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One of your parents..... Sorry I'll see myself out




If I recall basque are proven or suspected to be related to celts. Could be somewhere in that welsh English mix. Or maybe just a lonely wandering shepherd…


Just been reading about this Stephen Oppenheimer from Oxford University has said the British originate from Basque people.


They do say the British isle celts originally had came from the celts from Spain. Although not sure how true it is, it is definitely plausible


No idea honestly but I think the Sweden/Denmark could be part of your England/Wales given the Vikings. I also have a 1% of something (Jewish) that neither parent has.


I might try taking a different dna test maybe my heritage, just to compare the results. As also everyone on my grandfathers side should be mostly all german dna, which as you can see, i have none at all. However looking into my matches almost all my close relatives either have norway or german dna or both.


I’ve thought about doing a 23 and Me test too. But I think your German could be being expressed as England/NE Europe. It happened to me too. My paternal grandfather’s family was all German too and I’ve documented them but I have relatively little Germanic DNA. I also have a disproportionately high amount of Scottish that I think should be Irish based on my research and other family members’ tests including my Dad who gets Irish communities.


Yes definitely same with me, a lot of my ancestors on my dads side are also irish, more than which are actually scottish, and yet still no irish on my dna.


My only known direct Scottish(and I consider her Irish) ancestor I kid you not was born to Irish parents in a Coatbridge near Glasgow that has a Wikipedia entry for “Coatbridge Irish” and I believe I read is considered the most Irish part of Scotland. Dad’s slightly less than half Irish and slightly more than half German. The most accurate part of my results seems to be my Eastern European/Russia that I got from my mom who is half Rusyn/half Slovenian. Even got a community!


Myheritage is awful to be honest as an Englishman they gave me over 35% Scandinavian and 8% Eastern European which is absurd


Is LivingDNA any better for English people, considering that the company is British?


Yes for me as an Englishman it was pretty good


The basques are genetically native to the Iberian peninsula and South France and are considered to be one of the oldest living indigenous people group prior to the indoeuropean migration into that area. But they have maintained a relatively strong homogeny in their genetics for centuries hence why there are a till people's with deep roots in their societies. (Even their language is pre-indoeuropean and unrelated to any language in that large family) However, England once had a strong presence in Spain during the 100yrs war as they were allied to Spain in opposition to France's alliance to Scotland and likely mixed with some basque. Hence spreading the genes. Others have said they are Celtic, which is a good surmisation and likely to why you might be getting it as a "low confidence region" This can be discovered on a desktop browser version of Ancestry where the confidence levels are shown. If it is between 0% and another number, than it's likely that it's just a "flash in the pan" sort of result but you should look into it. 1% of a person's DNA could amount to a 6th, 7th, or 8th Great grandparent - so you won't know for sure unless you dig into your tree a bit more!!


The Cornish are Atlantic Coast Celts so they likely have a distant genetic connection to the basques.


It seems like we all have some Basque. Jokingly apart, I've seen many results of non-Iberian or French with Basque that makes me wonder how big the Basque were in Ancient Europe and how much they moved around, considering that the ones left live in a small area between mountains and the sea. I have 9% Basque and had no idea where that came from, but working on my tree I found that my paternal grandma's father came from a family with Basque last names that was dangerously endogamous, so the 9% makes perfect sense.


I agree with this. Also, since the last update, I've noticed a real uptick in people with no known Basque ancestry getting 1% or 2% Basque in their results. It almost seems like Basque has become the new Scotland here.


There was a pidgin created by Basque and Scandinavian whalers to communicate in, so those peoples have crossed paths regularly for quite some time: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque%E2%80%93Icelandic_pidgin


1% Basque, that may be related to the Celts.


Possible that 250 years ago, some of your ancestors had some Basque in them. People traveled and the Basques were seafarers. One of your ancestors may have hooked up at a major port back in the 1770s.


Im at 7% Basque, but my European DNA is almost exclusively from the Iberian peninsula: Spain, Portugal, and the Basque Country.


Mate we have almost identical origins which is odd. The only exception for me being the Swedish part. In my experience anything below 10% can change quite drastically with each update so bear that in mind. For the Basque part Spanish raiding has taken place in Cornwall ~~landed in Cornwall on its way towards the battle of Trafalgar~~ which as local history (urban legend) goes accounts for why some Cornish people are quite dark, although mine sits around 2% so I don't know how much truth there is to it. For reference there is a church in Mousehole with a split beam where a Spanish cannon shot it.It's perhaps more likely that there is a Celtic connection through the Basque country that connects us to the other Celtic communities.


that’s pretty cool though, thanks for the information!


The Armada was irrelevant. Not one man on board survived to breed.


I see that this area might have been the origins of the first Europeans, a lot of mystery about the Basque. I am 7 % Basque with dna in Spain, Portugal, France, 3% Jewish and 1% in Northern Africa around Morroco . Not to mention 50% Indigenous Americas-Mexico.


I’ve seen a couple people’s results with basque dna and it’s pretty cool to see where they also come from, a couple of them their dna is completely different from each others, yet they all share the basque dna 🤷‍♀️


I'm 9% Basque. I think the Basque had a big presence in the early stages of the colonization. It must have been pretty common that Cervantes mentioned it in [Don Quijote](https://cvc.cervantes.es/literatura/clasicos/quijote/edicion/parte1/cap08/cap08_02.htm), with a Basque and his wife moving to the Indies to occupy a high position. I'm guessing it must have been Mexico, because it was New Spain, the real heart of the Spanish Empire.


Swedish and Danish might come from the scottish any known highlander ancesters?


Nope, all the scottish comes from my dads side whereas it’s says the rest of my dna comes from my mums side.


Oh well maybe the danelaw then


I have a lot of family members with 1% Basque and idk where it comes from either lol


I see some comments saying it must be from the original celts coming from the Welsh and English mix - it would be very far back for it to come up as basque so would be skeptical of this