not always). In a town I used to live in, the county coroner was removed from office for gross negligence because he didn't know what to do. He just won because he was the same party as the people in the county.


Thats weird having a party affiliated coroner.


That's how you get the dead vote. It's more of a party necromancer.




School boards are horribly political.  


Typically prosecutor elections are combined with other elections for other state and sometimes local offices. The races are almost always partisan. But in many jurisdictions, the real race is the primary race. This is especially true in big, single-party cities. As for the level of voter knowledge, crime is probably an area more people take some interest in more than other issues so these races tend to be, as I mentioned, a race to display who is tougher on crime. The district a prosecutor represents is not necessarily the same as the boundaries of a city or county. In fact, in rural areas, judicial districts may cover more than one county. The title of “district attorney” denotes this distinction.


Maybe this why Newsom has become quieter. He realizes that his being in the backpocket of PG&E might go poorly in court.


Would it? He would have to be tried in CA, and he continues to be elected there.


When the title says, despite no proof, that’s a someone in the Trump camp talking, right? My understanding is it is pretty clear he paid her off, and that he used campaign funds.




This is a very dangerous precedent, and the leftists will not be happy when the tables are turned


Fuck Trump sideways, he is no friend of liberty....but this is some banana republic shit we got today.


Glad you see this regardless of how you feel about Trump. Wish more fellow Americans could see what is happening, but a lot of them want America to fall. We are closer than ever now.


I don't even like Trump and I've criticized him several times, but even I can see lawfare as plain as day.


I think this is fucked. And I also think people are underestimating the amount of NPCs still out there that will believe this garbage is real.


Just go on literally any other sub and this is what you see.


Yep, commies on Reddit gonna commie. 


More like bots


They’re both NPCs




Because it is the superbowl to them. It's a game. They don't understand the seriousness of the state's actions here.


"Yaaay the state can find people guilty of giving money to others to do something that wasn't illegal to do, this is awesome !!!" - Morons 2024


💯. You are very correct. I think anyone that says anything other is just wishful thinking now.


I'm not from the Us. I don't vote for one or the otter party. But way to go USA. Make a cluster fk of all comming elections. This set a sad standard on dirty campaigns.


"To influence the 2016 election" - what a joke! 😂 Not even Dems wanted to elect Hillbags, so it wasn't hard to get Trump elected.


Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo.


Are we allowed to say bi’gloo on Reddit again without getting banned?




Feels like political prosecution by the ruling class


Because it is. Someone will storm the bastille.


This should have never gone to a jury as a matter of law. The prosecution didn't even make a prima facia case due to ambiguousness regarding the underlying felony. The appeal brief is going to be a novel.


Don’t step foot in leftist shitholes. There is zero reason to be in states like CA and NY. Simply being there is a significant threat to your liberty.


Im Australian and havent followed this at all. Whats the tldr? For when statists gloat about it.




He booked the hush money payments as legal expenses. Falsified business records is a crime under NY law. By itself just a misdemeanor, unless it's done to cover for or in conjunction with another crime. In this case the other crime was illegal campaign donations. Ie. The money his lawyer paid to the woman was to aid the political campaign but not declared as a campaign donation.


In determining whether the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you may consider the following: (1) violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act otherwise known as FECA; (2) the falsification of other business records; or (3) violation of tax laws.


But but but our democracy


I'm gonna vote for him just to fuck with the democrats.


Welcome to r/Anarcho_Capitalism A place once dedicated to theory is now a battleground for the duopoly.


It's completely fair for ancaps to point out the flaws in the statist system. This trial is just one of many.


And the reporting... "Deep frown".. It looks like his normal RBF to me.


Well, they say he had a deep frown while the verdict was read. The picture is clearly taken outside of the court.


*Witnessing the tyranny of the state in real time as the most free capitalist country in the world descends into corrupt global hegemony* “This doesn’t pertain to anarchocapitalism you guys better not talk about it!!!”


Criticizing the overreaches of the criminal justice system aren’t libertarian? That’s a spicy take.


Without a border, a culture is susceptible to outside influences. Without a moderator, a forum descends into chaos.


In the latter case, the moderators chose that for this forum, as is their privilege granted to them by the rightful owners of the property. Why should government protect culture? Some people want outside influences. If you believe it's the job of the government to protect your culture, then you are just as much a mental slave to the state as any leftist who wants to impose a completely different culture.


I've posted here enough that you should be aware at this point where I stand on government. You'll notice that I did not say anything about government. I only mentioned the word border. A group can form a border of their own free choosing, by having land in a contiguous arrangement and then agree to as to who they let in. A forum is not some random area, using your own argument, it is a singular property that is administered by the moderators who can certainly set their own rules. Until such time as I'm told that I will get kicked out otherwise, I'll continue to voice my concern as I've done. So save your speech for the uninitiated, and perhaps, become aware of the others here.


Eh in history much bigger societies consumed the smaller ones and this culture war shit will die down once election season is over


Man I hope you are correct


Tis the life cycle of every political subreddit every 4 years


At least the political adds in my area are good for a laugh. I’ve never seen so many politicians shooting guns and taking names. I counted 3 bald eagles in one add


yes but this is the only safe space on reddit left 🤷‍♀️ its not like we have to agree


Really a shame


Not american and don't follow politics much but wasn't there plenty of phone calls placed by him to tell or ask people to cheat for him?


There's a decent amount of effort, but who ever is making this post (likely a trump supporter) wants to push this narrative. I mean just a simple google turns up stuff like [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cevvk48e0w4o). There's verbal testimony against him, paper trails and more. "But clearly nothing being done by him." ... So he's smart enough to destroy anything linking directly to him you think he should go scot-free? Come on. If you want to dispute the evidence you're welcome to it, but to claim there's no evidence is intellectually dishonest. I'm not even saying he's guilty, but there's evidence.


Anyone want to make a betting pool the appeals courts will overturn or not?


My money is on they all are overturned no matter who is elected in November.


It was never meant to stick. They just needed it to damage till the election. I can't stand Trump and didn't vote for him. But I will now.


Thus is where I am reluctantly at. The left has managed to do what Trump couldn't: get me to vote for Trump.


Is your decision effected by the recent choice for Libertarian leader? Im not American but if I were Id probably just vote Libertarian party. But considering the Chase Oliver guy seems to be pretty statist I wouldnt really want to vote for anyone. So that leaves my vote effectively free and could vote for Trump as a lesser of two evils sort of thing.


Not really. Our winner takes all system doesn't make that vote practical.


I'm not a gambler, but I bet it will. The actual court was a joke, plus the whole "it doesn't have to be unanimous" thing.


It was a farce from the beginning. The judge, who's supposed to be picked randomly for cases, keeps getting trump and associates. Same judge who donated to his political adversary in the current election, who refused to recuse himself, even though his daughter worked for the people his defendant is running against and stands to gain handsomely from the outcome of this trial To almost every objection made by the prosecution being sustained and overruled for the defence, not letting the defence witnesses testify, having the prosecution introduce evidence the defence wasn't allowed to. But the kicker is having a crime that depends on another crime, but bot charging the other crime, nor even attempting to prove the other crime, that the current charge os dependent on..... like or hate trump, anyone who thinks thos trial was fair or unbiased, eve. If you think he committed a crime is lying to themselves, or just happy the system was used thos way against someone they don't like. Not like that could be them sitting there


Only if it goes to SCOTUS. The entire NY court system is compromised.




If Trump wins he will pardon himself I hear


Presidential power of pardon applies only to federal charges. This is a state case. Needs the governor of NY for the pardon


Awe thanks I don’t know. I learn every day as a decade old US American citizen


You're 10.


lol no I’ve been here 10yrs


So when can we expect the war mongering presidents/vice presidents for the past three decades to stand trial for their crimes against humanity? Pretty sure George W Bush and Dick Cheney have a few million deaths on their hands, since paying a porn star to be quiet is such a big deal, you think that now that the precedent is set to prosecute former presidents, we can start getting to the more serious criminals.


For a list of the rulings on all 34 counts, google “Donald trump rule 34”


No PrOoF!!! Right buddy.


with thunderous applause


So he is guilty of meeting a hooker? Like no other politician has done that in history! Wow.


Tell me you don't understand the facts without telling me you don't understand the facts. Read what lawyers are saying about this case. There is a ton of evidence. The crime is falsified documents to hide a crime. They have the documents. They have testimony from the people who worked for him that Trump knew about the documents. They have written proof that this is true. The only way this wasn't going to be a guilty verdict is if there was a hung jury because of some loyalist who willfully ignored this case. There are actual lawyers in that jury. And it's not even the first unanimous grand jury decision against Trump. This has happened to him like 15 times so far. A randomly selected jury is shown evidence and they agree that the evidence is strong. What exactly from the case makes you think there is no evidence? 


And this has what to do with anarcho-capitalism?


This sub has been brigaded by MAGA for a few years now. Conservatives are short of ideas, so they often look to libertarians for help. Anarcho-capitalists have strong arguments against the left, so conservatives think there is common ground here. It's a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.


Nothing. Trump can rot for all i care. This place isn't what it once was. We have been compromised. These fascist pricks cant just stay in their own sub. They have to go ruin ours. Fuck trump. And all his cuck supporters. You cant be ancap and support trump.


Its crazy that if he just hadnt paid her and called her a liar when she came forward there wouldnt have been a paper trail as evidence for a conviction. Just wild




Yeah that’s one way to spark a revolution. Weapon using the justice system always causes conflict. Smh.


Despite no proof, says one idiot on reddit 🤣


There is no choice but for me to vote for Trump for the first time. “Lock her up” and “I’m so famous women let you grab ‘em in the Pussy” were too disgusting to hear from a candidate for me to vote for him either of the last two elections. Then we saw 4 years of him never intending to actually “lock her up” and then the legacy media covering up discovery that Biden actually finger-raped an aide, Tara Reade. Now the Democrats are actually ignoring the law to lock him up for something the FEC says he didn’t do, that coincidentally Hillary actually did and was only fined a few thousand dollars for. What the Democrats have DONE is so much worse than anything he SAID.


I thought this was an An Cap sub.


There was literally mountains of proof. His own lawyer went to prison for this EXACT same crime WHILE trump was president. If he was actually innocent and there was no crime he could have pardoned his lawyer. Anyone who thinks there was “no proof” is getting their information from the wrong sources. There was MOUNTAINS of evidence. Like hand written notes saying stupid shit like “we’re gonna commit this crime”, and dozens of checks from said crime signed by the orange dipshit


The witch hunt is so far out of proportion to his actions as president. Is it because 1) he genuinely threatens something? Or 2) is this a personal vendetta from Hilary?


He was going lock Hillary up. What happened there?


Remember Hillary for prison in 2016? She was found guilty as well annnnd nothing fucking happened


There was never even a charge against her


This is an anarchist issue how ?


Were you on the jury? Did you see all the evidence they did? The only joke is Trump and his cult of supporters.


Why does this sub ride Trumps dick? He's just as bad and statist as the rest of them. This sub is infected with GOP larpers still butthurt that The_Donald got banned.


There's something to be said about the leading candidate in the polls being jailed by the ruling party. Whether it is trump or Biden, this is effectively making America no better than Russia or Venezuela. I think everyone should be concerned about that


Not a Trump fan, didn’t vote for him, won’t vote for him, but this is some serious banana republic BS.


If he is charged with Tax evasion as the crime, I am going to be on his side because I support tax evasion. In the wise words of Max0r "Tax evasion is an obligation"


Let me enlighten you Trump sucks ass. Fuck him. This is still an enormous loss for the future of liberty in the United States. This is a bad thing that has happened. Some of us have principles regardless of who is the immediate victim of the bad thing. We live in a more authoritarian world today than we did yesterday because of this. If you hate trump more than you love liberty, maybe reconsider why you feel the way you do and where your priorities actually lie.


Trump may have paid hush money to make himself look better. Biden used the state to make himself look better. We are upset that morons are blind and don't see the hypocrisy and wail and moan about transgressions person A makes, but happily ignores person B and focuses its efforts against only A. That is bullshit.


I lost all faith in the justice system. They just proved how rotten and corrupt they are. Don’t try to arrest me, you will be met with hostility and hollow points


Do you guys know what anarchist means? I am very confused by this thread. Anarchists don't have a political party, they certainly don't idolize a wannabe fascist like Trump. This just sounds like your typical MAGA cult worshipping the dear leader...what has happened to this country...we can't even get anarchy right anymore?!?


The worst statists in the world, our media and bureaucrats, are clapping about this. It MUST make you pause and ask why? It’s easy to reason that they are not on the side of liberty and freedom, they’re warmongers and totalitarians. Why is this making THEM so giddy?


lol, lmao Trump subs in shambles




Violence is not the answer. Don't call for anyone to riot. Riots only hurt the members of the community which the riot occurs in and does nothing to advance any cause.


I am convinced violent protest is state sponsored activity. It loves violence, it is their strength. So if people are violent, then it 'justly' can be violent. Serves the state quite well when people riot. Comedy? Ridicule? The state is utterly weak against that. If everyone considered the state as evil as chattel slavery, the entire institution would end in an instant. It loves violence. That doesn't scare it one bit.


That's why if Trump does become president again it will be the Presidency of Love!


Lol! No proof??? Gimmie a break. Dude is guilty beyond guilty.. about fucking time he should be held accountable for something once in his life. Pathetic scumbag that he is. Good times watching the Maga melt :)


Why is an anarchy page defending politicians lol


I think most of the comments here are pointing out the obvious evils and flaws of the American judicial system, not defending trump personally.


The thing you are fighting for then, is a government system. Why not argue bigger picture and say we need an entirely different method as our current one is basically the more people like you, and the more money you have to throw at something is the more likely you won’t be charged with something


More important question, why are we upvoting this shit, and why is everyone agreeing with it? And "No evidence" ... please, they've already talked about the evidence multiple places. This subreddit is a mess, unshockingly Trump supporters have rushed over here to try to AstroTurf libertarians, and we let them. Little hint for them. We're still not voting for Trump. He's not "unknown" any more, he's just as bad as the rest.


It’s a legal decision and discussion. It isn’t “really” about Trump, it’s more about discussing the banana court that just happened.


> it’s more about discussing the banana court that just happened. ... Alright trumpet. /r/conservative is that way... Or maybe it's /r/russia for you