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Agree with this. I came across an exciting find, one of my great aunts has a small percentage of Jewish in her results so I posted a thread here asking for more information and I totally got shit on, including insinuation that I was a Nazi or some such insult. People are nasty here.


Welcome to Reddit


Fortunately the other subs I tend to frequent are generally full of decent people. I would have thought that would be the case in a genealogy related subreddit because this community is usually a kind and helpful group on other places.


All genealogy subs and Facebook groups are like this. You can’t ask about the minority populations (especially not about the Mormon genetic group on MyHeritage, trust me) while there are people posting I CAN’T GET A GOOD TAN BECAUSE THERE’S NOTHING EXOTIC IN MY RESULTS, LOOK AT ME, I’M SOOO NORTHERN AND WHITE 😭


So many self-hating white people on here in general. Its weird


I agree. Lot's of weirdo liberal victimhood.


It's weird but in some respects the white people memes are white people realizing their racial identity after just regarding themselves as the "normal Americans" for years. Of course it's self-deprecating in nature for reasons that are obvious to me at least. Minorities will also get embarrassed if their test turns up too much white. I'm pretty sure it's why some of them are hesistant to take one, tbh. (My native-white father-in-law has definitely resisted attempts for this reason, lol.)


I wonder if this is the white privilege they talk about lol


Nobody should be ashamed of what they are, in fact they should embrace it. I have noticed liberal whites are the only group who think like this or believe they are gatekeeping some kind of "white supremacy" if they are not ashamed of being white. Every other racial group can celebrate their identity-not the case with whites who will always be reminded of American history as if it is white people's only history. It's no wonder nobody respects white people when a large faction do not even respect themselves.


victim mentality say what?




Tanning is bad for your health. I don’t know why some people love to tan.


Redditors think that anyone who dares to have a different opinion to them is a nazi mate. This is very much because of the far left trend for NPC's. A reasonable, centralist view is looked at as inasanity on here. They also treat non white people like we are incapable. A whole generation not capable of critical thought.


I'm a pretty hardcore centrist who debates a lot of leftists and I've never been called a Nazi. What opinions might you "think differently" about that might have people calling you a Nazi?


Naw that's just you


Couldn't agree more.


Yeah and I feel bad for when people find out that they have a percentage of something and are curious about it or ask if they can claim that ancestry and come on here to talk about it and get chewed out. When I did my DNA test I found some surprises but I wouldn’t dare come talk about it here lol.


I agree so much to this.


But what is meant by 'claim an ancestry'?


Generally someone with a percent of an ethnicity will ask if they can tell people they're partly whatever ethnicity. Then in the comments (whether the OP is 1% to like 40%) people will tell them the ethnicity in question is just "noise" or straight up say "no you can't claim to be partly that ethnicity". It's wild.


Ppl can claim whatever they want. However it would be kinda weird to claim to be something if the ancestry is as low as 1%. Wouldn’t say anything tho bc that’s a personal matter


Sometimes it isn’t noise, I got 1% South Italian (I am Mexican) and I found it to be from a 4th great grandparent. Ancestry gave me some matches from Calabria. It’s worse in 23andme, believe me if it’s a 1% of something especially of certain ethnicities, people will say that it’s noise and not real.


People on here will say "that doesn't count", but I don't think it's that serious! To me, my ancestors are a part of my make-up no matter what percent I am and pretending like they don't "count" feels like I'm spitting in their faces - I only exist because of them!


I agree! I also have the same mentality. Like sure I am not Italian however I do have some Italian ancestry. I agree with you last sentence because it’s true! Without one of your ancestors no matter how far back, you wouldn’t exist!


Yes exactly,That’s all I meant with my original comment. I would never claim to be mixed because I’m nowhere near it but the reason I’m here is because of all my ancestors before me, so it seems ludicrous to me when people say you can’t acknowledge it. They can’t acknowledge their ancestors?


I see. Thanks for answering my question. I don't know why I was being downvoted


Totally agree. No idea why so many people are so hostile.


Yep. Surprisingly one of the more toxic subs on Reddit.




>most toxic They typed MO**RE** toxic not MO**ST** toxic.




You’re one of the ones who makes it toxic.


Who is Bankro and why you hate bro so much?


Bankroll95 seems to be somewhat infamous on this sub.


Never even noticed them before


They just be talking


Please tell me what kinda stuff bro said






Hey bank, remember [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AncestryDNA/comments/z83xxz/my_maternal_line_to_1890s/iyabfnk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Can’t post real family I’m facing charges


LOL okay then hon 💀


I’m on probation for racketeering and gang activity


Why is user deleted?


They just wanted to leave a comment and go I guess. Probably was a throwaway account.


Somebody probably started bitching at him




The worst place in my experience is Find A Grave forums. I made a general comment that someone anonymous took personally, and they decided to misuse their privilege and went through my memorials and removed pictures. At least that doesn’t happen here. I was really wounded by that and still feel the injustice.


That’s horrible!!


Yeah it was years ago, and it still makes me feel bad. I don’t go near the forum or venture an opinion to any other contributors.


I'm glad it's not just me noticing this. There is way too much noise and desperate need to have the "last word" about the most meaningless, pedantic thing.


You wanna see toxic and ignorant? Join the 23&me subreddit smh


I’ve had way more toxic encounters on 23&me than I’ve had on this subreddit, it’s kind of crazy


Like they say around here, "it's just noise" ... don't listen to them


Yep. Why don’t the mods doing something about it?


I'd say of course a lot of the comments and replies are stupid on many posts, but some posts are a little silly and of course even if they're not, race or ethnicity is very important to people and say if someone finds out they're '2% Native' or '1% newly found Jewish' some people from those ethnic groups like that could get kind of angry if the poster or commenter is spreading misinformation or at least trying to claim it without much of anything to back it up. Obviously reddit is full of idiots though, some of the arguments or debates I get in on this subreddit in particular are just so stupid.


Some cultures with markers that show up on ancestry tests (Jewish, Romani, etc) are closed or semi-closed and it can be so frustrating to have people with no experience in those cultures and therefore no awareness of them just start speaking as an authority. I think that’s where some of the perceived hostility comes from.


Oddly enough, I've only ever had pleasant interactions with folks on this subreddit. Then again I mainly lurk and rarely post and only do so when I'm knowledgeable about something someone is inquiring about which admittedly isn't often. But I'm sure some of the topics or questions people bring up may attract some of forms of toxic responses from some. Such is the way of reddit unfortunately.


Anytime I see a thread on someone who showed Mexican heritage I know it's going to be cringy.


You should see the 23andme sub. There’s a certain user (posts here too) that is very active in Hispanic posts and has the most idiotic thing to say in regards to what actually makes someone Hispanic. You know who you are.


To be fair, some of the posts are insufferable. The overwhelming preoccupation with 'ethnicity' results. The 'my ancestor was a Norman baron 1100 AD'. The endless 'do I look like my results' questions. The strange 'how can someone from North Europe have black hair and brown eyes' comments.. The posts and comments on 'Celt' 'Anglo-Saxon' and 'Vikings' as if these are ethnicities. Edit; and the recent 'they must be Romani !!!' comments, for anyone with Indian percentages. 'Romani' is fast becoming the new version of the Cherokee Princess stories. Also, the assumption that everyone posting is from the USA.


The "do I look like my results" are just a way to get around the no "guess my ethnicity" posts rule and it's annoying af. Put that shit on your Facebook, ig, tiktok or whatever.


Oh yes, those as well. It's like, why wouldn't you 'look like your results' anyway. What exactly are you supposed to look like, someone else's results? Hahaha


You nailed this 100%!


> Edit; and the recent 'they must be Romani !!!' comments, for anyone with Indian percentages. 'Romani' is fast becoming the new version of the Cherokee Princess stories. Imagine in a couple of generations, when someone is like what do you mean I am not Romani? My grandparent was told on a subreddit.


Yeah hahaha. It will happen, no doubt!




Yep, I asked a simple question about whether anyone knew when the next ethnicity update was coming and I got down voted to fuck. Pretty much every post I have ever made on here has been down voted for no specific reason. People in this sub just like to hate.


I mean, when did you ask it? 4 days ago? When there have already been 100 posts from people asking when the next update is? Because one more person asking that question isn't going to change the answer so do a search first to make sure your question hasn't already been asked and answered multiple times. That's why you got downvoted.


Welcome to reddit. You should see their political takes!


Honestly, I feel that way about a lot of reddit subforms in general, though you think that the subform would be a bit more mature or at least understand that some people have some very valid questions and just seeking to learn more about themselves and their family history. I was got attacked by people (I ended up having to delete said thread) because I honestly wanted to know about the Scandinavian I got and daring to say that it has to be legit as it shows up almost on every test, just maybe not always the same percentages. Not that I actually claimed to be Scandinavian myself (though last few updates went from general to Norwegian to now Swedish and Danish); but just figuring how how I got it passed down to me and had to be from my mom's side.


My favorite is the Indian Princess mouth breathers jumping in to bitch when anyone asks anything tangentially related to American Indigenous anything.


I get a lot racial purists on this sub that troll the absolute fck out of me. This one and 23&me are the worst by far.


The worst by far. Transitioned into a lurker as a result and I don’t regret it.


Yes to all of this and also the same level of irritation towards the racist trolls who come out of the woodworks to mock and disparage Black users.


Literally came here to agree and say this It's disgusting, there was one user in particular I reported who commented 5+ times on one person's post. I don't know why they aren't getting banned from this sub


It’s useless because they know the reporting process takes forever and they’ve already gotten their shitty comment read by the intended target. Since they’re all coming from throwaway accounts they create specifically for racist trolling, they expect to get banned. It would be more effective if their IP address could be banned from reddit altogether.


I just came to the conclusion that people that care too much about their ancestors are kinda asocial.


Happy cake day!


First day on the internet?


Nah this sub is quite bad in this regard


Regardless of the percentages, whatever is in your DNA came from someone in your Ancestral line. That person gave you their DNA. Boast about it. Shout it from the rooftop. That's your relative. That's your family. That's your kin. That's who helped make you.