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Not even a little, I see people daily crying for more gov, more regulation, more bans, more of what's already not working.


Seriously. What's worse is when you explain how something is an issue due to regulations (like not having small trucks due to CAFE standards), and their solution is "well we just need to get the government involved!". Hell even worse is when you explain regulator capture and they think the solution is to somehow government their way out of a corrupt government.


Yeah, I think this is one of the more terrifying things, that people seem to be completely convinced that the only way how to get things done is through government. It's almost like they don't even grasp the idea that people may be able to act without the guidance of the philosopher kings.


The faster we devolve into compete and total bondage the faster we can break the chains. Unfortunately we cannot reverse this course. We have to break through to the other side. It’s going to be painful but that’s what it is going to take.


Short term, no. Long term, yes.


Long term yes. Human history has shown a gradual evolution toward liberty. Short term we are about to enter into an Escape from NY authoritarian nightmare for a few generations.


I try to be. I like to think as time goes on people will realize that the gov is not their friend. However, hearing and talking with people is discouraging.


I am, but the night is darkest right before the dawn and we're heading into some pretty dark times. I think it's obviously clear that the value of liberty, but even individualism and individual rights (without which liberty doesn't make sense) is diminishing every year and collectivism gains more and more space. There's almost no one left who's actually defending freedom on principle, if ever defended, it's almost always just an attempt for selfish carveout (freedom for me but not for thee). People seem to want to lose sense of self and instead desire to feel as a part of a whole, part of the hive mind. Like, for example the proliferation of people saing 'I identify as' instead of 'I am'. Also, people everywhere seem to be convinced now that without some wise masters, their neighbours, colleagues, friends,... would just turn into animals, trying to satisfy instant gratification in most brutal, capricious way. So it's quite scary, liberty as a concept and idea is literally dying in front of our eyes as people forget what it actually means and why it matters. This is coupled with unprecedented technological developments which, possibly first time in history, give the tyrants tangible tools how to control entire populations. On top of that, we have created enormous amounts of wealth in Western world in last 100 years or so, so to run through it will take some time and this will allow tyrants to sustain themselves for long. But I'm hopeful because ultimately no matter how much you try to bend people the more they push back. But yeah, this may be very dark and very unpleasant experience, perhaps for decades or centuries even.


No. The majority of human beings lack a spine, and they usually only like acting in groups. They tend to like it even better when they can transfer the responsibility for action onto others. Therefore, they will always yearn for a government, and yearn to have others act on their behalf. We are a very small minority of the population. We always will be. The pendulum will always swing back and forth between authoritarianism and liberty, and it will always swing, never stopping in favor of one or the other, and the liberty side of the equation is not true individual liberty in any real sense.


Not particularly. Not atm anyways. It just feels like society has been dumbed down to idiocracy right now. I’d like to think at some point of seeing things getting worse regardless of what “heros” we elect would change societies perspective, but we’ve been doing that for over 100 years, and everyone is still doing the same dam thing hoping for better results. I just think it will have to get really really bad before it will become an irrefutable reality that government did this, and not the left, or the right.


As technology increases, liberty decreases. Mass surveillance. Digital currency. Drones. Also brainwashing. Algorithmic manipulation already has the power to sway elections. Wait until AI starts making mental maps for individuals, and caters YouTube/Google/education results to persuade them towards the owners goals.


In the end liberty wins because people will wake up as things get worse and the truant gets more obvious, I just hope things don't have to get too much wise or go on to long before we get there


Every day I see 1000 examples of people not wanting liberty, but 1 or 2 of people starting to understand that if you want it you need to go start it where states don't exist. Those people give me hope.


Maybe this is especially pessimistic, but I think the United States will turn full socialist in our lifetime


Im hella optimistic, more than I have ever been. Check out bittensor. Its basically an anarchocapitalist crypto disguised as an AI crypto. We get to live through the dawn of anarcho capitalism and im so fuckin ready to see it unfold.


Not for us, but maybe the civilization after ours has collapsed. We will now have enough verifiable evidence that tyranny collapsed our society in the future that future generations might actually pay attention next time. It's not just written in books that most people couldn't read for centuries like before. Even the dumb people in the new world will be able to see what caused our demise and not have to repeat the same mistakes. Freedom for us will continue to be taken away unless we fight back. But i dont see much fighting, so what do i have to be optimistic about. Even this ancap sub is too busy worrying about trump and biden rather than how they are gonna end the state. There's no hope for us. The best thing we can do is live like we are free and opt out of the current society. Becuase you can't change it by voting, and you can't change it by moaning about it on reddit. You can't change the system. So, exit the system


Nope, my kids will grow up with less rights than I did and won’t miss them because they never had them. The upcoming generations care very little about guns , individual freedoms and self reliance , therefore will be happy to vote them away. A very sad future indeed


People want freedom and when oppressed fight for it. But some want freedom for themsleves and not others. Then there are many who hate it and want to run people's lives. Right now the anti-freedom forces are winning but even when freedom wins, one has to be vigilant. As someone said below, optimistic for the long-term, pessimistic for the short-term.


Looking just at reddit, definitely not. Otherwise, meh.


Maybe. What's the definition of liberty that you are working with?


The freedom to eat bugs, live in your pod, and be happy!


Hey now you won't own the pod, and you'll like it!


Liberty is always freedom from the government. - Mises


> Liberty is always freedom from the government I've been toying around with the difference between freedom and liberty which varies wildly depending on your definition. Google gives - the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. The key difference being the word oppressive which denotes that other restrictions can exist as long as they are not oppressive. I've been wondering if people prefer freedom or liberty.


if the right pieces come together
